Reporte Laksmiradha DD desde Chile

Vanca Kalpa Gurudev!!!PAMHO!!!TLGSP!!!Mis reverencias eternas.

Querido Gurudev, soy Laksmiradha DD de Santiago de Chile, hace meses que deseaba escribirle, de mayo del 2020, pero ese año fue muy zigzagueate para mí en lo espiritual, hasta agosto había sido muy auspicioso, poder tener su asociación virtual y tener teletrabajo, fue intenso; luego tuve un declive hasta diciembre en asociación y sadhana.

Sin embargo hay maldiciones que se transforman en bendiciones y ahora me encuentro buscando un equilibrio para poder avanzar con entusiasmo y determinación.

La semana pasada retomé mi servicio de guirnaldas para placer de sus señorías y espero que el vuestro. Estoy participando casi a diario en FMP y mis rondas han mejorado considerablemente. Definitivamente no hay nada mejor que depender solo de Krsna, es quien realmente sabe que es lo mejor para nosotros.

Le pido disculpas por mi ineptitud ante la clase realizada on line, tuve muy poquito tiempo para prepararla, pero me sirvió para comprometerme conmigo misma para leer, indagar y aprender más. Además nunca había dado una clase!!!

Gurudev, dentro de todos estos arreglos de Krsna, deseo informarle que a fines de enero he entablado una relación de pareja con un devoto, serio en su vida espiritual, muy favorable, de Republica Dominicana, discípulo de Srila Virabahu, ha sido como si Krsna hubiese golpeado mi puerta y haya puesto a alguien con quien conversar, crecer y fortalecerme en CK, ya que me sentía muy vulnerable, reciprocamos en nobles sentimientos y avance espiritual, me siento muy agradecida y emocionada.

Sigo distribuyendo prasadam (en los patalas) nuevamente, a sido muy reconfortante, estamos con Cristóbal con ayuda profesional (psicólogo) para poder ir mejorando en aspectos personales y ordenando la casa (la mente) para fortalecer el corazón y apoyar de mejor manera a mi nieta, que ya tiene dos años (Colomba).

No ha sido fácil para mí, pero por lo menos, sigo esforzándome y comprometiéndome seriamente en mejorar cada día, por favor perdóneme por los errores del pasado.

Prabhupada es realmente muy, muy experto en darnos una filosofía tan completa y versátil.

Postrada a sus pies de loto,

Laksmiradha Devi Dasi ,

Santiago, Chile 23 febrero 2021.


Vanca Kalpa Gurudev !!! PAMHO !!! TLGSP !!! My eternal obeisances.

Dear Gurudev, I am Laksmiradha DD from Santiago de Chile, I wanted to write to you for months, May 2020, but that year was very zigzag for me spiritually, until August it had been very auspicious, to be able to have your virtual association and have telework, it was intense; then I had a decline until December in association and sadhana.

However, there are curses that turn into blessings and now I find myself looking for a balance in order to move forward with enthusiasm and determination.

Last week I resumed my garland service for the pleasure of your Lordships and I hope yours. I am participating almost daily in FMP and my rounds have improved considerably. There is definitely nothing better than relying only on Krsna, He is the one who really knows what is best for us.

I apologize for my ineptitude in the online class, I had very little time to prepare it, but it helped me to commit to myself to read, investigate and learn more. Also, I had never taught a class!

Gurudev, within all these arrangements of Krsna, I wish to inform you that at the end of January I have established a relationship with a devotee, serious in his spiritual life, very favorable, from the Dominican Republic, a disciple of Srila Virabahu, it has been as if Krsna I would have knocked on my door and put someone to talk with, grow and strengthen me in CK, since I felt very vulnerable, we reciprocated in noble feelings and spiritual advancement, I feel very grateful and excited.

I keep distributing prasadam (in the patalas) again, it has been very comforting, we are with Cristóbal with professional help (psychologist) to be able to improve in personal aspects and order the house (the mind) to strengthen the heart and better support me granddaughter, who is already two years old (Colomba).

It has not been easy for me, but at the very least, I continue to strive and seriously commit myself to improve every day, please forgive me for the mistakes of the past.

Prabhupada is really very, very adept at giving us such a comprehensive and versatile philosophy.

Prostrate at his lotus feet,

Laksmiradha Devi Dasi,

Santiago, Chile February 23, 2021.

HpS - The efforts to serve Krsna are utilized by Krsna and make us eternally more and more free from the external energy. The reciprocations with Maya, external energy are ignored by Krsna, or used by Him indirectly for His purposes and to purify us.

Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna.

Whatever we do to help people has a lasting effect, eg. your family. It may not get complete results immediately but it keeps building up and one day they will be awake.

¡contacto, contacto, contacto!

3 years, 11 months ago by bhaktadamian in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaja

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Todas las glorias a Hanumatpresaka Swami

Por favor acepte mis mas humildes reverencias a sus sagrados pies

(debajo hay copia en inglés)

¿Cómo está?

Espero que usted esté bien de salud en el momento que lea esta carta.

Aquí lo saluda bhakta Damián, actualmente viviendo en Traslasierra, Córdoba, Argentina. Espero me recuerde (aunque sea un flash :-) )

Leer su blog es tan inspirante, que decidí escribirle. Aunque sé que su tiempo es muy valioso, necesito estar en contacto con usted, de lo contrario siento que soy como una hoja que se va secando cuando la separan de la rama.

Hace un mes le había escrito una carta, pero cuando la volví a leer me pareció tan egocéntrica!, todo el tiempo hablando de mis problemas y mis pesares. Cuando puedo ver todo tu servicio y el gran servicio que hacen muchos de tus discípulos, me siento insignificante y egoísta, pensando siempre en esta miserable identidad temporal que me ha tocado.

Solo quiero decirle que sé cual es la perfección de la vida: servir a guru y Krsna sin mezquindades, pero sin embargo, sé que es una posición muy elevada para mi estatura actual.

Gracias por todo lo que haces por Srila Prabhupada, el movimiento de Sankirtan de Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu y por tus discípulos, aspirantes y bienquerientes.

Estoy muy feliz de haberte elegido como mi guía y estímulo espiritual. Por tu inmensa honestidad y pureza que he sentido desde el primer día que te conocí.

Mi vida espiritual, por tu misericordia, la de Srila Prabhupada y Krishna marcha bien, dentro de todo.

Desde enero de 2020 cantando las 16 rondas. Tratando de mejorar la calidad. Tratando de tener más estabilidad en los horarios, mejorar los hábitos brahmínicos (comer menos cantidad, limpieza, disciplina, control de la mente). Siguiendo los principios regulativos bien. Espero poder participar más de los programas de la mañana. Me hace muy bien ver tus clases.

Hago mangalarati martes, jueves y sábado con los devotos de yatra en el templo local. Cantamos japa juntos y hay una clase de media hora de S. B. Hace poco di mi primer "clase”, estaba muy nervioso.

Hago servicio de limpieza del templo local y ayudo en la tesorería y otras tareas.

Sigo avanzando con el bhakti Sastri con prabhu Param Padam, actualmente capítulo 9 del B. G.

Leyendo regularmente el Srimad Bhagavatam, y grabo audios para los devotos, para los encuentro quincenales de “Bhagavatam-sanga”, (vamos por el Canto 4, capítulo 13).

Hablando de Krishna a todos los que podemos.

Asociándonos con los devotos del yatra. Hacemos fiesta de domingo 1 vez al mes. Mi ocupación será traer gente a las fiestas, ya que cuando salgo a sankirtan (distribución de libros) conozco personas y les tomo los datos a algunos.

Siento que voy avanzando en mi vida espiritual, de a poco, por misericordia tuya, de Srila Prabhupada, de los devotos y de Krishna.

Le he enviado mi reporte anual. Estoy muy feliz con mi actividad de distribución de libros de Srila Prabhupada. Es para mi una actividad que hago con alegría y entusiasmo desde hace mas de 3 años, y siento, que si usted me da su bendición, me gustaría realizarla toda la vida y ofrendar los resultados a sus pies.

Estoy feliz de haber encontrado mi ubicación en el varna, aún en el asrama todavía no, pero acepto lo que sucede, todo el plan de Krishna es perfecto.

Una vez más le agradezco por existir.

Necesito estar en contacto con usted, y ansío poder verlo personalmente alguna vez más.

Deseo alguna vez hacer algo útil por usted.

Lo saludo

bhakta Damián de Argentina


Hare Krishna Maharaja

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to Hanumatpresaka Swami

Please accept my humble obeisances at your holy feet.

How are you?

I hope you are in good health by the time you read this letter.

Here he is greeted by Bhakta Damián, currently living in Traslasierra, Córdoba, Argentina. I hope you remember me (even if it's a flash :-))

Reading your blog is so inspiring that I decided to write to you. Although I know that your time is very valuable, I need to be in contact with you, otherwise I feel like a leaf that is drying when it is separated from the branch.

A month ago I had written him a letter, but when I read it again it seemed so self-centered! All the time talking about my problems and my regrets. When I can see all your service and the great service that many of your disciples do, I feel insignificant and selfish, always thinking about this miserable temporary identity that has touched me.

I just want to tell you that I know what the perfection of life is: serving guru and Krsna without pettiness, but nevertheless, I know that it is a very high position for my current stature.

Thank you for all that you do for Srila Prabhupada, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's Sankirtan movement, and for your disciples, aspirants, and well-wishers.

I am very happy to have chosen you as my spiritual guide and encouragement. For your immense honesty and purity that I have felt since the first day I met you.

My spiritual life, by your mercy, that of Srila Prabhupada and Krishna is going well, within everything.

Since January 2020 singing the 16 rounds. Trying to improve the quality. Trying to have more stability in schedules, improve brahminic habits (eat less, cleanliness, discipline, control of the mind). Following the regulative principles well. I look forward to participating more of the morning programs. It makes me very good to see your classes.

 I do mangalarati Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday with the yatra devotees at the local temple. We chant japa together and there is a half hour class from S. B. I recently took my first "class", I was very nervous.

I do housekeeping for the local temple and help with the treasury and other tasks.

I keep moving forward with bhakti Sastri with prabhu Param Padam, currently chapter 9 of B.G.

Reading Srimad Bhagavatam regularly, and I record audios for the devotees, for the fortnightly "Bhagavatam-sanga" meetings, (we are going through Canto 4, chapter 13).

Speaking of Krishna to everyone we can.

Associating with the devotees of the yatra. We have a Sunday party once a month. My occupation will be to bring people to the parties, since when I go out to sankirtan (book distribution) I meet people and I take the information from some.

I feel that I am advancing in my spiritual life, little by little, by the mercy of you, Srila Prabhupada, the devotees and Krishna.

I have sent you my annual report. I am very happy with my Srila Prabhupada book distribution activity. It is for me an activity that I have been doing with joy and enthusiasm for more than 3 years, and I feel that if you give me your blessing, I would like to do it all my life and offer the results at your feet.

I am happy that I have found my location in the varna, not yet in the asrama, but I accept what happens, the whole plan of Krishna is perfect.

Once again I thank you for existing.

I need to be in touch with you, and I look forward to seeing you in person one more time.

I wish sometime to do something useful for you.

I salute you

bhakta Damian from Argentina

HpS - Jaya! AGTSP. It is 5.59PM here in the Boro. The sun has gone and it is depressing. We are very, very weak. Can walk around the house and do things, but taking a walk outside with NgD seemed impossible. I think it is from our immature standard in offering Bhoga to the Lord with all sincerity and then honoring His Prasada with respect, and associating with mundane people for Sankirtan.


Also, very much a result of having been inoculated for the Karuna virus yesterday.

... but "Hare Krsna! Hare Rama", I have your association.

Have you seen Krsna? Through the BBT pictures? What is He like? Is He dangerous??? Are you ready to be "guru" for 1,000 people (...amar ajnaya guru haya...)?

Hare Krishna

3 years, 11 months ago by purushottam in Personal Sadhana Reports

Respected Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeiscances.

We are missing your Vapu association, which you provided us so mercifully.

Currently I am at Darbhanga. Most of the time alone in a rented room. There are 3-4 devotees, who sometimes come. I have few preaching engagements - in villages or house programs. Progress of preaching is very slow.

HpS-ASA - You have an audience here! . You, we, all have to start our own branch of ISKCON from our personal connection with Srila Prabhupada. Then we cultivate our friendships in the movement and third, we deal with the institutional aspect of ISKCON.

If one and two are good then three is easy.


I think I have loaded myself with too many things and hardly I am able to give justifiable time to any. While I am staying at Darbhanga, Patna Temple President expects that I preach in Patna too. Personally, I find it very discouraging to preach in Patna because- 1. Almost no other support system for Brahmacharis, besides place for stay and prasadam. 2. Too much money minded devotees 3. No financial freedom at all 4. Presence of some anti-preacher insider.

HpS - Sounds tough! I think I had the same in the first years in Berkeley, but did what I, in my limited way, could do, and little by little got better Sankirtan partners, ISKCON institution for me, eg. Bhaktivedanta Institute.

Also sounds like Srila Prabhupada and much of the Gaudiya matha, no?

Not only that, there is expectation for preaching in other regions of Bihar as well.

As far as studies are concerned, I recently attended a course- Research Skills by HH Krishnaksetra Maharaj. Nice classes, but I am lagging hugely in regards to submission of assignments. Last date- 28th February.

Then I have taken admission in MA (Sanskrit) through correspondence. I haven't started my studies, while exams expected in June.

HpS - Which institution? We have heard that Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan is good resource, but not MA I think .

And of course, the last semester exams of Astrology - I had to miss in Feb/March as I haven't read anything in past one year. Again there is re-exam in June.

HpS - Maybe it is your Karma! 😎

Besides that there are a couple of online classes. Overall our schedule leave no scope for doing much waste. I dont know how time is simply passing so fast.

Some devotees were suggesting and I was also thinking to get Sri Sri Gaur Nitai (as personal deity). What is your opinion? Kindly suggest. What standards are expected for service, as daily service and service for festivals. Also what to do if I need to go out of station for some reason?

HpS - I see no harm. It can be very nice. Can get small deities so that they can travel and then if you are participating in a Temple where there is regular worship, then They will accept that worship, and you just need to keep Them clean and comfortable.

  1. Love. Simple practical relation with Them.
  2. Cleanliness
  3. Punctuality. If Arati with just incense and flower little Bhoga once, twice a day, is fine, but fix regular times.
  4. Rituals. Adjust in terms of your Ashrama and personality.

We hope and pray for you better health. Interestingly here is a devotee who claims to cure different diseases with few medicines combined with Bhakti process. I am also taking treatment for my skins from him. There appears to be some improvement in - past 2 months of treatment.

I suggested him to keep the name of treatment as 'Bhaktipathy'. What is you suggestion?

ASA - Sounds good. We have "Psycopaths" so why on Bhaktipaths.

There is no other disciple of Gaura-Nitai like you. You have a unique mission. Define it. Do it. Engage the ASA crew!

Yes, set priorities for your work.

Hoping and praying for your good health,

Your aspiring servant,

Purushottam Keshav Das

Urgent GVDGD

3 years, 11 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

On Whatsapp, Girivaradhari Das writes: Hare Krsna Dear Gurudev Dandavat Pranam

I have sent a mail to your [YAHOO] mail ID [censured]

Provided details

It is bit urgent

So would request you to have a look and help to know your comments

Thank you

Hare Krsna

HpS/ASA: We looked in our Yahoo mail and found:

Dear Gurudev,

Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet [Lettuce feet, AGTSP ! ].

All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to Guru parampara.

Gurudev, As you are aware about HG Jibesh Das Prabhuji's book distribution in Bengal's villages.

 Currently, He collects / purchases books from 'Nama-Hatta' on external rate (means not on BBT rate), which is high and does not help when get distributed in villages because sometime need to down the price for distribution purpose.

If Jibesh Das Prabhuji gets all books directly from BBT (Mayapur) would be very helpful in terms of cost which definitely help book distribution in village areas.

We inquired about it and found two criteria:

1. We need to collect / purchase books more than Rs 15,000 (INR). While HG Jibesh Prabhuji 

      collects books with 1 Lakh 15 Thousand [? Rs 115,000 ?] at a time.

2. We need a recommendation letter from HG Bhima Das Prabhuji (BBT In-charge). 

 HG Bhima Das Prabhuj is current in-charge of BBT. You just need to write a letter to him. 

 Then a recommendation letter will be issued by him and then only Jibesh Prabhuji will be able to collect books directly from BBT Mayapur.

 Email ID of HG Bhima Das Prabhuji - [censured]

Your dependent,

Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

HpS - Very difficult for limited competency ASA team to communicate through Whatsapp on these topics. Post letters here marked "Little URGENT" and then send notice to Whatsapp if no response after 4-days will be best way to communicate.

Is very nice service for us, we will send following to Bhima Das:

Esteemed Sriman Bhima Das,

We hope you are in the best of spirits and your old machine is functioning well in your Sankirtan service. We have contact with one Sankirtan devotee in Bengal, H. H. Jibesh Das through our respected disciple Girivaradhari Das who is based in Pune, but travels in India some.

They comment that a letter of recommendation is needed from your good self for them to buy BBT books directly from BBT Mayapura, so we are requesting this letter, as per your protocol, since we feel we have pretty clear understanding of the people involved.

Thank you,

If any questions or instructions, please write to us here.

Hanumatpresaka Swami

Judo for Yadunatha

Le ofrezco mí esfuerzo y logro Gurudev,

Narayana -parah Das.

ASA - Y yo ofezco a Srila Prabhupada y su ISKCON, y el a Nityananda - Gauranga, y Ellos a Radha Krsna. Esperamos puede ser capaz bailar y jugar con los pastorcillos de vacas en Gokula: Sudan, Sridama, Subal, Rama.

En esta ambient puede predicar a Boddhidharma, Ip Man, Bruce Lee, Donnie Yen, Jet Li, Jackie Chan, Mohamad Alli et al.

Personal Sadhana Report

3 years, 11 months ago by Yamuneswar Das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna, Guruji Maharaja, Dandavat Pranam,

All Glaries to Sri Krsna, Sri Gouranga Mahaprabhu and Goura Bhakta Brinda.

Please accept my humble obeisances unto the padmacharan of Guruji Maharajah that I am performing every day 16 rounds or more but what it meant “nice”?

HpS - Thank you for your letter. SP explains this at: and the related verse. Sixteen enthusiastic rounds.


The four principles, Mangaarati at 3.30 but no bath and dress because my pujah is performed in the Chitrabot. Again, as I am grihastha, I could not engage whole days in the service of Radha-Krsna. Only two times; one in the morning Mangal aarti and the other in the evening sandhya arati.

HpS - Yet that is like thinking that Arjuna could not serve Krsna during the day because he had his Grhastha duties in fighting the battle, no? Use the morning and evening to fix your self in Krsna's service during the day! Why do you work at the university? For whom are you working? How can you do Sankirtan there?


At the time of the first initiation Guruji gave us Harinam Mahamantra (16 names), the sacred thread, Nama Mala, again in the second initiation (Brahma Diksa) Guruji gave us Gayatri Mantra. Here no mantras of Nityananda & Srimati Radharani. Sadhu-Sanga told me the Mantras and Gayatri of Prabhu Nidyananda and Srimati Radharani are very much necessary for a Goudira Beisnava (Raganuga-sadhana-bhakti). I have found them in local Manipuri books but Guruji's acceptance is compulsorily most needed.

HpS - We chant the Gauranga Gayatri Mantra and of course, that includes worship of Lord Nityananda, and the Radha mantra is given at the time of formal Sannyasa. However, there are Mantras in the Puja of ISKCON Temple Deities for Lord Nitya-ananda and Srimati Radhika et al. Can you ask Vanamali Das or Sadhu-sanga Das for those? ? ?

We certainly approve of that worship!

I have re-read the slokas 8 of NOI and 1.2.294-95 of BRS. The NOI indicates only for those bhaktas who stay at Vrindavan but we are staying at home and practicing only through Gamana-Gaman by (Siddha body). In Jiva Gosvami’s commentary “Now, the method of raganuga-sadhana-bhakti is described. If possible, one should live physically in the places where Krsna lived, such as Vrndavana. If one cannot do that, then the person should live there mentally (self Sakhi-Manjari)". We need more Guruji’s suggestion.

HpS - Yes, if we cannot live physically in Braja, then living in ISKCON temple, or Grhastha ashrama where Radha and Krsna are worshipped is just as good.

Are you worshipping Radha Krsna Murti in your Ashrama??

Our Siddha deha may not be Sakhi or Manjari. Uddhava just wanted to be a blade of grass under the feet of the Gopis. Seems we have to be a little careful to think that we are suddenly more advanced than Uddhava.

Are you ready to be Karna or Bhismadeva or Pandu in you next lifetime?

Even those Lilas are very, very, very difficult, no?

It is very nice to get your association in these matters and we hope that we are not committing and offenses.

Yours fallen servant

Yamunesvara Das