AGTSP Paoho. This letter arrived with no Letter Text! HpS - ASA
AGTSP Paoho. This letter arrived with no Letter Text! HpS - ASA
Dear Guru Maharaj,
I wish I could offer some new images for your appearance day, but it looks like just a letter will have to do for now since the uploaders out of commission...
Now that my chaotic life is finally starting to stabilize, and I’ve had some time to reflect and process all the ideas and experiences that have brought me to this place, I feel more able to say something meaningful to summarize all this silence.
HpS - ASA --- Yes, AGTSP, paoho, very nice to hear from you!! .. but, you life is starting to stabalize must mean that you are advancing in Sadhana Bhakti, no? Otherwise any perception of stablility in Kali yuga is a trick of The Evil One, no?
I’m still here at Kalachandji Dham, I got your Twirl Your Beads compilation last week and read it the other day. I always learn a great deal from the way you apply yourself to the small battles in your Bhajan. I love the illustrations in there from your mailbox gazette too! I heard you’re coming to Dallas in January so I look forward to catching up and I especially look forward to your Sacred Art film.
HpS - No, look at the Calendar in the Kapi Dhvaja. It is always updated. We go to Houston 2-9th with side trip to Mexico City Sunday and Monday for Vyasa puja.
Reivin and I have been working well as a team so far, though it’s taken some time to build the foundation of our relationship. We are so different in some ways and yet I feel like I have more in common with her than practically anyone else. She has been serving here as a Kalachandji-dham vasi for years, taking shiksha mainly with H.H. Kesava Bharati Maharaj for some time, although currently she is studying under the author and astrologer Kavindra Rsi Prabhu, also known as Jamadagni Das, or Jeffrey Armstrong, the lyricist of the Golden Avatar band.
HpS - We knew him a little whem Hansadutta Das was in Berkeley and from our visits to Santa Cruz. That was a long time ago. He was a very brilliant and even passionate person. Long time ago!
Reivin serves a pair of Nitaichandra Gaursundar deities she rescued from a tire shop one time, so we make offerings and chant with them every day. She has been doing some great art-Kirtan in Dallas lately... not long ago her band got to open and sing the chorus “Jaya Vrndavan” during the Texas senate campaign where she was able to distribute a Bhagavad Gita to Beto O’Rourke, a likely presidential candidate in 2020.
As for me, I haven’t had such dramatic success yet, but I’ve got some exciting things in the tubes. My focus has been on understanding my role in the world and the sankirtan movement, which I see as complimentary. I’m working, studying, creating, and maintaining sadhana as best I can while I’ve gotten valuable experience in packing, shipping, storing, and installing artwork; and I’ve made contacts with curators, museums, galleries, and collectors all over Texas. I’ve been stretched too thin to produce very much (or even keep in touch with people) lately, but I’ve read well over 50 books since I moved, in addition to numerous online courses, to develop the conceptual framework and archetypal language of the art theory I’m formulating. I’m drawing on my background as an activist in order to channel the revolutionary spirit of this age in a direction based on personalism, prioritizing self-reliance and social responsibility, which create the best conditions for self realization and Krishna Bhakti.
The world needs a new vision of hope for the future to unite people and I feel intensely the time coming when I will have to step up to do what Krishna has been preparing me for all my life.
HpS - You can write for our magazine, Solaris. Once a year so far but includes Nobel Prize candidates and other very nice people. It is really starting to have an impact.
Although in comparison to my time as a brahmacari my adherence to rules and regs is less strict, I chant 16 good rounds every day, I have a commitment to read Bhagavatam by the end of this year, and I have never felt more clearly about who I am, what the world is, and what I’m here to accomplish. Despite the hardship, life is thrilling and full of meaning, and I feel that I’ve finally crossed a threshold in this incubation cycle where soon I will start to see the things I’ve been quietly working on slowly start coming to fruition. I hope that despite all my faults the final result will be acceptable to you and Sri Nrsimhadeva. Now that I’m finally starting to come out of poverty, I’d also like to start making regular donations to your sankirtan if you would be generous enough to send me that information. Thank you so much for all you do, maharaj, you are truly a light in these dark times.
your servant,
Ekāśma Dās/bhakta Eric
HpS - Jaya! I guess you can always send checks, monkey orders, to NIOS; 2129 Stratford Rd.; Murfeesbor, TN 37129, Payable to NIOS, but your pure chanting is the best help and whatever follows from that.
PLEASE - Post a report in the REPORT page here! Maybe we see you in Houston!!! Respects to Reivin et al!
Hare krsna, querido maharaja, por acepte mis reverencias.
HpS - ASA -- TlgaSP. Pfanrh… Respuesta de esta carta que ha ido durante nuestra viaje a Sur. Una mez!
Hace unos días, muchos de nuestros esfuerzos, concluimos nuestra participación en la feria internacional del libro, tanto en el zócalo de la ciudad de México como la Toluca. Siendo esta primera vez en que la BBT participa en estos eventos. Queremos seguir haciendo esto cada año. Ahora estamos buscando más fuentes del libro en los estados cercanos a la ciudad de México.
Luego de un par de semanas, gracias a la misericordia de krsna, Prabhupada y usted, se distribuyeron 1414 libros:
ASA - !!!
Libro de 6 krsna
63 Bhagavad gita grandes
163 Bhagavad gita bolsillo
Bolsillo de 624 libros
426 pequeños
85 grandes
11 Maha grandes
33 sabiduría de la india (1er canto de SB)
2 colecciones completas de Srimad bhagavatam
2 colecciones de Caitanya caritamrita
Nosotros seguimos esforzándonos en nuestro servicio dentro del templo de la ciudad de México, nuestras rondas y nuestros principios. Queremos entrar a la universidad en la carrera de pedagogía para tener herramientas para una mejor predica. Queremos mejorar para ser un buen instrumento para servirle. Necesitamos su guía para esto.
HpS - En unos casos Srila Prabhupada anima los devotos continua con su educacion. Otros no. Depende en la persona, su situacion. Toma consejo de los devotos, super alma, experimentar con cosas. Busca buen profesores mas que cursos specificas. Si es buen profesor y ensanya matematica, toma su curso.
Su aspirante a sirviente bhakta hector
HpS - Mas cartas recien! Much lluvia aqui hoy! Sankirtan. Sankirtan.
All Gloris to Sri Guruji Maharaja, Sripada Maharaja and A.C. Prabhupada
Gouranga Mahaprabhu Ki Jay, Radha Krsna Ki Jay,
Goura Bhakta Vrinda Ki Jay
Guruji Maharaja! Dandavat Pranam,
Please accept my humble obeisances unto Sri Guruji Maharaja’s padmacharan that I could contact Guruji and for discussing spiritual matters but after getting a letter all waitings compled and in a new idea started thinking and reading different topics. I am so happy to connect Guruji from time to time.
HpS - We are more happy to have your connection and taste of Manipuri culture! How are other Bhaktas. Only get letters from you and Sarad-gaurangi Devi Dasi!
In Maniupur, Gourapurnima will celebrated on the 21st March, 2019 and will continue up to 25th but offices, school and colleges remain closed only 1 or 2 days. On the other hand Nama Sankirtan and Holy festival are celebrated 5 days in some places Yaosang Sports Celebrted in different places.
HpS - We will be there for certain, we plan, until 22nd, then we have to see if we must return to Kolkata, Delhi... not got those tickets yet.
Guruji Maharaja, New Year is coming so when Guruji's Vyasa Pujah? Is it on 1st January every or some other days, means calculated on Tithi or Date? Pleae let me know Guruji's amritabani.
HpS - Every year it is the day before the Disappearance of Jiva Goswami. This year it will be Monday, 7 January. We will join a festival in Mexico City. For us, our Vyasapuja is day to celebrate all the members of the Parampara according to their position: You, me, Krsna, Srila Prabhupada. . . .
For prove reading [proof reading] of Prabhu Parth Sarthi Das's translation of A.C. Prabhupada's "Gita As It Is" in Manipuri language of both Bangoli and Manipuri script.
HpS - Aaaah! Sometimes Srila Prabhupada introduces a hard concept.
In the interest of meeting Guruji Maharaja, we are waiting for participation of some activities in Manipur. Very very thanks Guruji Maharaja.
Yours fallen servant,
Yamunesvara Das
HpS - You read our Kapi Dhvaja? Every two weeks we publish it with all our news. Includes our Calendar. What is the Sankirtan news from Manipur? What is happening in the University? What is the idea of the Manipuri people how to become happy?
All Gloris to Sri Guruji Maharaja, Sripada Maharaja and A.C. Prabhupada
Gouranga Mahaprabhu Ki Jay, Radha Krsna Ki Jay,
Goura Bhakta Vrinda Ki Jay
Guruji Maharaja! Dandavat Pranam,
Please accept my humble obeisances unto Sri Guruji Maharaja’s padmacharan that I could contact Guruji and discussing spiritual matters. The book “Madanamohan” written by Partha Sarthi Das, is the original history of Krsna. This bigrah (bronz) was brought from Mathura by two Brahman brothers and worship at Kongba of Imphal, Manipur. Nanda Gopa Das is the hiridity of the clan, Mathurabasimayum is known in Manipur. In his openion the secrate story of Madanamohan is so interesting that after the separation of Radharani from Krsna during the Rasa Lila, including all sakhi pray for Krsna to return but He did not come out infront of them. Lastly, Srimati Radharani including all sakhis decided to die by jumping into the river Yamune only then Krsna came out. That Krsna is known as Madanamohan.
HpS - How big is the Vigraha?! I hope we can get pictures back in the Blog soon.
I had read Guruji’s reply of Sarda Gourangi D D in the blog and forwarded to H H Ananda Harida Swami Maharaja. So they will finalise the suitable place and dates. I am also eagerly waiting the programme.
The portion I am now reading C.C. is Adi 2:3 Comparing the devotees are like the waters of Ganges which are full of lotus flowers and swans swiming around the feautiful lotus feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu or bees humming around His lutus feet in transcendantel pleasure, searching for honey.
HpS - We read CC every day before Mangala arati. Now we are on story of Gundica Temple cleaning and Kirtan and Prasad after that! Each day we go around the circle and each day we become more purified, more awake. Some day we will return to our service!
Yours fallen servant,
Yamunesvara Das
HpS - There is other letter from you. We look at it.
Hare Krishna Maharaja, por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias.
Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!
Mis reverencias a tus pies de Loto mi muy querido Maharaja, ante todo agradecer a Krishna por darme la oportunidad de conocerlo;
HpS - Hare Krsna. Hace un mes or semanas para responder a esta carta, no? Ooof. Espero lea nuestra bolletin, Kapi Dhavaja, en nuestra pagina de Web -, y ya traducido por WEl Patraka Das. Alla explicando que mientras estamos en viaje no es posible responder sino a cartas URGENTES. Estamos en contacto con tan muchas personas fisicalmente que no podemos mantener buen contacto cybermente. Claro ambos son buenos y esperamos tener contacto con Vd por ambos medios!
. . .quiero iniciarme y tengo un gran reto por delante, como madre de 3 hijos, como hija (pues vivo con mis padres, soy separada), como profesional y como vaisnava, tratando de hacer que esto último sea el eje de mi vida y mis decisiones.
Siento esta parte de mi vida como un dulce y duro proceso, por las decisiones que tengo que tomar, por las frustraciones, por el hambre de saber más, de descubrir las respuestas y la lección de cada día; por las pequeñas realizaciones, por sentir que cada vez sube más el nivel de exigencia! Y pedir la misericordia de lograr el nivel de conciencia que me permita entenderlo.
Deseo avanzar en mi proceso para poder pedir su refugio, como el polvo en sus pies de loto. Hace 5 años que me hice vegetariana, cumplo con los 4 principios y cantando mi japa (4 rondas al día, esforzándome para llegar a las 16!).
HpS - Tiene que leer nuestra "guru-tattva": Eso explica bien nuestra idea del servicio de Guru in ISKCON abajo de Srila Prabhupada!
Maharaja, hace tiempo le pregunté sobre el amor, y tengo otra pregunta sobre el tema, si me lo permite ¿Qué clase de energía es el Amor? Y cómo debemos permitir que nos moldée?
HpS - En Sanskrita el amor es Bhakti y se describe en el Néctar de la Devoción por Srila Prabhupada y Rupa Goswami. El amor es amor para Dios. Todo lo demás es lujuria, grande o pequeña, mental o física. Por supuesto ama a Krishna, ama a su perro. Está triste que nos hayamos alejado de él. Todas las gopis y gopas están tristes. Bhakti se desarrolla como curar una enfermedad. La primera etapa es seguir reglas, regularidades. Ve al templo, inclínate ante el Señor. Recitar las oraciones poderosas ...Luego, gradualmente, va de Sadhana bhakti a Bhava bhakti a Prema bhakti. ¿Algún devoto en tu Yatra, comunidad, que pueda darte más detalles sobre Nectar of Devocion?
Muchas gracias!
Mis humildes reverencias
HpS - Jaya!!! Esperamos mas cartas.