Jay Govinda

3 years, 11 months ago by arunas in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna, Dear Hanumat Presaka Maharaj, please, accept my humble obeisances. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I am writing a book therefore I would like to speak privately and ready to wait until its possible.

Y.s. Akshaya Krishna das

HpS - We are writing a few books here, with our ASA company, and it requires a team effort, so I don't know how we can help you??? I am like 99.99% tied up in that work until we expect to die, about November 24th 2024.

We are not really free to act independently.

What is your book about?

There are no topics that we could touch on that could not benefit from general discussions before being more efficient as individual discussions.

Hare Krsna.

Hare Rama.


Morir para vivir

3 years, 11 months ago by Ekachacra Nitai Candra das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna dear Maharaja

Please accept my obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

How are you?

I try to write, and then I find redundancies in my words, and without further ado, I suspend the writing.

HpS - Suspend for some time eg. one week, and then edit what you wrote. Is good technique. It will produce nice literature, letter! We all have something to say. We are particle of Krsna.

Despite everything ... - my doubts always dissipate when I enter the blog and read your comments, advice and blessings .. It is a great relief to experience happiness in the face of so much mercy.


For example: A few days ago, while we were doing a job with one of my children on a terrace, he had an accident falling and seriously fracturing several bones in his arms.

Witnessing the incident, and as desolation, despair, frustration and grief invaded me ... I did not remember Krishna! Rather, lamentation was the only focus of my soul. A great sorrow in my heart.

So you wrote:

TB: Krsna sends advice through the devotees and the heart, but if we ignore that, then He sends a strong impetus from the environment (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIRE0FSvrw8) that we can't ignore the message. We just have to accept all this mercy. (hps)

So, without pretending to justify my failure to deprive myself of blogging and sharing, I call on myself to have to deepen my service, over the vanity that indolence inspires.

HpS - Same for us. We are giving Seminar for the Mayapura Institute, Bh. Vedanta, students now. It is just the same. We are forced to prepare and present 2-1/2 hour classes! So much work and so much mercy.

In another vein, the agricultural activity seems to be directed towards the desired purpose ("Tons of beans for the boys of Nanda braja"). The citizen garden model is seen as adequate to the current circumstances.

 Chanting Hare Krishna before sunrise. The observance of regulative principles progresses.

Thank you very much Maharaja. Their association is undoubtedly the result of the causeless mercy of Srila Prabhupada, His Lordships Gouranitay Krishna.

Ekachacra N C das

HpS - ASA --- Srila Prabhupada says that sugar turns to alcohol in the blood, so 4-principles in a refined sense also means not too many laddus?


Hare Krishna estimado maharaja

Por favor acepte mis reverencias

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Como estás?

Intento escribir, y luego, hallo redundancias en mis palabras, y sin más, suspendo el escrito.

Pese a todo… - mis dudas siempre se disipan cuando entro al blog y leo sus comentarios , consejos y  bendiciones.. Resulta un gran alivio experimentar la dicha ante tanta misericordia.

Por ejemplo: Hace unos días, mientras realizábamos con uno de mis hijos un trabajo sobre una terraza, él se accidentó cayendo y fracturándose seriamente varios huesos de sus brazos.

Presenciando el incidente, y mientras me invadía la desolación, la desesperación, la frustración y la pena… ¡no recordé a Krisna ¡ Más bien, era la lamentación el único foco de mi alma. Una gran pena en mi corazón.

Entonces usted escribió:  TB: Krsna envía consejos a través de los devotos y el corazón, pero si ignoramos eso, entonces Él envía un fuerte ímpetu desde el medio ambiente (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIRE0FSvrw8) de que no podemos ignorar el mensaje. Solo tenemos que aceptar toda esta misericordia. (hps)

Así pues, sin pretensiones de justificar mi falta por privarme de escribir en el blog y compartir, me llamo a tener que profundizar mi servicio, por sobre la vanidad que inspira la indolencia.

En otro orden de cosas, la actividad agrícola, pareciera hallarse encaminada hacia el propósito deseado ( “Toneladas de frijoles para los chicos de Nanda braja” ). El modelo de huerta ciudadana se aprecia adecuado a las circunstancias actuales.

 Cantando Hare Krisna antes del amanecer. La observancia de los principios regulativos progresa.

Muchas gracias Maharaja. Su asociación es el resultado de la misericordia sin causa de sus señorías Gouranitay.

Ekachacra N C das          

Second Initiation & "Japa Joe"

3 years, 11 months ago by divya in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category A

Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaj

Please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to you

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Guru Maharaj thank you so much for replying to my previous letter


Guru Maharaj I had sent the edited copy japa joe in the month of July 15th 2020 through email, and have again forwarded you the copy of it through email today. Please take a look at it whenever you get some time and guide me on how I should proceed with it.

Guru Maharaj the Bhakti Shastri Course with Gopal Hari Prabhu will finish in April 2021 and after that he will be conducting the test.

We are on the last book, Bhagavad Gita and have completed 6 Chapters, 12 Chapters left which will take around 12 weeks approximately Guru Maharaj.

Please guide us Guru Maharaj

Whatever you think is right we are ready to do that Guru Maharaj. 

Yours Servant

Divya Sri Devi Dasi

HpS - ASA -- AgtSP! Paoho. Our life is typical Kali-yuga, any Yuga, catastrophy: 'Dukhalayam asasvatam...", "Kalau doser nidhe rajan...".

Yet there really is one good thing. If we chant HK/HR following the mode of Srila Prabhupada we can get perspective for our Karma, Jnana and Mystic Yoga work. We can worship the Deity!!!

Is it O.K. to finish the Bh.S. program, in April, and then take Second Initiation?

Sama, dama, tapo, saucam.... has your service brought you so a nice Brahminical standard eg. regular program during the Brahma muhurta continuing until 9AM... etc? Understand your Varna and Ashrama in a basic sense?

Of course, initiation as Dvija means initiation, starting that life. We all must continue that until we are Goswamis and acharyas.

We want to look at editing Japa Joe but in hierarchy it seems to come about third or fourth. Don't give up on it. Have other devotee look at your work and make report.

Hare Krsna!!! Next post. :>>> Thank you.

Earn PhD

3 years, 11 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

On Tuesday, February 16, 2021, Govinda Nandini, ...rns@gmail wrote:

very dear Maharaj, 

please accept my most humble obeisances

all glories to Srila Prabhupada

Hare Krishna

dear beloved Maharaj, 

I has been quite long time since we met or spoke last.

I do hope you are well and I always follow your trace on Earth to get the wonderful inspiration and knowledge you offer to this world.


I write to you now thinking mostly about your connections with the vaishnava academia.

I have been promoted at the university and now, I am the Head of Undergraduate Communication Program. and for that post, it is a requirement to hold a Phd., therefore i have been requested to register in one as soon as possible. 

In order to do so, I am in search of a good phd. program on vaishnavism. specifically on Women voice in Srimad Bhagavatam. I have been thinking about this topic for many years, bcs vaishnavism is probably the only monotheistic spiritual tradition that gives so much voice to female persons. I compare it with christianity, for example, where we don´t know what any of the women that are mentioned in Sacred literature, thought or did, except from the voice of another person. wherears in Srimad Bhagavatam, 

all of the characters present (regardless of the gender) show great culture and capacity/space to express themselves as individuals.

I found a couple of vaishnava programs in the west, and i did like what they offer, but there is no way to contact the responsible persons (https://fvc.edu/art_doctorate.htm) and that is a little bit suspicious to be honest.

I wonder if you know about some postgraduate program whether in India or outside which offers such a degree.

As I know you are a very busy person, I dont have much expectations regarding you answering me but I had to try. 

I wish I could talk with you personally one day, not only because I deeply miss your association but also because I feel the need to have everything clear with you, a person that I respect, admire and love very much from the first day I met.

Thank you so much for your time.  


Govindanandini d.


Hare Krsna. AGTSP.... Paoho.... We cannot remember your Form, Character or Pastimes!! Nor the Vaisnava Academy. 🤔 Please enlighten us. At 73-years old we are packing our luggage for a long journey and a lot of the stuff we are leaving behind are memories.

🙂 Arjuna advanced in civil life as a Prince of the Kurus and then Krsna enlightened him how to use it for Him, no?

May you become even more well situated in your University.

Women's voice in Srimad Bhagavatam is a great topic. Can we call it Daivi-stri-dharma? I guess you could get two big volumes out of the SB, CC et al. You could organize the information, stories, related modern information and perspectives so that it would be very interesting.

I don't know of any university that would offer a PhD in that topic, but it seems there might be several that would promote that as a topic within Political Science, Sociology, Religious Studies, Sanskrit etc.

Are you in USA? Radhika-ramana Das, Garuda Das, Hrdayananda Goswami have posts and would know favorable institutions better than we. We know that Sugopi-radha Devi Dasi just started a PhD program in Yale with a Sanskrit emphasis and seems some interest by the faculty.

That's all we know.

Please send letters here to this Blog. We don't do much e-mail!

I think if you continue with this you will find many others who want to develop this theme. Maybe you will become like Devahuti in your next life???

H. P. Swami