Revista para los vecinos - Santiago de Chile
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Hare Krishna Gurudeva
Please accept my respectful obeisances
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
I have spoken with some devotees to carry out the magazine for the neighbors of the temple.
Bhakta Luciano Machiavelli suggested that I go to the municipality to get a permit so that I could set up a table with Prasadam and books near the temple, in this way, meet the neighbors, talk to them, find out their interests, etc.
At the moment I am going out for sankirtan in the afternoons after the temple program. I go to the square in front of the supermarket, since it is the center most frequented by the neighbors and I talk to people, take their contacts and try to make friends with them.
On the other hand prabhu Jagad Guru has proposed to make an invitation to the temple for the neighbors. This includes prasadam and a talk explaining who we are. After that, questions and answers and at the end, show them a preview of the magazine and ask them what they would like to add to it.
We want to be able to carry out this service, and who knows, maybe this magazine will later expand to all of Chile and can be distributed in sankirtan.
I remember you said that we can write about what Prabhupada talks about Jesus Christ, we could start with it for Christmas, but I don't know if it will become a magazine in such a short time. maybe we can do some Christmas carols like you said and present them in the plaza.
Hare krishna
Your servant
HpS-ASA - Thank you! Your inspiration is inspiring for us! We have wanted to do a magazine for our neighborhood. We give a link where you can see what our stree, Hillcrest looks like:
It is not much through traffic and other features make us think that it may inspire people to get to know each other. All that is needed for KC to develop is for people to get to know each other in the association of devotees.
We were thinking of 'The Hillcrest Howler" as a name for the news letter, Howlers are Monkeys from Brazil.
We hope we get our Microsoft Word program this evening so we can work on projects like this.
Piyari Mohan das.
Hare Krishna Gurudeva
Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias
Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada
He hablado con algunos devotos para llevar a cabo la revista para los vecinos del templo.
Bhakta Luciano Maquiavelo me propuso ir a la municipalidad para sacar un permiso para así poder poner una mesa con prasadam y libros cerca del templo, de ese modo, conocer a los vecinos, hablar con ellos, saber sus intereses, etc. Yo por el momento estoy saliendo a sankirtan por las tardes luego del programa del templo. Voy a la plaza que queda frente al supermercado, ya que es el centro más concurrido por los vecinos y hablo con las personas, tomo sus contactos y trato de hacer amistad con ellos.
Por otro lado prabhu Jagad Guru ha propuesto hacer una invitación al templo para los vecinos. Esto incluye prasadam y una charla explicativa de quienes somos. Luego de ello preguntas y respuestas y al finalizar mostrarle un avance de la revista y preguntarles qué les gustaría agregar a ella.
Deseamos poder llevar a cabo este servicio, y quién sabe, tal vez esta revista luego se expanda a todo Chile y se pueda distribuir en sankirtan.
Recuerdo que usted dijo que podemos escribir sobre lo que Prabhupada habla sobre Jesucristo, podríamos empezar con ello para navidad, pero no se si alcance a ser una revista en tan poco tiempo. tal vez podemos hacer unos villancicos cómo usted dijo y presentarlos en la plaza.
Hare Krishna
Su sirviente
Piyari Mohan das.