reporte mes de julio

8 years, 5 months ago by Nadia Morales Uricay in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las glorias a Srila prabhupada y a su Sankirtana eterno!!!

Hare Krsna querido gurudeva porfavor acepte mis más sinceras y respetuosas reverencias y perdone mis ofensas porfavor.

HpS - Nos es igual.

¿Cómo está Ud.?  - ASA - Luchando servir a Krsna constantamente. Nosotros bien de salud, estámos astrológicamente en Rahu por dos años y me está siendo muy difícil pasar este período, luchando con la pereza y la mente mi mayor enemiga, pero gracias a la misericordia de Krsna, Srila prabhupada y de su presencia, estámos fijos en nuestras 25 rondas, voto que hice porque el mantra hare krsna es mi mayor refugio, 4 principios bien, programa de la mañana aveces entusiasmada y nos levantamos 4 am. y aveces 5 am. y atendiendo a nuestras silas y deidades, y también ahora tulasi llegó, estamos felices en conciencia de Krsna.

HpS - ASA -- En Vastu Rahu y Ketu son peros guardianos quien quedan en frent de la casa. Compartir Prasadam con ellos cada dia y ellos protegen muy bien de ladrones.  O.K?   Puede buscar comprehension para utilizar Rahu para protejer Vd. todo su vida de ladrones (que roban la conciencia de Krsna)?

La asociación de p. Gadai gauranga es muy valiosa en mi vida, cumplimos 7 años estando juntos en el día de Balaram, y 5 años de iniciación y de matrimonio, nunca olvido ese dia tan especial cuando ud. estuvo en bolivia, gracias gurudeva. Hoy en Balaram recordé cuando ud. nos dijo en la ceremonia de fuego muchas pruebas y aprendo mucho cada diá gurudeva, todos los días son enseñanzas pero entiendo que es misericordia de Krsna para pulir mis anarthas.

HpS - ASA --- Que decir!?   Otro vez estamos pensando que austeridades, matrimonio, Viuda Civil, todo son pasos en continuacion del vida pasado. Levantamos! Regresamos todos a Goloka!!!

...aqui estamos en el negocio del prasadam, dos semanas buenas y dos semanas mas o menos, estoy tratando de enseñarle lo poco que he aprendido de conciencia de krsna a Bhaktin lourdes, no es fácil, y digo en mí; "Prabhupada cuanto amor, tolerancia y paciencia nos tuvo", porque en sus libros él está presente  cada párrafo que leo es cómo si él estuviera ahí a mi lado y lo recuerdo  y me admiro muchísimo.

Estoy tratando de ser más flexibe con las personas que me rodean, quiero aprender a enseñar con amor y con el ejemplo.

ojalá lo pueda verlo muy pronto querido gurudeva prometo esta vez ir.

Espero esté muy bien, reverencias una y otra vez.

Hare krsna

Nadiya Nivasi Dasi

HpS - Hare Krsna. Hare Krsna. Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare!!!   Senyor Caitanya estaba pasando en Hari-nama Sankirtan muy suavamente con Senor Nityananda, Mukunda, todos, en Nabadvipa. Haz la misma en su pueblo, se convierta a Nadia (con Nimai)!!!      Esperamos para la proxima carta!   Capitulo en la tele-novela!  Saludos a la Bh. Lourdes y todo el mundo.

Madhava tur 2016 cusco-peru

Hare krsna Gurudev acepte mis reverencias por favor..

Seguimos en Cusco, tuvimos un hermoso festival de Balaram Purnima mas de 50 personas.

ASA - Colosal! Y va a incrementar mas!

Actualmente estoy ayudando en la organizacion del festival que tendremos en Septiembre del 21 al 24, tendremos 6 horas kirtan, Ratha Yatra en honor a los 50-años de ISKCON .

Tambien estoy viajando el 6 setiembre con un grupo de devotos acompañand al Tour que realizara Madhava Prabhu en colombia y Ecuador .

Sus vendiciones Gurudev para nunca dejar de cantar el Sant Nombre .

Su eterno sirviente Rohini Kumar  Das

HpS - ASA -- Hare Krsna!   TlgaSP... !   .  Pidiendo un bendicion de esta tipo, es casi cierto que Vd. era un monje en su vida previo, no?    Muchas gracias noticias del ISKCON Cusco el Gran, pero.... unos fotos suPer arTistko del festival!!!!
Nitai-gaurasundar Das recordando mucho sus esfuerzas como cocinero en Peru. Pensando en como robar Vd. para cocinar aqui.   _-[;o)/\___

Complex life and low thinking,

8 years, 5 months ago by bhaktanicasio in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Gurudev, 

Please accept my humble obeisances,

All glories to Srila Prabhupada,

We are super exhausted because all these responsibilities. Sometimes we want to run away with SB to a cave ( jajaja Arjuna...).

Today is Balaram purnima, so we beg for Bala!! Bhakti yoga rules!!

We meditate in BG 18.8 and have great realization, do not abandon things only cause they are difficult.

How to balance material life with spiritual life?

HpS - ASA --- Of course, there are pages of answers to this in the SB etc. Krsna's whole life in Dvaraka is a demonstration of this, but one simple formula that we think we heard from Bh'vinode Th. is that Morning is for your Spiritual Life. Don't look at you cell phone while you chant your rounds. Day time is for MAKING MONEY (with both hands), and evening is for Enjoying (go to the Super market with your family-friends and look for toys for your altar, watch KC DVDs).

How do we know what is essential, what is athyahara, prayasas?
ASA - On the basis of scripture, from the opinion of good men, from the Lord in the heart (bead-bag [Kirtan]).

We feel more and more that rural vaisnava community and cow-grazing is the way to go!!

ASA - Let's go! We planted and apple tree and rose bush on Janmastami and herd the neighbor's cats, but as we go lets take the cats and as many people as we can with us, no?

Mode of goodness seems so far away!!
ASA - Rome wasn't built in a day, and by the right means it's all play.

Thank you Gurudeva for all your inspiration. We really feel we are doing nothing for you!!

Please forgive us, we are super stupid and always busy,

Struggling to follow your footsteps,

Nikunja Bihari das.

HpS - So much of our service to each other is the example we set in our local life. We are inspired to hear of Los Platanos. How is Maha-jana's child?


8 years, 5 months ago by dharmaraja_108 in Personal Sadhana Reports

Por favor acepte mis más respetuosas reverencias.

Todas las glorias a srila prabhupada.

Mi muy querido gurú maharaja ahora q tengo cuenta en esta página le escribiré más a menudo para mantenerme en comunicación y haceptar cualquier servicio que usted m quiera dar.

Por el momento estoy en servicio de las deidades de jagannatha, baladeva y srimaty subhadra leyendo el srimad bhagavatam y cantando mis rondas aunque aún me es algo difícil despertarme temprano.

Esperando noticias suyas mahajara y rogando a Sri krishna que se encuentre bien esperaré con ansias su respuesta.

Su sirviente eterno dharmaraja dasa.

HpS - ASA ---- Tan, tan bueno oir de Vd. Pensar en Alto Peru. Pico del mundo.  Que pasa con la iniciacion de Duglas????   Como esta la demas familia y Yatra???   Arjuna tuvo que dejar la asociacion de sus familiares como Bhisma, Duryodhana et al para servir a Krsna.    Oooof, la mas gran desafio!    No va a cama temprano por que queda despierta tarde con unos amigos, associados?


8 years, 5 months ago by Nanuk in Personal Sadhana Reports

Please accept my humblest obeisances, Let the vessels sail forever, and chakravaka birds sing, (I wonder is it a water bird, or how it is said, Maharaja?) I am 35, in my jyotish I have 5 things in aquarius, but my nakshatra is satabisha. My partner was expert in jyotisha and a disciple.

I hope this is not too much to introduce some of the industry in which I was working:    namely finnish music industry, this is not our band, but once we had gig with part of them also :) 

hare krishna

ASA - Thank you.

Letterof 08/16/16

8 years, 5 months ago by kalindidevi dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Esteemed Guru Maharaja:  Sincere, humble dandavats and pranams. All Glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga!  All Glories to Sri Krsna-Balarama!  Sorry!  It's been too long since I've communicated by blog.

1.     Several families have relocated away from our yatra.  Very short-handed.  But, still endeavoring to produce nice Sri Janmastami program at the same community hall we rented for this purpose last year at which we had 400 attending!  Not anticipating as many this year due to Janmastami being on a Wed instead of a Sat.  Still, we can only desire properly; rest is up to The Lord!

2.     Dave Prabhu was tasked to build an altar for above event.  He has been engrossed in this service for about two months.  It is finished now and a very precisely built, lovely altar it is.  There will be 4 sets of deities.  Our Radha-Gopinath and Lord Jagannath and Their Lordships, Chaitanya Dasi's Radha-Govinda and Scruthi's and Gunarnava's Gaura Nitai.  Will send you a photo after Janmastami.

3.  Home programs to celebrate Krsna-Balaram Appearance and Srila Prabhupada's Vyasa Puja at Govinda Priya's and Shankaranand's.

4.  Haven't heard from Grass Valley contingency.  Am going to call today or tomorrow to see if they will be able to attend Janmastami.

5.     We are going to San Diego County (Romana) this week to visit those 2 grand children before they return to school.  Will be back in time for Janmastami.

6.     I have been practically bedridden for about 2 months;  weak, dizzy, unfocused, severe muscle spasms, short of breath, etc. Discovered I am low on iron.  Cannot take supplements.  Must go in to infusion center for 8-hour iron infusion once a month.  Hopefully no more frequently.  Am slowly coming back to life.  Discovered iron insufficiency is common in vegetarian diet, even an iron-rich one such as i have been on for years.  Body has difficult time storing iron from veggie sources and over time, my bone-marrow storage became depleted.  i would not have imagined that low iron could cause such infirmity.  Now I know and am recommending all vegetarians take good quality iron supplement on a on-going basis.

HpS - Iron Woman!!

7.     Received your letter to Dave and me.  Very nice Spanish language bookmarks.  Thank you! Especially like the layout and amount of good, solid information contained in the Simposio Internacional fold-up piece, complete with photos/bios of guest speakers, schedule, sponsors.  Whomever designed this did an excellent service to Guru and Gauranga!!!

8.     Lastly, I will be very honored to take a look at Bhaktri Sastra Guide to see if i am qualified to clean it up with a little redesigning.  What is your schedule?  may I do it over a little time?  This is my schedule:  Having bladder surgery August 19th.  Recoup time 20 days during some of which i believe I will be well enough to work on such a project.   Sept. 12th heading to Ramona Ca to care for 47 year old daughter, Terra, who is having a "sinus lift."  She will need care at home for a week or more. I can take my laptop with me and should have time to work on it while there.  Then back to regular life here in Auburn.  In your letter, you mentioned texting/calling.  Those are important elements so the secy can ask questions of The Boss's reps, Monkey and Piggy, as questions arise, otherwise there is unnecessary stress.

9.     Wow!  Meeting with esteemed guru Maharaja in June 2017 in Seattle!  What a transcental adventure for Dave and me!  It's in the future, but right now sounds sublime if health is strong.

You are ever in my prayers!

Your Useless Servant,

Kalindi Devi Dasi

HpS - ASA --- Sounds like you are in the final stages of Boarding for the Vaikuntha airplane. Are you chanting transcendentally???    Thank you for the news.   Yes, sometimes more people come to the Temple, somtimes less.  Never can predict, but seems Krsna is quit conscious of who he is sending!!!
Hope we get fotos of Altar and Festival.

Ready to leave this body??   It has done a lot of good.