About Giriraja Deitie

3 years, 11 months ago by brian tellez in Personal Sadhana Reports

Desr Gurudeva

pamho AGTSP

I wanna ask u finally what to do whit our deitie of Radha Giridhari, whit out your blessing we can't obtain the Supreme Lord service. Only 4 points.


1)Before the wedding, we prayed that Krsna would come to our family in the form of a Deity (in any way the Overlord chooses) Because we can not create a good family if there is no Krsna in the center and worship Him in the form of a Deity. And Krsna came to us in this form.

HpS - Great! AGTSP!

2) I have already started worshipping Him and I have become attached to him and I cannot just give up serving him, but at the same time, I am not qualified and especially without your blessings I have 0 qualifications, because in reality you are serving the Deity of Krishna, not me, I am only serving as your instrument and helper in your worship.

3) we also told our sitation about this Guru of my wife, we told him your opinion on this matter and he said taking into account your words that if he gave his blessings for the worship of Giriraj, he would recommend that before worshipping Giriraj, prepare for it and at least a year , every day, regularly offer prayers in order to invite Giriraj to the family and worship him. 

(Before Giriraj came)

4) but the one thought that's sitting in my head is that I can't do anything for Him without your blessings, because I don't do worship, you do worship, and I just help in your service, and if you don't do it, how can I help you, then I can't do it.

On my part, I can follow the instructions of Niranjana Swami and my wife and I will offer prayers to Giriraj every day for a year. But maybe you could give me some other recommendations and instructions on how I could become a qualified brahmana to be your instrument in the worship of Giriraj. Could you give your blessings to this plan, or will you give us other introductions?

HpS - My only knowledge, AGTSP, is that unless you are living like a Brahmana, 4-principle strictly and 16-nice rounds/per day, then there can be very bad reactions from worshipping Govardhana and Saligrama sila, deaths in the family etc.

If you can do this for one year (with prayers) before starting Giriraja worship then, O.K., but must also continue after you start. It is like having a baby. You can't just put him aside because you are tired of him.

Attachment is Okay. https://vedabase.io/es/library/sb/1/6/19/ and following verses are illuminating, no?

Gaura - Nityananda! Gaura-Nityananda! 😁

Dadati- un prasadham a cambio de una confidencia.

3 years, 11 months ago by YugalaKD in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hk pamho Querido Guru maharaja, aquí la Surabi azul vuelve al rebaño, hoy regrese de casa de una amiga, hubo un intercambio amoroso prasadham a cambio de una confidencia. El año pasado y creo que sobre todo este año mi servicio de entregar prasadham de Radha Madama Bihari a los que por distintas razones no pueden tomarlo y lo desean me a traído felicidad. Cada visita es como una revelación Krsna manda un mensaje, estoy haciendo mi plan en esta persona, veo que hace milagros, concede deseos desde tiempo inmemorial. Me alegra ver que Krsna cambia la vida a las personas, reciprocara según la entrega. Espero que mis deseos valgan la pena. Krsna últimamente me muestra que todo tiene un precio, a veces ese precio es muy alto. Quisiera por ello ser honesta y que mis pedidos no sean vidrios rotos. Estoy pensando sumar a mis actividades aparte de Pujari y distribución de alimentos alguna más como un servicio a la comunidad. Aunque sea un día a la semana. Así es mi lucha contra la monotonía. Me siento feliz cuando el día termina lleno de servicio y me acuesto cansada pero contenta porque fue un buen día, digno. Estamos buscando salir caminar, cantar rondas fuera un grupo antes de pujari y el resto en lugar neutral fuera de casa y templo, en tranquilidad, caminar es mi único ejercicio, extraño bailar, una amiga llego a Vrndavana, es muy determinada, me cuenta que muy pocos usan tapa boca, cerrando fronteras se solucionó el contagio y los índices muestra que la pandemia esta de bajada. Así me parece genial, eso es vida, lejos de un mundo de paranoia, visitando un lugar sagrado lleno de sabios. Extraño a esos encuentros de sabios en presencial, quisiera estar siempre en asociación de grandes sabios, para no dejarme influenciar por mediocridad. Pienso que este periodo para la salud de los maestros es bueno, todo tiene su precio, viajar siempre deteriora la salud, pero que bonito es, verdad. Bueno deseaba compartir eso con Ud. estamos más optimistas y abiertas a cambios siempre que mejoren las condiciones, los astrólogos hablan de malos periodos, que importancia tienen realmente si actuamos como vivos, almas nada podrá afectarnos, confiamos y hemos constatado que donde están tus pensamientos es lo determina el estado de conciencia. Por favor sus bendiciones para que este año me permita lograr una meta, volver pronto al Dham. Tener la asociación de santos.

Su hija que lo adora y extraña:

Yugala Kishora Dasi


Hk pamho Dear Guru Maharaja, here the blue Surabi returns to the flock,

today I returned from a friend's house, there was a loving exchange prasadham in exchange for a confidence.

End of the year and I believe that especially this year my service of giving Radha Madama Bihari's prasadham to those who for various reasons cannot take it and want it has brought me happiness.

Each visit is like a revelation.

Krsna sends a message, I am making my plan with this Person, I see that He performs miracles, He grants wishes from time immemorial.

I am glad to see that Krsna changes people's lives, reciprocating according to surrender. I hope my wishes are worth it. Krsna lately shows me that everything has a price, sometimes that price is very high.

ASA - Srila Prabhupada says that he is selling diamonds. Not as many customers as for cut glass.

I would therefore like to be honest and that my requests are not broken glass. I am thinking of adding to my activities apart from Pujari and food distribution some more as a service to the community. Even if it's one day a week.

ASA - Super!

This is my fight against monotony.

ASA - Mono Tone. Would be Nirvisesa! Yes, we fight against Nirvisesa and Sunyavadi! Wonder Girl to the Rescue.

I feel happy when the day ends full of service and I go to bed tired but happy because it was a good day, worthy. We are looking to go out for a walk, sing rounds outside a group before pujari and the rest in a neutral place outside the house and temple, in tranquility, walking is my only exercise, I miss dancing,

HpS - In Goloka, every step, walk, is a dance. Practice!

... a friend came to Vrndavana, she is very determined, she tells me that Very few use a cover, closing borders the contagion was solved and the indexes show that the pandemic is on the decline. So it seems great to me, that is life, away from a world of paranoia, visiting a sacred place full of wise men. I miss those meetings of wise men in person, I would always like to be in association with great wise men, so as not to be influenced by mediocrity. I think that this period for the health of the teachers is good, everything has its price, traveling always deteriorates health, but how beautiful it is, right. Well, I wanted to share that with you. We are more optimistic and open to changes whenever conditions improve, astrologers speak of bad periods, how important it really is if we act as alive, souls nothing can affect us, we trust and we have verified that where are your thoughts It is what the state of consciousness determines. Please your blessings so that this year allows me to achieve a goal, to return soon to the Dham. Have the association of saints.

His daughter who adores and misses him:

Yugala Kishora Dasi

HpS - ASA - We should all take lessons from Walter Leon, how to organize our life/Vastu veda, so that we can live alone and in the Big House at the same time. Many b'cariinis, Grhasthas in the same complex so that they don't have to wear masks.

Sankirtana of Confused Soul (long , not urgent, but important)

3 years, 11 months ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

previous letters



written on 20210207,2003hrs..

Kneeling Down Senyor, PAMHO, AGTSP,

meine Ehrerbietungen .

It seems we have got something to do with Duetshcland, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland, Hungary etc,

Schawernagger, Oppenheim, Einstein, Jung, Hitler,Jean-Claude Van Damme the list goes on.....

We were all impressed by these guys..

In search of our Karma we were exploring music , one more German Name is added.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hans_Zimmer ---- Great Music Composer.

We are writing to you, because you opened the gates for us for Virat Purasa , the collective unconscious, theatre, viola saplin, archetypes, etc.

Somehow we are looking for you in every person, or Krsna in every person from your perspective.

ASA - AGTSP! Yes, Krsna in every person!

Ufffffff..... little updates.

  1. We hug the punching bag, and pray to Narsimha deva, that we are imagining that we are kicking you on side ribs from legs, hope you like this service of ours. (something like south indian brahmin, dont know how bonafide it is).

ASA - You are kicking Lord Nrsmhadeva in the ribs? (Seems rather rude, but for Him it may be a tickle!)

  1. We are still searching for our service, our current nature, some times we are music composer, some times fighter (we play chess a lot), Mathematician, seeker of Visva rupa, royal counsellor..dont know what is there in treasure for us by SPOG . Seems it is important to dovetail ourself.... In your ASA caranaval Mayapur we got this ,that one's service is very important..
  2. 16 rounds going on, rising before sun improving, four rules stronger, Mangal Arti More regular. Its interesting that morning begins as --world is forest fire.
  3. we have customized audio list ..https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iX31AoAcGXg . Lover of Lord By Mangala Ananda Prabhu as dedication to Srila Prabhupada, we sing with meaning. , then we play Sri Rupa Manjari, Jagganath Astak.
  4. we have pasted Photo graph of Bheesma with bow ( from your repository) he is the greatest Kshatriya defeated his guru also. Did not loose drop of semen, remembered Krsna always. He was ready to be killed instead of hitting a women, (great learning for us, The Mahajan taught us what it means to be Ksatriya)

Jung Project

Its good to see Sugopi Mataji's progress for Jung research. We went for age and life regression in Jan in Delhi by aspiring devotee Mataji. We could connect with her immediately. We found ease in talking with her. She is dream analyst, and has read about Carl Jung a lot. I definitely think she will be benefitted by your Jungian Project.

What material we can forward for her?

HpS - Article in 3rd Viplavah 2019. Iskcon Education.org

parting show,

Godzilla's trailer shows his hair, I remembered the hair of Lord Varaha..and with loud roar.

Ultimately every rascal is looking for supreme rascal in various ways. {ha ha ha}

HpS - Well, directly only extraordinary rascals look for Supreme Rascal, no? Was Jaya/Vijaya's qualification. Wanted to kill God, not their wife, boss, President, weather man.

wish could receive a punch from your physical body. hope we can be recruited in arm of monitos in some way.

HpS - ASA - We are incapable of even thinking of striking you. We are afraid we would be reprimanded by Durdarshana even if we though of it.

trying to find my current swabhav...


flat on body, dandvats.

two legged animal

HpS - ASA - Respects to you, who have taken birth in an elevated family and nation and run after Krsna! Hope you get news from The Better Half. Two steps forward you have made!!! Your pathway is much clearer to the glade. I still remember when you, me and Mataji, met after the lecture in Gaziabad.

Gokulananda Education Questions

3 years, 11 months ago by yogendra dasa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Hanumat Presak Swami Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Maharaja, I am writing to ask for your help to connect with Sesa Prabhu of the ISKCON Education Ministry. I am an elementary teacher in Nova Scotia, Canada. I have some questions to ask regarding the future organization of ISKCON schools in North America. Bhaktimarga Swami recommended I reach out to Sesa Prabhu, and I've not had any success so far. Although, I have been able to get his phone number from a god-sister in Alachua, I've not been able to get through to him. His email contact does not appear on the MOE website. If you so desire, will you please help me get in touch with Sesa Prabhu.

Maharaja, I am also attaching a photo of my family. My wife is your disciple, Rasa-mandali Devi Dasi.

Hoping this meets you well.

With sincere appreciation,

Yogendra dasa

HpS - Hare Krsna, Prabhu. AgtSP. Paoho. My respects to Rasa-mandali Devi Dasi. We did not know if she was in this world of the next 😎. Very nice to meet you. Sesa Das is still ISKCON Minister of Education but he has gone on a Sabbatical. The Executive Secretary, as far as I know, is Tappan Misra Das. A very fine person.

His Whatsapp number is: +91 98100 39693

Regards "... the future organization of ISKCON schools in North America...", my own perception is that it is in a very foundling stage, and that your should push on with your own personal and local efforts, and try to develop the North American organization as your own personal responsibility to ISKCON, or friends and Srila Prabhupada.

There is not (and really never will be) a independent continental organization independent of the efforts that you and I put into it.

At your and Rasa-m. D. D. ' s service!

🙂 🙂 🙂

HpS www.JayaRama.US

A new year is here

3 years, 11 months ago by parama karuna das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Haré krishna Gurudev

Pamhr tlgaSP ki jay...!

Encontramos diariamente en la mañana la oportunidad de continuar nuestro seva adorando a nuestras deidades, salagrams, cocinando, atendiendo a nuestra familia y cantando los santos nombres en nuestra japa y esa oportunidad esta presente todos los dias por lo tanto no existe nuevo año o viejo año cuando estamos atendiendo a Krisna tan solo tenemos nuestro tiempo q no cambia porq estamos fijos y felices en nuestro dharma.

Salimos unos dias a Sankirtan no con libros del BBT con recetarios de cocina del prabhu Harinan, pienso q la gente necesita mejores su calidad de vida y su salud mejorara atraves de una comida conciente, este fue mi aporte en tiempos de pandemia, la filosofia entrara mas facil en una mente sana y calmada.

Nuestro bebe Soren Prahlada ah cumplido 1 año el 31 de Diciembre una pequeñanreunion familair en nuestra casa, compartiendo torta, hamburguesas, bebidas y dulces prasadam, hubo regalos y hubo aprecio por nuestro esfuerzo.

Realizaremos su vyasa puja con amigos devotos(as) en casa de uno de ellos, esperamos pronto tener su asociacion en Lima en la forma de vani extrañamos su buen humor en nuestra vida y ayudar en su sankirtan.

Nos preparamos para volver a India para la inaguracion del planetario sus bendiciones para seguir con nuestro servicio de dramas y danzas alado de buenos vaisnavas.

Muchas gracias por su asociacion online y gracias por aceptarnos en la linea de sucesión discipular como guru Diksha me postro a sus pies con humilda y gratitud


I will do (Hare 😁) Krishna Gurudev

Pamhr tlgaSP ki jay ...!

We find daily in the morning the opportunity to continue our seva by worshiping our deities, salagrams, cooking, attending our family and chanting the holy names in our japa

and that opportunity is present every day, therefore there is no new year or old year

When we are attending to Krishna we only have our time that does not change because we are fixed and happy in our dharma.

HpS - Eternal present, eternally improving, refining.

We went out to Sankirtan for a few days,

not with BBT books with prabhu Harinan cookbooks,

I think that people need better quality of life and their health will improve through a conscious meal, this was my contribution in times of pandemic, the philosophy will enter easier in a healthy and calm mind.

Our baby Soren Prahlada has turned 1 year on December 31st, a small family reunion in our house, sharing cake, hamburgers, drinks and sweet prasadam, there were gifts and there was appreciation for our effort.

HpS - In our last Ashrama our son was named Peter Soren-Knut Robinson.

We will perform your vyasa puja with devout friends at the home of one of them, we hope soon to have your association in Lima in the form of vani, we miss your good mood in our life and help in your sankirtan.

We are preparing to return to India for the inauguration of the planetarium. Your blessings to continue with our service of dramas and dances with good Vaisnavas.

Thank you very much for your online association and thank you for accepting us in the line of disciplic succession as guru Diksha, I bow at your feet with humble and gratitude.

HpS !!! Protect the Soren so he can do wonderful things for society. He is not an ordinary person! Now local Kirtan.... 8PM.... Good night!!!!! Respects to Radha Devi Dasi et al.

Looking for the clues

3 years, 11 months ago by AKD in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glory to Srila Prabhupada & All Glory to Sankirtan Movement by Gaura Nitay.

Please accept my humbles obeisances unto your lotus feet.

HpS - ASA - Lettuce feet. AGTSP!

Dear Gurudeva I hope you're in good health. These days my mom told me she has been sick for several years, her blood does not produce enough platelets, and she receives transfusions. She is very Catholic and she tells me that perhaps very soon she will leave the body, and her great concern is that I be with the "Hare Krishnas", she asks me to forget Krishna, as a request that may be the last one she makes of me. I have always avoided falling into controversies with her when I visit her, I only try to serve her by cooking her something healthy, we have always had a very difficult relationship, I have been thinking a lot about what I should say to her, for the moment I only thanked her that she instilled in me faith in a good god, and that has helped me to seek the path of good.

HpS - In English we say 'God'. In Spanish 'Dios', and in India 'Krsna'. I guess there is not too much you can say. Your strategy seems good.

I keep trying to share Krishna, in different places, several times I've seen that many families for religious reasons are not favorable to Bhakti service.

I'm told several times that I should not think too much of Krishna, that I should spend more time seeking gross sense gratification, yet I didn't think I was doing enough. I hope to constantly chant with full faith, always being at the service of the devotees. Thanks for your tireless devotion.

your crew member Aniruddhakrsna Das.

HpS !!!! Is this the life you want life after life?

Be a chipmunk traveling with Narada Muni?

Lettuce look at two more letters.!.... See you soon. I try to do just the same thing that you do, and see the same thing. We have to explain Krist and Krsna.