Sankirtan new Vrindaban

Sankirtana in New Vrindaban

All glories to Srila Prabhupada All glories to Srila Gurudeva

Please accept our obeisances dear gurudeva

General report of the activities in the New Vrindaban community

New Vrindaban has different areas where each devotee can find their place in Srila Prabhupada's Sankirtana: Deity Worship, Gosala, Eco village, Gift Shop, Govinda's Restaurant and Govinda's express and the lodge.

The food for life program operates 365 days a year and is responsible for preparing more than 200 plates of prasadam daily for NV residents and pilgrims and more than 800 plates on weekends. Some dishes are made with milk, cheese and ghee made with milk from the gosala.

The school is located next to the apartments where families and devotees of the community live. The gurukula teaches from preschool to seventh grade.

The entire community works through work teams: management team, pujaris, cooks, kitchen helpers, cashiers, gardeners, dishwashers, tour guides, pilgrim care, accountants, lawyers, designers, event organizers, musicians, artists, construction team, sales, etc, etc.

Of course, the main attraction of NV is Prabhupada's Golden Palace. In the summer season, thousands of visitors are received and it is one of the strongest preaching areas where new people and others interested in learning about Srila Prabhupada's history and the practices of the devotees are received. It is a truly beautiful place and one can appreciate the effort and love of so many devotees.

The main festivals and educational programs that are celebrated annually are: Ratha Yatra, Children's Camps, Art Workshop with H. H. Bhakti Marga Swami, 24 hours of Kirtana at the beginning of spring and at the beginning of Kartika, Puspa abiseka, Japa Retrat with H. H. Sacinandana Swami, Man Retrat, the Boat Festival and the main festivals such as Sri Krishna Janmastami, Radhastami, etc.

Tourism continues throughout the year from Canada and other nearby states of the USA, but once winter begins, visits decrease.

In the month of December, resident devotees have more time to deepen their japa or spend more time in activities that strengthen their spiritual purpose. The activities are not so focused on external preaching, but on strengthening the community internally. So, we thought it would be good if you would like to come to NV and spend some time with the resident devotees. We are a community with around 200 devotees, brahmacaris, families, children, youth and senior devotees. There are many devotees here with interest and talents in the arts, the study of Srila Prabhupada's books and transmitting Srila Prabhupada's instructions to new generations. It is really important that you share your vision and experience in preaching through the audio-visual content that you have made with the film of the Light of the Bhagavat and your book Tava Pache Pache. There are many resources for preaching here; only, perhaps it is necessary to further expand the experiences and effectiveness of the preaching, making use of more current pedagogical tools.

HpS/ASA - AgtSP. Paoho. Thank you for the Report! 😃

What about a New Vrndavana Media Department producing and distributing regular material like movies for YouTube etc.

You have always been distinguished as a guru ahead of your time, for your up-to-date and academic preaching; for that reason, we think it is of great importance that you visit New Vrindaban.

We think that on your return from Spain, since your return ticket is to New York, it would be very close to New Vrindaban. We can do everything necessary for your visit, transportation, lodging and also offer facilities to our spiritual brothers who wish to come and spend time with you and the beautiful community of New Vrindaban. The hotel can accommodate more than 200 guests for one day or for long periods.

We will be really happy to receive you and do everything possible so that our brothers can spend a truly wonderful spiritual vacation.

We will continue reporting on the blog and we hope to be of help in your sankirtana to SrilaPrabhupada

Thank you very much dear gurudeva.

Your servants Rohini kumar D, Saranagati DD and Gopi Radha DD.

HpS/ASA - Was so, so nice to see all of you and receive and distribut the boxes of Prasadam.

Devotees here felt your presence as very substantial and vibrant.


We are also thinking that visiting from our return to USA in New York might be possible, but as our senses and mind are only 60% functional a decreasing, by December we may have been stuck in Radha kunda and declared Medically Unfit for Travel. 😃 😃 😃

So, let us stay in touch as we are and see what is the Lord's next plan as work (the Pandavas Retire Timely).

A couple songs, update and Ratha Yatra photos

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja, please accept my humble obeisances at your feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. 

Very nice hearing your voice on the phone the other day. Been feeling uplifted ever since. I want to answer your question a little deeper here perhaps..what is your place in the Sankirtan movement?!?: 

Maybe finding the answer to this question will take a lifetime or many but I’m starting to realize more and more that I want to make songs for Krishna and I also want to help create a wonderful environment for young people to practice KC. Not sure how these two things harmonize yet. They seem pretty separate. What would you like me to do? 

HpS-ASA - Do, agtSP, what you are doing, but do it better.

As we wake up we realize our Sankirtan position.

Thank you so much for your pervious response to my letter and I apologize for taking so long to write again. There has been too much travel and over endeavoring for mundane things. We need the temple and devotees to make any progress. Rugged individualism is slowly dissipating.

Anyway, I really appreciate you sending the links to Abraham Lincoln quotes about power. I’ve always liked Bhakta Abraham since I was very young, thought he was cool. And that other quote about power is something that really struck me when I heard you say it years ago: “Great men are almost always bad men..” thank you for sending that link! 

And thank you for letting me share these songs with you. Music for a long time has felt like a separate thing to KC. My desire is for there not to be duplicity in my endeavors. So offering and sharing songs with you is a huge help in that. Also, extremely humbling. There has been some nice and natural preaching opportunities in interviews about the album.

Just wanted to share two more songs as they both have been very inspired by you.

Transitional Phase

Just a transitional phase 

He’ll be back soon

Says he’s gotta learn this way 

And It’s fine

It’s alright

It’s alright 

It’s alright

Did you hear the sermon 

It was written for you 

You stood with your head down

In the back of the room 

Guess all your old dreams are coming true 

Is it too much? (Karma and mode of passion; working so hard for something and then not being satisfied) 

It’s all a mess anyway 

We’ll sort it out

We’re in this together you say 

But what now 

What now 

What will God allow

Are you really happy(false merriment) 

Don’t get lost in the waves (Maya)

What’s buried deep down 

Is on its way(anarthas) 

Look he’s running for help

But there’s no one around 

Can you relate?  

Transitional phase (the reins being given to Radha)

In-between words and dreams 

There’s only a line 

And you’ve crossed over it 

So many times 

It’s been alright 

It’s alright 

It’s alright 

Just run through the curtains (running to Krishna)

And out the gate 

Completely sober for many days(sober in the subtle sense) 

What a shock to the system (going against the norm/materialism)  

What brilliant way to celebrate(kirtan) 

Transitional phase 

It’s only a phase 

Transitional phase 

And this one:

Brave New World

Hoping for hope

There must be some hope 

Show me the way 

It’s a brave new world 

It’s a brave new world 

There’s blood on the streets

George said “I can’t Breathe” 

Now we believe 

It’s a brave new world

It’s a brave new world 

So much work to be done (devotional service)

For good change to come 

Love wins 

Love(Krsna)is supreme 

Locked up inside 

Staring at the mirror 

Looking in (seeing one’s short comings and potentials)

It’s a brave new world 

It’s a brave new world 

There must be 

More then I can see 

Looking out (sastra)

It’s a brave new world 

It’s a brave new world 

So much work to be done 

For good change to come 

Love wins 

Love is supreme 

Hold on to hold on (sadana)

Breathe deep and keep on fighting (the good fight, keeping vows to you also the battle of Kurukshetra!)

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna 

Krishna Krishna Hare Hare 

Hare Rama Hare Rama 

Rama Rama Hare Hare 

Oh Govinda


Jaya guru dev

So much Love(Krsna/mercy)is needed

It’s a brave new world 

It’s a brave new world 

Love wins 

Love(Krsna)is supreme 

Thank you Maharaja. A few temple updates that I will give in my next letter. 

I am excited to see and hear this next movie based in Tennessee that you are making. We would like to add it to our movie night at the temple roster. Starting this Fall. Mocktails, popcorn and discussion after showing. First Saturday of every month. More on that later too. 

Hare Krishna! 

Your aspiring servant, 

-Nitisara das

P.S. we had a wonderful Ratha Yatra at Fourth of July parade. I think we were the best one lol here are some photos: 

HpS / Thank you!!!!

Many attractive songs that are not directly, obviously KC. Eg."One Toke Over the Line".

Yet all attraction is from Krsna.

One Toke... is about going beyond the mental platform?


1 month, 1 week ago by pnd in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krishna Dear Gurumaharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

After long time sending quick report.

Felt from Mangala arati again, almost zero :(

Have quite delay in launching new version, but doing stable progresses. Just finished letter indexes and finishing synonyms.

Balarama is growing, he is 2 years old.

From September will go to devotee kindergarden.

Your servant Prahlad Nrsimha das

HpS - Thank you. AgtSP. After long time making quick answer. 🙂

we fell behind about 55-rounds from our daily quota of 16, about one month ago.

in old age voice becoming weak. hard to chant.

is good thing in that it teaches us how to chant even without throat or physical strength.

pre-par-ing for death.





sadhu sanga

brahma muhurta

all make for not burdensome rounds but enthusiastic rounds. that changes the color of our sankirtan.

karma yoga.

if you are up for brahma muhurta you will chant good rounds,

then, money.

family and communal responsibilities. love.

health, will all improve in best way possible.

get a wake up buddy.



this movement depends on KRSNA, Srila P'pada and you.

always will be that way.

Partida de Tito, aspirante y cantante reggae

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

¡Todas las glorias del movimiento de sankirtana de Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu!

Querido Gurumaharaja

Por favor acepte nuestras respetuosas reverencias.

Muchas gracias por su invaluable y maravillosa asociación.

Queremos informarle que uno de sus bienquerientes y eterno aspirante ha dejado el cuerpo.

Se trata de "Tito" Fausto García Calderón, cantante de música reggae.

Hace años Tito vivió en el ashrama de brahmacaris, participó activamente distribuyendo libros de Śrīla Prabhupāda, se cortó su larga y enredada cabellera rasta y lucho por su intenso deseo de ser su discípulo iniciado, obtuvo carta de recomendación para refugio pero no logró iniciarse, lamentablemente ha tenido un karma muy difícil, anarthas que le fueron difíciles, sin embargo se ha mantenido respetuoso con los devotos y siempre cantando con su guitarra el maha mantra recordándolo a usted, a Śrīla Prabhupāda, al Señor Nrisimhadeva...

También participó en la presentación artística en uno de los programas de predica en la Universidad y su música ha resultado ser también un medio de predica. 

El día 14 de julio ha dejado el cuerpo por un accidente, le rogamos por favor sus bendiciones para que pueda obtener un cuerpo con más facilidades que le permitan continuar en este sendero espiritual, camino a Krishna. Sentimos tristeza por no poder haberle ayudado un poco más en esta vida.

Sus discípulos y algunos amigos celebramos su ceremonia de sradda dirigida por prabhu Vanamali, la familia estuvo muy agradecida y conmovida con dicha celebración. 

Muchas gracias por su compasión.

Su eterna aspirante a sirviente

Asta Sakhi dd

HpSwami... yes, we remember him.

Very nice person.

Maybe Krsna just took him to new body because this one was just too unmanageable!

Hare Krsna.

Hare Krsna.


Invitación a New Vrindaban

Hare krsna Gurudeva por favor acepte mis reverencias.


orando siempre por que se encuentre bien de salud en esta ocasión queremos invitarle a New Vrindaban a su regreso de España por el tiempo que usted desee. También podemos celebrar su Vyasapuja acá en NV .

le hago esta invitación a nombre de Gopi Radha DD , Saranagati y su sirviente Rohini kumar das.

HpS/ASA - We hope to hear the news that your Sankirtan, New Vrndavana Sankirtan, has achieved real intense spiritual clarity in its eternal participation in Srila Prabhupada's eternal Sankirtan.

The Universal Form

Hare Krsna beloved Gurudeva AGTSP PAMHO

Today facebook remind me this

The Premier of the Universal Form Movie back to 2010

In the picture we are with Rodrigo Otero

I am not sure if I shared this photo before

Thanks for all these moments that I treasure within my heart

The Universal Form Ki Jay



ASA - AgtSP. We are trying to start uploading these to Vimeo... Amazon Prime(?).

Good movies.

Interesting movies.

"tad vag visargo..."
