More Guru-tattva Mexico

3 years, 11 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

On Friday, February 19, 2021, Lavanga Villarruel <. . . .> wrote:

Muy apreciado Maharaja Hanumatpresaka Swami.

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias a sus pies.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada.

Lamentamos informarle lo siguiente: 

En atención a una queja privada presentada a SS Bhaktisundar Maharajara y un testimonio escrito en contra de su discípulo Sacinandana das, y considerando que, en el momento de los hechos la afectada era menor de edad, quien narra que fue separada con engaños de su tutora (hermana mayor) por varías horas por el acusado, durante un Harinam. Hechos que podrían derivar de acuerdo a las leyes mexicanas y tratados internacionales para la prevención de la violencia de genero, en la tipificación de varios delitos contra una menor de edad, por los que se ha emitido una SUSPENSIÓN TEMPORAL, hasta que el acusado no reciba una declaración de inocencia. 

 Su sirviente

Lavanga dasi

Secretaría mesa directiva y representante legal.

HpS - Gracias a su Prabhu. AGTSP paoho. ¿Puede enviarnos una copia de la denuncia oficial de las actividades ilegales e indebidas? En esta carta solo mencionas que fue separada de su tutor legal por medio de engaños, lo que ciertamente es inapropiado para cualquier devoto de ISKCON, pero en cuanto a cualquier actividad ilegal bajo la ley nacional o internacional, no se menciona.


Queremos ayudar como podamos con la actitud de ser siervos de todos, y estamos convencidos de que no hay error que cualquiera de nosotros pueda cometer que no podamos corregir. Por supuesto, esto significa hacer lo correcto por todos los involucrados.

Puede enviar cosas confidenciales a la dirección de correo electrónico a la que envía esta carta, pero siempre incluya una copia a un caballero responsable como lo hizo con esta primera copia.

También estamos en contacto con nuestros discípulos y guías en México en cuanto a esta situación:

Muchas gracias por sus esfuerzos en este esfuerzo.

Si no podemos resolver estos desafíos en ISKCON, ¿cómo podrá el resto del mundo resolverlos?


On Friday, February 19, 2021, Lavanga Villarruel ... wrote:

Much appreciated Maharaja Hanumatpresaka Swami.

Please accept my humble obeisances at his feet.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

We regret to inform you of the following:

In response to a private complaint presented to SS Bhaktisundar Maharajara and a written testimony against his disciple Sacinandana das, and considering that, at the time of the events, the victim was a minor, who narrates that she was separated by deceit from her tutor (older sister) for several hours by the accused, during a Harinam. Facts that could derive, according to Mexican laws and international treaties for the prevention of gender violence, in the classification of various crimes against a minor, for which a TEMPORARY SUSPENSION has been issued, until the accused does not receive a declaration of innocence.

Your servant

Lavanga dasi

Board of directors secretary and legal representative.

HpS - Translation by google. Spanish above.

Thank your Prabhu. AGTSP  paoho. Can you please send us a copy of the official complaint of the illegal and improper activities. In this letter you just mention that she was separated from her legal guardian by trickery, which is certainly improper for any ISKCON devotee, but as far as any activity illegal under national or international law there is not mention.

Thank you.

We want to help as we can with the attitude of being servant for everyone, and are convinced that there is no mistake that any of us can make that we cannot correct. Of course, this means doing the proper thing by everyone involved.

You can send confidential things to the e-mail address where you are sending this letter, but please always include a copy to a responsible gentleman as you have done with this first copy.

We are also in touch with our disciples and guides in Mexico in terms of this situation:

Thank you so much for your efforts in this effort.

If we cannot solve these challenges in ISKCON how will the rest of the world be able to solve them?

guru tattva en mexico

3 years, 11 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

Asta sakhi Devi Das escribe al Whatsapp:

Pamho. AgtSP! 

Hare Krsna Gurumaharaja. Madre Lavanga le envío un mail a [email protected] para informar sobre la sanción a un discípulo. 


Muchas gracias.

Su torpe servidora.

Asta sakhi Devi Dasi

HpS - Buscamos la carta.


Por favor envia sus ideas de estos eventos para la información del comunidad en El Blog.

Nila Madhava Dhama / Goswami Academy

3 years, 11 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports, Calendar Development

2/10/2021 Ccd-Subhra dd: Hare Krishna Maharaj,

Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! 

CCd got his vaccine shot today. 

I am surprised they are not prioritizing teachers on the list🤔

We hear you with lots of speaking engagements and sore throat so did not want to trouble you with being a guest with our students on Zoom. However, before you go to Peru we would love to have you as a Guest sometime when is convenient for you. Our best times are 10am, 11:30am and 1:30pm. Half hour is good for the age group we have. 🙏

We are trying to get a community school newsletter started. I was advocating for monthly but our new marketing volunteer wants to do something weekly.... this month we had three students drop.. one going to Russia and the other two) siblings) devotees ... parents want them exposed to public school. Other news... well, shared with RGD prabhu that for the next school year we will do our Professional training with resources within Houston and Texas so he need not travel.


Hare Krishna Maharaj,

With no water and rotating electricity in Texas, here’s the Goswami students enjoying the snow!

Pray all is safe and warm on your end🙏

Ccd: How is your throat & voice feeling?

HpS - ASA -- Thank you! We feel it a great honor to associate with the Goswami Academy. We are drowning in the MI, Bh Vedanta, seminar now. Please don't forget us.

Our throat is just hanging in there for this Seminar etc. It is like a 73-year old automobile. It runs very well if you appreciate its condition. A few more years then a new one.

Learning how to associate from a celestial, transcendent perspective!

In our next lifetime will we all be together as students in the Goswami Academy???

When all else fails ISKCON of Srila Prabhupada will be remain if we want it to be.

Nama karanam

3 years, 11 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

2/16/2021] Girivaradhari Das: Hare Krsna Dear Gurudev Dandavat Pranam

My 3rd brother got a baby boy on February 13, 2021 at 11:20 AM

If you give a name to him would be great.

Hp Swami: what day of the week? What is the proper letter for that day of the week?

Girivaradhari Das: Saturday, Birth Place : Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India, Please let me know if I was able to answer your question

Hp Swami: No.. in Indian system, each day of the week has a certain letter associated with it so the day of the week he was born should be the first letter of his name. Srila Prabhupada honored this as far as we know.

What is day of the week of the birth.

Answer here in the Blog, so we won't have to explain this again.

Thank you.

Gaura Gadadhara Report from Sridham Mayapur

3 years, 11 months ago by Mitravinda d.d in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna, Gurudeva, pamho! AgtSP!!

Gaura Gadadhara Dasi asked me to send you this report:

Todas las glorias para Srila Prabhupada, y para usted querido Gurudeva.

Mi reporte de sadhana: Estoy en Sridham Mayapur, hago sadhana en el Puspa Samadhi de Srila Prabhupada, hago servicio para Radha Madhava en la sección de joyería y mi autoridad de servicio es madre Sachi Devi, discípula de SS Jayapataka Swami, madre Manisirani, mamá de Sukhanya Sita y prabhu Athul Krishna.

Gracias por todo querido Gurudeva.

Aspirando a servirlo: Gaura Gadadhara Dasi.

PD: Aquí comparto una foto de mis Deidades.

HpS - ASA - Jaya! Wonderful.... wonderful. Serving Radha Madna-bihari y now Radha Madhava y los asta sakhi. Next!!!! Send news from time to time.

More Personal Thoughts and Realizations

3 years, 11 months ago by balabhadra dasa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaja, please kindly accept my most humble obeisances; all glories to his divine grace, Srila Prabhupada-our founder acharya. And all glories to you for your exemplary devotional service to Srila Prabhupada, Lord Chaitanya, and all the devotees of the Lord.

I have been wanting to write to you for some time now. But I get so easily bewildered by the material energy, that it seems I never have the time when I want to; or else I have the time, but then I always let something take preferential consideration.

ASA - We second all that!

Know for certain that I often wonder when we will ever have your association again here in Boise; and I also think of the danger of losing your association. I know what it means to lose the association of a spiritual master. I have some painful memories of those moments. And sometimes with a little hindsight I wonder when I actually lost that connection: either before or after "the loss." And then I remember you, and the kindness and compassion that you showed us whenever you came. I can't say more than this on this matter, even now after all these years.

HpS - 🐷!!! AgtSP who makes up the Duty Rosters as he thinks best!!! Sure we will meet again in this life or some other, soldier!! (Picture attached: General Chimpanzee)

I can't begin to understand or explain how or why it is that I have been able to survive the constant struggle to remain connected to Lord Chaitanya's movement. There have been many times when I felt alone in my devotional service. When I recall how Srila Prabhupada once said "I never felt alone. I always felt the presence of my spiritual master," I have to ask myself "How did he do that? His obstacles and challenges make mine seem so puny and trivial by comparison." I certainly can appreciate the value of devotee association at such times.

ASA - 👍

In moving on, I have 3 evenings a week whereby I try and do some preaching over the internet on the ZOOM CHAT SITE. I wanted to mention these things to you aforehand, as I was hoping to receive your blessings so that I can feel confident that Sri Krishna and Srila Prabhupada will be pleased to accept my meager and humble devotional service. But again, I let other things take a greater priority. Please kindly forgive me for these offenses.

ASA - ! ! !

TUESDAY EVENINGS are dedicated to live reading of Vaishnava literature. This week I am reading about the pastimes of Sri Ramanujacharya, and when it is finally over I will move on to some other reading: either NOD, NOI, Lilamrita, or whatever: By Srila Prabhupada's mercy and selfless sacrifice there is so much to read and share.

THURSDAY EVENINGS are dedicated to a PowerPoint presentation telling STORIES FROM THE MAHABHARATA. A couple of years ago I attempted this effort with very little results-and only about 100 slides for the entire presentation. But now I have something over 275 slides-and countless more on the way. This service requires immeasurable patience and steadiness in order for me to survive to the finish of this task, but I am feeling very enlivened by the task.

ASA - [Worth $247,323]

SATURDAY EVENINGS are dedicated to the BHAGAVAD GITA STUDY GUIDE that I host. At present there are 4 students-and that includes my wife. There is no certification offered, as I am too lazy to pursue that rigorous course myself. But I was petitioned to host such a program by another devotee-who doesn't even live in Boise. She called me one day literally begging me to initiate such a class online, and so I took it as Krishna. The study guide is what was presented by VIHE (Vrindavan Institute for Higher Education).

HpS - Cool.

I don't really have an audience for the Tuesday or Thursday programs, but I am hoping that over time that can change. Devotees have expressed their appreciation for my efforts, but I am alone when it comes to attendance. If you give your blessings, then there is every chance of success, even if success is long overdue or never happens-as strange as this last statement may sound. I am hoping that you will be moved with compassion for my efforts and give me your blessings, which would give me all the shelter and confidence I need to keep up my service.


I will close here, anticipating your merciful response.

ASA - 🙂 🐩

🐵 🐷 Is helpful. These comments.

Your lowly servant🙏

Balabhadra dasa


MEETING ID: 526 302 1451; PASSCODE: 128782

Just in case there are others who would like to hear some readings, MAHABHARATA stories, or join the Bhagavad gita class: 7 PM MST🙏