HARE KRSNA. PabloParikrama

¡Hare Krsna Maharaja! AgtSP.

I wish your health is good and don’t give to you problems.

Please, I want to ask some questions, but I see that here spoken generally about devotion, and I don’t know if to do mystical questions is correct. I think that mysticism is necessary when our heart don’t fell de devotion…like the science for the thinks that we don’t understand of the spirituality??? I´m in that situation a lot of times. I believe in God yet I don’t understand. I think about his omnipotence, omnipresence, and his powers, the gods, her potency reflection? And think that if we are not the body, her material powers work for us because Supreme God want, then we have a personal relationship with God directly or indirectly dependent of our capacity of see the powers or God in ours and in others…..is ok???

HpS - Jaya!  Vraja-mandala Parikrama, Ki Jai!   Yes, Krsna is everywhere directly or indirectly, but the more we can see Him directly then easier it becomes to see Him indirectly. If I have a personal talk with the artist, then I can really see his choices in the way he painted something.

Then, our reality is illusion if we don’t have one connection with the source of life…less if we have with the separates reflection of God in the material potencies, the gods, or any illusion if we have one personal relation with the master of the theaters …is ok??? My question is that, then, can we speak with God in the persons, or the gods, without the person in the body feel our relation with God or the potencies?

ASA - If we understand your question, yes. Duryodhana was trying to cause problems for Krsna, but he was actually engaged in his service. An enlightened person like Narada Muni or Vyasadeva might be able to see how Krsna was using someone as an instrument although the person did not know it.

When I try to see my days like that, I only see illusion, not real reality, I feel like one prisoner in one holographic world, where the deviated souls, ours, only live the film in one energetic platform, like the dreams, and we are waiting for the wake up, conscious that that vision make to us wake up when the false dead come to ask us about if we want wake up or not……are all that thinks corrects?

ASA - Again it is pretty esoteric, so it is hard for us to say precisely, Yes or No, but in general it seems pretty correct, and knowing you for a long time I would say that your existence on the yoga level is rather real, BUT it is usually contaminated with our own projections, desires, so the real thing is how it is taking us to Bhakti. Which in the befinning is Sadhana bhakti as disctated by an acharya like srila Prabhupada.

"Bahunam janmnam ante... " BG 7.19    .   Read the purport!!

For me are important that thinks because make me think about my ideas of life….HOW MAY I SPEAK WITH GOD DIRECTLY, IN PERSON, EVERY TIME, IN EVERY PERSON, IN EVERY THING, if not, what about my dream test, my real vision out of the corporal relations of man and women, with senses and wants, with material and spiritual….. If we are soooo fools, sooo poor of knowledge, of spiritual vision, if God save us, if we try to pray for our salvation of that false world…..is the way of devotion???...i am sooo fool, please, help me, save me, I can´t see You in any place, in any person….Can God, the Supreme God, pay our bill in the time of the dream test??? Like always, thanks you very much for all, I remember you soooo many times every day. Always trying to learnt more and more thanks of yours lessons. Your fool follower and friend, Pablo Parikrama. HARE KRSNA.

HpS - ASA - - - Write some poems in English.  Little ones.

Hare Krsna Gurudev

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudev,
    Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.
    All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
    All glories to Guru parampara.

    Gurudev, We all are in Yatra and you are much much more ahead
    and you have left/put marks on the path so that we also reach to the destination by following
    those marks.

    Your every comments on letters are very precious for us, while, i have just collected 180 as of, from
    your letters. All are very very precious for me. I am just sharing your 10 comments below:

    1. Our beads are our worshipable Deity.

ASA - Bead bag like a Temple!

    2. Every moment is dying and nothing more. So, can we do it for Krsna? For His applause with His friends.
    3. Living in this material world is like driving Krsna to a party with Him in the front seat next to you
       in the rain. You have to be a little careful because of the rain and other drivers, but it doesn't require
       all your intelligence. Most of your attention is on the converstation that Krsna is having with Sridham.
    4. You are a loser. You have done nothing for anybody. You have nothing to show for your life!
    5. Whatever Krsna wants, that is our service. Whatever the Gopis, Srila Prabhupada want for Krsna, that is our service, eternally.
    6. Krsna doesn't waste anyone's austerities.
    7. Dukalayam asasvatam.  A place that Krsna guarantees will not work! We can never be happy here. We are perfectionists!
    8. If you want a nice husband, nice car, nice house, nice partys, nice friends, nice babies, then.... you are in the right place.
    9. Biggest way to dump the false ego is to help devotees, Karmis, do their service.
   10. Bad Japa is spiritual death.

   Your comments are like instructions or indications for us to atten our goal of life and you always live with me through your marks,
   instructions, indications and sayings.

   Thank you, Guru Dev for continous enlightening for truth.

your fallen servant,
Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

HpS - ASA --- We have to write letter for your second initiation. It is in our list!!!!     I hope we can hear at 9PM the things we say at 3AM.    The mode of ignorance and the mode of passion.

About sila´adoration

9 years, 6 months ago by pratibhanu in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category A

AgtSP, plase accept my most humble obeisances.

Hare Krishna dear Guru-maharaja! Here Pratibhanu from Chile (currently living in Campina Grande-Brazil, with Maharaja Danvantari Swami)

I hope you are fin about health in these days. 

I wrote a very long report, I don´t know if you received it, if you don´t, I´ll write it again in my next letter.

HpS - AGTSP!!!! Paoho.   No, I don't have any old letters from you!

We are living in a comunity of devotees here, and here is a very good devotee -like all the devotees- : Atmanivedana prabhu, a Dhanvantari Swami´s disciple: he told me that he wants to give me one of his silas, a saligrama, because me and my wife want to workship silas. So, this prabhu wants to know if you agree with this. What do you think about this? Then I can give to him your answer.

At your lotus feet, 

Pratibhanu das

HpS - ASA --- It is very serious thing, like having children. Have you been regular in chanting your rounds, mangala arati, gayatri's?


9 years, 7 months ago by Amparo Hernandez Castillo in Special Category A

Todas las Glorias a Sri Sri Goura y Gouranga

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Gurudeva por favor mis acepte Humildes reverencias
Maharaja después de la ultima vez que escribi debo decirle que cosas pasaron que han cambiado un poco mi dia a dia .....empezare por decirle que cante las 24 rondas y me sentí en paz muy bien  y deseo seguir asi cantandolas,siempre fuerte y claro para poder escuchar yo misma el Maha-Mantra .
Maharaja el dia 27 de abril perdí a la bebe una niña a la cual le había puesto ya desde antes el nombre de  SYAMARANI, todo fue muy rápido,  en realidad sucedió en casa ,paso durante la madrugada ,prabhu Amala me asistió,quemamos a la bebe con tulasi en el templo que tenemos en casa y la cenizas están guardadas esperando ir a India o que algún devoto que vaya las lleva y arroje en el rio .....

HpS - ASA ---  AGTSP!     Fuerte noticias!!!!!           O.K.    Krsna es el controlador supremo y tiene buen deseos para todos... especialment para devotos. Aveces estas cosas pasan por que hay un devota, casi perfecta quien solamente necesita un poco mas tiempo en esta mundo para lograr la perfeccion y Krsna pone como hija de una devota, tomando Prasadam del sangre de su mama y ....  Back to Godhead.  No, se, pero hay buen razon para todo.

Querido Gurudeva todo esto que le estoy manifestando lo se porque prabhu Amala Karuna me lo conto, al parecer después de esa noche yo no recuerdo ,bloquee esa noche de mi recuerdo estuve sin memoria por tres emanas y despertaba creyendo que era domingo 26, ya pasaron los dias ,semanas ,un mes ya de eso y me siento mejor ,no recuerdo lo que sucedió esa noche pero cuando me veo y se que ya no estoy embarazada me siento triste, por mi, pero se que esa alma ya se fue al mundo espiritual es la promesa de Krishna  de TULASI, imagino que  la pena es por mi por el hecho de MI BEBE SE FUE ....

HpS - Si, pero no es no natural. Son las 1945 y una familiar va a trabajar en China para 10-meces. Entonces, todo van al embarcadero para decir adios al puerto del barco. Hay muchas lagrimas. Eso es natural, pero, no es que no vamos a tener llamadas, cartas y despues de un tiempo vamos a encontrar uno a otro.

MAHARAJA prabhu Amala y yo estamos teniendo programa en casa,teniendo un sadhana estricto en eso estamos ,como le.comente anteriormente las rondas y los 4 principios siguen siendo estrictos,Gurudeva siento tanta frustración de haber sido engañada y haber pasado por cosas tantas que me cegaron y me hicieron creer que en este mundo yo era feliz,Maharaja tengo el firme deseo de no querer nacer mas en este mundo material.... Pero me pregunto
HpS - Si, como una persona en el carcel puede ser feliz despues de acepter que el hizo algo mal. O.K. yo hizo algo mal. Merezco ser aqui. Pero que puedo hacer. Mis padres fueron alcoholicos, todo mi juventud ha pasado un mal sueno. Tengo problemas fuertes psicologicos. No tengo abilidad ganar dinero de una manera honesta!!

Ahh... Hay psicologo gratis aqui!   Ah!!!  Hay entreniamento de trabajo aqui!!

Ah.  Estoy feliz aqui en el carcel.  Quiere reformar mi carater y salir para volver a mi familia, todo afuera.

Esa alma se fue al mundo espiritual al ser quemada con tulasi?

HpS - No se, pero es seguro Vds son ofreciendo oportunidad FUERTE como puede adelantar mucho, moooo, mooo,  mucho.

Es posible llegar al mundo espiritual en esta vida?

HpS - Si, pero normalmente adelatar mucho y tomamos nacimimiento en una planet donde Krsna is personalmente presente para los detalles de perfecion antes de ir a Goloka.

MAHARAJA pido su bendición para poder pasar por todo esto pronto y atravez de usted que Krishna perdone mis ofensas, todas las que pueda haber tenido conciente e inconciente ,que me de lucides y claridad para poder entender sus deciciones y no cuestionarlas jamas,para que me deje permanecer  ,teniendo claro que todo es de el y todo pasa por el....
Maharaja usted es todo para mi, mi padre ,mi madre tanto que solo necesito sus palabras y se que todo va estar bien
Alguien que quiere merecer  ser hija suya cada dia...

HpS - Somos bastante estupido representantes de Srila Prabhupada.   De una manera pienso que Vd es una Super Chica pasar esta experiencias y vivir!  Reverencias a todo su yatra!!!!   Krsna is thinking of us all the time.
Mas carta en el futuro.


9 years, 7 months ago by raktak in Special Category A

Respected Guru Maharaj,

Please acccept my humble obeisances.  All glories to Srila Prabhupad.

I wish I could be there in Delhi with you to serve you, lucky are those people-who have the chance.

I always read that how much hard work you do, preaching/traveling and as a result, sometimes, you have so many physical problems like headache and swelling etc. I was talking to Priya and she said that why guru maharaj does not come to Brisbane and stay with us, and I told her that if guruji can't stay with an advanced grihastha like Nitai-Gaur Sunder Prabhu, what about us-the fallen ones.

I am just imagining how you are giving lecture in Delhi temple and Jitamitra Prabhu would be translating, so wonderful.

I would try my best to join you for your next Indian yatra during Feb 2016, especially to Manipur.  I met with Dhaneshwari and Dhruvananda-they also want to be with you in Manipur. Guruji! I do remember you had a plan to come to Australia after India during Kartik 2015, but now there is a change, any other plan in future for Australia?

My chanting is going on very well, I get up 4 'o' clock and finish my 16 rounds.  Today I finished reading Gopiprandhan Prabhu's Tattva Sandarbha translation by Jiva Goswami and just started reading Mathura meets Vrindavan by Gaur Govind maharaj.

Priya and children doing well, I hope to improve quality of my chanting by your blessings, thanks a lot.

yours servant,

Raktak Das

HpS - Jaya! AGTSP paoho.   Thank you for the news.   We only hope that you get all the fundamental principles of our yoga very solid in your life. Of course, everyone is very different. Some one is attached to gambling, another to marijuana, another to expensive clothes...    so it may be quick or slow depending how deep these attachments are BUT we can always see how we are progressing by making little steps and rules to advance our sense control.
Guess won't be able to visit Australia in Fall 2015. Guess we won't be able to travel as much as before. Becoming very painful to travel on airplanes for like six hours.  You have to become Guru.


indian monkey and horse

Hare Krsna Maharaj,
Pamho, Agtsp

Hello to UG, TB and  BW

ASA -  E=M*C*C, Whoop! Whoop!,  Oink!   Oink!

We hope you all are progressing in Lord Chaitanya Sankirtana.

We deliberatlely did not write to you {HpS and ASA associates] as most our issues are related to dark well and perennial challenges related to it.  there was no relevant news of sankirtana. we are working on it. we are trying to chant 16 rounds daily, morning prayers, reading, 4 rounds and house holder duties in balance way (krsna is helping us a lot)

we are reporting this to  Professor Huber Robinson as there is no better person than him in matter of psychology.
Professor , we went pillbuster and clinical pscychologist  {CP} regarding our anger and controlling problem.

they have diagnosed us  Obsessive complusion disorder [OCD] and problem due to emotion injuries. (on the basis of Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory ® -2 (MMPI ® -2))

ASA - Wow!     When I took a test like that I would feel very proud: Look, I am crazy! I need special attention. (Of course, some of this stuff is actually true and helpful (but also sometimes devotees can surpass all this easily, no?))

they say our sub-conscious is craving for affection (inference from Online  Rorschach  Test http://theinkblot.com/ ). Harsh says his conscious mind says he does not need affection. CP says thats the struggle b/w sub conscious and conscious mind.

HpS - Jung, Prabhupada, both say that your sub-conscious mind is very accessible during Brahma muhurta and you can make it more conscious. Sounds like a good analysis, but I would confirm it by our Yoga of B-muhurta, Japa.

due  [OCD]  to we got finicky about things.

we are going to continue treatment optimize the problme of OCD and emotional injuries

we also met a nice devotee [vrindavan das [email protected] ) who works on temperament identification (on basis of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_temperaments)  since  september. he also identified our temperament (based on observation not any test) as majorily as Melancholy perfectionist (64%) , Powerful choleric (26%) and peaceful Phlegmatic(10%).

we applied this perfectionist and powerful temperament in our married life. and have crushed emotions of our wife who is having different temparament ratios.

he asked us to relax our standards, increase our indulgence in sense gratification ( resorts, food, sex etc) to satisfy/ heal our relationship with wife.

because his finding is that Harsh is not peaceful when there is unrest in home.

HpS - God!  Illicit sex!!???       That's only, always, going to increase the hell.   Of course, SB 1.11.31-32, type Grhasta "sex" is O.K. Nice.  Buy your wife candy or flowers, no?   Prabhupada says that embracing between husband and wife is natural. But illict sex only makes everyone feel dirty and cheated afterwords.   We don't have a sub-conscious desire to become meat, fish or eggs. We have a sub-conscious desire to become immortal energy angels!

practically we see we are tied up in battle between cognition v/s affect. should be v/s want to be.

our only hope is NOI preface
""In all spiritual affairs, one’s first duty is to control his mind and senses. Unless one controls his mind and senses, one cannot make any advancement in spiritual life. Everyone within this material world is engrossed in the modes of passion and ignorance. One must promote himself to the platform of goodness, sattva-guṇa, by following the instructions of Rūpa Gosvāmī, and then everything concerning how to make further progress will be revealed.""

till we reach sattva guna we would be needing your help a lot esp in matter of satisfying the SPOG.


Harsh born in In India with 

human body  & ( monkey and horse mind)

HpS - My experience is that it always helps to chant Hare Krsna right in the middle of the strange problems. Then Krsna can give a little good intelligence and we can move up.
One VERY good psychological survey showed that Hare Krsna males are 100 times more likely to be Compulsive personalities that normal people. Do you fold your shirts and sort them into different categories?

We do.

But we want pharmacists, doctors others to be compulsive personalities. O.K. Is not a bad trait. Just have to purify it. Learn when to relax. We still have to struggle with this at 67 years old. Ha!  Ha!   Ha!    Expect rapid progress but be patient that if this is a deep root it may take even more than one life to extract it.   ....  but....   the effort is eternal!

In general, sounds great you psycho-therapy if you just keep a perspective of Srila Prabhupada's lessons. See you in a few days.