How do I send you our audios? 🙏

2 days ago by Radha Japa in Other

Hare Krsna beloved Gurumaharaja🙏🏵🌷🌼🌻🌹🌷 please accept my respectful obeisances to the adorable dust of Your feet. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada! All Glories to You my beloved Gurumaharaja!

Of course we can record 1 minute of our usual Gurumaharaja japa and send it! . Thank you for giving us Your mercy of wanting to listen to us🙏❤ 

Please tell me how I can send an audio here, because it seems that You want me to send it to you here and I still can't find a way to attach it. 

Thank you very much! 

I will try to send an audio of Franco, Gopal and myself. 

Eternally grateful for Your good wishes for us. 

 Now that I am re-reading the book of life of our dear Acarya Prabhupada, I really like this mantra that He chanted to initiate His first disciples:

Om apavitrah pavitro vā

Sarvāvastam gato 'pi vā

Yah smaret Pundarīkakşam

Sa bahyābhyantarah śucih

Śri Vişņuh Śri Vişņuh Śri Vişņuh

"Without purification or purification, or even after passing through all situations, one who remembers the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the lotus-eyed one ❤ becomes cleansed inside and out."

I didn't know that just by remembering Him, we become so purified! I am always amazed at how merciful Krsna is, our master of the senses who brings arrows of flowers... all I want is to remember Him eternally, sheltered in the sweet dust of His merciful Lotus feet remembered Gurudeva.

I feel that our real happiness is in letting the master of the senses be our master again, so be it! Om Tat sat. I ask for Your blessings again and again to always remember and never forget.

Please forgive any offense in this message.

Trying to please the adorable dust of Your adorable Lotus feet Gurumaharaja :

J.P. Radha DD.

HpS/ASA --- AgtSP. I don't know how to send audios. maybe abhirama Das in Lima can help!!!! Super...!

Request for Prayers for My Father-in-Law’s Soul

1 week, 1 day ago by [email protected] in Other

Hare Krishna, Guru Maharaja.

Dandavat Pranam.

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

With a heavy heart, I wish to inform you that my father-in-law (Guru Sekhar) left his material body yesterday. I humbly request your prayers for his souls spiritual journey.

Thank you for your kindness and blessings.



HpS//ASA - Hare Krsna! Subal-sakha Das informed us during the Full Morning Program and we asked for a picture of Sriman Guru Sekhar. Now we have received it.

Now, myself, other Blog participants can chant Holy Names while thinking of his material form and hope that we create a nice beacon for his perspective on the Bhuvar and Svar platforms that might be useful to him.

hkhk.... interesting shirt. what was prabhuji's consciousness, bhava, attitude toward life?

Aflicción por suicidio

1 month ago by Cruz Santa in Hot Topics, Other

Hare Krsna! Querido Guru Maharaja

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias ¡Jaya Srila Prabhupada!

Orando siempre por su bienestar, me disculpo por importunarle🙏, quisiera consultar sobre un tema que me aflige:

Recientemente una persona que fue cercana a mí, se quitó la vida.

Todo ha sido muy doloroso, pero lo que más me perturba es la forma en la que partió, temo el destino al que se dirige y quisiera preguntarle ¿Además de cantar los santos nombres, de orar por él, hay algo que pueda hacer para ayudarlo?

Guru Maharaja, en esta situación la familia enfrenta gran dolor, confusión, culpa, mucho enojo (incluso contra Dios) y también mucho temor, pues incluso en la tradición católica se dice que debido a que el suicidio es un pecado grave, el suicida irá al infierno... 😞

Muchas veces, el corazón de los dolientes se tranquiliza un poco confiando en que quien parte, llegará a un destino superior. Pero en este caso no se tiene ese consuelo, por lo que la partida es incluso más dolorosa y aterradora.

¿Cómo podría uno encontrar consuelo ante este escenario?

¿Qué puedo decir a los dolientes ante ese temor que incluso yo tengo?

Él era solo un adolescente, no era devoto y, debido a su entorno, tampoco era muy religioso, pero en esencia era noble y bondadoso, nunca imaginamos que tomaría esa decisión... Llegue a pensar que quizá, si él hubiera estado más cerca de Dios, no habría tomado esa decisión. Luego observé que, aunque poco se habla del suicidio en nuestra comunidad, no somos ajenos a esa problemática. Así que me gustaría conocer un poco, para poder ayudar en caso de ser necesario.

Muchas gracias querido Gurudeva, implorando su guía e instrucción, siempre a sus órdenes

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi


Hare Krsna! Dear Guru Maharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances, Jaya Srila Prabhupada!

Always praying for your well-being, I apologize for bothering you🙏, I would like to consult on a subject that afflicts me:

Recently a person who was close to me, took his life.

Everything has been very painful, but what disturbs me the most is the way he left, I fear the destiny to which he is headed and I would like to ask you, besides chanting the holy names, praying for him, is there anything I can do to help him?

HpS//ASA - AgtSP... Paoho... Chanting Holy Names in front of his picture and offering Mahaprasdam is super, super, super, no? Do it your self and with other devotees.

Of course, if he starts appearing in dreams with special needs you can respond to those.

Eg. One 24-year old devotee in Spain committed suicide (mental problems) and left some little children, babies behind. Her friends were all having dreams that she was feeling great guilt about leaving her babies, so they asked for permission to have a seance, and did it. She was present and all the girls together made a promise that they would see that her babies had lots of motherly love.

No, more dreams.

Guru Maharaja, in this situation the family faces great pain, confusion, guilt, a lot of anger (even against God) and also a lot of fear, because even in the Catholic tradition it is said that because suicide is a serious sin, the suicide will go to hell... 😞

Many times, the hearts of the mourners calm down a little by trusting that the one who leaves will reach a higher destiny. But in this case, there is no such consolation, so the departure is even more painful and terrifying.

How could one find consolation in this scenario?

What can I say to the mourners in the face of this fear that even I have?

HpS - Every situation is different. We see Vaisnava acharyas fasting and quiting their bodies to go to follow the Great Dancer, Lord Gauranga. This is suicide, no?

Every situation is different, but in general the Acharya's scriptures tell us it IS NOT A SOLUTION.

Best help is what we said above.

If Catholic there must be rituals. Say a Mass for him!!

He was only a teenager, he was not a devotee and, due to his environment, he was not very religious either, but in essence he was noble and kind, we never imagined that he would make that decision... I came to think that perhaps, if he had been closer to God, he would not have made that decision. Then I observed that, although suicide is rarely discussed in our community, we are not alien to this problem. So I would like to know a little, in order to be able to help if necessary.

Thank you very much dear Gurudeva, imploring your guidance and instruction, always at your service

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi

HpS - Tell the family what is our perspective in our religion and look for the same thing in their tradition. Do the work! There is no mistake that you can make that you cannot correct!!!! If you do the work!!!

Entusiasmo, Buscando la respuesta

1 month, 3 weeks ago by piyari_mohan_das in Other

Hare Krishna Gurudeva


Regarding the previous letter:

In the Purport to NOI3 Prabhupada says:

“Enthusiasm means action, but action for whom? The answer is that one should always act for Kṛṣṇa-kṛṣṇārthākhila-ceṣṭā (Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu).”

Thank you Gurudeva

Your servant

Piyari Mohan das

HpS - We remember him saying that enthusiasm is action executed in KC with intelligence. you have to keep intelligence of what is the goal.

maya always makes us forget.

we have to make it alive.

"what do I want!!!"

then we have to have a practical way to get it.

goal and route = enthusiasm!!!

🐷 🐖 🐖

do you work. become paramahamsa. servant of everyone.


1 month, 3 weeks ago by estefania in Other

Hare Krshna Querido Gurudeva TLGASP 🌺

espero se encuentre muy bien, gracia a la misericordia de los devotos he podido ver muchos videos y fotografías de su viaje a España. Me hubiese encantado poder ir a visitarlo, pero mi salud no me lo permitió. Gracias a usted y a Krshna ya estoy mucho mejor, mi operación aunque fue compleja resulto muy bien, me ayudo mucho para poder meditar en la fragilidad de este cuerpo material. Tuve un largo reposo, eso me ayudo para incrementar mis rondas y cantarlas con mayor fuerza.

Por el momento, mis servicios en el templo es de reemplazo cuando alguna devota o devoto no pueda cumplir con el servicio de guirnaldas y voy apoyar la cocina grande los algunos viernes al mes para la fiesta de Srila Prabhupada.

Respecto a sus preguntas Atulananda Swami es discípulo de Srila Prabupada y su Siksha Guru Sridhar Maharaj. Antes, Atulananda Swami pertenecia a Vrinda junto a Paramadvaiti Swami, pero luego de que Paramadvaiti cayó Atulananda Swami intento corregirlo y no pudo, por ende creo la Congregación Sarasvat Gaudiya independiente de ISKCON. La foto que publique anteriormente estaba con Nitai, él es unos años menor que yo, entiendo sus palabras y concuerdo no tiene nada de usual, sin embargo tomando sus palabras estamos intentado ser sinceros y creativos para internar cumplir con nuestros servicios en cada templo y avanzar en nuestra vida espiritual.

Para Finalizar le quería comentar que en mis tiempos libres estoy tratando de hacer ropa para deidades le dejo fotos de Gopal, es la deidad de una amiga a la cual pude hacer un vestido, y también de uno de mis servicios para el Pasado Ratha Yatra.

Ahora concentrando fuerzas y energías para su Vyasa Puja! también comparto foto del libro que estoy leyendo actualmente. Eternamente agradecida de usted Gurudeva!!! Mis respetuosas Reverencias !!!🌻




This, Hare Krsna, is all that google would translate:

Hare Krshna, Dear Gurudeva, TLGASP 🌺

I hope you are feeling very well, thanks to the mercy of the devotees I have been able to see many videos and photographs of your trip to Spain. I would have loved to go visit him, but my health did not allow it. Thanks to you and Krshna I am much better now, although my operation was complex, it turned out very well, it helped me a lot to be able to meditate on the fragility of this material body. I had a long rest, which helped me to increase my rounds and sing them with greater force.

At the moment, my services at the temple are replacements when a devotee cannot fulfill the garland service and I will support the large kitchen on a few Fridays a month for Srila Prabhupada's festival.

Regarding your questions Atulananda Swami is a disciple of Srila Prabupada and his Siksha Guru Sridhar Maharaj. Before, Atulananda Swami belonged to Vrinda along with Paramadvaiti Swami, but after Paramadvaiti fell Atulananda Swami tried to correct him and could not, therefore he created the Sarasvat Gaudiya Congregation independent of ISKCON. The photo I published previously was with Nitai, he is a few years younger than me, I understand his words and I agree, there is nothing unusual about it, however taking his words we are trying to be sincere and creative to internalize our services in each temple and move forward in our spiritual life.

Finally, I wanted to tell you that in my free time I am trying to make clothes for deities. I am leaving you photos of Gopal, he is the deity of a friend for whom I was able to make a dress, and also of one of my services for the Past Ratha Yatra.

HpS - Thank you.

We see three ISKCONs.

  1. the institution headed by the GBC.
  2. the community of friends.
  3. me and prabhupada.

We think that there are many problems with the institution from GBC down to us, but that is normal in Kali yuga and we are not so critical of the administrators unless we can do a better job.

should atulananda Swami try to join ISKCON as an institution?

if you don't really worry about such questions and you have a practical relationship with the iskcon institution, then don't really worry about giving much or even any answer to this question.

Chant 16 nice rounds a day and follow the 4 principles strictly and read and follow srila prabhupada's instructions in his books etc.

Kartika Month!!!💕🙏💥🎶

1 month, 3 weeks ago by Radha Japa in Other

Please adored Gurudev accept my humble obeisances to your lotus feet🙏🙏🙏🌹🌺💕💐🌸🏵🎵🌼🎶🎶🙏💥🙏

All Glories Ti Srila Prabhupada!!

All Glories To You!!!

All glories to sankirtan Movement!!

I thought it would take a while for you to answer me and I looked for information.excuse me 😥

I found that Maharaja Jayapataka Swami said that those who fasted these days did not need to break their fast on Dvadasi. And we have not broken with grains 😥 Did I do well? Was my Ekadasi worth it? I want to learn more about this. Please help me🙏 I love the month of Damodara💕 through the mercy of You, Srila Prabhupada and everyone! I hope to be able to complete these 4 remaining days with Ekadasi prasadam. I really feel good and happy to do so! 😀🎶🌹🌺💕🙏🙏🙏💥🙏🙏🙏

I will soon send an audio of my Japa.

What would you like me to give you, present, offering, in Your auspicious Sri Vyasa Puja? 🙏🙏🙏💕💐🌸🏵🌹🙏💥🙏

Please forgive any offense. I just want to advance a lot in the awareness of our GOVINDA🌷💕🎵

Your aspirant a servent eternal:

J.P.Radha Devi Dasi

HpS/ASA - AgtSP. I don't know much about bhisma panchaca. The main point is always to reduce necesities of the body and increase hearing and chanting.

of course, that also means hearing from innocent people and giving them the words of our Spiritual Master, Srila Prabhupada etc.

Thank you!!!

Go ahead!!

Full force.

Become as great as Krsna wants you to be.