
6 years, 1 month ago by campa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna gurumaharaja. Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias y sean todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada. Espero que usted se encuentre muy bien!

HpS - ASA -- Esta carta viene. TLGASP! pfanrh. Mientras estuvimos en Chile y Peru y no pudimos responder a cartas.

Quería contarle que estoy un poco más disciplinada con las 16 rondas. Seguimos leyendo el Srimad Bhagavatam con los vecinos devotos y nos juntamos cada 15 días para compartir lo que aprendimos.

HpS - Y ya, unos meces despues??

Con Damián leemos bastante casi todos los días. También estoy haciendo un poquitito de sankirtan, distribuyo entre 5 y 10 libros, algunos pocos días. Persona a persona me cuesta un poco. También quiero compartir que el leer periódicamente me hace muy bien, me ubica en cuál es la meta de la vida.

Hoy hemos leído un post de un devoto diciéndo que al cantar el maha mantra uno debe pronuncias Hare (jaré) entonces nos surgió otra vez la inquietud de profundizar en el conocimiento de la forma perfecta de cantar el maha mantra. Pronunciación (cómo decir y pronuncias bien los nombres de Krsna, Hare, Krsna, Rama), la cadencia (el ritmo, el tono), los espacios, en fin dónde se puede conseguir esta información muy bien detallada?

HpS - Prabhupada explica que debemos cantar como el bebé llorando por la madre. Los detalles del ritmo, pronunciación, etc. seguirán naturalmente! Hare!!!!!

Muchas gracias gurudev por su compañía y guía. Usted está siempre en mi corazón aunque a veces por mi ignorancia, me siento un poco distante. 

Su discípula y bienqueriente madre Campakalata dd.

Hare Krsna Hare Rama!!!

HpS - Ya que pasa??? Noticias!!!

Kirtida Devi Dasi from Buenos Aires

6 years, 1 month ago by Bhaktin Carolsita in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Guru Maharaja:

All the glories to Sri Sri Radha Krishna

All the glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to you

Please accept my humble obeisances

I sent this letter in August, I think it got lost, so I´m resending it.


I have two new services, both about preaching, one is on Sunday Feast, when we finish the kirtan we seat with the visitors to take prasadam and speak about our filosophy, but the main point is to know them, that they feel appreciated, make friends. The experience that I am getting is so nice, I'm so happy that I can do this. People share with me their experience of spiritual seeking, thoughts and feellings, they make really good questions, they want to know more about Krsna. It´s really inspiring.

The other service, we are making a proyect for young devotees, we want inspire them, and accompany them in their spiritual process. At first it could be a meeting a month with kirtan, class and prasadam, we dont have a name for the program, any suggestion?

ASA - Spring, Primaver, Goloka.

A devotee told us that we can contact with devotees who made this kind of program before for advice, and it is essential make it fun always. Any commentary, suggestion or advice will be great!

ASA - Hmmm. Not directly.

I am living in the temple since 8 months ago, it have being so purifying, i feel my chant deeper, my love for the devotees is bigger, and i feel more attach to Sri Sri Gaura Nitai. The first time that I came to the temple i didn´t pay attention to the deities at all, with the time I noticed that the devotees went in front of the altar and stay long time, I didn´t get it, what so much time? Then I noticed that they were praying. I didn´t know how to do that and I didn´t understand that Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda were there themselfs. One day I realize that and it was like: wooow the Lord is in front of me!

Now, I can see them every day, I usually pray for being better to make a better service, because I know that my anarthas are obstaculizing my service, I tell them that I want a entire life of service, the news about my life, I know that they already know but it is so nice doing it. The other day I asked about help with bhakti sastri, because sometimes I am lasy to do the homework, and I´m not so smart, but definitly I want to do it. I feel it like everyday relationship. Sometimes I miss and think about them.

I have a new cellphone, so I can connect to gotomeeting for the class, and I´m reading SB every day, I´m trying to adjust to the better way.

That´s all for now, what can I do for Srila Prabhupada and you?


Now it´s october and we have been doing the program for the young people, they asked about to do it twice a month, it is so nice, i like when i see them so happilly hearing about Krsna, the first program was a little bit caotic, because we didn´t know how to work in group, we were five devotees organizing, and now we are three, it´s more practical for the meetings and leading the program. I´m learning how to do it, how to do a presentation, a class, fun actities.

I´m preaching on wednesday too, after the kirtan. I invite people to the youth program after the kirtan, on friday´s harinama, and sunday feast. I send invitation through whatsapp, facebook and by email.

We made a list of the topics we want to talk about, the first ones were Soul, and Prakriti.

Once I told you that I want to distribute books, but i´m afraid of. i went to harinama and i asked a devotee to show me how to do it, so did it, it was really beatifull, i really want to know how to do it, so i´m seeing videos about sankirtan, and asking other devotees how to do it. One of them told me that for book distribution is main thing having a strong sadhana.

Mahavishnu Swami Maharaja is coming and we are going to rent a bus to go to harinama, distribute prasadam and books, i´m so exciting!

I try to conect to gotomeeting everyday while i´m at work, my boss let me use earphones but i have to work, sew, answer the phone, receive people. It is so nice when i can hear you clarily, so inspiring, my godbrothers too, fantastic! You know so much, i don´t know anything but i´m learning from you.

My health is going bad, it makes me feel so sad sometimes, once i prayed to deities to get better, and i thought that almost my prayers are about asking for help, i hope once on my life i want to give them a love prayer. 

Yours in Srila Prabhupada´s service

Kirtida Devi Dasi

Pic 1: Altar on Radhastami <3

Pic 2 and 3: Jóvenes en Conciencia de Krishna, we named the program like this

Pic 4: Bhaktin Cecilia and me with a weird tomato :)

HpS - Hare Krsna. This letter came while we were traveling in Peru and Chile! How are you now? Are you in the same material body or another or in only in your spiritual body?????

Guess we get to BsAs like April, May, June..??

Personal sadhana and Mandir report Thoubal

6 years, 1 month ago by mukta singh in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to A.C. Prabhupada, Sripada Maharaja and Sri Guruji Maharaja.

Gouranga Mahaprsbhu Ki Jay, Radha Krsna Ki Jay and Goura Bhakta Brinda Ki Jay.

Dandabat Pranam,

Please accept my humble obeisances unto Guruji Maharaja that as I had already mentioned in my previous letter that I had started reading Bhagabatam Chapter 10 from Krsna Janmastami regularly one or more slokas along with BRS. In th 10.1.30 Kansas,the son of King Ugrasena and on 31-32 Devaki's father King Devaka. What is this ? Are Kangas and Devaka same father or not and how Devaki became brother and Sister?

HpS - This letter came while we were traveling and could not answer it. As we remember Maharaja Ugrasena's friend was Maharaja Devaka. He didn't have any children so M. Ugrasena gave him Devaki to raise as his daughter although she was biologically his daughter. Very generous person.

Please give me asirbad of knowing Krsna Katha and Krsna Prema.

Yours fallen servant.

Yamunesvara Das

Hari Bolo. See you in a few weeks.

Viasa Puja

6 years, 1 month ago by Jagamohan in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krisna, por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias mi querido Guru Deva espero que se encuentre bien.

Doy gracias a Krisna por haberle conocido, por su gran inspiración en conciencia de Krisna.

16 rondas, 4 principios, GBC HRida Caitanya Prabhu, Prema Murti Prabhu.

intentando ser su eterno sirviente Jagamohan Das

HpS - Gracias. Pone esta en canal de "Reports" aqui en el Blog POR FAVOR!!!! Super!

Reporte espiritual

6 years, 1 month ago by Chaturatma Das JPS in Personal Sadhana Reports

Toda gloria a Srila Prabhupada

Por favor, acepte mis humildes y respetuosas reverencias

Hare Krishna Maharaja Hanumatpresaka Swami:

16 rondas diarias desde primera iniciación y 18 rondas diarias hace unos tres años aproximadamente.

ASA - !

Sigo los 4 prinicipios regulativos, gracias a Srila Prabhupada

Mi autoridad es Prabhu Karuna Krishna de ISKCON CHOSICA, Hanuman Prabhu del BBT.

Seguimos proveyendo de libros a los templos y algunos sankirtaneros.

Seguimos en Bhakti Vriksha.

Su sirviente

Caturatma das

HpS - Jaya!!!! Vd es estandard para muchos de nostros. Vamanos. Mas cartas! DTC.


6 years, 1 month ago by RiturajMajumder in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare krsna gurudev.

All glories to Srila prabhupada.

I don't know I feel completely lost . From every angle in my life everything is going bad . My faith is no more strong . I like Krsna Consciousness but I don't feel inspired to do anything. I feel clinically depressed and am getting nightmares. In dreams I have visions that our connection is also broken (that is strengthened by the article I read in Guru Tattva that a guru cannot act as diksha guru when disciple stops following). I am still trying to follow the regulative principles mostly (I drink coffee to get energy

ASA - Jaya. AGTSP! We wonder what happened to you! We are very happy to hear from you, but as a medical man isn't it a fact that the 'energy' we get from coffee, caffeine, is from artificially whipping the liver? The result is some temporary low class energy, but with permanent damage to the liver.

). My friends who are not devotees are in better condition both materially and spiritually. I am bitter from inside and feel rotten.

ASA - If you didn't have any goodness in your life you would not "feel rotten" you would just "be rotten". Only if you got a perspective of what is good can you see bad.

Everyday I pray that from today I will do better ..but that today never comes.

ASA - We pray the same. We are stronger in the morning because it is the mode of goodness and we have good association, but as the day progresses we get hit by the same problems, but... we do make progress every day. Not as much as we wished but something. For example, you can chant one more Maha-mantra today than you did yesterday... Boing! bONg... bing.... eternal progress!

I have been a failure in both spiritual and material life . I have resigned from work few months back and don't want to work now for few months.

Sometimes I get visions or feeling that even my death will be tragic and full of suffering with lot of pain and diseases. I feel scared ..if this is how Krsna will reciprocate in my latter days then suicide seems better....And suicide seems more logical and easy way to end this life. Its like I have something in my control because everything else is not. I was talking with a patient he gave me this perspective. As I see my life going I feel after few years I wont be left with any friends or contacts ...and as it seems our connection is also broken (from the dream) I don't feel inspired to do anything . I need to know one thing Maharaj are my offences that serious that you have given me up. One devotee adviced me to directly ask you and get clarification regarding this dream that I had.

HpS - You are and eternal servant of Krsna. You have an eternal, beautiful, blissful body and more friends than you can barely handle. Nothing you can ever do will ever change that. You get sucked...



S U C K E D by your attachments into the mud along with the rest of us frogs, but you are still pure, like a diamond in the mud.

The Guru-tattva on line is clear and real and nice. As you describe your condition of course we cannot be functioning as you Diksa Guru. You are not acting on the standard of a Diksa disciple. It is like trying to put gasoline into a bicycle, but, as it says, we are very happy to function in a relationship as Patha-pradarshika, Vartmana-pradarshika Guru and get you back on the path again.

O.K? That can be our relationship? We are always pushing to have a relationship with you. As I said we wonder where you have gone. People ask about you. Krsna pushes you in dreams.

SB is FULL of falldowns. Which kind are you, me, having now, but it is also full of people who corrected the situation and got back to work.

Jaya! O.K. You will let us function as Siksa-guru?

Krsna never forgets even little service I read and he reciprocates .... but I do not know the things happening with me little difficult to understand . I accept that it is completely my fault and I am being punished for my actions but how long more will I be punished for things that is in my nature.

ASA - Until you change your nature. Haw! Haw! Hare! (smiley faces aren't working)

I was reading an article where mother Teresa had mentioned about her loss of faith (externally she was praying but internally she was lost , book name "come be my light") is this some strange stage of bhakti at all. Please help me understand.

HpS - I don't know the details. Can hardly know the details. We are exchanging letters like once a year at this pace!! Write more, every month. Every couple of weeks to start.

I do hope to meet you for few days when you reach on 23rd January 2019.

HpS - When were? Got to have plans!

If possible please do not publish this article for everyone as I don't feel ready to reveal myself (maybe if you can change my name) but it's upto you Gurudev.

HpS - If we don't publish it how can you get an answer? Beyond that don't feel so bad! You are in a LOT better condition than most ISKCON devotees, most of our "disciples".

Sorry for the long letter but I am not feeling strong enough to keep everything to myself and needed to get your opinion .

HpS - ASA -- Well we gave it. About time you wrote! Waiting for your answer to our question.

Hare Krishna .

Dandavat pranam.