Ofensas a Srila Prabhupada en Chile
Hare Krsna!
Yes, thank you for the letter. We are trying to make some humble personal investigation of you concerns and will try to post the results here soon.
Hare Krsna!
Yes, thank you for the letter. We are trying to make some humble personal investigation of you concerns and will try to post the results here soon.
Querido Gurudev,
Nuestro programa "Bhakti Yoga Club" el cual impulsamos desde Santiago comenzó como una célula de estudio del "Bhagavad Gita tal como es" de S.P. , luego fue creciendo e implementamos exitosamente el estudio del Srimad Bhagavatam todas las mañanas de lunes a Domingo, con una participación promedio de 25 personas diarias. Ya estamos en el cap.5, del canto dos, del S.B.
De echo, recientemente hemos implementado el mismo programa de estudio de Srimad Bhagavatam en Argentina y en México. También prontamente tendremos Japa y Srimad Bhagavatam en Ecuador, todos estos programas funcionan de lunes a Domingo y están precedidos de dos horas de Japa en grupo.
También tenemos programas de estudio sistemático del Bhagavad Gita en las tardes. Estos programas tienen una duración de 5 meses. a los que asisten un promedio de 20 personas aproximadamente distintas de las personas de la mañana.
Además contamos con un programa de Gita Celular, donde conformamos grupos mas íntimos y pequeños de estudio del Bhagavad Gita, en los cuáles diferentes líderes facilitan una conversación semanal acerca de la Bhagavad Gita de S.P. Estas células de estudio duran en promedio unos 7 meses, donde las personas además aprenden a ofrecer el Bhoga y a practicar Japa. En estas células que tenemos en bhakti yoga Club ya hay unas 120 personas estudiando el Bhagavad Gita de S.P.
Tenemos también un pequeño grupo de líderes en Sudamérica que están formándose en Bhakti Sastri e inclusive formándose como facilitadores de Bhakti SAstri con Param Padam Prabhu, de esta manera buscamos elevar las habilidades en conocimiento y presentación de los libros de S.P.
Deva deva Prabhu está también liderando programas de estudio desde K.W. Sudamérica, donde recibe al menos 60 personas para estudiar Bhakti SAstri. Además el mismo está ayudando a contactar personas nuevas que luego son participantes de las células de estudio.
La esencia de K.W. es la adoración de Krishna mediante la inteligencia y mediante el estudio de los libros de S.P. Es justamente esto la escencia en todos los programas de expansión que tenemos en Sudamérica.
Aparte de nuestro programa Bhakti Yoga Club también existen otros proyectos K.W. en Chile:
"Dhatri" dirigido por Vishvanath y Gita, ellos también tienen estudio del bhagavad gita de S.P. con al rededor de una 60 personas nuevas
"Dharma" Dirigido por Kurma y Kishori, ellos tienen mas de 20 personas nuevas estudiando el B.G. de S.P.
"CER", dirigido por Ananda Syam el cual tiene alrededor de 15 personas nuevas estudiando el Sri isoUpanisad de S.P. en estudio de 4 meses mas o menos. Anterior a eso estudiaron también "La Luz del Bhagavatam".
Cada uno de esos programas tiene su identidad y su autonomía dentro del paraguas de K.W. Chile.
Nuestra siguiente meta es que cada proyecto K.W. en Chile y en Sudamérica cuente con un programa de estudio del S.B. todos los días, y Luego cada ciudad.
Por supuesto también contar con un profesor de Bhakti Sastri certificado por ISKCON para cada ciudad y proyecto K.W. en toda Latino América.
En relación a la distribución de los libros de S.P. hemos implementado políticas y departamentos para asegurar la distribución exitosa y sistemática de los libros de S.P.
hemos sido muy exitosos en distribuir Bhagavad Gitas y Colecciones de Srimad Bhagavatam, justamente debido a que contamos con programs de estudio de estas literaturas.
Bhadrasena Prabhu de Argentina se está sumando a nuestro grupo de coordinación en Latino América para justamente liderar e impulsar campañas y políticas que incrementen la distribución de los libros de S.P. en toda la región.
Estoy muy feliz en su servicio desde esta plataforma de K.W.
De echo me siento seguro y valorado en mi intento de servir a Krishna respetando mi propia locura y proceso.
He sido invitado también a impulsar proyectos y comunidades en USA debido al éxito que mi servicio ha tenido en Latino América. Estoy muy consciente de qué son Krishna y Guru los que están detrás de todo, y también hay mucho esfuerzo de muchos líderes y de todas las personas nuevas que se han sumado recientemente a nuestro movimiento de expansión.
Muy agradecido por su presencia constante en mi sadhana
y con mucho afecto S.s. Madhumangala das.
Dear Gurudev,
Our "Bhakti Yoga Club" program which we promote from Santiago began as a study cell of the "Bhagavad Gita as it is" by S.P. Then it grew and we successfully implemented the Srimad Bhagavatam study every morning from Monday to Sunday, with an average participation of 25 people daily. We are already in chapter 5, from canto two, from S.B.
ASA - Jaya. Narada's Problem!
In fact, we have recently implemented the same Srimad Bhagavatam study program in Argentina and Mexico. We will also soon have Japa and Srimad Bhagavatam in Ecuador, all these programs run from Monday to Sunday and are preceded by two hours of group Japa.
We also have systematic study programs of the Bhagavad Gita in the evenings. These programs have a duration of 5 months. attended by an average of approximately 20 people different from the people in the morning.
HpS - Very nice!
We also have a Cellular Gita program, where we form more intimate and small groups to study the Bhagavad Gita, in which different leaders facilitate a weekly conversation about the Bhagavad Gita of S.P. These study cells last on average about 7 months, where people also learn to offer Bhoga and to practice Japa. In these cells that we have in the Bhakti Yoga Club there are already about 120 people studying the Bhagavad Gita of S.P.
We also have a small group of leaders in South America who are training in Bhakti Sastri and even training as facilitators of Bhakti Sastri with Param Padam Prabhu, in this way we seek to raise the skills in knowledge and presentation of the books of S.P.
Deva deva Prabhu is also leading study programs from K.W. South America, where he receives at least 60 people to study Bhakti Sastri. In addition, it is helping to contact new people who are later participants in the study cells.
The essence of Krsna West is the worship of Krishna through intelligence and through the study of the books of S.P. This is precisely the essence of all the expansion programs we have in South America.
ASA - https://vedabase.io/es/library/bg/18/70/ : "Y Yo declaro que aquel que estudia esta sagrada conversación nuestra, Me adora con su inteligencia".
Apart from our Bhakti Yoga Club program there are also other K.W. in Chile:
"Dhatri" led by Vishvanath and Gita, they also have study of the Bhagavad gita of S.P. with around 60 new people
"Dharma" Led by Kurma and Kishori, they have more than 20 new people studying the B.G. by S.P.
"CER", led by Ananda Syam which has about 15 new people studying the Sri isopanisad of S.P. in study of 4 months more or less. Prior to that they also studied "The Light of Bhagavatam".
Each of these programs has its identity and autonomy within the umbrella of K.W. Chile.
Our next goal is that each K.W. in Chile and South America, have a study program from S.B. every day, and then every city.
Of course also have an ISKCON certified Bhakti Sastri teacher for each city and K.W. throughout Latin America.
In relation to the distribution of S.P. We have implemented policies and departments to ensure the successful and systematic distribution of S.P.
We have been very successful in distributing Bhagavad Gitas and Srimad Bhagavatam Collections, precisely because we have study programs for these literatures.
Bhadrasena Prabhu from Argentina is joining our coordination group in Latin America to precisely lead and promote campaigns and policies that increase the distribution of S.P. throughout the region.
I am very happy in your service from this platform of K.W.
In fact I feel safe and valued in my attempt to serve Krishna while respecting my own insanity and process.
I have also been invited to promote projects and communities in the USA due to the success that my service has had in Latin America. I am very aware that Krishna and Guru are behind everything, and there is also a lot of effort from many leaders and all the new people who have recently joined our expansion movement.
Very grateful for your constant presence in my sadhana
and with much affection S.s. Madhumangala das.
HpS - Jaya! Thank you very much. The more people read Bhagavata literature from Srila Prabhupada and then practice them ie. Chant Hare Krsna, the more the world will be better, no?
Of course, there are some serious controversies between other parts of the ISKCON institution and K.W also.
I am involved in some dialogs with another ISKCON sannyasi, a GBC and one of the K.W. centers in Chile about resolving these. Maybe we can help.
How, how much, do you see is H. H. Hrdayananda Goswami involved in K. W. as its leader?
Thank you.
Super success!!!
Hare Krishna beloved gurudeva
I just would like to inform you that I'm going to share my Kirtan leading day in FMP (Sunday) with Rohini Kumar das and Parasurama avatara das.
So the following weeks the kirtan of Mangala Artik will be lead by Rohini Kumar Das, next Sunday by Parasurama das and then myself again.
I am doing this in order to share the mercy with my dear God brothers. If you want that something grows then share it.
HpS - It is very nice. I was thinking that it would be nice to do this in some way. Can they both read: http://www.jayarama.us/archives/asa-mangala-arati-fmp.docx ? That describes our idea of the Mangala-arati. It seems that some of the other leaders may not have read it. !! Hare Krsna !!!
Your association is very nice. Srila Prabhupada said that he had several nice children when he was in family life, but he gave them up when he took Sannyasa, but then he saw that Krsna sent so many nice children to him. So we hope you have many nice children also!!!
Thanks for everything Gurudeva
We are more and more mature step by step
Trying to be your disciple
Hare Krishna Gurudeva
Please accept my humble obeisances
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!
I hope you are in good health.
HpS - The same to you.
In response to the previous letter, I had always associated the word 'sublime' with happiness or ecstasy. I find it very interesting to also take into account the scientific meaning of this word. I think it allows me to have a better understanding of the process that I have had. When I started devotional practices, I felt a sense of bliss (from solid to gaseous, or from gross to subtle). However, as time went by, I realized that I had to work more on the gross and psychic levels (reverse sublimation). Thanks so much for the explanation. On the other hand, I have always followed the 4 principles throughout my life (with one or another stumble). However, chanting the 16 rounds has been the most difficult for me. I have been doing it out of obligation and I don't find meaning in it. I have read literature that devotees recommended to me, but still, I honestly cannot understand how chanting can help in spiritual development.
Finally, I would like to comment on some academic plans. At university, I have started the path towards my thesis. I am doing a state of the art on the conceptions of culture that educators and anthropologists have. Based on this, I will carry out a study of how interculturalism is promoted at Peruvians schools.
I can see that college graduation is closer. For this reason, I am also preparing to take an international English exam, which is a requirement to study a master's degree abroad. However, this test is not available in Peru and its availability is highly uncertain. Therefore, I am planning to travel to London (the main venue for all international exams). Because the borders will open soon, I think there would be no problem in traveling to London for academic purposes. This trip would be taking place in the holidays of January and February. I consider it to be an appropriate date, as later, I will be more absorbed in my research and pre-professional practices.
That's all for now. Thanks a lot for reading this letter.
Rukmini dd
HpS - ASA -- AgtSP!!! Thank you for your very lucid letter. What kind of morning program were you able to keep??? That's part of the scientific prescription, no?
16-en-thus-i-astic rounds for guaranteed progress, but w/o Brahma-muhurta, Mangala arati, Kirtan, Japa, SB, Prasadam. . .
It becomes a big burden, golograh not vigrah.
Of course,
we have to adjust the Sadhana to our other activities to some degree eg. class right after M-arati and 4-rounds on the bus.... but Krsna will never punish us for chanting 16-nice rounds in nice environtmetnt.
That is our understanding, but.... it is presented as a science, so you have to make the experiment. Was the Morning program at a healthy level? Up by 1-1/2 hours before sunrise? Of course in London there is no sun for weeks some times!! (Ha! Ha! Hare!!), but try fixing some number of rounds for two weeks or so with the FMP if it was not there and then see the results.
Hoping to be of use!!
HpS - ASA (Tom Brown, Buck White et al).... Your career sounds interesting. I think people must find you a good, sober friend. They are hard to find.
Hare Krsna Maharaj, PAMHO, AGTSP,
Its great to see dedication of Brahmana and Vaisnava in you.
this is regarding node 11516
"What should we do?
In Braja only Krsna and Balarama kill demons - The rest of us can all chant, "Hare Krsna!!! Hare Rama!!", and Krsna and Balarama will take care of the situation, and, yes, they may empower us to deal with it."
I have personally experienced this even to being physically violent with insane visitors at times.
We will see that Krsn took physical charge of my senses like in Kurukshetra. Or that Krsna gives us unavoidable, clear intelligence how to do our part and we see simultaneously He does his part. We have had strong experience of this.
"Yes, in the beginning force may be necessary, physical or verbal, but unless it is done expertly, empowered by Krsna, then there will be a bad taste for everybody."
we are little perplexed with impressions in our mind by Mahabharat and other kings, whether they take charge of situation/controller. whether in Braja all we have to do is Hare Rama and Hare Krsna.
secondly can you elaborate on "Krsn took physical charge of my senses".
HpS - Not time to do it now. Too long to write. Maybe is some verbal situation!! Class!
suicide bomber
HpS - Better guided bomber!