LAD service & Suspending (?) NIMSAR in Peru.

Hare Krishna, dear Gurumaharaja, Pamho.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

NIMSAR, I think, is making great contributions to ISKCON through their service in education.

Since 2008, first by organizing and studying ourselves, we have been contributing to the formation of the devotees as an educational option for Peru and the region.

In 2011 we  introduced a formal course of Bhaktas in Peru by the mercy of HH Swami Hanumatpresaka and collaboration of many devotees, especially P. Jiva shakti i

We managed to graduate so far about 70 bhakti sastris, 20 bhaktas  and 50 devotees in the course of disciples, and continue our work.

We have given the course of disciples in Chosica, Arequipa, Cuzco (Peru), Guayaquil (Ecuador) and now we are going to Tarapoto (Peru jungle) in September and possibly Bolivia, if we got authorized.

Also, globally, we have participated in two congresses in Chile and next year will go to Brazil. We are connected to the international network trying to meet the requirements of the ISKCON Ministry of Education.

Currently we are still working hard. We have had two very enriching seminars with P. Baladeva, communications secretary of the Ministry of Education for Latin America. We had the second regional educational meeting with the participation of important leaders such as P. Karuna Krishna, P. Omkara, P. Jiva shakti; influential devotees in the community as P. Anandamaya , P. Gandharva et al; representative of the young devotees as Bhaktin Margi and M. Padmavati. Everything under the guidance of P. Baladeva.

Personally I also worked in Chosica Gurukula the years 2002, 2003 and 2004.

I have done other services, however teaching is what I was trained. I studied in college, I worked in Catholic schools, bilingual schools, etc. In ISKCON, Bhakti sastri, Bhakti Vaibhava, etc.

I know I have to improve a lot in my service, study more, better preparation of my classes, etc. and the authorities made it very clear. I will continue until end of the year with the course of Bhaktas, but I'm not allowed to give Bhakti Sastri or Bhakti Vaibhava in the temple unless I improve my teaching methods and improve educational material, as the study guides of yours ,"Tava Pace Pace". Jagajivana Prabhu, as well, considered the possibility to revoke my license to give disciples course in ISKCON because I don't have sufficient knolewdge of the ISKCON laws, etc.

With that wake-up call I'm trying to improve. And possibly take a year off to study my master. Next year the bhaktas course will be in charge of another person. We’ll  suggest M. Lila sakti, which is a very talented young college student in education being coached by NIMSAR. We hope they accept their service. For now so that devotees are cared for their educational needs I'm giving courses on-line, until the authorities find someone more qualified for this service.

I am considering looking elsewhere to exercise my service, as I prepare myself better. I see the need for change for me and for NIMSAR. This year we will continue to contribute to strengthening NIMSAR and see what happens next year.

When I was almost diying in bed at the hospital, three years ago, my only concern was: What will happen to my students, what will happen to NIMSAR? I think now NIMSAR is in good hands. We need more, many more, but I think I could now retire in peace for a while to improve, study, and perhaps return.

ISKCON, Srila Prabhupada's mission is universal, somewhere they will be somebody merciful enough to accept the mediocre and poor service of this your eternal servant,

Laksmana-agraja das

HpS - ASA -- Jaya!   Very interesting letter. Thank you. We have not talked for a long time and now...   ...  there has not been a fort-nightly Nimsar report for one month.  Ayeeee!!!     What has happened.   It is such a critical time. We should have written a letter to Caitanya-candra Das as new President of the Junta National making very clear and friendly relations with him.
Ooof!   Practically speaking we have to suspend our presence as Anjana Suta Academy, as Nimsar, in Peru unless we can adjust this situation immediately, no?

No longer accepting students or donations in the name of the Academy.

This lack of communication, of which we are a definite part, shows us that we do not have proper relations with the Temple and GBC authority, Jaga-jivana Das. Everybody has to improve. If anyone thinks that their function in these relations is perfect then they are living in illusion. This is material world, there are problems everywhere, but...  we are asociation of devotees. We always want everyone to improve. We don't want anyone to fall aside.

I remember one letter that I passed on to Jayatirtha Das from Srila Prabhupada where he finished saying, "You cannot live without my mercy, and I cannot live without your mercy, this mutual respect, this mutual love, is Krsna consciousness".

About editing the Tava Pache Pache lectures, you said that you wanted to do it but it has also been over a month since you mentioned that and we have heard no more?  Now Ajata-satru Das wants to do the work. So what should we do?

Of course, we can just chant and dance and accept whatever little Prasadam Krsna offers, and if he wants, like He did for the Pandavas, then we can leave these bodies. It seems that Srila Prabhupada took Tamal Krsna Goswami and others.

What is the situation with our meetings with Param padam?

I think that you are doing quite well, really advancing, but like us you have to improve your self and then politely impulse others to change also.

Waiting for your news.   Don't hesitate to put, "Urgent", in the subject field if you need faster response than we are giving.

Hare Krishna from Bali

8 years, 5 months ago by keninbali in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Swamiji

AGTSP, PAMHO. I was wondering what are your upcoming travel plans. Many devotees from all over Bali are asking me to invite you to visit Bali. Devotees here want your association.

HpS - AGTSP paoho.  Good to hear from you Ken!   Hey, we are publishing it here in the Blog and in the Kapi Dhvaja.     If you turn the Filter to Calendar Development you can see all the relevant posts. Also, there is a Calendar link in the Kapi Dhvaja every fortnight.  Sikh and yee shall fined!

Not xt month I'm planning to order a set of Bhagavatam. Currently I listen to downlloaded lectures from Mayapur.

ASA - "Not xt" = ??

Last month during Rathayatra his holliness Kavicandra Swami asked me to try to do foo for life. So im trying to have a cart built for prasadam distribution that I can pull with my motorbike.

I'm thinkng to start by giving free lunches at a local government primary school.

Your servant,


HpS - Whatever you do regularly you will become expert at that, no? Prasadam and then Kirtan! How is the Abhimanyu Das?  Can you read at  You can also download the pages, chapters from there little by little!  Become preacher on the same level and Narada Muni!

Reporte de Medio Año

8 years, 5 months ago by Gadai in Personal Sadhana Reports

<cite><small><big>Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada y su Sankirtana eterno!!!</big></small></cite>

<cite><small><big>Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj, reciba mis humildes reverencias, aquí seguimos en Huancayo - Perú.</big></small></cite>

<cite><small><big>Vamos a estudiar el Bhakti Vaibhava via internet con Prabhu Laksmana, pidiendole a Sri Nityananda que nos de su misericordia para poder entender y aplicarlo en el Sankirtana.</big></small></cite>

<cite><small><big>Nuestras rondas 16 y algo más, 4 principios siguiendolos, aunque nuestra mente es muy engañosa y perversa, Mangal Artik 5 am, probablemente nos levantemos más temprano quizás 3 y 30 am.</big></small></cite>

<cite><small><big>En nuestra lectura personal estamos en el Srimad - Bhagavatam canto 2, capitulo 6, también los pasatiempos de Srimati Radharani.</big></small></cite>

<cite><small><big>HpS - ASA --- TlgaSP!!!   Pfanrh...  Gracias su asociacion.  De donde son los pasatiempos de Srimati Radharani?  Caitanya caritamrta?  Libro de Bhakti-purusottama Swami?</big></small></cite>

<cite><small><big>Nos hicimos un chequeo medico con Prabhu Ramacandra, nos dijo que tenemos que evitar las harinas, grasas, frituras, pues tendriamos problemas de salud más adelante, bueno en lo personal parece que solo viviremos comiendo frutos secos, lacteos, yogur, vegetales, ensaladas. </big></small></cite>

HpS - Interestante. El es exitoso en su diagnotica? Tiene buen historia con su clientes? Unas de sus presentaciones lo cual me oiyo aparecen diferent de los que estuvo oyendo de autoridades tradicionales y experimento por mi propio experiencia. Me gustaria tener mas asociacion con el. Ya no tiene mucho contacto con los Temples en Lima, no? Anterioramente tuvimos mucho contacto muy agredable.

<cite><small><big>Todos vamos a Morir....somos concientes de ello, quizás con algo de temor....pues es seguro que iremos al infierno<img alt="devil" height="23" src="" title="devil" width="23" />!!!   Tenemos que seguir haciendo Sankirtan "Distribución de libros", ayudando a Srila Prabhupada en su Misión de Sankirtan. Distribución de prasadhan.</big></small></cite>

<cite><small><big>HpS - En el infierno puede predica Krsna katha tambien!  Hoy dia nos distribuyo en NOI a un periodista.   Tambien hemos recibido carta de su estimada esposa de los actividades en Huancayo.</big></small></cite>

<cite><small><big>Nos regalaron una plantita de tulasi, la atenderemos con mucho amor, estamos pensando poner un vivero para varias tulasis, claro en los terrenos.</big></small></cite>

<cite><small><big>HpS - Como entendemos Tulasa le gusta: 1. Asociacion con devotos, 2. Calor, 3. Luz, 4. Agua. Puede pasar unas dias sin agua y entonces mucho.</big></small></cite>

<cite><small><big>Bueno Guru Maharaj me despido, Hare Krsna!!!!</big></small></cite>

<cite><small><big>Gadai Gauranga Das</big></small></cite>

<cite><small><big>HpS - Gracias a Vd.  Esperamos tiene buen Sankirtan!  Occupa much mas en mas en Sankirtana!  Photos muy inspirador.</big></small></cite>


8 years, 5 months ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hari Bol, Maharaj, Pamho, AgtSP.

we dont prefer to write to blog as our written english is little weak. anyways writing is the austerity which can help us and many blog readers. so lets do it.

ASA - SB 1.5.11 (Purport), "...Our presenting this matter in adequate language, especially a foreign language, will certainly fail, and there will be so many literary discrepancies despite our honest attempt to present it in the proper way. But we are sure that with all our faults in this connection the seriousness of the subject matter will be taken into consideration, and the leaders of society will still accept this due to its being an honest attempt to glorify the almighty God....". 

...we have struck deal with krsna. we will enter in to stock market daily, if we get profit (more than 100rs)  then next day we will goto chowpatty temple for morning prog ( it costs 100rs).  the rest of profit is after tax is 75% for krsna and 25% for me. this way have attended 4 morning program in temple.

HpS - Hare Krsna!   Is that gambling?  Of course, Prabhupada engaged Atreya Rsi Das in setting up stock market investments to keep source of eternal income for Mayapura and Vrndavana, no?  So, business means calculated risk taking not gambling?

...we move from home at 4am, 410-5 am in train (we read sb ), 5-550 am temple morning prog, 550-650 chant, 650- back.. now this schedule helps us to regulate our life, and gives a daily motivation to attend morning prog.
HpS - And gives your wife and Pariksit more floor space a lot of time. morning prog we jump a lot, so our excericse is done.

HpS - Monkey wrote many years ago, "Mangala arati is my gym, by jumping and yelling, I stay fit and trim!" krsna is striking more deals, he says  leave online chess, i will give u more profit daily..

anways thats all, morning prog ki jai

HpS - ASA --- Incredible. You will become more rich than Mansa Mosa. You will be able to go to Mecca with 70,000-servants and associates.
In any case it is so, so wonderful that you can get to Chapati (Ha! Ha! Hare!) Temple. The main thing is regularity, no?  Even if it is not so often! How is your good wife? Do you have graduate student friends?

Mandirs report.

8 years, 5 months ago by mukta singh in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to Sri Guruji Maharaja and Gouranga Mahaprabhu

Radha  Krsna Ki Jay and Goura Bhakta ki Jay

Please accept my humble obeisanses unto Sri Guruji's padamacharan that after getting Gurujis reply of my previous letter is so satisfy and clear all my darkness. I will try to follow the rules and regulations first then whenever necessary, I will enquire to Guruji Maharaja and other senior devotees of ISKCON.

HpS - ASA --  All glories to Srila Prabhupada, of whom we are very unqualified dogs running in the dust of his lotus feet.  Also, BG 6.7, 10.10-11, Introduction to NOI, all tell us that as we are in the mode of goodness, we will also feel very tangible inspiration from the Paramatma, "Now Krsna will send a Sadhu who can enlighten me on my transcendental eternal form".

We are planning to celebrate Krsnajanmasthami Utsav of our Group. After sandhya arati, the programme will start and will continue upto 12.00 midnight. The simple programme will be as such i) Nama sangkirtana of our group ii) Krsna Katha and  3) Nama Japa (loudly in group).

HpS-ASA -- We are trying to catch up on mail, so that we can answer in less than one week, but here we are after your Janmastami and ours. We have very small but nice community where our Ashrama is now.  We heard from Bhadravardana Das, Brahmacari, that Srila Prabhupada mentioned that on these long fast and festival days we can do 20-minutes Kirtan, 20-minutes Reading and 20-minutes Japa. We did that here in our group and the hours passed very nicely. By Japa we mean that each one chants on his own beads at his own pace. Chanting in group on the beads was never done to my knowledge while Prabhupada was here.

I came to know from a bhakta of Silchar  that Guruji is coming from 1st Jan.  to 15th Feb. 2017. Guruji please let me know the tentative programme from 1st Jan  to 15 Feb. 2017. So that we can arrange Guruji's Air Tickets, fixed sides and programme.

HpS - We are trying to fix things now. We only learned yesterday that we are confirmed in invitation to a an ISKCON-Christian Dialog in Tirupati January 2, and then a Bhagavata mela with Bhaktas from many different Sampradayas in Madras January 7.
We started looking for tickets and the price is in great variety depending on the travel dates, so we will post news here in the Blog.

Yours fallen servant

Yamunesvara Das

* The following letter is from the Prime Minister of India in the 50th Year Golden Jubelee.

Indian Prime Minister Commends ISKCON on its 50th Anniversary

<img src="file:///C:\Users\ADMIN5~1\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtmlclip1\01\clip_image001.jpg" />

Indian Prime Minister Sri Narendra Modi has congratulated ISKCON on its 50th anniversary, praising its accomplishments in a way that shows a strong understanding of ISKCON's  core message and efforts. We hope its Founder-Acarya Srila Prabhupada, who always tried to reach the leaders of society, is pleased.

The Prime Minister's letter, released on August 8th, reads in full:

"I am delighted to learn that the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) is celebrating its 50th anniversary.

"Over the last five decades, the journey of ISKCON has been one of selfless service to society.

"The ISKCON family has emerged at the forefront of the quest to create a more peaceful, harmonious and compassionate society. ISKCON's journey has been a manifestation of 'Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam.' Integration has been at the core of your philosophy.

"ISKCON's story has been the story of the determination and devotion of lakhs of devotees spread across the world. Inspired by the teachings of Lord Krishna, they spread His message far and wide. The efforts of the ISKCON family in sectors like education, publishing and disaster-relief are commendable.

"On this occasion, I convey my best wishes to the ISKCON family and hope they continue to serve humanity with the same enthusiasm and diligence as they have been doing for the last five decades. May this family of devotees be agents of change in creating a better tomorrow.

"Jai Shri Krishna!

"Signed, Narendra Modi

"New Delhi

"08 August, 2016"

HpS --- Thank you so, so much for this news.  Who is part of your Sanga there???  Please engage us in some service.

News urgent

8 years, 5 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna BELOVED Gurudeva



Here we are finishing our rounds...thank U for your last letter. Yes I remember that I have to chant Hk HR no matter what happens

We are not going to India... my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. I have to pay for the treatments etc. Jambavan is going.... I am too ofensive to go to the dhama.... and also my spiritual life is not as good as before. But it will be I am recovering little by little

Thank U for all iur support and mercy

Please I beg 2 things for all the devotees who read this... do not tell anything to my mom, and a prayer for her soul. People who met her know that she is too sweet. She has her dharma really clear...

I feel so blessed of being her daughter

I just trust 2 people in this world You and her, the two persons who never ever failed me and always supported me.

Today is the 6th anniversary that my father went back to Krsna

Lots of samskaras... we feel that all are leaving..But then we feel Krsna and Radhika with ourselves all the time

Jaya Radhe

We felt so muchhhhh happy back to the altar again

We are trying to follow iur footsteps in heaven or hell we will always remember our dear  Gurudeva

Yes GM we have a garden.. I am doing gardening it is eally relaxing and we feel more connected with nature.... 

Thank U

Your useless daughter

Candramukhi dd

HpS - Wow!!!  What super news.  If you are in a female body you are usually really very attached to your breasts (envy and greed if you are a materialistic witch). Krsna can let your Mother die a "happy death". Very comfortable, then hellish detachment, then take birth on Indra loka and have a really good time with her family ... then be kiddnaped by Bali Maharaja's soldiers then......   bacteria ....  god.....   

Now she knows her body will burn up.  Cancer makes your body become compost so that it can be recycled into a new body.  Try your best to elevate her to Goloka consciousness, and then you will be in Goloka more than anyone else. Maybe Krsna will have her leave her body in glorious consciousness and then send you to put her divine ashes in the Yamuna along with your sister.

First service, Japa, "Radhe, Radhe", "Hare, Hare".