Indian Wedding

8 years, 5 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

On Skype Candra mukhi devi dasi wrote to us:

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva AGTSP PAMHO.. I am acting as a messenger... As U know i was traveling to India in order to attend a Wedding as the maid of honor.. Radha madana manohara your disciple from Brazil is getting married with Ajamil das.. (kirtaniya) on mayapur january 23rd 2017... She asked me to inform U.. Thank U Gurudeva

ASA - We will be in India from 31st dec - 14th feb.   mayapura like 7th to 14th.

'8'     '&'          'Q'

Feliz Janmastami from Campina Grande (Brazil)

Hare Krsna querido Gurumaharaja.



Mi esposa y yo seguimos viviendo en la comunidad de Campina Grande ayudando a Dhanvantari maharaja con los cursos de Bhakti sastri,  Bhakti vaibhava y otros. Maharaja Dhanvantari es muy determinado en el cuidado a los devotos y en la educaciòn, asi que estamos con mucho servicio. Full time.

Yo continuo trabajando de programador freelance, eso me permite vivir aqui, viajar y trabajar.

Continuamos cantando las 16 rondas, 4 principios, programas matutinos. Estar orientando/educando personas nos obliga a ser ejemplares (acaryas). Tambien entramos 1 vez por semana a servir a Sri Sri Maha gaura nitai, y hacemos servicio de adoracion diario a Govardhan sila.

<img height="200" src="" width="300" />

En marzo de este año Mitravinda y Yo fuimos invitados para participar de los cursos del GBC-College en Mumbai. Ya hicemos la primera parte presencial y la primera parte on-line. Ahora estamos yendo para Mumbai el 24 septiembre. Vamos a pasar 14 dias haciendo la segunda parte de los cursos del GBC-college.  La idea es poder traer los cursos del GBC-College Para Latino-America, en nuestro caso para Brasil.

<img alt="GBC College" src="" />

Luego de los 14 das en mumba, vamos 5 dias para Vrndavana y despues retornamos para Campina grande, ya que el curso de Bhakti sastri de este año termina en Diciembre y tenemos que cumplir nuestro deber en el instuto Jaladuta.

Finalmente no fue abierto el foro para compartir material del Bhakti vaibhava. Ustes sabe algo al respecto?

Hoy es Janmastami aqui, estamos todos muy contentos y entusiasmados.

<img height="200" src="" width="300" />


Su sirviente, Devaki-nandana das.

HpS - ASA - Jaya!!!   La programa en Mumbai es in Ingles, no?      Estamos trabajando con Param-padam, todos about this 3rd Hispanic SYmposium on Education. It should be in Brazil about May, April 2o17. Sharing Bhakti-vaibhava materials could be done there, but also you can contact Laksmana-agra-ja Das in Peru. He is translating it. What we have is still in the developmental stage but it should help you.

Our respects to Maharaja!   We really miss his association.  Our respects to the other half of the orange.   Please send more wonderful news like this as it comes.

Update from Pune on September 1, 2016

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudev,
    Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.

HpS - Lettuce feet.

    All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
    All glories to Guru parampara.

    Gurudev, Thank you so much.

    In response of

    You have asked few questions about Second Initiation details, below are my comments.

    March 28, 2016 was the exact date you gave me Second Initiation.

HpS - AGTSP!!!   paoho... We just downloard the guru-tattva.txt file fromthe web page. Added your second initiation data and then saved it to our USB drive. We hope to add the other initiation data from Janardana-hari Das, Etasma Das et al and then post the updated file this next Purnima. Thank you.

    Preaching at work is slow. But two small class on BG going on. (Purpose of class is analytical study).

    Yes, i am thinking of going directly into Sannyasa life, no Grhastha life.
your fallen servant,
Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

HpS - O.K. We go to your next letter.  Preaching at work can take the form of discussing Pantheism. Krsna says that He is the taste in water, the light of the Sun. So when these are discussed with an offenceless attitude it elevates the consciousness of the people and then they can go to the next stage.

About PhD

8 years, 5 months ago by Gopal C Biswas in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudev,
    Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.
    All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
    All glories to Guru parampara.

    Gurudev, Thank you so much.

    In response of

    You have asked 4 questions, below are my comments for each.

    1. What is your personal motivation for doing it?
    G-GD : After PhD if I do teaching job, would be able get more time for devotion and devotional activities.      

    2. Who inspires you to do it?  
    G-GD : One devotee from Pune.
    3. Who would be your associates if you did it?
    G-GD : Brahamanas
    4. Who would benefit if you did it???
    G-GD : Me. would be able to devote more time in devotion and devotional activities.

    Please adivse.
your fallen servant,
Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

HpS - AGTSP.  Paoho.   You can talk with devotees like your good friend Harsh, about how much time you have as a teacher as opposed to a Software Ape. It may be that you have to work just as much in the Teaching Post. While you are getting the PhD there is a LOT of work.
Prabhupada pushed BS Damodara Swami to finish his PhD because he would need the title for preaching in the academic atmosphere. Kind of like Lord Caitanya getting a Mayavadi Sannyasis title.

You need to find devotees who are actually working in this area, not just ISKCON Brahmanas. Actually they may be mental Sudras. Science in general matches the description of knowledge in the mode of ignorace as described in the BG.


Arequipa Mandir

Hare Krishna


Jay Srila Prabhupada!

Dear Guru Maharaj, I just read your Vyasa Puja Offering to Srila Prabhupada, and I have no right words, not even one that avoids my clumsiness and lack of tact to speak.

Also, pardon my offenses, you are now the most important person in my life; forgive my audacity, I am not worthy of his causeless mercy upon me. Excuse my arrogant ignorance, I am also very silly and take for me to learn.

My feeling is that many of us feel like castaways who leads the current and soon only see him far, the ships that ply the banks, through waves of fog; the beloved and missed home. Eternal and royal abode. You're like the ship that plows through the banks, throw me a rope and a life please, I'm drowning.

Guru Maharaj, in the answer you telling me in the last letter, he says, I can develop my relationship with Srila Prabhupada through any transparent way ... This means that apart from reading his books and watching his videos, I can get closer to Him? This development can achieve with the help of my spiritual master? The point is that I am almost fanatic Srila Prabhupada and I see fear, in recent years, which has been a proliferation of websites with characters who try to pass disguised as Vaishnava, or that deviate from the true knowledge, many of them Srila Prabhupada disowning or calling themselves His Divine Grace?!, too.

You then tells me that cultivate my circle of friends and sankirtan partners to learn more, and then to work on the development of the ISKCON institution. This I take it as a mission that I gladly accept and am willing to push myself to the fullest.

The following list shows some Devotees and Bhaktas of Arequipa are inviting you, so please visit us in April next year:

P. Mahamantra d, P. Dajanidi d, P. Gaura Nitai d, P. Govinda Caran d, P. Lokanath d, P. Haridas d,  B. Gustavo, B. Joel, B. Nimai, B. Juan, B. Fernando and B. Renato. Also mothers, M. Ramalila dd, M. Krishna Ekadasi dd, M. Manasi Ganga dd, M. Lila Sri dd, M. Jestha dd, B. Rukmuni, B. Hilda, B. Ana, B. Liliana, B. Mari Luz and B. Paola.

There remains the question: I'm ready for my initiation?

My answer: I'm jumping for joy!!! You imagine, how many millions of lives have gone to arrive at this time??? And how many chances I will have missed!!! Guru Maharaj I'm ready, more ready than ever and I am aware that depart many difficulties and trials along the way, but I have faith, enthusiasm and be steadfast in my service.

Thank you so much, with all my heart and affection towards you.

Your fool servant Renato.

P.D. (thanks to Google translate, excuse me any mistake).

HpS - Thank you...   I hope we can visit Arrequipa as number one priority next time we are in Peru.    Do you have letter of Recommendation from your Temple President for Initiation?

Transparent via media can be the Paramatma. Devotees. Books. Deities. Sadhana. Books are the basis. In ISKCON we do not use the title Divine Grace. Srila Prabhupada is clearly who he is through his books, even NOI, and then we can judge every other Guru in terms of his standard!

More news from Arrequipa for September!

Urgente! Respuesta de LAD

Hare Krishna, dear Gurumaharaja. Pamho, AGTSP!

Thanks for your response.

I couldn’t go back to sleep until I could write this letter.

Well, I was expending something else, and I got an institutional answer. But anyway that’s what I deserve, I guess.

Maybe the message is “stop whining before your spiritual master and do your bloody job”

You are not my shrink or my daddy. I was probably expecting an “attaboy” or “well done”, but I got “we probably better shut down the whole damn thing”. So, people, “don’t brag before your spiritual master, just do your job the better you can”

Maybe I was looking for some sympathy. So “don’t play the victim, just do your job.”

Thanks for teach me a lesson. “Just do your job”.

HpS - ASA --- We don't have a lot of communication here so when you send letters it is with a lot of undevleoped perspective. Actually we were very appreciative of the history you gave. Again. Thank you. Like we said you seem to be doing a whole lot to satisfy Srila Prabhupada!

Tom Brown: Atta, Boy, well done!  You have earned your Sargent's Stripes in the Army of the ISKCON Apes!

However, and not to be cruel of judge anyone more harshly than WE judge ourselves, we have to set practical goals and do them. Without these regualr Nimsar reports we can't run "ASA Branches" of which NIMSAR has been in first or second place.

Yes, we (NIMSAR) need a lot of improvement. I guess what are we doing is not good enough. We need to be more professional, etc. I think we need more people working together to do better things. We are on it.

I still want to do some improvement for BVB in Spanish. Actually I have like 8 new students for Pada Padma so that is forcing me to work on the Tpp study guides. I’m translating the entire material again and I’m adding some little things like photos, etc.  So, If you allow me I can carry on with this job. We need to work on the BVB authorization also. Currently we are working as an informal branch of your own program.  

I’m revising the ppt for Bhakti sastri as well and I got 3 more students on-line for that purpose and of course to remember the thing for myself and help others.

I still need  to prepare myself better and do my master degree but maybe I’ll do it in Peru. It’s going to be way too expensive to do it abroad.

M. Isvari already sent you the report last ekadasi.

NIMSAR is reporting everything to the authorities and always asking for permition, but in a kind of an impersonal fashion.  Jiva sakti prabhu said that we need to approach them to have better communication.  It was a brilliant piece of advice.  That’s probably what they are expecting.

Please, we need your constant advice.

I hope we (NIMSAR and I) can have your blessings to carry on and do a better job.

Your servant,

ASA - Thank you for the quick response!!!  There is nothing in ISKCON more important than this dialog. We got a letter from Isvari Devi Dasi, our Secretary for NIMSAR, so let's see what she has.

About the the TPP stuff for BhV and BhS we need to talk. I would say that there is no loss in the work you are doing, but we can improve it more if we co-ordinate it.
So, the NOI lectures that we did should pass to Ajata-satru Das and Abhirama Das for Editing?  
See, this is what I mean. We have to discuss our priorities here in the Blog. We can communicate here eternally and transcendentally.

Let's look at Isvari Devi Dasi's letter.