Report from Houston

15 hours ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna GuruMaharaja!

Please accept my humble obeisances!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Thank you so much for writing me!

Yesterday I was trying to recuperate from Radhastami...I drank too much of the Carinamrta. I thought it was natural fruit so it would be okay but I think the honey content was too strong. 

I was able to go on the altar and bathe Sri Sri Radha Giridhari with fruit juices on Radhastami!

And earlier on Radhastami me and Patita Pavana Prabhu went to the University of Houston downtown and distributed books. 

I distributed 30 books and he distributed I think close to 40 or 50. We are following the example of the Atlanta brahmacaris and so now we are selling the books as stacks. I distributed 6 stacks that day. 

I'm trying to add up all the books since January but it's taking longer than expected. I have done the math for about 4 months so far.

Also! I am missing the Japa call ever since you arrived in Spain... I need to look up the time difference. I miss being on the call. 

I'm going out on books maybe two days a week, Harinama one day a week, preaching programs two days a week, and whatever other time there is, it's filled with Bhogha runs and cleaning!

Thank you for everything, GuruMaharaja! 

Oh also, I am still chanting 16 rounds before mangal. Out of a year, it's about 300 days of rounds before mangal and 65 days almost before mangal.

Everything is possible by Krishna's mercy that flows through Srila Prabhupada and through you!! Thank you!

I pray every day that you can serve Srila Prabhupada! And that I can somehow get the sincerity to serve you!

Your aspiring servant,

Jaya Hari das

Report from Houston

15 hours ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna GuruMaharaja!

Please accept my humble obeisances!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Thank you so much for writing me!

Yesterday I was trying to recuperate from Radhastami...I drank too much of the Carinamrta. I thought it was natural fruit so it would be okay but I think the honey content was too strong. 

I was able to go on the altar and bathe Sri Sri Radha Giridhari with fruit juices on Radhastami!

And earlier on Radhastami me and Patita Pavana Prabhu went to the University of Houston downtown and distributed books. 

I distributed 30 books and he distributed I think close to 40 or 50. We are following the example of the Atlanta brahmacaris and so now we are selling the books as stacks. I distributed 6 stacks that day. 

I'm trying to add up all the books since January but it's taking longer than expected. I have done the math for about 4 months so far.

Also! I am missing the Japa call ever since you arrived in Spain... I need to look up the time difference. I miss being on the call. 

I'm going out on books maybe two days a week, Harinama one day a week, preaching programs two days a week, and whatever other time there is, it's filled with Bhogha runs and cleaning!

Thank you for everything, GuruMaharaja! 

Oh also, I am still chanting 16 rounds before mangal. Out of a year, it's about 300 days of rounds before mangal and 65 days almost before mangal.

Everything is possible by Krishna's mercy that flows through Srila Prabhupada and through you!! Thank you!

I pray every day that you can serve Srila Prabhupada! And that I can somehow get the sincerity to serve you!

Your aspiring servant,

Jaya Hari das

Without hurry but without pause

4 days, 11 hours ago by bhaktanicasio in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Beloved Gurudeva,

Please accept our humble obeisances,

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada,

Dear Gurudeva,

We are still living in the Sri Govardhan eco-village, along with our dear wife and our little daughter Margarita.

Some days, Benjamin comes to stay with us, although most of the time he lives with his mother.

HpS/ASA - AgtSP, your 'first wife'. 🤔

Our eldest son is in Europe, traveling and taking his first steps into adult life.

We remain enthusiastic, trying to fulfill our initiation vows: 16 rounds and the four principles.

However, some days, due to our lack of sincerity and material desires, we behave more like Bhakta Nicasio than Nikunja Bihari Das.

We feel very bad when that happens, but very good when we manage to fulfill our initiation vows.

Recently, at a birthday celebration with the devotees, we were chanting the mahamantra in a kirtan, and suddenly the leader of the bhajan began to sing "Govinda Jaya Jaya...". The vibration changed automatically, and I was able to experience for a second the potency of the holy name and the importance of chanting only the mantras established by our Founder Acharya.

Thank you, Gurudeva, for always reminding us of the importance of being connected with the holy name, as the most crucial point in our spiritual practice, especially when doing it early in the morning, after our morning program during the brahma muhurta. Thank you for being a living example of Srila Prabhupada's teachings and for always being so accessible to us, your fallen followers, who undertake the difficult task of developing Krishna consciousness in family life during Kali Yuga.

We will try to send you a small report every Ekadasi to stimulate our refuge at your divine lotus feet.

Attempting to serve you with many shortcomings but with tenacity.

Your stubborn servant,

Nikunja Bihari Das.

HpS - Obeisances to you all. hope the other letters today are also useful to you.


Life pushes us to look for the eternal.

so many relative truths and relations fall away.

Prabhupada chants HK HR with such simplicity.

He is satisfied.

Is Mantra you heard?

Prabhupada chanted and glorified and the beginning of ISKCON later did not.


Maybe devotee chanting had a different understanding of this Mantra than his understanding of HK mantra even if it was superficially heard from Srila Prabhupada.

O.K. Now tilak and Podcast.

Thank you.

You feed us with your life.

Think your first wife, kids, community get life from your sincerity, and you from them?


4 days, 12 hours ago by roseoftheeast in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Sri Sri Radha Krsna

All glories to Sri Sri Gaura Nitai

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to you

Please accept my obeisances

I haven’t written in almost three years. During that time, so much has happened that deeply impacted my mental health, but now, I finally feel like I'm starting to be myself again.

To begin with, my husband suffered from severe burnout and had to stay in a psychiatric facility for five months. The months leading up to that were incredibly difficult, watching his mental state deteriorate while being unable to help him. When he was admitted to the clinic, I was left to face the harsh reality of being alone in a new country. The isolation, loneliness, and overwhelming sadness took a toll on me, and I became ill. Anxiety, depression, insomnia, sensitivity to light and sound, and constant nausea left me unable to leave the house or even care for my basic needs. Eventually, I too needed treatment and spent time in a psychiatric facility.

After being discharged, I continued therapy and, following a series of tests, was diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome and Atention Deficit Disorder. This diagnosis didn’t come as a shock, as I had always struggled in various ways. Many times I prayed to Krishna, asking for clarity and understanding about what was wrong with me, hoping to become a better servant. Now that I had an answer, I embraced the opportunity to learn more and develop strategies to manage my symptoms.

Just as I began to feel better, my husband confessed that he had been unfaithful. It was devastating, pushing me into an even deeper depression, unsure of how to cope. At that time, my sadhana was almost nonexistent, though I was just taking care of my beloved Gopalito. 

With the support of therapy, medication for ADHD, depression, insomnia, and, most importantly, with Gopal’s company, I slowly began to heal. I’m in a much better place now, and my sadhana has improved. I haven’t yet reached the standard, but I’m working towards it.

One thing that weighed heavily on me was the feeling of unworthiness. I feared I was not fit to be in contact with you because I had struggled to keep my vows during this period. Your words in Guru-tattva.txt echoed in my mind: 

“Unless you are chanting 16 nice rounds, and that means Mangala-arati, Srimad Bhagavatam, Sankirtana, and maintaining a practical relationship with ISKCON, while strictly following the four principles, we cannot function as your Diksa-guru, representative of Srila Prabhupada and the Guru-parampara. If you want, we can serve you again as Vartmana-pradarshika-guru, help you get back on the path, and then we can be Diksa-guru once more. But don’t cheat yourself.”

When I took initiation, I believed I would always be able to follow, so I didn’t think much about these words. Now, they are constantly on my mind. I find myself thinking what it all means—am I no longer your disciple? Am I no longer connected with the parampara and Krishna?

Perhaps I’m being overly emotional, but I still don’t fully understand the idea that you are no longer my guru, but could become so again. Is our connection not eternal?

Your aspiring servant,  

Rose of the East

HpS/ASA - Esteemed Ravaged Rose. I have applied the practice that as long as I can breath, I can chant.

Of course, Imay not have gone through anything like you, but from my experience of physical and mental distress, I can raise both hands in the air like Draupadi and chant ´"hey, Govinda", "Krsna Krsna Hare".

I got a simple job description as described above.

I'm not Prabhupada, but if I cannot function as your Diksa guru and you are sincere then Srila Prabhupada will come and tell me, it's O.K. let me take charge of this one, no?

Yet, as said, I can function as pat-pradarshika guru and help you get back on the path ie. 16-rounds. 4-principles.

"The amount of mercy a real guru will show to a sincere disciple is practically inconceivable", Bhavananda said that Prabhupada said.

So, write to us.

Pray to Prabhupada.

Krsna will engage you in Lord Caitanya's movement.

[.. and maybe give your husband a good swift boot in the butt 😎]

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja

1 week, 1 day ago by Gadai in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja, por favor reciba mis respetuosas reverencias.

En la carta anterior usted me hizo la siguiente pregunta:

HpS - AgtSP. ¡¡¡Gracias!!! Por favor, conviertan todas sus actividades en Sankirtan, ¿no? Si hacen astrología, ¿la relacionan con el Sankirtan?

El trabajo que tengo es de editar libros vinculados a la consciencia de Krsna y de Jyotish.

A veces trabajo y a veces no, no es algo fijo.

El Jyotish mayormente lo utilizo para mí en algunas cosas y cuando salgo a Sankirtan, a las personas les hablo de las influencias planetarias y que su remedio o medicina son los libros de Srila Prabhupada.

Estoy leyendo el Krishna Book (Segunda parte) "La llegada de Akrura a Vrndavana", Mangal Artik 4 y 30 am, 4 principios regulativos, 16 rondas de Japa a veces un poco más.

A veces pienso que no atiendo bien a las Salagrama Silas y en especial a la Govardhana Sila. Tengo mis errores. Trato de atenderlas lo mejor que puedo. Quizá todo lo malo que me ha pasado es por que no las atendí como es debido y cometí ofensas. ¿Qué debería de hacer?

HpS - Hare Krsna. TlgaSP. pfanrh. No se mas de Vd. Tiene que ser fuerte en purificarte de sus apegos materiales. La purificacion es eterno.

si es muy fuerte.. rompiendo 4 principios.. entonces el pujari debe volver los silas a govardhana or rio gandaki, no?

Me despido Guru Maharaja, que el Señor Nrsimha lo proteja siempre.

Hare Krsna

Gadai Gauranga Dasa

HpS ... thank you. your news is so good for all of us. i think H. H. Bhanu Swami uses astrology and palmistry the same way as you.

CMDD reporting

1 week, 1 day ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:


I have seen pictures from your visit to Richmond. I was overjoyed by seeing all the devotees that went to be with your very good self

I am not going to write much so that your vision is not affected.

I go to church every sunday with my sister. Last Friday it was the festivity of Santa Rosa de Lima so we went there. I couldn't go to Janmastami I hope to be able to go to Radhastami.

16 R ok

4P ok

Last August 28th, was the anniversary of the departure of my father 14 years has passed and I still can feel his presence within my heart I found some pictures when he was young, he went to Japan due to an scholarship that he got. He looked really happy I hope he is fine now

Ulyses is almost 14 years old but he seems still pretty strong

I hope to meet with you in person again if not as you said we meet here in the blog

Trying to be your disciple


HpS/ASA - Do they, Hare Krsna, dress their dietys, icons, in the church where you go?

The Catholic church in Murfreesboro is Santa Rosa!