Worship Govardhana Sila?

1 day, 18 hours ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category B


[12/4, 1:27 AM] Tungavidya Devi Dasi: This is Tungavidya and Aindavi. Here Aindavi speaking- 

Gurudeva, I'm leaving today Radhakund going back to Houston. It's been a wonderful enlightin time here. During the past 3 months I've been doing seva for Giriraj at the sangam (a flower mala everyday) and doing seva for Giriraj at Tungavidya mataji's house. I have become very attached to Him. I have visited some Vrajavasi sadhu's house and they have told me that they can give me one Govardhana Shila only if I get the permission of my gurudeva. So here I'm asking for your permission, please let me know if it's possible.

[12/4, 1:28 AM] Tungavidya Devi Dasi: I'm begging for your causeless mercy to worship Govardhan 🙏

HpS-ASA - AgtSP, first serve Giriraja in Nila-madhava Dhama as you are serving Him now.

Then get His permission to serve Him directly.

The meandering mind...

1 week, 1 day ago by chas d lind in Personal Sadhana Reports



of a



Dear Maharaja Hanumat Presaka Swami,

pamho, AgtsP!

  Responding on some of your ongoing queries with d’ Blog, some difficulties in the format for me, the flow, a bit quirky, jostling questions out of sequence. Since the blog is not always a linear discourse, it will be tricky with this old mind of mine. Regardless, a reasonable challenge and therapeutically appreciated.

  On the personal bhakti hygiene and regulated life style I’m getting consistent in japa, study and occasional rest. Hypervigilance with the mind does need proper engagement, or it wanders into the webs of digital and physical clinginess. Every morning starts between 2- 4 am, with japa and Mangal Arotika daily at home and occasionally at New Raman Reti, usually on special Vaisnava days (of course, they are all special), I will continue this regime till I’m longer here to do so... then wherever I may be.

  “Guaracandra” Prabhu is a friend and shipping supervisor from BBT in L.A. I occasionally order books from him; he posted the info on Maharaja Giriraja Swami.

  In our prior letter, you asked if I had a Brahma-muhurta project. Actually, I do, that is, if writing a “San Francisco Ratha Yatra Roadies” handbook is worthy.

ASA 🦍 🐒 🐒 🐒 perfecto.

  Hoping to complete the SFRY Roadie before this year’s Ratha Yatra, for my service is changing. Last SFRY I was returning the rental truck and grazed a car, year before backed into another. I'm getting too old to drive 25’ Bob-Tail trucks, plus, my bay-area edge is gone, I'm driving in Florida now. Granthraja agrees, so we will see what’s in store this year. The book will also help others who may get thrown into some service.

Thus far, I am fully engaged. When not on seva, I am working on devotees' home maintenance projects (Jagaraini and Akrurunatha are here now, along with Bahushira and his good wife), at least while I can. I am still trying to finish our own garden, and that’s on the back burner. However, I am looking forward to more home-based work.

I hope that this short epistle answered some of your queries, early and late. As mentioned, blog etiquette is a new thing for me.

Bhisma Pancaka Ki Jaya!

Hare Krishna! 

HpSwami ASA - Blog is like a group of devotees out for a Japa walk.

Your post is 👌

Like a peach 🍑

From a tree in Nanda Raja's orchard ripe for Radha.

Wishing you all success in your garden and Sri Sankirtan.

Don't be shy of very big results.


1 week, 3 days ago by campa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna gurudev!! 😇

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias y sean todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!! 🙏

Espero que usted esté muy bien, con energía y buena salud para emprender este nuevo viaje España-India-España.

Lamentablemente no puedo ir a verlo, era mi plan pero no el de Krsna/mi karma. Mi mamá de 84 años está viviendo conmigo desde marzo, es un gran desafío pero una gran bendición para ella, comparte todo con los devotos y a veces canta Hare Krsna! 😀

Ella lo recuerda con mucho cariño cuando lo conoció en el templo de Urquiza, Buenos Aires.

Hace un mes comencé la carrera de Psicología, se que estoy grande para recién comenzar pero estoy contenta, espero terminar.

Mis rondas y principios están bien, sin muchos cambios. La compañía de Deva Vrata das (como amigo) es una gran ayuda en todo sentido, él es muy entusiasta.

Los devotos de aquí somos sinceros, con dificultades de todo tipo (quién no las tiene), un poco flojos, pero queremos avanzar y nos tenemos cariño y nos ayudamos cuando nos necesitamos. Recientemente vino a vivir una familia vaisnava con 3 niños, que se suman a los 7 que ya hay.

Mi economía sigue escasa pero tenemos lo necesario.

Gracias por su compañía, por su guía, por su presencia gurudev. Usted, Srila Prabhupada y los devotos son mi familia, sólo quiero estar con ustedes eternamente.

Lo veré en su viaje a través de los ojos de otros devotos!!

Más éxitos de los que ya tiene, que Krsna siga elevándolo más y más.

Su discípula que lo quiere mucho.

Campaka Lata dd.



Hare Krsna, gurudev!! 😇

Please accept my respectful obeisances and all glories to Srila Prabhupada!! 🙏

I hope you are doing well, with energy and good health to undertake this new trip Spain-India-Spain.

HpS - ASA -- Very sorry for delay in answering this letter. Very, very sorry!

From Twitter etc I guess you know why.

Wish we could do more.

Unfortunately I cannot go see you, it was my plan but not Krsna's/my karma. My 84-year-old mother has been living with me since March, it is a great challenge but a great blessing for her, she shares everything with the devotees and sometimes chants Hare Krsna! 😀

HpS ' Super, SUPER, SU SU SUPER! 😃

She remembers him fondly when she met him at the temple in Urquiza, Buenos Aires.

A month ago I started the Psychology degree, I know I am old to just start but I am happy, I hope to finish.

My rounds and beginnings are fine, without many changes. The company of Deva Vrata das (as a friend) is a great help in every way, he is very enthusiastic.

The devotees here are sincere, with all kinds of difficulties (who doesn't have them), a little lazy, but we want to move forward and we love each other and help each other when we need each other.

HpS - Incredible. Srila Prabhupaada's energy is all over the world.

As other movements fall apart eg. Industrialization, Lord Caitanya's will flourish.

Krsna will give all of you a part, no???

Recently a Vaishnava family came to live with 3 children, which adds to the 7 that we already have.

My finances are still scarce but we have what is necessary.

Thank you for your company, for your guidance, for your presence gurudev. You, Srila Prabhupada and the devotees are my family, I only want to be with you eternally.

I will see you on your journey through the eyes of other devotees!!

More success than you already have, may Krsna continue to elevate you more and more.

Your disciple who loves you very much.

Campaka Lata dd.


HpS - Thank you so much. We are trying to answer more mail better.

You news is like sunlight.

Yes, Yes, Deva vrata Das as a friend is very nice person.

He has been 90% of any success we have had on this trip so far.

You get news from Twitter and ASA Carnival and this Blog?

You have any animals?

You are guru for you classmates.

Continued Reflections During Japa

1 week, 3 days ago by balabhadra dasa in Personal Sadhana Reports

HpS/ASA - AgtSP!!! Paoho.

If you have been able to follow us on Twitter etc. you probably know why we are sadly, SADLY, S A D L Y, slow is commenting on thei Blog-post.


Hare Krishna, Maharaja, please kindly accept my most humble obeisances; all glories to his divine grace, Srila Prabhupada; all glories to your good self for being so devoted to pleasing Srila Prabhupada with your own devotional service; all glories to all the devotees of the Lord, who have devoted their lives to the spreading of the chanting of the holy names of the Lord.

ASA 🐵 🐒 🐒 .. 🐒 

This morning my rounds are finished; although I confess that lately, perhaps 50% of the time I have had to wait until evening, to finish with my japa.

I struggle with maintaining the same standard that I so eagerly started out with after my return from Houston last January: God only knows how I am able to maintain the little that I do.

I guess it's because I know that I have nothing else to live for, especially at this late date of my life.

What else am I going to do?

What could I possibly hope to gain?

HpS/ASA - You could go back to school and get a Poppa John's pizza franchise and become rich an buy 50-new hats for your wife, and go to Rome for a vacation, and ... 😆

There is nothing in this world that comes close to a life of devotional service. Nothing else has ever made any sense to me: so the idea of anything else is virtually meaningless and non-existent in my mind.

In those evenings when I am trying to finish my japa outside, I sometimes find myself looking on the ground, not wanting to step on any living entity. I find myself staring at them crawling along, just trying to get along from one place to the next. Watching them move along the ground, I have wondered "how many times I must have been born in such a tiny body?" It is in those moments that I suddenly realize how it is that this material world truly is a dangerous place. It's a big world when you're just an ordinary person in life trying to get from one place to another: and what to speak of being in the body of an insect!

I was remembering how during the 80s there was a lot of talk about "the next war." I was a full-time pujari in Denver back then, and I used to think to "Let it come now, whilst I am on the altar doing arotika! Whilst the devotees are all gathered in the temple room, engaged in a loud, boisterous kirtan: with everybody smiling with full confidence in Prabhupada and Krishna, and chanting HARE KRISHNA! I imagined myself being on the altar and performing arotika, with my ears being shattered by the loud chanting, feeling that same confidence. Those were the days, when my imagination would run wild with fanciful ideas of being fully absorbed in that final moment of catastrophe, and going back to Godhead: I'm not so much fanciful and imaginative these days.

HpS - Yes... if we can't preach then die and continue with the same service in Goloka.

Today, I live with the reality that my life has been lived, at least for the most part; fearful of my failures as a devotee. I live with the reality of still struggling to chant nice rounds, still dealing with my sinful desires; and now dealing with the realities of old age, and it's concomitant factors. Just the other day my wife asked me "if we are going to die alone." I was a little taken aback by her question, because I realized that that possibility is certainly there. The sadness and the anger of feeling abandoned and rejected by a community of Vaishnavas still burns painfully in my heart and mind. I know of devotees who have given their lives in service to Prabhupada, and yet they died alone.

I look at a lot of things in life very differently these days. As I drive around for Uber I see so many small children happy and content with their simple world of play, without a care in the world: confident of their shelter of mommy and daddy being close by. I look at older children, busy with the same mindset, only now in pursuit of more sophisticated interests. I see young adults engaged in trying to enjoy themselves in the prime of their lives: completely unaware and uninterested in knowing how vain and how temporary it all is. I see older, retired adults, busy with the same pursuit of trying to enjoy, just like when they were younger? How is it that they are still looking for the same happiness, still trying to enjoy in old age doing the same things?

I watch old people walking down the sidewalks, hunched over with their walkers or canes. They look so lost and so lonely, knowing that they have lived their lives. I wonder if they ever ask themselves what happened to them, or what's next in this final hour of life. I feel a great sadness for them. I pray that Krishna protects me. Am I really any different from the rest of the world? With the exception of wearing tilaka, chanting Hare Krishna, and observing the regulative principles: not really. Looking at them, I can understand why King Kulashekhara prayed the way that he did: "smaranam kutas te: How will I remember You at my hour of death?" I wish I could say something or do something that would make a difference in their lives, but I feel so helpless in helping myself.

With these thoughts rushing into my mind during my japa, it becomes more apparent to me how there really is no such thing as shelter in this material world, outside of the process of devotional service, the lotus feet of the spiritual master, and the association of devotees. I have been trying to meet my needs for devotee association by attending live online classes, but nothing compares to the smile on the face of a devotee knocking at your door. I keep close friendship with certain devotees here in Boise, sharing prasadam in each other's homes. I still distribute books to as many persons as possible. I placed another order for several hundred assorted books with the temple, for distribution whilst driving. I am still awaiting their decision, whether or not they will support my ongoing sankirtana efforts.

My wife and I would like to initiate some sort of preaching efforts out of our home, such as a retreat of some kind, but I have never been blessed with any measure of success when it comes to starting things, even for the sake of preaching. How should I understand that? We have ceased renting out our rooms to karmis. It has been very contaminating for our consciousness over the years, renting to non-devotees who have no interest at all in krishna consciousness. In addition, I wonder if I will ever have your association again? I know that I haven't been a surrendered soul, but I have always been very, very grateful for your kindness, and how you have encouraged me over the years. I feel lonely at times because you seem so far away, and there's no knowing when or if we will ever see each other again. To whom will I share my heart when you are gone? It all seems and feels so sad, so lonely, so painful.

I will close here, hoping that I have not said anything to offend your good self, or anyone else. I pray to Krishna and your good self to kindly forgive me for all my offenses: whether they were done knowingly or unknowingly.

Your lowly servant,


HpS/ASA - Long letter!! 😆 We ran through it all.

Very nice.

This was a long time ago.

Please write with your current situation!

Essential truth, conciselly expressed.

We want to know.

Many ISKCON devotees are in exactly your situation.

Krsna is calling on you to offer solutions to these challenges for every one!


1 week, 4 days ago by wilfredo in Personal Sadhana Reports

Se que soy ingrato con tanta misericordia que me has otorgado en esta vida y te escribo porque pese a todo te acuerdas siempre de este imperfecto servidor. Es verdad que últimamente estuve inmerso en mis actividades familiares y laborales quizá descuidé un poco escuchar tus clases sin embargo seguí practicando el canto de mis rondas y Gayatris que con mucho amor me otorgaste. Debo contarte que estoy estudiando el Bakty Vaibhaba en el VTE Latino con P. Paranpadam Das de Argentina, estamos ahora por finalizar el Canto II del S.B. Asimismo sigo sirviendo en el CPO PERU viendo la parte legal y todo lo que pueda favorecer en proteger a las víctimas y a la infancia dentro de ISKCON PERU. En cuanto a mi servicio de adoración a la deidad por esta temporada de invierno lo he suspendido ya que el clima es muy frio y afecta mi salud. En lo que respecta a temas administrativos voy a evitar contarte los detalles porque se trata de ciertos desacuerdos con algunos de mis hermanos espirituales y se que tu tienes que resolver cosas más importantes en tus actividades de Sankirtan. Quizá mi naturaleza de Abogado hace que por voluntad propia o por casualidad siempre me meta en problemas por eso prefiero mantenerme un poco distante de algunos de ellos que no armonizan con mi forma de pensar y de actuar. El criterio de Justicia material también es variado y muchas veces contradictorio para aplicar en sociedades donde todos piensan distinto, pero en fin sigo adelante. Personalmente no me interesa la política dentro de la administración, pero si me doy cuenta de todo lo que ocurre pese a ello oriento legalmente a quien se lo merece porque los defectos personales de traición, desconfianza, dobleces o hipocresía son los mismos incluso entre devotos, mi defecto mayor es decirlo y hablar claro a lo mejor eso no les gusta a algunos hermanos quienes prefieren que este callado o guarde silencio. Pienso que tanto tu como las autoridades me dieron un servicio apropiado en el CPO que está acorde a mi naturaleza, pero con sinceridad te digo mi querido Gurudev que he comprobado y encontrado basura y polvo que se guarda debajo de la alfombra, lo digo de la mejor manera, pero se que es una realidad que, si conoces, no juzgo a nadie más bien este servicio me hace entender que soy imperfecto y camino en el sendero correcto. No quiero agradar a todos mis hermanos menos me interesa lograr eso, solo se que tu me seguirás guiando en esta vida y en la próxima. Gracias Gurudeva por leer mi carta. Mis reverencias.

hps//asa = agtsp. paoho. is so nice to read you here and by whatsapp.

we could not read all this letter because it is to detailed-in spanish for our old brain. makes us sad, but we did understand a lot.

yes, in politics and admnistration you can't please all of the people, all of the time.

but that is administration. then we put it aside and have kirtan together.

what canto are you on now?

who are your study partners?

in Germany it is very cold, no heat in the building, so Prabhupada told the pujari he could bathe only once a day!!

your report seems wonderful.

we hope you send us more news, shorter, with google translate and improve your service to ISKCON more and more.

make Peru the leader for the world.

Kaliyuga Kings!!





Priyasakhi dd

2 weeks, 5 days ago by priyasakhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja

Por favor acepte mis más respetuosas reverencias.

Todas las glorias sean para Srila Prabhupada.

Todas las glorias a usted.

Gurudev, espero que se encuentre muy bien junto a la asociación de Maharaja Yadunandana Swami, y devotos y devotas en Nueva Vrajamandala.

Siempre es tan encantador la compañía de los devotos y servir junto a ellos.

Quiero contarle que hemos abierto un almacén de productos veganos y vegetarianos, y estamos vendiendo varios productos hechos por devotos. Prasadam y libros de Srila Prabhupada. Esperando hacer un poco de Sankirtan. Krsna permitió hacer esto, quizá permita hacer cosas más grandes mientras esto avanza.

Ya se fue un libro, y mucho prasadam 😊

Donde? Musica? Hermosa muestra de literatura? 🦍👍👍👍

También quiero contarle que hemos creado una página web para cursos de Bhaktas, Discípulos y Bhakti Sastri. Aún no está disponible el aula virtual. Esperamos abrirla el año 2025. Así puedo seguir con los cursos.

Super bueno si es semi-presential! Sanga físico una vez cada semestre.

Continuamos con BVB.

Los niños están cantando 1 ronda cada día, y cada año aumentarán 1 ronda más. Pade pade...

Participamos en la mesa de libros para la conferencia de Radhika Raman Prabhu en IF, y organizamos junto a Ekangi dd y Krsangi dd una taller de Homeschooling dictado por madre Amrta Keli.

Bueno, esas son algunas noticias.

Muchas gracias por leer Gurudev.

Aquí seguimos cumpliendo nuestros votos.

Su aspirante a sirviente

Priyasakhi dd

HpSwami ASA - 🦍🦍🦍🌞👷‍♂️. . 🐂🐄🐄🐄🐕 .🐒🌴

Super👍👍👍 buen fotos.

Prof Claudia Lira, no?