Bhaktin Marta from Spain

6 years, 1 month ago by Bhaktin Marta in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna dear Hanumat Presaka Swami, please accept my humble obeisances, jay Srila Prabhupada!

I am very happy you are coming to Spain and we can have your inspiring association, many thanks!

Please forgive me I didn’t answer your last letter... :

“Are you going to get formally initiated. It is like the 'boda'. It is a formality but not a meaningless formality.”

Reading carefully Jayarama Guru-tattva page, I am not ready now to follow strictly the commitment: I am not able yet to chant 16 rounds everyday, I am ashamed to say this. Sometimes 8 rounds, none, 2, suddenly 16, 4, amazing, boring, ecstasy, anxiety, like this.

These last months have been a great challenge in many senses. Many tests. Lot of learning. What I got from all this... I want to start taking this process seriously! No more excuses. I have too much to thank, and to love and to serve, also to surrender, to Krishna, Prabhupada, You, Jara Mara Hari das, Life. At least, I owe all you this serious chanting... And I want to get closer to spiritual world...

So from now, everyday, minimum: chanting 4 rounds, reading 4 Bhagavad Gita verses and meaning. Increasing gradually until I reach 16 rounds everyday and I get the taste for reading Prabhupada’s books. Hopefully next year I’ll be prepared to ask You for formal initiation. 

Jara Mara Hari das is helping and encouraging a lot.

Also, trying to find balance in general, learning about Dharma, about Grihastha Ashram, about Service in this life.

I’ll keep reporting the process, thank you very much for the opportunity.

Your aspirant servant, 

Bhaktin Marta

HpS - AGTSP. This letter was before we started traveling. Could not answer anything. O.K. Have you been chanting 4-rounds/day, reading? Yes/No .... Accept the reality and go ahead. The Witch will not win this fight!

Thank you Guru Maharaj

All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to Guru Maharaj. Please accept our humble obeisances at Your Lotus feet!

HpS - Are, Bhagavan. We are still trying to have clean feet. AGTSP!

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj,

Thank you so much for the reply. We do not have a direct flight from Imphal to Mumbai as yet. We have to take a connecting flight from Guwahati or Kolkata. It is so nice to learn that Prof Samaresh is adding another feather to his much decorated cap!

Which centre is better for online Bhakti Sastri course Guru Maharaj? Last month we gave our name for the online Bhakti Sastri at Mayapur Institute and we are still waiting for the response. We wish we could do the residential one but we have difficulty getting leave of absence for 4 months from work.

HpS - Honestly I do not know much about any on line courses. I don't know about the Mayapura program. If you investigate let us know your results here!!! Very important is to get a Study Partner(s) and do it in association. What about Chowpatti, Govardhana Eco-village???

We are working hard to develop it through our ASA.

We are looking forward for the exchanges between Lima and Imphal. When would be the best time to visit Lima?

HpS - Let us discuss that A LOT while we are in Manipur. We can even get devotees on line from Lima.

Thank you so much for your letter. We hope Krsna sends you many spriritual neighbors. Look at letter to The Yamunesvara Das, no?

Wating for your next letters.

Your ignorant servant,

Sarada Gaurangi DD

HpS - ASA -- AGTSP. Paoho....

ter kadamba dd (malos aires)

6 years, 1 month ago by bhaktina teresa in Personal Sadhana Reports

ALGTSP and my obeisances to you gurudeva. How are you? my letter is to tell you that once a month with my mother and citrak das (our dear spiritual brother) we are doing a program in my house, class a little singing and prasadam. it's about sharing, contributing, and a lot of philosophy jejejeje but the most important thing is that we all feel good and sheltered, many devotees who do not go to the temple and try to inspire us again,

ASA - AGTSP. paoho. We are alive by the mercy of Srila Prabhupada and his disciples like you all! We want to be a part of your Sankirtan.

I must thank krsna for the mother I have and her strength , and thank citrak das for all their contribution and love to come to our home! please you could send us your blessings, I would be very happy. I hope you are well! You are always in my prayers. ter kadamba devi dasi.

HpS - God bless your program. May it change you and others. If Krsna wants may it grow and be on national television 24-hours a day!!

PD: We have an orchard at home, tomatoes, squash, lettuce, etc.

HpS - I hope we can show pictures soon so that we can see you garden. Do you make vegetable soups, Kitri, for Krsna??


6 years, 1 month ago by parama karuna das in Personal Sadhana Reports

tlgaSP pamhr

Hare Krishna Gurudev, despues de realizar el Arte y lo Sagrado en Peru me siento feliz de ser parte util de su sankirtan y ayudar de varias formas a sus invitados visitantes del extranjero como cocinero, chofer, etc. Por favor permitame seguir sirviendolo de esta manera y mejorar mi servicio en los proximos años.

El Ratha Yatra en Buenos Aires Argentina estubo fantastico mas de 5000 personas asistieron a la celebracion, se distribuyo mucho prasadam y el maha mantra fue cantado sin parar por largas horas. Radharani y yo fuimos invitados para realizar un drama bajo la direccion de Bhaktimarga Swami ''muchas madres, muchos padres'' la historia del Rey Citraketu, la misma obra que presentamos en India (Mayapur, Vrindavan, Noida) este año en Febrero, pero esta vez en español, fue toda una maraton., nos hospedamos en el templo y participamos de los programas de templo, fue muy bueno ver otra vez a amigos devotos de hace varios años y compartir con ellos. Soy feliz de ofrecer al Señor Krishna, GauraNitay, Srila Prabhupada, los devotos y amigos mi servicio, mi talento y esfuerzo y todo gracias a su misericordia Gurudev.

De regreso a Lima ayudaremos en la maraton de libros de Srila Prabhupada ayudando a prabhu Jagad Bandhu y sankirtaneros cocinando y llevando libros, esta primera semana estamos en Huancayo, luego Arequipa, Tarapoto, Ayacucho y Lima.

Despues de su Vyasa Puja, el 23 de Enero nos casaremos con Radharani por ceremonia Civil con sus bendiciones...! Ella esta haciendo su traslado de Universidad a Lima para seguir con sus estudios 'Ciencia de la Comunicacion', y estar cerca de Ud el proximo año porque la inspira en la conciencia de Krishna.

Bueno, luego estamos haciendo los arreglos para volver a India en Febrero y continuar con nuestro servicio artistico bajo la guia de SS Bhaktimarga Swami, espero verlo Gurudev alla antes de su regreso a Peru, y tomar la Conciencia de Krishna a travez de sus enseñanzas y asociacion.

Sin sus bendiciones y refugio no soy nada Gurudev por favor acepteme como su discipulo.

su sirviente Parama Karuna das

HpS - Gracias sus noticias. TlgaSP. Espero su vida continua con no gran desafios pero todo desafios estimulantos para pagar todos sus deudas en el mundo material como todos son satisfechos con Vd y puede volver a su servicio importante en Goloka!



Kapi Dhvaja.

Reporte Anual

6 years, 2 months ago by Jiyada Nrsmha in Personal Sadhana Reports


Nama om vishnu-padaya krishna-preshthaya bhu-tale srimate Hanumatpresaka-svamin iti namine.

 Querido Gurudeva:

Este año hice las siguientes actividades:

  1. Ayude a la apertura de un centro de predica, en el centro de la ciudad de Cochabamba, mismo que en la actualidad ya no asisto.
  2. Distribuí algunos libros y folletos.
  3. Estoy haciendo tres cursos, uno es para ser supervisor zonal, el segundo es el Bhakti Sastri y por ultimo el Pada Padma.
  4. Por el momento la única asociación que tengo sus programas online y ver videos que suben mis hermanos espirituales de las conferencias que usted da en los países de habla hispana.
  5. Sigo los 4 principios regulativos.
  6. Y algunos domingos distribuyo prasadam a familiares o amigos.

Es cuanto tengo a bien informarle en esta gestión 2018.

Atte. su humilde y eterno sirviente a sus pies de loto Jiyada Nrsmha dasa.

HpS - TlgaSP. Pfanrh. Muchas gracias su asociacion. Que pasa con la entreniamiento de GBC College? Esta viviendo en Cochabamba? Asociacion con devotos por aca? Espero que Krsna da buen planes para su desarolla de su Sankirtan!!!! Pronto!

Excuseme gurudev report september

6 years, 2 months ago by Radha Japa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Pamho ! Tlgasp! Tlg assrmv!!

All past holidays I danced on the pedestrians. a lot of people's interest. and that makes me happy. my other letter was deleted and I sent a letter without content without realizing it. it's basically my service that started in September.

I hope you are happy on trips to South America.

Triying to service with all my heart: japa prati jalpa devidasi

HpS - Jaya! AGTSP. paoho. We just got back from South America and getting things organized. Let us look at your other letter.