pequeño reporte

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada 

Porfavor asepte nuestras humildes y respetuosas reverencias gurudeva 

Nos encontramos muy bien cantando 16 rondas y 4 principios por estos dias no he podido despertar temprano, acabamos nuestros deberes en el hogar muy tarde pero estamos tratando de levantarnos temprano,

ASA - Es desafio para nosotros tambien, pero, si levatamos temprano or tarde, por lo ultima son la misma numero de horas trabajar, pero levantando temprano hay mas trabajo en bondad que passion y ignorancia!

... agradesemos su respuesta en el reporte del festival de Jala Yatra y estamos al pendiente de sus fechas a México para poder viajar toda la familia junto nuestro segundo hijo que nace en noviembre esperamos todo salga bien y con sus bendiciones y las de Sri Krishna podamos tener su asociación junto con nuestros queridos hermanos espirituales. 

HpS - SUPER IMPORTANTE!  Asta-sakhi Devi Dasi era buscando, pero ya no noticias de ella (espero esta bien!). Cuando termina La Maraton de Deciembre. Tenemos que salir de Houston com 5PM, 30 Deciembre para India. Entonces pudimos (we could) visitar a Mexico desde, como Navidad si es conveniente.

En el centro de prédica tuvimos la visita de S. S. Guruprasad Swami en Sri Krishna Janmastami  y Srila Prabhupada Vyasa puja, muy lindo lleno de devotos y pesonas nuevas asistieron se prepararon mas de 108 ofrendas el programa está teniendo mucha respuesta y estamos muy felices nos da mucho entuciasmo ver a los nuevos devotos muy motivados, continuan con food for life en hospitales y centros de rehabilitación, :) prabhu Gadadhar gosai  continua  con el sankirtan en Monterrey y agradese por sus inspiradoras instrucciones somos felices al verlo salir con libros y regresar motivado y feliz, por ahora nuestro servicio está enfocado en el hogar, cuidar nuestro hijo, cocinar,limpiar, adorar a la deidad, pero estamos tomando tiempo para ir al templo y enseñar a las nuevas bhaktinas, armonio, aveces simplemente lectura pero son muy entuciastas.

 muchas gracias gurudeva por estos años sus instrucciones nos han ayudado a madurar y encontrar cual es nuestra naturaleza y como servir a krishna y deseamos mejorar dia con dia, agradesemos infinitamente su tiempo y sus instrucciones.  <img alt="ángel" height="23" src="" title="ángel" width="23" />

Su insignificante aspirante a sirviente Ananda maya devi dasi 

HpS - Muy bien su servicio y sus noticias!!  Reverencias al Gran Sankirtanero, GGD.  Su bebe, cuantos anyos, meces tiene?


8 years, 4 months ago by Patrak das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudeva


All glories to our saviour Srila Prabhupada

Here we are!  still A.L.I.V.E!

How are U?????

         ASA - Just the same as you only older.


It is almost one month since our last report… we are trying to be more fixed in everything:  our rounds, sadhana, reports, temple, association … (thanks a lot for your advices!!! they helped us a lot)…we are trying to do it in a sane way.

This week we finish one more cycle at university (3 more cycle and we finish it!!!!)… we will present our thesis related on how to teach english through Waldorf methodology.

Health is good by the Mercy of Krsna... the body changed a lot but we try to keep focusing on our soul.

Everything at work is pretty good… Still giving Spanish class in the Embassy of India in Peru… At “Das Goethehaus” Waldorf School we are taking more responsibilities and spending more time there… many projects.

       HpS - Write a little bit about the bridges that we make between Waldorf and Bhagavata education. We can discuss it and collect in and publish it if it develops and them have a whole new world of friends to play with Gaura.

This year we spent Janmastami and SP feasts at home with family… We are trying to share with our family this time… They are very eager to learn…. we all are following ekadasi. My mom is very fixed on making garlands as well as our dear sister… 

Now we have 4 DOGS!!! jojojojojo 

Thanks a lot for all Ur support and for sharing the DTC on the Blog... we read it everyday.... 

Your servant 

Patrak Das

          HpS - Jaya!   Good luck with all your projects!!  Waldorf-Bhagavata essay. First thoughts.


8 years, 4 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna

We finally posted the names of Ekasma and Janardan-hari Das to the Guru-tattva file and sent the like 20-names from Manipuri in JPEG files to Namacharya Das to be added. This is a lot of work, but practical, and it seems we can finally get it done.

We shall post the updated file on the web with the next Kapi Dhvaja.



8 years, 5 months ago by Julieta Corzo Fillmore in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Gurudeva!

Toda Gloria al Movimiento de Sankirtana de Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu y Sus Asociados eternos!

Toda Gloria a Srila Prabhupada!!

Toda Gloria a Usted!! 

Por favor Gurudeva acepte mis reverencias a sus santos pies.

ASA - HpS - Pies de loco.

Hace tiempo que no le escribo Gurudeva así que quiero contarle que estoy muy bien. Este año se presenta distinto a lo que yo esperaba. 

El Señor Krsna es muy bueno con migo, y solo por la misericordia de Srila Prabhupada y usted y los devotos sinceros es que ya no estoy tan deprimida como antes. Sigo cantando las 16 rondas y siguiendo los 4 principios. Trabajando. Estudiando. Y he tomado la oportunidad de servir a Sus Señorías Sri Sri Adi Goura Nitay los sábados por la tarde en el templo colaborando con los devotos recidentes.  Sigo adorando a Nitay Gourasundar en casa, cada día también. Estoy memorizando el Sri Siksastaka y como siempre lectura del Srimad Bhagavatam, Caitanya Caritamrta y me siento muy agradecida porque me han regalado una copia de su libro "Desde Rusia con amor." Entonces es por eso que cada vez estoy apreciando mas y mas la misericordia de Srila Prabhupada y el MAHA MANTRA. Tokio está muy lejos aún, pero no me desanimo, porque cada día hay algo bueno por hacer, un servicio, distribuir un libro, dar prasadam, en cualquiera de sus formas. Realmente Srila Prabhupada hace que todo se transforme en algo útil y que yo no me sienta tan inútil. Eso me reconforta. Nada es lo que esperaba y ya no tengo tanto miedo como antes...porque se que usted está ahí siempre, al igual que Prabhupada y Krsna y todos. Así que le pido bendiciones para que la poca conciencia de Krsna que tengo la conserve para siempre y que pueda seguir colaborando en este mágico movimiento. 

Quiero que sepa Gurudeva también, que siento mucha admiración por usted y su bondadoso corazón y su incansable sankirtan y que me siento muy muy muy afortunada de estar intentando seguir sus pasos. Estoy muy consciente que aún soy como una tonta zanahoria tratando de despertar del mas oscuro letargo. 

Hay algunos proyectos a futuro en Conciencia de Krsna pero estoy aprendiendo a apreciar el presente e ir de a poco...en todo.

 Gracias entonces Gurudeva por mantenernos animados siempre y transformar mi vida cada vez que lo leo, o lo sueño, o lo escucho. Gracias! Gracias! Gracias! 

 Orandole a Krsna por usted siempre e intentando servir de alguna manera.

Jahnava devi dasi. 

HpS - All of our problems are opportunities sent by Krsna! We need to die profoundly, not just superficially, so the soul cash come out and sing with its service partners.

Big plans. Big time to accomplish them!


Happy Janmastami

Dear Maharaja

PAMHO    All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

    Good to hear your safe return from another sussessful mission.  Fasting two days in a row is draining, sorry to hear the spicey food complicated things. Please take care of yourself.  We have been very busy this summer.  Good family visits at home and away, and plenty of things to do.  I was keeping my little project quiet until its completion but Kalindi let the cat out.  Was given the great opportunity for service when asked to build a portable altar.  We presented it to Krishna on Janmastai.  I hope the photo from Janmastami came through.

HpS - Hare Krsna! Yes, the photos came through. Again, it is so much fun doing that kind of construction work for God!

  Being on a weekday we were not sure what kind of turn out there would be for our Janmastami celebration, but 200 devotees and friends particpated. 

HpS - We had twenty devotees here, but such a nice program. The new temple in New Bombay had 60,000 people!

We saw Lucile for the first time since Ron left his body.  She rented out their house because it's too painful to live there without Ron.  They are having a memmorial gathering September 24.

HpS - Extend our regards! Ask if there is any service we can do?

    As you know, we have to pack everything for our Saturday Program in and out of the meeting hall we rent each week.  So the altar is fully assemblable with no moving parts.  The columns slip into the square holders at the top of the canopy.  And the deity pedestals are in sections - we do not usually have for sets of deities at our weekly program.  If you know any devotees who need something like this I can give you more details.  ( I was unable to upload the photo so I will send some to you a different way.)

    We will try to make the trip to Seattle, I'm sure it will be most rewarding.  Will keep you informed on our plans.  Kalindi is having minor surgery on her bladder in October.  The condition is not life threatening.  We pray that Krishna continues to watch over you.

Your humble servant and friend


HpS - Yes, looks like we could come to San Francisco and then so take the Amtrak to Seattle. Choo! CHOO! C H O O !


Hare Krsna, Gurumaharaja
Please, accept my humble obeisances
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

We are doing well, working to simplify our lives, to find the common thread that allows us to carry out our service in the best way, smoothly and balanced.

HpS - Wow!  That sounds like going beyond Karma-misra-bhakti to Dhyana-misra-bhakti, heading toward Raganuga Bhakti.

This balance is delicate, unstable, volatile, but we are making some progress.

HpS - It is unstable for the inexperienced chemist like walking is unstable for the baby who is just trying to do it, but now, how many times an hour do you fall on your butt when walking?  Ahh, it will become second nature!

I have already finished reading the Chaitanya Caritamrta. What a beautiful adventure! I tried to enjoy the huge variety of emotions which stimulates this great poem. Different feelings were provoked: laughter, tenderness, anger, doubt and love; I think that, thanks to the book, my heart softened
a little more and is very good to know it. I found a set of lessons on certain chapters written by HG Gauranga dasa. I am translating them into spanish, in order to make some lectures and seminars on the teachings of Chaitanya Caritamrta for begginers.

HpS - Super!  If it is the same one, he is a very famous devotee in India. Even big international preacher.

Last Sunday NIMSAR organized a meeting with Prabhu Baladeva and interesting ideas emerged. In summary, I'll colaborate with Prabhu Jiva Sakti in developing short seminars on various topics for basic, intermediate and advanced levels. It would be great that these short seminars could be given online, as well as to bhakti vrksa groups (one is starting in Chosica), exposed during Bhagavatam classes or to take them to different cities. The idea is to apply modern pedagogy that allows the assimilation of background ideas supported by workbooks and audiovisual materials. I love this service, the development of educational content is really my thing.

HpS - This modular education is very nice. Actually many people say that the BA and BS degrees are disappearing. Everyone wants short seminars on specific practical topics, but, it is important to integrate them into a general whole.
What is the goal of education?  What is your Mission Statement for Education with ISKCON Peru?

I have already presented the communications plan to the board and has been accepted. As you suggested, I will dedicate the most resources to recover communication channels among devotees. It is a challenge, Gurudeva. Trust is something badly damaged in the Yatra. It abounds mistrust, backbiting and gossip, but we are devotees and that is the key to heal. We all have the same desire to serve Srila Prabhupada and this special motivation is almost impossible to find in other enviroments.
For now, I am organizing communication spaces for different sangas:pujaris, educators, kirtaniyas and senior devotees to start with. Everyone has something to say, and sometimes the authorities are unwilling to listen as it should. Later, we will have the collaboration of a specialist in group psychology. At the moment we have received a Baladeva Prabhu good training through the ISKCON course for alternative conflict resolution, organized by NIMSAR last week. I hope these efforts are directed properly for the welfare of this wonderful community.

HpS - O.K!  You saw our answer to M. Isvari's last NIMSAR report and that includes some ideas we have that we would like to see presented to the National Council also.

Indira Sakti and I are fine, we miss you while doing very clumsy efforts to follow your instruction. Thanks for giving us so many things and stimulate in us the daily desire to become your servants.

Your servant
Gandharva dasa

HpS - ASA!!  Hare Krsna!    Thank you for such a nice letter.  It seems that you need to develop a more defined strategy to organize many different work projects, but priority to 16-good rounds, no??   If we can teach people to love basic Sadhana practices and use those as the basis for everything else, we have become first class educators, no?