HK Gurudev

6 years, 1 month ago by sarita108 in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Gurudev!

Please accept my humblest obeisances. All Glories to Srila Prabhupad!

It has been a while since I’ve written to you. I apologize for being so distracted with mundane life which consists mostly of work/further study and temples only on Sunday.

HpS - ASA --- Haw! Haw! Haw! AgtSP. Paoho. It has been months for us to answer this letter. We are also are occupied, but these things are not mundane. The battle of Kuruksetra was not mundane, no?

My morning program routine has fizzled out but I’m trying to bring it up back again.

ASA (Tom Brown/Buck White) - Do it or suffer the consequences! Actually everything will improve if you have a good morning program. You will get much more monkey (money!).

Reading also stopped for a period but I’m trying to bring it back in,

HpS - Sanga!!! Get partners!

. . . even if a chapter before bed.

ASA - Or the Lila-amrta during breakfast...

Rounds have been terrible both quality and quantity wise. I’ve been in denial about this but I don’t remember the last time I struggled this much. Yesterday I figured because it was Krishnas bday-they’d magically get better- but not so much, even with fasting and constant chanting/kirtan – I feel distant. But there is still much mercy! I was lucky to get darshan from 3 diff temples on Janmastmi (pics below!)

Please send some mercy gurudev to help me out of this miserable slump. This past weekend I traveled to Houston for KirtanFest – I was in the temple room one quiet afternoon in front of SS Radha NilaMadhav chanting japa and suddenly my eyes watered up. It felt very cathartic and I felt very hopeful that I’m not a gone-case. 

In regards to other ‘phases’ of life- the idea of finding someone is still floating.

I was talking to this one Indian guy who also is God-conscious (he is Sikh). I’ve talked about Krishna, Bhagavad Gita, and the reasons behind the 4 principles- and he understands/accepts it. But deep-down, I don’t think it will go anywhere because I’m realizing that this is a lifestyle which doesn’t offer much room for compromise. He isn’t Vegetarian (but is attempting to be) … so I figured even if this doesn’t work out- maybe he’ll have made some positive change in his life at the end of this. Is this an appropriate thought? I’ve prayed to Krishna but He might have other plans – or I need to develop patience. Or like you said much earlier on- ask Radharani to share haha.

That’s mostly what has been happening. Please guide me gurudev on what mindset I should cultivate and not be so distracted with mundane work life and also to transcend these human/ sense gratification thoughts. How can I get my mood of chanting back? How can I reinvigorate my relationship with Krishna again and make it not feel so distant?

Please keep me engaged and sheltered gurudev. Sorry for slipping- I know I’ve been letting myself down the most. I’m always learning how strong maya really is and how hard it is to control these fleeting thoughts.

Thank you for your mercy.

Your fallen [still attempting to be] servant,

Sugopi dd

HpS - Well, what's the report now? Almost for certain you have made progress. I have the same challenges. We go forward, one way or another. Being kicked in the posterior by Maya or running toward the big, ripe, orange carrot in the sky, Goloka (cows love carrots).

What is the news?

Always do the best you can do. Or course getting up early and getting our rounds done is a super focus.

Waiting for your news.

Rohini kumar Das

6 years, 1 month ago by Rohini kumar das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Haré Krishna Gurudev acepte mis reverencias por favor.

Hace un mes estamos en Islandia Zúrich - Suiza,

HpS - TlgaSP... pfrnrh.... es era tres meces pasado. Viajando no pudimos responder a estas cartas! Ya que pasa?

...nos invitaron a venir por 3 meses intensos viviendo en el templo y ocupados en cocinar para Deidad, Tallelas, Harinam, Prasadam.

HpS - Aah! Haa! Aun alla? Habla Ingles?

Y a finales de octubre regresamos a vrindavan.

Usted vendrá a India este año Gurudev?

HpS - Espero que si. Nuestra calendario esta en el Kapi Dhvaja. 23 January - 27 Marzo en India.

Por su ejemplo y la misericordia de los vaisnavas se puede ocupar en el servicio con algo de bhakti.

Siempre agradecido y endeudado por su señorío Rohini Kumar das 

HpS - Que pasa. Como esta? Cuales es su posicion el Sankirtan de Srila Prabhupada?

Help me to always remember You dear Gurudev!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!! All glories to Guru Maharaj ! Please accept our humble obeisances at Your lotus feet!

HpS - I guess lotus feet means above the waters of illusion. We have to be careful because we are still influences by them. If it means that Srila Prabhupada's lotus feet are mine by his mercy then, yes obeisances to them.

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj,

Thank you so much for the reply. Thank you so much Guru Maharaj. Its like a heavy load is being lifted from my heart. After we posted on the blog, we received a mail from our temple president, HG Radhacharan Das Prabhuji to kindly request Guru Maharaj somehow to stay till 22nd March. We are enclosing the mail....

Radhacharan Das

Sun, Dec 2, 10:09 PM (8 days ago)

to me

Respected Mataji,

Hare Krishna!

I have a very humble suggestion that since Maharaja would be fasting for Goura Purnima (21-03-2019) it shall be appropriate for all of us to serve him and his associates with prasadam on 22-03-2019 and arrange his back journey ticket from Imphal on 23-03-2019 or latter date. Please request Maharaj to oblige the arrangement.

With warm regards,

Your humble servant,

Radhacharan Das

HpS - We bought all our inland tickets for India except the ones after Gaura Purnima. We are waiting to see what the developments are and this is one. We must have breakfast in Manipur.

This mail gave me sleepless nights......and we are so happy that all our wishes are fulfilled by Guru Maharaj. We read the reply of Guru Maharaj to Yamuneshwar Prabhu. We are so happy for the news.

HH Bhakti Ananda Haridasa Goswami Maharaj will arrive here today for the Vyasa Puja of HH Swarupa Damodara Maharaj.

Yesterday we had a teertha yatra at 9 Vaishnava holy sites in Manipur....4 buses and 2 mini vans...quite a huge crowd...we wish we could send the pics.

HpS - So nice. Just chant Hare Krsna, dance and take Prasad when you are tired.

About the online Bhakti Shastri, the latest information we got from Mayapur Institute is that we are starting the English one from February next year. We will try to get information from Chowpatty too.

We are eagerly looking forward to having Guru Maharaj's transcendental association here at Manipur.

Your ignorant servant,

Sarada Gaurangi DD

HpS - Yes, let us work on the itenerary for the visit now as the dates are fixed. Please help us to be useful for your Sankirtan.

Personal Sadhana and Mandir Report of THOUBAL

6 years, 1 month ago by Yamuneswar Das in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Gloris to Sri Guruji Maharaja, Sripada Maharaja and A.C. Prabhupada

Gouranga Mahaprabhu Ki Jay, Radha Krsna Ki Jay,

Goura Bhakta Vrinda Ki Jay

Guruji Maharaja! Dandavat Pranam,

Please accept my humble obeisances unto Sri Guruji Maharaja’s padmacharan that I could contact Guruji and discussing spiritual matters. The book “Madanamohan” written by Partha Sarthi Das, is the original history of Krsna. This bigrah (bronz) was brought from Mathura by two Brahman brothers and worship at Kongba of Imphal, Manipur. Nanda Gopa Das is the hiridity of the clan, Mathurabasimayum is known in Manipur. In his openion the secrate story of Madanamohan is so interesting that after the separation of Radharani from Krsna during the Rasa Lila, including all sakhi pray for Krsna to return but He did not come out infront of them. Lastly, Srimati Radharani including all sakhis decided to die by jumping into the river Yamune only then Krsna came out. That Krsna is known as Madanamohan.

I had read Guruji’s reply of Sarda Gourangi D D in the blog and forwarded to H H Ananda Harida Swami Maharaja. So they will finalise the suitable place and dates. I am also eagerly waiting the programme.

The portion I am now reading C.C. is Adi 2:3 Comparing the devotees are like the waters of Ganges which are full of lotus flowers and swans swiming around the feautiful lotus feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu or bees humming around His lutus feet in transcendantel pleasure, searching for honey.

The portion I am studying in Bhagavatam is 10:3: 5 the discussion about the conversation between Kamsa and Debaki. Now Kamsa realised of Krsna and requested Debaki and Basudeva about the mistakes commited by him upon them and requested to pardon him becuase they are spiritual persons.

Yours fallen servant,

Yamunesvara Das

HpS - This letter is one month old. Sorry for the delay. Hope to hear if Kansa desisted from more bad activities and remained a reformed fellow. We are on CC where Lord is being asked by devotees to meet Maharaja Prataparuda.

Hare Krsna. Wish we had more of your association.

Now we will go to Nitai-gaurasundara Das' home.

Partha sarathi Das book is in English??

Urgente: reporte anual

6 years, 1 month ago by Nadiya Nivasi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

¡Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada y a su sankirtana eterno!

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja, Pamho, ¿como está Ud?

Éste es mi reporte anual:

Sadhana 5:00 am., 16 rondas y 4 principios, gayatris, fallé en dos ekadasis éste año, lectura del bagavad Gita con algunos devotos p. Ranchor y Bakta Yimi y lectura personal con p. Gadai del Bagavatam canto 3 cap. 15 descripción del mundo espiritual tex 1., Nuestro servicio éste año fué el siguiente; adoración a las Deidades de casa y Salagrama Silas, cocina, distribución de libros en las universidades de la Upla y Uncp en el mes de mayo y abril.

Tengo una pregunta del Bagavad gita; ¿Porque Yudistir apostó a sus hermanos y a su esposa Draupadi si El era la personificación de la religiosidad y la justicia?

HpS - No se perfecto pero pienso que parte era mostrar aun un gran personaje como el tiene que ser cuidado de estas tendencias. En general tuvo que participar por que su tio quien era como su padre en ausencia de el pidio. Quido de jugos de apostar.

Este año fué muy difícil en el aspecto material y espiritual, pero fué un buen aprendizaje. Con respecto a mi padre las cosas no fueron fácil, pero estamos conversando y mejorando nuestra relación. Así que quiero terminar lo que empecé sacar el bachiller y el título.

HpS - Puede ser util!

Por otro lado quisimos que éste año el templo de Chosica fuera nuestra autoridad, pero no pudimos volver a Chosica para hacer servicio así que mantenemos comunicación con p. Caitanya Chandra Das y le pedimos que él sea nuestro guía y consejero para hacer las cosas correctas

Bueno querido Gurudev me despido y perdone cualquier ofensa hacia Ud.

Tratando de ser útil.

Nadiya Nivasi Dasi

HpS - Muy bien y para Vd y todo la demas tiene que entrar esta reportaje en la canal especificamente para ellos encima. Dice "Reports" Grrrracias!!!!

Personal Sadhana and Mandir Report of THOUBAL

6 years, 1 month ago by Yamuneswar Das in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to Guru Parampara, A C Prabhupada, Sripada Maharaja and Guruji Maharaja.

Radha Krishna Ki Jay, Groranga Mahaprabhu Ki Jay and Goura Bhakta Bringda Ki Jay.

Please accept my humble obeisance s unto Guruji Maraja,'s padamachran that I had transfer Guruji's new dates 12-22. We will follow Guruji's suggestions and eagerly waiting Guruji's arrival.

ASA - Jaya! Jaya! Sri Caitanya, Jaya Nityananda! Arrive 12.50PM on Indigo from Kolkata. After 22nd, Gaura-purnima I don't know what we do eg. Stay Imphal, goto Kolkata, Delhi, Bombay. LEave inDIA On thE 27Th.

My daughter's merriage ceremonies will be celebrated on 13th March, 2019. I am ready to welcome both H H Guruji Maharaja and H H Bhakti Ananda Haridasa Goswami Maharaja on the ceremony. It will be our golden opportunity to receive both of You in my new ashram on the ocasion.

HpS - Sounds very interesting. The Marriage of Svayambhuva Manu and and Satarupa! Krsna. Krsna. You have BBT Caitanya caritamrta? Of course it is available at Find friends to read it with. Get other people to read it. Time to pack to go to NGD house. 5.45PM. We published the Viplavah, our ISKCON Education JOurnal today. Look for the people Krsna sends you to teach.

Yours fallen servant,

Yamunesvara Das