Bhaktin Emily.

8 years, 5 months ago by Ferstaje in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna<img alt="smiley" height="23" src="" title="smiley" width="23" />

Please accept my respectful obeisances Swami Maharaj SS Hanumatpresaka
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Bhaktin'm Emily, writing from Guayaquil - Ecuador.

Thank you for your response to my first letter and accept my apologies for how much delayed in responding.

I am chanting 16 rounds daily, and I have 1 year 5 months living in the temple of Guayaquil without missing the Mangala Arati, the program Sandya Arati I'm not in time for my French classes but always came to class the Bhagavad-gita.

HpS - C'est bon à entendre. Nous devons tous faire des priorités dans la vie.
Who is in the Temple in Guayaquil? Is it still in the same building across from Centennial Park????   Do you have a pet iguana?

Novedades de la novicia revelde

8 years, 5 months ago by YugalaKD in Personal Sadhana Reports

HK paoho

Querido Guru Maharaja no pudimos estar en la fiesta de Krsna, pero si en la fiesta de Prabhupada, bailamos con la musica de P. Gita, coky y devotitos, musicos que conocemos desde nuestra llegada al movimiento.

Ahora, mi rutina ha cambiado, estuve varios meses en busca de un trabajo mas estable, y en una entrevista, como mande el CV on line, resulta que no lo tenian a la mano, como Ud. sabe estudie comunicaciones y soy más una profesora empirica, así que Krsna me dio la mano, mi experiencia de profesora es más con secundaria, asi que ahora estoy de profesora de inicial es un buen colegio, queda muy lejos, posiblemente me mude, me entusiasma mucho ver que puedeo aprender mucho, y creo que he aprendido mucho de educación de Ud. y los congresos de educación, BS y BV, en fin estoy contenta, por favor sus bendiciones para poder servirlo de esta manera,

... en la escuelita e los niños Yachakuy Jambavanitos, los niños bailaron para Prabhupada en el encuentro de Educación, estuvo buenísimo, muchos proyectos de profesionales como una devotita que desea enseñar a padres a cuidar a sus niños, y tambien deseo abrir en Perú un departamento de protección al menor y a la mujer, aun veo vestigios de maltrato a la mujer, más sutil, que fisico, en todo caso hubo un pasado duro para algunas, y seria bonito que jamás vuelva, ¡Prevención!.

Fue de gran ayuda la ´presencia de P. Baladeva, hermosos sus curso de comunicaciones y solucion de conflictos. Armamos una buena por tratar de defenderlo, y tambien enmendamos el error, sin embargo me gusta ser como soy, una revelde, del bando de Radha, mil disculpas por mis ofensas Gurudeva,

estamos tratando de hacer 108 estrategias para lidiar con trabajo y vida espiritual exitosamente, con sus buenos deseos todo sera posible. Ojala su salud este estable y los envidiosos bien lejos.

Hari bolo su hija que lo adora:

Yugala Kishora Dasi.

HpS - ASA --- Jaya!    Si cantamos nuestras rondas bueno, siguien los cuatro principios estrictas, como podemos hacer un gran error?  Pues es posbile si somos pervertidos MUY DETERMINADOS, per basicament vamos a ser sanos. Vamos a desarrollar un Sadhana sana, Sadhu sanga sana y tener una relacion sana con nuestra Iglesia!   Jaya!

Adelanta con todos sus esfuerzas, basado en la bondad y su relacion intima con Srila Prabhupada!

LeavingBody? Doing Good?

8 years, 5 months ago by kalindidevi dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

08/27/16  Should have put all comments into one e-mail.  Feel Free to do so yourself so there is not much waste with 2 e-mails.

No.  Have done no good in this body.  Am incapable of that. Have desired to do good, that is true.  Rest is up to Radha-Krsna.  If there has been any good, They get full credit.

Haribol!  Kalindi Devi Dasi

HpS - You worshipped Radha Gopinatha. You tried to engage Grass Valley people is some Krsna conscuousness and others. ...    Lot of good. You are definitely going up and taking a lot of others with you.

Editing Solari Magazine,etc

08/27/16  Esteemed Guru Maharaja:  All glories to Srila Prabhupada!  Please acceptmy humble obeisances.

1.     Yes I can do some editing.  Thank you for the offer of this seva!  If there are questions on my part, I will be able to contact Monkey or Piggy via text, phone or personal e-mail, no?  If so, please send me an attachment so I can take a look at the project.  T.Y.

ASA - We are just getting to the actual work now. We are supposed to have all the files, now we need to open them and then we can start send to you if need be.

2.  By Krsna's mercy, ISKON Sac Janmastami program went smoothly with 200 attending!!!! I will request Dave P attach photos to another e-mail within 2 days.

ASA - Jaya!!!!

Best I can do.  YR attended with Mother Lucille.  Was sooo good to see her!!!  She looked the same; recently broke a toe so is coping with that.  Said she has rented out their previous house and she cannot go back there for grieving.  She has stayed in 26 different places during the last year.  I guess with Narayan Maharaja devotees, 2 weeks at a time.  I will contanct her soon.  She's a dear.

HpS - Please give our respects!   Can she join our Blog?

3.     "Iron Woman."  I like that!  The iron has put me on my feet but I'm still tired alot and need too much rest.  Chanting is very nice.. Hoping energy will improve in time as I begin to store more iron reserve in bone marrow.

HpS - We have never had any problem with being vegetarian for over 40-years. If there was a Vitamin B-12 deficiency of something like that you think it would have shown up by now.  Every Body is different.

3.    Hummmm... leave body.  Not sure this event is immenent.  However maintaining body is getting disgustingly time consuming.

4.     Jai Radhe!  Jai Krsna!

Your useless servant,

Kalindi Devi Dasi

HpS - ASA --- Thank you for news from New Jagannatha Puri.  Second week in June is the plan for  Seattle, Education with ISKCON.  We could come to Bay Area before that. Muck around in autos and then all get on the Amtrac and ride together on the Sunset Limited to Seattle.

Thank you Maharaj

8 years, 5 months ago by Janard1108 in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaj


Thank you for the very sweet gift! Everything went wonderfully. I have collected some guru-daksina for you, but how to deliver it?

:) :) :)

All glories to Hanumatpresaka Swami! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!


Janardan hari das.

(PS - Begging permission to omit the final A. I am not sure I am qualified to have so many!

PPS - Will upload photo from friend soon).

HpS - ASA --- Esteemed Janardan-hari Das, when was the ceremony. Maybe we can get the Daksina in India. We can certainly use it there!  Congratulations. As soon as we have the date of initiation we post it in our book!  Just like civil law, ha, ha, hare!.... !

Hare krishna Gurudeva

8 years, 5 months ago by Caitanya candrodaya das in Personal Sadhana Reports



Pls accept my respectful obeisances

Dear Gurudeva nowadays i´m good , i´m doing kirtan seva and working in my father´s boutique. My health is much better ,  thanks to krishna and the devotees  prayers.

i´m chanting 8 rounds everyday.

Anuraksha Das is in Ecuador working in a fair for 25 days.

THanks for ur prayers dear Gurudeva

HpS - Very nice, AGTSP.   Keep pushing to get to 16-rounds. It is very practical. Once you get back to it in a healthy fashion you will realize that.

Your father is an ornamental iron worker, no?   Now he has a botique?

Ys Caitanya candrodaya das.