Partida de Tito, aspirante y cantante reggae

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

¡Todas las glorias del movimiento de sankirtana de Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu!

Querido Gurumaharaja

Por favor acepte nuestras respetuosas reverencias.

Muchas gracias por su invaluable y maravillosa asociación.

Queremos informarle que uno de sus bienquerientes y eterno aspirante ha dejado el cuerpo.

Se trata de "Tito" Fausto García Calderón, cantante de música reggae.

Hace años Tito vivió en el ashrama de brahmacaris, participó activamente distribuyendo libros de Śrīla Prabhupāda, se cortó su larga y enredada cabellera rasta y lucho por su intenso deseo de ser su discípulo iniciado, obtuvo carta de recomendación para refugio pero no logró iniciarse, lamentablemente ha tenido un karma muy difícil, anarthas que le fueron difíciles, sin embargo se ha mantenido respetuoso con los devotos y siempre cantando con su guitarra el maha mantra recordándolo a usted, a Śrīla Prabhupāda, al Señor Nrisimhadeva...

También participó en la presentación artística en uno de los programas de predica en la Universidad y su música ha resultado ser también un medio de predica. 

El día 14 de julio ha dejado el cuerpo por un accidente, le rogamos por favor sus bendiciones para que pueda obtener un cuerpo con más facilidades que le permitan continuar en este sendero espiritual, camino a Krishna. Sentimos tristeza por no poder haberle ayudado un poco más en esta vida.

Sus discípulos y algunos amigos celebramos su ceremonia de sradda dirigida por prabhu Vanamali, la familia estuvo muy agradecida y conmovida con dicha celebración. 

Muchas gracias por su compasión.

Su eterna aspirante a sirviente

Asta Sakhi dd

HpSwami... yes, we remember him.

Very nice person.

Maybe Krsna just took him to new body because this one was just too unmanageable!

Hare Krsna.

Hare Krsna.


Invitación a New Vrindaban

Hare krsna Gurudeva por favor acepte mis reverencias.


orando siempre por que se encuentre bien de salud en esta ocasión queremos invitarle a New Vrindaban a su regreso de España por el tiempo que usted desee. También podemos celebrar su Vyasapuja acá en NV .

le hago esta invitación a nombre de Gopi Radha DD , Saranagati y su sirviente Rohini kumar das.

HpS/ASA - We hope to hear the news that your Sankirtan, New Vrndavana Sankirtan, has achieved real intense spiritual clarity in its eternal participation in Srila Prabhupada's eternal Sankirtan.

The Universal Form

Hare Krsna beloved Gurudeva AGTSP PAMHO

Today facebook remind me this

The Premier of the Universal Form Movie back to 2010

In the picture we are with Rodrigo Otero

I am not sure if I shared this photo before

Thanks for all these moments that I treasure within my heart

The Universal Form Ki Jay



ASA - AgtSP. We are trying to start uploading these to Vimeo... Amazon Prime(?).

Good movies.

Interesting movies.

"tad vag visargo..."


Temple Taxes and the continuity of miracles by NIOS in Chile

All Glories to Sri Sri Gaura Nitai

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

Now, I came here, dear Guru Maharaja, just to tell you that we had a great accomplishment today in the SII (Servicio de Impuestos Internos) in Chile.

HpS - Like, agtSP, IRS in USA.

We get a tax debt write-off of 7.000 USD, that ISKCON generated since 2017 due the devotees`s repudiation of debt in the past.

After the good response after months of visits, hours invested, irritating Internet and physical red tape, today, in our happiness with the team, we discovered that our new and diligent accountant is a new devotee, who actually met the devotees along with her husband in their participation of several days of the "El Arte y Lo Sagrado" events in Las Condes and iF Chile.

ASA - 🐵 ❗❗❗Amazing. Even a gorilla can take part and dance in ecstacy. We just talked. You arranged the program.

So thank you Guru Maharaja. Thank you NIOS. We used to get in contact with different kind of people in NIOS events, like the psychologist and currently astrologer, your disciple, Mandara Sakha das.

Our accountant

Her name was shared with you privately.

Sometime ago, after staying boring in bed for 6 months because a complicated pregnancy, so she read the "Bhagavad Gita as it is" twice and start the Bhagavatam. 

Then she had an horrible miscarriage. Her child came with problems too. 

Afer they arrived to their home, in sad disappointment and sorrowful, and after the whole procedures that almost left her without uterus, inmediately she invited her husband, who has deep respect for Krishna due to a couple of intense experiences with him, to a read a random Bhagavad Gita sloka to get solace.

They opened the book randomly, and they open tbe book in the following three verses:

TEXT 20: For the soul there is neither birth nor death at any time. He has not come into being, does not come into being, and will not come into being. He is unborn, eternal, ever-existing and primeval. He is not slain when the body is slain.

TEXT 21: O Pārtha, how can a person who knows that the soul is indestructible, eternal, unborn and immutable kill anyone or cause anyone to kill?

TEXT 22: As a person puts on new garments, giving up old ones, the soul similarly accepts new material bodies, giving up the old and useless ones.

They encountered calm and even happiness after that.

Now, she's is a 6 months pregnant again but without any problem. The physician them that is a regular pregnant woman now. She even came today to this government office to this last step of a process for ISKCON in this regard. And she's planning the next steps to get donations officially and under de ISKCON DNI in the country.

Please, bless the devotees in Chile who miss you so much. And the new bhaktas that didn't have the good fortune to know you better.

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja.

HpS - Really, Chile is our Sankirtan base. All along the wall widows were pictures of Rama lila, Asoka van! Chile leads the world in so many ways.

All respects to the heroes there.

16/4 >>> pure servants of Krsna. The chariot driver of Arjuna.

Canciones devocionales - PMD

Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Please accept my obeisance

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

While we were traveling back to La Perla from Chosica you gave me one of your most beautiful instructions: “compose songs based on the songs of the Acaryas.” You said that this instruction was the instruction that Srila Prabhupada gave to George Harrison. Later in the Blog you guided me more on how to carry out this activity.

The detail you gave me is that you can change things like “a lotus flower” to “a rose” and not omit the details.

I shared with you two songs that I had created, but neither convinces me in terms of the type of music I compose. I also feel that for it to be musically attractive enough, it would need help from other musicians.

I feel that there are many things that people will not understand and on the other hand several poems are long and it is difficult to maintain that length for a pop song that is around 2 to 3 minutes, generally in a song like this the lyrics are short and a lot of repetition.

I honestly think it would be more attractive to take the essence of the poems and then adapt it into a song that is attractive to many people, both musically and poetically.

HpS-ASA = AgtSP!.... Seems that shorter songs with repetition of basic phrases is also something that the Acharay's do, no? Some of their songs are long Ballads eg.

The shorter songs can fit together as a cycle, that deal with the different aspects of the same idea gradually. SB does that in 18,000 verses and many stories, no?

It is difficult to generate rhymes having already created lyrics. I think that if I compose a poem based on the poem and the Vedic conclusions it would be more effective, parts would be omitted but the central idea would be preserved.

ASA - Yes.

The core concepts are maintained, but it is presented in a way that is easy for most people to understand.

I know that this is distorting the instruction, but I have composed in this more simplified way that I propose and I consider that it can have a better effect for the preaching.

But to follow your instruction, I can do a side project in which I translate the songs in a literal, but musically attractive way with the help of other people.

Your servant

Piyari Mohan das

ASA - Hear their songs then write your own song. Of course, KRSNA is very involved with everybodies songs.

How are your relations with everyone in the Temple and community in terms of the violence and chaos that your mind created a few months ago???

Invitation to participate in "The Late Morning Program With Namarasa"

Hare Krishna Gurudev,



I'm writing to you now as PR or Media Producer of "The Late Morning Program With Namarasa". In spanish is "Productor Periodístico". Getting interviews for the show.

The host is Namarasa Prabhu, a sincere ISKCON devotee who likes to cover interesting topics inside the Krishna Consciousness movement. 

He wants to invite you to his podcast "The Late Morning Program With Namarasa". So, of course, his question is what he needs to do to get you to his house in New Jersey (10 minutes from ISKCON Towaco, NJ temple) before you travel to Spain, in your stop in John F. Kennedy International Airport. 

Could we have a short online pre-interview to discuss what main topics can be covered in the conversation to broadcast? My first proposals have been Carl Jung and his contact points with our philosophy, your approaches to the Jungian community as an area to explore more for ISKCON devotees in the future of preaching, Psychology in our movement, etc. But it depends a lot on this first interview.

The show

This podcast program has over 150 episodes and is called the #1 Hare Krishna Podcast. His audience is probably the largest in its kind and is the most active in social media in years in a row.

For example, your disciple, Radhika Raman Das, was interviewed last month (picture attached, Namarasa is on the left there). 

His wife is the kirtaniya, Tulsi Harrison, his father-in-law is one ISKCON Guru, Kripamoya Maharaja, his sister-in-law is the kirtaniya Jahnavi Harrison. All of them appeared already in the show too.

Here you can find more about it:

[The Namarasa Podcast -



Thank you, Guru Maharaja. We await your response, and if is possible to you, to begin making arrangements for the logistics and other details.

Hare Krishna

HpS/ASA - He should talk with Subal sakha Das: I'll whatsapp his number, about a schedule or tele conference.

jung x bh, siddhanta!!!