3 months, 1 week ago by abhiramdas in Special Category A

Dear Hare Krishna Gurudeva, please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada and to you!!

Respected Gurudeva, for your causless mercy, at the beginning of October I dreamed of you, you were contemplating a very special lake because it was a lake not of water but of golden light, or in any case of golden water. When I woke up I felt in a hurry to write to you, therefore I will start.

A few days before Janmastami, we spoke on the phone and I expressed my desire to see you and serve you in Spain and India. Your response was “You can also come to the United States and stay with us for a year” and “now you have to realize me in your heart”. Gurudeva, you know how to touch people’s hearts because Srila Prabhupada touched yours and taught you by his example. Therefore, far from saddening me, your response filled me with enthusiasm. I understood that my service should not be based on my desires, but on how and where you want me to serve you (go to the USA and be useful in your Sankirtan especially in NIOS). This is the theme of the Bhagavad Gita (4.34).

Regarding your words “you have to realize me in your heart”, after several days of reflecting on them and by the mercy of SADAI NIMAI NITAI, I was able to understand the following: To advance in spiritual life the disciple must establish an internal, deep and spiritual connection with his Spiritual Master. “Realizing the Guru in your heart” means that, beyond his physical presence, which is undoubtedly auspicious, we must internalize his teachings and feel his constant guidance in the heart. This is possible through sincerity and constant devotional practice. Then, on the same day of Janmastami, in Chosica, thinking of you in front of the altar of Sita, Rama, Laksman, Hanuman I could remember you dancing and singing for His pleasure, at that moment I better understood your main teaching that guides our service: 1) Who am I? 2) Who are we? 3) A plan to develop Sankirtan together and 4) The resources and paraphernalia we have to do it. Your fundamental teaching to properly do this is clear: Get up early and chant 16 good rounds.

Srila Prabhupada addressed this topic in a letter to his disciple Jadurani Dasi on September 4, 1972: “I am always with you through your faithful following of my instructions. Physically we may not be present, but that does not matter. If you follow me strictly, then I am with you always, at all times."

So, my humble conclusion of realizing you in my heart is that I must always be aware that the Guru-disciple relationship is not limited by time and space, the Guru-disciple relationship is eternal. The physical presence of the Guru is not the most important thing, but the obedience and sincerity in following his teachings, this is the essence of what it means to "realize the Guru in your heart." Is that right?

Thank you very much Gurudeva for giving me a useful and practical perspective on my humble service to you, after all, putting your spiritual desire and guidance above my individualistic desires is the best way to make spiritual advancement.

Manuel has sent you a report of the academic Sankirtan we will perform with Radhika Raman d, Lalita-gopi Dd, Govinda Pramodini Dd, Jagad-Guru, Gunavira and other devotees in October. Please give us your blessings to be instruments of your mercy and to be useful to you and the Sankirtana and mission of Srila Prabhupada.

Hare Krishna GURUDEVA, your insignificant servant,

Abhiram Thakur das

HpS - ASA - Thank, agtSP, you!

Your realization seems the same as ours and there is an exact citation in NIO (6?) like this.

When you say, understanding Sankirtan of spiritual master, we think of all of us understanding the internal service of Srila Prabhupada!

Eyes dying.

Hope other letters also useful to you.




Even a dog can take part and dance in the Sankirtan movement

Hare Krsna beloved Gurudeva AGTSP PAMHO. 

Hope this meets you in good health and happy

HpS - ASA --- Eyes, agtSP, are burning, constant blinking to see screen for letters, respiration congested, heart happy that we can contriubte to this Sankirtan movment even if we are 70% dead body.


Thank you!

Today Ulyses turns 14 years old. Please your blessings so that he can be a Hare Krsna in his next life or maybe in this life he can go and play with Krsna.

On the other hand I want to thank you for your support about my pets. With my sister we do not have kids but we do have 7 cats and Ulysses. Some devotees are kind of judgmental about this topic. But... I really really do not care haha

I am attaching some pictures

I hope we can meet again soon

Your eternal servant


ASA/TB - Nimai and his 'gang' would travel all over Nadiya making jolly mischief with Panditas and their schools and everyone, and bands of street dogs would join them dancng and barking!!!

Hare Krsna!

Hare Rama!

Hare Krsna! Hare RAMA!

14-dog years = 85/100 human years???


3 months, 1 week ago by hps in Special Category A

Forwarded as received...

🌹🙏My Dear Friends. Namaste. Since we all use Wikipedia to gain information.


A group of academicians at IIT Bombay have started Dharma wiki to counter the bias against Hindus in Wikipedia including versions like Sanskrit Wikipedia etc. The Wikipedia corruption is so far-reaching that its an eco system of left leaning authors who have an agenda that's subtly driven by the West and missionaries.

 The Dharma wiki is created to counter the silent Break-India forces and can be used by adults, students and children to get undistorted unbiased information about Bharatam and our Samskriti.*

Pls share this in other groups so it gains traction . 

An Excellent Compilation to Learn about Sanatan Dharma and it's Roots 🌹🙏

ASA - May have to fight Mayavada rather than Karmavada, but seems like potential opportunity.


Manuel's Report 03-2024

3 months, 1 week ago by manuel in Special Category A

Hare Krishna!! 



As an offering to Narottama Dasa Thakura, our great acharya and exponent of how poetry and music can serve as educational tools for the transmission of spiritual, philosophical and devotional knowledge, this October 21st, the day of his Glorious Tirobhava, we will begin the International Symposium Ecology and the Sacred, reconnecting our consciousness with its essence

Attached I send the promotional poster.

The program to be developed is the following:

MONDAY, OCTOBER 21st / Opening of the Symposium

11:00 hrs: Inauguration and 1st Conference (In-Person and Online)


Speaker: Ravi Gupta (Radhika Raman Das)

Commentator: Miguel Polo

Moderator: Alejandro Salazar (Abhiram Thakur das)

13.30 hrs: 2nd Conference (Online)


Speaker: Guillermo Sepúlveda (Gunavira das)

Commentator: Javier Armijo (Jagad-guru das)

Moderator: Alejandro Salazar (Abhiram Thakur das)

18:30 hrs: 3rd Conference (Online) 


Speaker: Miguel Polo

Commentator: Héctor Béjar

Moderator: Alejandro Salazar (Abhiram Thakur das)

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22nd / Closing of the Symposium

11:00 hrs: 4th Conference (Online)


Speaker: H.H. Hanumatpresaka Swami

Commentator: Héctor Béjar

Moderator: Alejandro Salazar (Abhiram Thakur das)

13:00 hrs: 5th Conference (Online) 


Speakers: Clara Krafft and Dolores Chávez (Lalita-Gopi D.d.)

Commentator: Alejandro Salazar (Abhiram Thakur das)

Moderator: Javier Armijo (Jagad-guru das)

18:30 hrs: In-person and online screening of the Film: DIARY OF A TRAVELING CREATURE, THE ULTIMATE TRIP - INDIA STATION (Director: Raúl Zevallos)


Speakers: Raúl Zevallos, Ravi Gupta (Radhika Raman Das) and Alejandro Salazar (Abhiram Thakur das).

Closure: Final words and thanks.

Data for online connection via Zoom: 


Meeting ID: 812 4051 4475

Access code: 108108

Any suggestion and/or contribution are welcome. Please give us your blessings so that we can distribute the Srila Prabhupada and NIOS Book’s and thus connect many innocent souls with Krishna Consciousness.

A brief reflection to conclude this report, in the purport of Bhagavad-gita (2.14) Srila Prabhupada says: “A devotee knows that everything is under Kṛṣṇa’s control, and therefore accepts changes, difficulties and challenges as part of Kṛṣṇa's plan for his purification”.

According to my small understanding, NIOS is going through a process of changes and adaptations due to the fact that you are now focused mainly on Kirtaniya sada Hari, which implies that you have left all your administrative positions and are also no longer making trips to Latin America. Please help us understand what Krishna's plan is in NIOS and how we should act according to that plan. Thank you so much.

Happy and useful month of Damodara.

Bhakta Manuel.

ASA Itinerant Journalists

3 months, 2 weeks ago by hps in Special Category A

Hare krsna 

All glories to you.

We met chote acyutanand babaji @ Madhvendra puri’s samadhi place @ Remuna. And did ecstatic kirtan- hare krsna hare Rama. He was blissful and gave benediction to all houston devotees. 

Very nice darsan of Sri madan Mohan, Govindaji & Gopinath in the middle-Caran,Mukharvind & vakshasthal. So ecsatatic. At that time I was remembering you.🙏🙏🙏

Varanasi - Vanarasi. 🤔

3 months, 2 weeks ago by hps in Special Category A

The word puruṣānumatena indicates that the Lord sets the stage for such material futility so that the conditioned souls will eventually come back home, back to Godhead.11.24.5

HpS-ASA... Is this the basis of Govardhana Puja?