
4 years, 2 months ago by hps in Special Category A

On Wednesday, October 28, 2020, 02:27:56 PM CDT, Mishra Bhakavan Das wrote:

Carrying on in Texas. Humbles and Glories. 

My job as an audio technician has opened back up. I have many days of work though my back cannot handle the heavy stuff much longer. Mi esposa is nicely situated with her job working for the City of Dallas. Once a week I go to Sri Sri Radha Kalachandji's mangal arotik. I have to be on the road by 03:45 for that. Mostly I go to read the Prabhupada Nectar. We just finished Vishaka Devi Dasi's book about Srila Prabhupada called "5 years 11 Months and a lifetime of Unexpected Love" which was amazing. Now we are reading Yogeswara's "Swami in a Strange Land". 

Although I have had two good months of sankirtan the weather has become really cold and rainy, and I have to go back to work, making it very hard to get out. I bought a case of "Karma La Justicia Infalible" and sold the whole box. So I ordered another case. This time it is "Meditacion y Superconciencia" and have sold about half the case. As far as english books, my son Abhaycharan Nimai Dasa had a stack of 26 various books in Gita Nagari that he felt should be distributed, so he sold them to me to move them here in Texas. So far 11 of those books have been sold including a big hardback "Nectar of Devotion."

I hope this meets you well, safe, and comfortable. Mishra Bhagavan Dasa

HpS - Hare Krsna!  You seem to be situated in Subhadra as well as Bhaga: Auspicious as well as opulent life. Can we publish this letter in the next issue of Viplavah?  Do you also read Srila Prabhupada's direct books? Eg. Krsna book and hot milk?  We find that they act as the catalyst for understanding these other books. All respects to Mataji. Anybody who could live with you has to be a saint. Of course, you don't count because you have no option.  <img src="" alt="Emoji" height="16" width="16">


KDPC (Santa Teresa de Jesús)

4 years, 2 months ago by jayanta in Special Category A

Hare Krisna Gurudev: Pamho.

Leyendo una parte del libro "Cuentas de Conciencia" de Santa Teresa de Jesús" (Ávila) en el Capitulo 44 (traducido del Castellano Antiguo) dice:

Cuentas de Conciencia 44

2. “Súbitamente me vino un recogimiento con una luz interior tan grande que me parecía estar en otro mundo, y hallose mi espíritu dentro de sí, en una floresta y huerta muy deleitosa, tanto que me hizo recordar de lo que se dice en el Cantar de los Cantares: Veniat dilectus meus in hortum suum – venga Él, mi amado, a Su huerto y coma sus delicadas frutas”.

“Vi allí, en este Elíseo (lugar delicioso donde van las grandes almas), un joven negruzco con una extraña belleza; encima de su cabeza tenía como una guirnalda, que no corona, de gran pedrería, y muchas doncellas que andaban allí con Él, con ramos en las manos, todas en cánticos de alabanzas de Dios. Yo no hacía sino abrir los ojos para no distraerme y no me era posible quitar la atención de ello”.

“Había allí una música de ángeles y canto de pajaritos, de la que el alma gozaba, aunque yo con los oídos físicos no lo escuchaba, más el alma, estaba en aquel deleite. Yo miraba como no había allí ningún otro hombre ”.

3. “Esto duró más de hora y media –que no podía apartar mi vista ni mi atención, y con gran deleite, cosa diferente de otras visiones; y lo que de allí saqué fue más amor a Dios y tenerle más profundamente presente con aquella belleza, no es posible que fuera imaginación”.

No se si google podrá traducir esto de forma fiel al texto.

Mi pregunta es si Sta Teresa practicando el Cristianismo pudo ver a Krishna. Es verdad que no hace alusión a la pluma de pavo real en la cabeza; pero el resto parece una descripción de Krishna con las gopis durante un muhurta. En la tradición cristiana no se habla de Dios como un joven moreno.

¿Que opina? Siento molestarlo pero el texto me pareció interesante observar los niveles de re4alización espiritual a los que llegaban en aquella época tanto Sta Teresa como San Juan de la Cruz y otros.



Jayanta das


Hare Krishna Gurudev: Pamho.

Reading a part of the book "Accounts of Conscience" of Santa Teresa de Jesús "(Ávila) in Chapter 44 (translated from Old Spanish) says:

Consciousness Accounts 44

2. “Suddenly a recollection came to me with an interior light so great that it seemed to me to be in another world, and my spirit was found within itself, in a very delightful forest and orchard, so much so that it made me remember what is said in the Song of Songs: Veniat dilectus meus in hortum suum - come He, my beloved, to His garden and eat its delicate fruits.

“I saw there, in this Elysee (delicious place where great souls go), a blackish youth with a strange beauty; On his head he had like a garland, which does not crown, of great stones, and many maidens who walked there with him, with bouquets in their hands, all in songs of praise to God. I kept opening my eyes so as not to be distracted and it was not possible to take my attention away from it ”.

“There was a music of angels and the singing of birds, which the soul enjoyed, although I did not listen to it with physical ears, but the soul was in that delight. I looked like there was no other man there ”.

3. “This lasted more than an hour and a half - that I could not take my eyes off my attention, and with great delight, something different from other visions; and what I got from there was more love for God and having him more deeply present with that beauty, it is not possible that it was imagination ”.

I don't know if google will be able to translate this faithfully to the text.

My question is whether St. Teresa practicing Christianity could see Krishna. It is true that it does not refer to the peacock feather on the head; but the rest looks like a description of Krishna with the gopis during a muhurta. In the Christian tradition, God is not spoken of as a dark youth.

What do you think? I'm sorry to bother you, but the text seemed interesting to me to observe the levels of spiritual fulfillment reached at that time by both Saint Teresa and Saint John of the Cross and others.

Thank you.


Jayanta das

HpS - I have heard of this from other devotees a little, but... you are the first person to send it in such detail! Google did a good job. I don't think I know any more than you do, but yes, certainly, Krsna can reveal His form in Vrndavana to people anywhere. I have heard very sober descriptions of people having visions of Krsna and associates that led them to go to the library to find a book about ""'KRSNA""" and then to the Temple.

"If the Prince and Princess want to go into the prison house, who can stop Them", said Srila Prabhupada?


Application for post in ASA

4 years, 2 months ago by harsh_horse in Special Category A

Previous letters regarding : ,

Hare Krsna Maharaj, PAMHO, AGTSP

Your grace wrote -- "We will put your request before the Supreme Absolute Undifferentiated Commando of ASA and see what they say".

Dear Sir have the Commando of ASA replied any thing ?

we are constitutionally servant, if we dont serve him, we will forced to serve (illusion of enjoyment) maya.

guided bomber

HpS - Yes... like we said in the response to your other post, today. Is O.K. you want to look at Category A each Ekadasi and cateogorize and edit them for the Kapi Dhvaja???

sub-editors -2

4 years, 2 months ago by harsh_horse in Special Category A

previous letter

Hare Krsna Maharaj, PAMHO, AGTSP

In my horse opinion the criteria of sub-editors, should be

a) ability to identify questions whose answer have already been given some where in blog. So we can involve sub-editors issue-wise ( grhastha , event organizer etc) and village wise. This will make them read your answers to similar questions which has been asked many times.

b) these sub-editors if their names are made public, will get trickle down fame, hence they can be become un-official counselors. This is important because we have heard that Chankaya did not create other chanakya, so his ideology got lost from main stream.

c) you can add other qualifications of sub-editors.

Thats all I can think of .

suicide bomber

HpS - AgtSP! Seems that a way to start this is for an Editor to start reviewing the things in Category A each fortnight and then make a summary for the Kapi-Dhvaja. Then chosen topics can be edited to Category B and then collected in the ASA encyclopedia.


Summary Colloquim PUC - Day 2 - Table: INDIGENOUS TRADITIONS

Hare Krishna, Dear Guru Maharaja,

HpS - Thank you. The post seems to end abruptly and the described Spanish language original is not there. Is there more?

Gaston Soublette refered this epic poem, “La Araucana”, which according Britannica: “Alonso de Ercilla y Zúñiga, a Spanish soldier who fought in the Araucanian wars, celebrated the courage and martial qualities of the Araucanians in the epic poem La Araucana (1569–89). This work is known as the “Aeneid of the Chileans.”

Wikipedia add that is “one of the most important works of the Spanish Golden Age (Siglo de Oro).”


Now about the summary:

The table two, last Wednesday, it was a crucial table of this colloquium because the indigenous theme now is relevant in Chile and other countries too.

The name of the second table was:


Moderator: Claudia Lira

The accurate summary of the table was made by Carlos Rold and is here now mainly thank Microsoft Translator tool (original Spanish at the end). We will add a shorter-summary of the first day of Colloquim also in a second entry, just for knowledge.


Presentation 1: Jorge Calbucura (living now in Sweden): "Reflections on the sacralization of the territory. Two indigenous perspectives: Mapuche and Sami"

The emotional worldview of indigenous peoples defines our well-being from the knowledge and of our feeling and thinking.

Indigenous worldview is a cosmos imbued with sacrality.

The shaman is a special human being who has direct communication with the gods and spirits of nature, but who also performs many functions and has many attributes in his community.

Shamanic culture is more than 50.000 years old.

The Mapuche shaman is the machi, in any case most machis are women.

Definitions of shamanism are numerous, the concept exists only as an abstraction in the minds of researchers.

Shamanism Sami remains a mystery to researchers and represents a practice of thousands of years of history that is still not fully understood.

Today there is an institutionalized "shamanic" culture that is exercised without an understanding of shamanic roots.

The Sami people, settled mainly in Norway, Sweden and Finland, were definitively Christianized in the 17th century and with that they were dominated along with their territories, the Sami were judicially removed from all political activity and those who did not accept Christianity were accused of witchcraft, banned from doing their ancestral activities and many were burned at the stake

The Sami tried to integrate Christianity as yet another element of their shamanic spirituality, but the Catholic church did not accept it and began a campaign of persecution, for example: they were forced to deliver their musical instruments to prevent them from performing their rituals. It is very likely that the Sami drum caused much fear to the authorities and rulers because of the powerful beliefs in the environment.

The Sami shamanic vision allows us to understand where we are, who we are, what hurts us and that our future is in the past, so rediscovering our past is fundamental to the construction of the future.


I'll do a little parenthesis here,

This estimated [esteemed] researcher and actual Mapuche person reply to my email saying:

"Dear Javier Armijo
Thank you very much for your kind words, I am glad that you liked my presentation. On the possibilities of establishing contacts, actually, I appreciate your interest with great pleasure and in advance. On the similarities between knowledge (India and Mapuche). It is very possible, it is ancestral knowledge and in the case of indigenous peoples, my interest is the Kultrun circuit that begins in Mongolia, Siberia and descends to the Wallmapu (Land of Mapuche in South America, Chile and part of Argentina)"

Presentation 2: Francisco Huichaqueo: "W'ne adngen / the image before the image"

He recounted a testimony, a story that happened to him in relation to his work as an audiovisual artist.

Four years ago the authorities of the Archaeological Museum of Santiago invited him to work on Mapuche relics, the museum calls them archaeological objects.

 He didn't want to take the job, because it wasn't his specialty, so he traveled south for advice and spoke to the director of the Cañete Museum, Juanita Paillalef, and she told him to accept the mission, and called it a "spiritual mission." The museum managers wanted everything fast and set up an exhibition of Mapuche ancestral objects in 1 month, but Francis said that it can not be so fast, you have to wait, the Mapuche times, and especially for these matters, are different, there is no rush. During his trip south a Machi told him a dream would come to him. Then after a while he arrived and had a mystical dream where there were many objects flying in space and it was experienced as a revelation, for him it was a spiritual experience of unfolding or astral journey. Suddenly in space a white light opens and he saw many Mapuche objects in an enclosed space, those for domestic use, those for ritual and spiritual use, everything was caught flying. He told the Machi's dream and she told him that he needed time to "digest" Francis' dream, then the days passed and the Machi had his dream: that light was the ancient Mapuche people who wanted to connect with the objects and be released from the glass boxes. Francis wrote the following for the exhibition:

"Wenu Pelon - Portal of Light

There is a portal where distant spaces are connected, it is a tunnel through which objects travel to meet their original meaning.

The objects leave our fields, from our houses, are for daily use, but they are also our ceremonial objects. They are now heading through space towards the glare of the sky, spiraling up into the portal of light. Shaking the dust they leave behind the drawers of conservation, the labels of the archaeological cataloguing disappear. Thus, flying, they stir their energy to regain the condition of living objects, bearers of wisdom. They are activated by our energy, our way of seeing and living today's world.

Voices are heard as objects move through the portal on the way to Wenu Mapu, the Land of Heaven - we are not museum objects, we are a living culture. You see a silhouette, it's a familiar portrait, a horse recognizes the smell of a Kultrún, a branch of Fuye/Canelo travels down the river water until he finds the hands of a Machi.

In this space and for an indefinite time will rise a begging day and night. By the end of the process, our objects will be lighter and have regained the secret of why we're here.

"Spiritual instinct before reason."

This last sentence came suddenly to him as an intense vision.

Wenu Pelon is the name of the expo.

Francis said "I obeyed my dream, we must obey the dream, I could have claimed all the objects for the Cañete Museum, for example, but it was necessary to bring the ancestral Mapuche energy to the center of the capital. The exhibition was inaugurated with a guillatún and with the participation of representatives of the Mapuche people... I let myself be guided by my dream"

Francis projected his audiovisual work inside the objects

Mapuche archaeological sites.

He assembles his programming with which he is feeling and with which he dreams, so is his job as curator, because the museum appointed him curator of art, and a machi told him that he was like "healer", so that he could "cure" through that space; that's curatory, feelings, dreams and life itself, there are no authors.

Presentation 3: Carmen Vicente: "School of Secrets of Carmen Vicente; an aesthetic education from his shamanism"

She was born in 1956 in Loja, southern Ecuador. From the age of 4 she began to be educated as a shaman and is now recognized as a spiritual leader. In 2003 he [she] promoted and created the "School of Secrets".

"I grew up watching adults hide the crops so the authorities wouldn't take everything. As a child I learned to cure animals and then boys, I was 5 years old and at 14 I just went to town.

Shaman is a trade, a job, a shaman will also go fishing, to seek water, to work the land, he does everything for the coexistence of the community."

sHe wanted to go into town to understand the lyrics and know what the lyrics say. She said she was "old" by the age of 14, so she had to go to an adult night school to learn to read. She became friends who took her to the courtyards of the universities to listen to the debates that took place at the time influenced by the artistic current that came from chili in the 70s and that talked about the political situation in that country.

"Today health systems do not reach the Amazons where children are sick from the toxicity of rivers caused by companies; then, the energy and work of shamans understand which plants you can heal this toxicity with and diseases.

From all the women teachers in my community, I learned what education should look like in order to maintain direct communication with nature.

One of the things I learned in the city is that the authorities were white men; then, when I started teaching in different groups and communities, I understood that I also had to educate white people because they will remain in power.

When I had the idea of creating a school, I told myself it would be a school of secrets to teach everything we have on earth. I want to be because what is one's own is loved. I love it when people say "our indigenous peoples," because we want them to see us and feel that way: "ours"; this has to do with care, taking care of the peoples who have been here for thousands of years, of course modern people could live without us, but how nice it would be if we all continue together, that we all integrate and live together in the world. Shamanism is also this "joint" or union of knowledge and experiences. The school is defined by us and not by the ministry."

CPKD: Personal assistant (trying to be useful to his sankirtan)

4 years, 2 months ago by abhiramdas in Special Category A

Hare Krishna Gurudeva, PAMHO

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

All glories to Hanumatpresaka Swami!!

For two or three weeks we have been talking between several spiritual brothers (Asta-saki from Mexico, Jayanta from Spain, Candra-mukhi from Peru, Arjuna and Jagad-guru from Chile, Ambarisa and Nikunja in Argentina, among others) we all agree that given the particularities of the moment, it is good and necessary that you have a personal assistant so that you can write more and develop your Sankirtan for the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada.

To write this letter it was necessary to know who the assistant could be and if he wanted and had availability for the service, by the mercy of Sri Nityananda, everything was manifested favorably, so we humbly propose that Panca Tattva Das as his assistant for three months. It's okay?

Panca-tattva is in Mar de Plata (currently in Argentina there are already flights to the USA) he would have to start doing the paperwork for his religious visa, for that we would need an invitation from the Houston temple, the rest of the requirements are simple. The other option is to travel as a tourist for three months. It's okay?

Although we are neophytes, we are trying to be useful disciples, please excuse any clumsiness.

HARE KRISHNA respected Gurudeva, his useless servant, Abhiram Thakur das.

HpS - Jaya Srila Prabhupada, what assistance would he give? What does he think about this suggestion?


Desde hace dos o tres semanas hemos estado conversando entre varios hermanos espirituales (Asta-saki de México, Jayanta de España, Candra-mukhi de Perú, Arjuna y Jagad-guru de Chile, Ambarisa y Nikunja en Argentina, entre otros) todos coincidimos que, dadas las particularidades del momento, es bueno y necesario que usted tenga un asistente personal y así pueda escribir más y desarrollar su Sankirtan para el placer de Srila Prabhupada.

Para escribir esta carta era necesario saber quién podría ser el asistente y si quería y tenía disponibilidad para el servicio, por la misericordia de Sri Nityananda, todo se manifestó favorablemente, por eso humildemente le proponemos que Panca Tattva Das como su asistente por tres meses. Está bien?

Panca-tattva esta en Mar de Plata (actualmente en Argentina ya hay vuelos hacia USA) él tendría que empezar a hacer los tramites para su visa religiosa, para eso necesitaríamos una invitación del templo de Houston, el resto de requisitos son sencillos. La otra opción es que viaje como turista por tres meses. Está bien?

Aunque somos neófitos, estamos tratando de ser discípulos útiles, por favor disculpa cualquier torpeza.

HARE KRISHNA respetado Gurudeva, su inútil sirviente, Abhiram Thakur das.