Lady Diksa Guru

4 years, 3 months ago by hps in Special Category A

AgtSP! Paoho. We received by Yahoo mail:

Basu Ghosh Das, Wed, Oct 14 at 10:24 AM

Sivaram Maharaj has just come out with a 38 minute video where he expresses his detailed opposition to the GBC authorization of FDGs. Here is the link to the video. I urge all IIAC members to watch it! Here is the link:


HpS-ASA -- We watched it while chanting Japa. It inspired about 11-notes. We agree with many points, but again our essential difference is that we feel that Diksa-guru should be taken more as a formality, not a meaningless formality, and principle Vartmana-acharya guru 'usually' becomes Diksa guru.

We, I, are, am, just trying to be one lens on Srila Prabhupada. If you are accepting me as Diksa guru under Srila Prabhupada, then the contract is very clear and formal, and in that perspective I encourage, expect, all of my 'disciples' to accept Srila Prabhupada as an Uttama adhikari guru, and judge us in terms of his instructions.

Jaya! Back to work.

(CPKD): Report on SOLARIS No 5 and the Indexing Process

4 years, 3 months ago by abhiramdas in Special Category A

Hare Krishna Gurudeva, please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

All glories to Hanumatpresaka Swami!!

SOLARIS No 5 is 98% ready, only a few small details are missing so we will go to print soon. By the mercy of Nimai-Nitai, we hope to offer Sri Ramacandra this printed edition on October 25 as an offering in the Glorious RAMA-VIJAYA MAHOTSAVA. Gurudeva, on that Sunday 25th, on behalf of the ISKCON-Chosica authorities, we ask you to give us your auspicious spiritual guide giving the class at 11 am, Lima-Peru time. It's okay?

HpS-ASA --- AGTSP!!!! paoho. It is in our Calendar!

As for the "indexing" process, it is progressing, as I said in the previous report: “this process is very important because it allows significant sectors of the academic community to know and read the journal, but to achieve this it is necessary to make several adjustments that require a lot of management and therefore a lot of time ”.

In this sense, I had a meeting with Miguel Polo on this issue. After two hours of dialogue we have considered the indexing of SOLARIS to be valuable and important, but not fundamental, that is, we are going to try to achieve the goal of indexing, but without renouncing our essence of being an open window where the entire human society can see and “TAKE THE BEST OF THE PAST, APPLY IT IN THE PRESENT AND BUILD A BETTER FUTURE FOR ALL”. In summary, SOLARIS must be indexed, we will make adjustments, but without losing our identity so as not to end up being a magazine only for the academic elite.


- SECTIONS: the proposal is that the content be divided into: Essays, Articles, Interviews, Book Review and Cultural Portal. Please, any suggestions?

HpS - Are these sections required by the indexers? Difference between Essays and Articles??? Also, NIOS organizational news, Calendar, Institutional Collaborators.

- PERIODICITY: The goal is that from 2021 we do two issues per year (in June and December respectively). Please, any suggestions?

HpS - Sounds good.

- INTERVIEWS: Gurudeva we want to ask you, for SOLARIS No 6, you interview one of these three personalities:




If you accept, and tell us who is okay with interviewing this time, our management unit would do all the coordination with said academic so that you do not burden your activities anymore, you would only focus on.

HpS - Dr. Samaresh.


This is a requirement for indexing, we think of 12 members, this is our proposal:

1. Hanumatpresaka Swami (USA)

2. Samaresh Bandyopadhyay (India)

3. Beverley Zabriskie (USA)

4. M. Darrol Bryant (Canadá)

5. Ramon Mujica Pinilla (Perú)

6. Héctor Béjar Rivera (Perú)

7. Raúl Zurita (Chile)

8. Cecilia Montero (Chile)

9. Bernardo Nante (Argentina)

10. Carlos Rúa (Argentina)

11. Itzel Barrera (México)

12. Mónica Cornejo (Spain)

Do you agree? any suggestions?

HpS - ?? No. I thnk some are too old?? Some are to busy.... Some I don't know: Hmmm.


This is another requirement for indexing (at the end of the report I attach a photo of the main mockup). At this point we want to consult you and the members of NIOS about the domain of the web, currently, we have these names reserved:

Miguel Polo and I like the domain: “”, we also like “”.

HpS - 'revists.solaris' doesn't seem as universal as 'solaris.nios'. Why can't the magazine be part of the exisiting NIOS webpage? I see that the Oxford Center Hindu Studies has two web sites. One for the Center:, and one for their journal:, which is part of a general journal website run by Oxford University Press?

That is all for now

Hare Krishna Gurudeva, your insignificant servant, Abhiram Thakur das.

HpS-ASA - Thank you for this excellent report!! As we discussed with a lot of detail, we are only a member of the Advisory Board. With change Officers, Directors and Members, we need to get Solaris, fixed in its relationship with the new administration. Let us schedule a meeting with President, Abhiseka Singh, you, me, Miguel Polo, Gandharva Das(???). Maybe send us the final version and then Abhiseka can look at it and we can all use it as the basis for our discussion.


El No 5 de SOLARIS está listo al 98%, faltan solo unos pequeños detalles así que pronto entraremos a impresión. Por la misericordia de Nimai-Nitai, esperamos ofrecerle a Sri Ramacandra esta edición impresa el 25 de octubre como una ofrenda en el Glorioso RAMA-VIJAYA MAHOTSAVA. Justamente Gurudeva, ese día domingo 25, a nombre de las autoridades de ISKCON-Chosica, le pedimos nos brinde su auspiciosa guía espiritual dando la clase a las 11 am, hora de Lima-Perú. Está bien?

En cuanto al proceso de "indexación" va avanzando, como dije en el reporte anterior: “este proceso es bien importante porque permite que significativos sectores de la comunidad académica conozcan y lean la revista, pero para lograrlo se requiere hacer varios ajustes que requieren de mucha gestión y por lo tanto de mucho tiempo”.

En este sentido, tuve una reunión con Miguel Polo sobre este tema. Luego de dos horas de dialogo hemos considerado valiosa e importante, pero no fundamental, la indexación de SOLARIS, es decir, vamos a intentar lograr la meta de la indexación, pero sin renunciar a nuestra esencia de ser una ventana abierta donde toda la sociedad humana pueda ver y “TOMAR LO MEJOR DEL PASADO, APLICARLO EN EL PRESENTE Y CONSTRUIR UN FUTURO MEJOR PARA TODOS”. En resumen, SOLARIS debe ser indexada, vamos a hacer ajustes, pero sin perder nuestra identidad y terminar siendo una revista solo para la elite académica.


- SECCIONES: la propuesta es que el contenido se divida en: Ensayos, Artículos, Entrevistas, Reseña de libros y Portal Cultural. Por favor, alguna sugerencia?

- PERIODICIDAD: La meta es que partir del 2021 hagamos dos números por año (en junio y diciembre respectivamente). Por favor, alguna sugerencia?

- ENTREVISTAS: Gurudeva queremos pedirle que, en el No 6 de SOLARIS, usted entreviste a una de estas tres personalidades:




Si usted acepta y decide a quien entrevistar, nuestra unidad de gestión haría todas las coordinaciones con dicho académico para que usted no cargue más sus actividades, usted solo se centraría en hacer la entrevista, Esta bien?


Este es un requisito para la indexación, pensamos en 12 miembros, esta es nuestra propuesta:

1.      Hanumatpresaka Swami (USA)

2.      Samaresh Bandyopadhyay (India)

3.      Beverley Zabriskie (USA)

4.      M. Darrol Bryant (Canada)

5.      Ramon Mujica Pinilla (Perú)

6.      Héctor Béjar Rivera (Perú)

7.      Raúl Zurita (Chile)

8.      Cecilia Montero (Chile)

9.      Bernardo Nante (Argentina)

10.  Carlos Rúa (Argentina)

11.  Itzel Barrera (México)

12.  Mónica Cornejo (España)

Esta de acuerdo? alguna sugerencia?


Este es otro requisito para la indexación (al final del reporte anexo una foto de la maqueta principal). En este punto queremos consultarle a usted y a los miembros de NIOS acerca del dominio de la web, actualmente, tenemos reservados estos nombres:

A Miguel Polo y a mí nos gusta el dominio “”, también nos gusta “”.

Actualmente estamos en la fase final de la conformación de un equipo editorial internacional de 16 miembros lo cual le daría mayor dinamismo y agilidad a la revista en el próximo informe nos centraremos en ese punto, en ese sentido, si hay algún miembro del blog que quiere unirse a estos esfuerzos puede escribirnos a [email protected]

Hare Krishna Gurudeva, su insignificante sirviente, Abhiram Thakur das.

Olas de Devocion

4 years, 3 months ago by hps in Special Category A

[4:45 AM, 10/17/2020] Anandamaya Das: HK Gurudeva, pamho, TLGASP!! le envie el libro Olas de la Devoción en español tambien a su correo... 🙏🙏🙏

[11:06 AM, 10/17/2020] Hp Swami: the table of contents show all four parts of the ocean ie, east, south..., but the tranlastion only includes the east.  is there more? where from you got it?

[11:06 AM, 10/17/2020] Hp Swami: maybe it is bh. sastri usage?

Ayurveda y Pandemia

4 years, 3 months ago by hps in Special Category A

[2:23 AM, 10/15/2020] Rupanuga Das:




HpS/ASA -- TlgaSP. Que lastima, no podemos revisar esto. Comentarios de otros!?

Letter from Japan

4 years, 3 months ago by aja.govinda in Special Category A

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and your service unto him.

I recieved a letter from Japan and wanted to know where I can direct them or how to respond to them so that they can order the book Pracyaprajnapradipa by Professor Dr. Samaresh Bandyopadhyay.

The Letter:

Dear Sirs,

We would like to obtain the following book.

Your prompt reply will be highly appreciated.

Title: Pracyaprajnapradipa : Professor Dr. Samaresh Bandyopadhyay

felicitation volume on early Indian history and culture / ed. by Ian W.


Imprint: Murfreesboro, North American Institute for Oriental and Classical

Studies, 2012

Yours sincerely,

Manabu Oda

Assistant Librarian

HpS - AGTSP. Paoho. I have the book here. Can you write to them and ask them what is the best way to send the book from USA to them? We have them here.

Sastric Course Curriculum

4 years, 3 months ago by balimardana in Special Category A

Hare Krsna Maharaj,

Pamho, agtSP,

It was my pleasure and honor to serve you in the effort of curriculum development, ensuring a consistent sastric best practices so that the aspiring students can reap the optimum benefits.

As our new website is on the way, we will consolidate all efforts in the cloud based solution for Americas. I want all the educators to contribute. Please stay tuned for more info shortly. Anjana Suta Academy materials will be one of the source system for next step.

Your humble servant

-Balimardana Das-

Regional Secretary, ISKCON Ministry of Education, Americas


HpS - ASA - AGTSP!!!! Paoho, BmD!!.

We were hoping for this letter for almost two weeks. Of course, the idea is for you to be Head of the Anjana Suta Academy, Sastri Studies Development Committee.

  • By this nice letter are you agreeing?
  • When shall we meet?
  • Can you post news each Ekadasi from the ASA-SSDC??
  • We can include devotees from Silicon Valley, Potomac, Peru, Argentina, Texas... and become integrated with the Regional Reps of the Ministry (eg. you, Srimati Gopi-gita Devi Dasi, Param-padam Das, Gandharva Das) and the Ministry Executive Committee?
  • We can we enormous fun?