Revista para los vecinos - Santiago de Chile

4 years, 2 months ago by bhaktapiero in Special Category A

[ San Google ]

Hare Krishna Gurudeva

 Please accept my respectful obeisances

 All glories to Srila Prabhupada

 I have spoken with some devotees to carry out the magazine for the neighbors of the temple.

 Bhakta Luciano Machiavelli suggested that I go to the municipality to get a permit so that I could set up a table with Prasadam and books near the temple, in this way, meet the neighbors, talk to them, find out their interests, etc.

At the moment I am going out for sankirtan in the afternoons after the temple program. I go to the square in front of the supermarket, since it is the center most frequented by the neighbors and I talk to people, take their contacts and try to make friends with them.

On the other hand prabhu Jagad Guru has proposed to make an invitation to the temple for the neighbors. This includes prasadam and a talk explaining who we are. After that, questions and answers and at the end, show them a preview of the magazine and ask them what they would like to add to it.

 We want to be able to carry out this service, and who knows, maybe this magazine will later expand to all of Chile and can be distributed in sankirtan.

 I remember you said that we can write about what Prabhupada talks about Jesus Christ, we could start with it for Christmas, but I don't know if it will become a magazine in such a short time. maybe we can do some Christmas carols like you said and present them in the plaza.

Hare krishna

 Your servant

HpS-ASA - Thank you! Your inspiration is inspiring for us! We have wanted to do a magazine for our neighborhood. We give a link where you can see what our stree, Hillcrest looks like:

It is not much through traffic and other features make us think that it may inspire people to get to know each other. All that is needed for KC to develop is for people to get to know each other in the association of devotees.

We were thinking of 'The Hillcrest Howler" as a name for the news letter, Howlers are Monkeys from Brazil.

We hope we get our Microsoft Word program this evening so we can work on projects like this.

 Piyari Mohan das.



Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

He hablado con algunos devotos para llevar a cabo la revista para los vecinos del templo. 

Bhakta Luciano Maquiavelo me propuso ir a la municipalidad para sacar un permiso para así poder poner una mesa con prasadam y libros cerca del templo, de ese modo, conocer a los vecinos, hablar con ellos, saber sus intereses, etc. Yo por el momento estoy saliendo a sankirtan por las tardes luego del programa del templo. Voy a la plaza que queda frente al supermercado, ya que es el centro más concurrido por los vecinos y hablo con las personas, tomo sus contactos y trato de hacer amistad con ellos. 

Por otro lado prabhu Jagad Guru ha propuesto hacer una invitación al templo para los vecinos. Esto incluye prasadam y una charla explicativa de quienes somos. Luego de ello preguntas y respuestas y al finalizar mostrarle un avance de la revista y preguntarles qué les gustaría agregar a ella. 

Deseamos poder llevar a cabo este servicio, y quién sabe, tal vez esta revista luego se expanda a todo Chile y se pueda distribuir en sankirtan.

Recuerdo que usted dijo que podemos escribir sobre lo que Prabhupada habla sobre Jesucristo, podríamos empezar con ello para navidad, pero no se si alcance a ser una revista en tan poco tiempo. tal vez podemos hacer unos villancicos cómo usted dijo y presentarlos en la plaza.

Hare Krishna

Su sirviente

Piyari Mohan das.

being humble, being progressive

Hare Krsna Maharaja. Please forgive my arrogance in the last letter! I was obviously under a spell of false pride trying to display my erudition before others! I beg your forgiveness and for that of all the esteemed devotees on this blog. o/ \_

Your aspiring servant,

Bhakti Sastra Das

HpS-ASA - Did not seem that way to us. Your letters seem very cultivated. What about VDM 15.73? P'pada, Radha-8 lecture, London, "Radha! Hare! No difference" Compare Sarva bhauma Das Translation with Kusakratha Das (

Re : Application for post in ASA

4 years, 2 months ago by harsh_horse in Special Category A


Hare Krsna Maharaj,PAMHO, AGTSP,

We thank you for the service. We accept it. But feel very unqualified for it.

It will be helpful if you can elaborate what is Special Category A and Special category B?

How we can access Special Category A letters?

grateful horse

ASA/UG - AgtSP!!! Category A we are now using for stuff that can be cited in the Kapi Dhvaja, and Category B for stuff that should go directly into the ASA Encyclopedia.

When you go to: it says, "Filter by Category".

Sannyasa, Sannyasa, Sannyasa. How is Pariksit??? What special talent does he have?

SB Class 2020 Nov 6

4 years, 2 months ago by hps in Special Category A

AgtSP!!! paoho. We were listening to the recording of Sriman Gandharva Das answering the question of Kumaru Mitravinda Devi Das just before 45-minutes in today's class.

We can ask, "What is the difference between Radha, Vrnda-devi, Paurnamasi, Subhadra", no? As we understand now, Radha is the first internal energy of Krsna. We could consider the others being expansions of Her. She becomes the Stage Manager in the drama to see that all the parrots are chanting properly (Vrndadevi), or the Director of the orchestra to see that the humor is developing properly as the play develops (Paurnamasi), while at the same time keeping Her role as the actress, the heroine in the Drama.

Yet, even though she is the principal Shakti, is Subhadra not an expansion of Her but another one of Krsna's internal potencies? We can't find the citations we are remembering quickly.

I would also add that as we remember Srila Prabhupada's instruction is to worship our Radha Krsna Deities on the mood of Laksmi-narayana. It is not that we are worshipping L/N. They have four arms. Srinivasa Das' answer was quite nice.

We were are Raval during the Vraja Mandala Parikrama, and it was a very simple village. maybe even no electricity. The pujari was Vrajavasi and in the afternoon when there was sunshine he just brought the deities out on the porch and so They would get some afternoon sun and not catch cold.

Then he rolled up his dhoti and took a bucket and went off for a 10 minute walk through the forest to the Yamuna to get water for Their service, although there was a nice well there.

We are covered by Maha-maya in the form of intellectual illusions eg., but then today I was hearing/realizing that we are covered by the Brahma-jyoti. That is after the illusion of the senses, mind and intelligence have finished. We come so much enamored with the kingdom, we forget the King.


4 years, 2 months ago by abhiramdas in Special Category A

Hare Krishna Gurudeva, please accept my humble obeisances

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

All Glories to Hanumatpresaka Swami!!

Last week my computer was constantly crashing (it seems that it was because there was a lot of static current in the house) maybe that's why this report never got to the blog well.

Well, this is a report of the outstanding balances between NIOS and Visual in relation to VIPLAVAH and SOLARIS.

Regarding Viplavah, it remains pending:

The edition 2/4 June 2020-02 of 48 pages, and

The edition 3/4 September 2020 of 36 pages

With the NIOS administration, the agreement is $100 for each edition. In all previous editions the number of pages was from 20 to 24, in these last two numbers the number of pages has been more, if there is any possible readjustment that can be done it is fine, but if it cannot be done, it is also fine.

HpS - AGTSP! Very nice to hear you here!! So maybe $200 and $150 for the larger issues?

Regarding SOLARIS, the payment for the services of the professional translator Doris Orbegoso is pending, the amount is $40 and the shipment of $50 copies of SOLARIS No. 4 to Tennessee, USA, through the Exporta Fácil Peru program, is also pending. in this case the amount is $250.

ASA - So 40+50 + $250 = $340? What is the $250 for?

For SOLARIS No. 5 we are considering printing it on ecological paper, ivory or oatmeal, and not in couche, the goal is to reduce the total weight of the magazine by 50%, so international shipments will be 50% cheaper.

Later or tomorrow I will send a report answering the questions you asked us in the last report about the SOLARIS indexing process, we also have very good news to share.

Hare Krishna GURUDEVA, your insignificant servant, Abhirama Thakura dasa.

ASA - You have been doing so much work and these payments have fallen so far behind. From now on let us keep NIOS's debts up to date!! Two questions for NIOS Peru to answer above.

Dr. Samaresh read the whole Solaris and said that some of the Front Matter should be in adjusted to include Advisory Board, Officers. The Sanskrita diacritics change in standard from one article to another and should be made consistent. Shouldn't the English and Spanish articles be strictly put in different sections and then be organized by last name of the authors. The last page promoting NIOS publications needs some more work. He sent me some things by e-mail. I will get to working on them.