Greetings from Auburn/Kalindi dd
07/24/15 Hare Krsna Esteemed Guru Maharaja please accept my dandavats and pranams.
Haven't written since your helpful and wonderful visit in June. Thank you so very much for staying in our new home and blessing us with your presence, your example. i do not write more often because i do not want to take your valuable time. Please know i am always praying for you and taking the dust of your lotus feet within my heart.
The ISKON Sac devotees expressed how much they benefitted from your visit. They thought you so very humble and approachable, with the ability to illuminate sastra in a clear and unique manner. They have asked me to ask you to put us on your calendar twice next year. So please visit us next year twice and advise me how I may help with scheduling in advance.
We were (Dave too) out on book distribution at lg. apt. complex in Sac a couple of weeks ago. By Krsna's mercy, we were invited to return and do home program for a group of residents! It is this Sun. How wonderful it is to preach this sublime and helpful philosophy of Krsna Consciousness. Also, our group attended International Yoga Day in June by the state capital bldg. Fortunately, I got to lead kirtan though I am always unworthy. Also, me and Vikasananda Krsna Das were interviewed by Indian Television news so it was really so much mercy to be able to serve Srila Praphupada and this Sankirtan Movement and let the Indian population know more about our ctr! Our group will also be at India Day and we are hoping to have an even better Janmastami celebration this year. So lots of opportunities for service right now. Jaya!!!
My dear Radha-Gopinatha are now in Their puja room. I don't think our home is ready for Them to be in the front of the house;there was not a consensus about it. Perhaps it's what they wanted. I hope so.
Shoes ?: So, recently Govinda Priya Dasi, who teaches deity worship in Mayapur each year, showed me how to put Their Lordships to rest at night. Their bed is on the right side of Their altar on a table along with a brass vyasasan. The vyasasan is too small for the murti of Prabhupada. So i am using it to put his shoes on at night. Then I take your shoes and put them on the table at the foot of Prabhupada's "bed" and pray for your safety that night. Anyway, may I continue to put your shoes like that? Some how it occured to me to ask you if that's ok with you.
Continuing as your unworthy servant,
Kalindi Devi dasi
HpS - ASA - Gosh! AGTSP. Paoho. Yes, this pace of letters we can handle. We have noted all your content with great attention. Krsna is giving you so, so, so much chance to preach!! Our respects to The David Prestha (which rhymes with Pasta) and all the Sacramento ISKCON Yatra. Of course we will try to visit again. We form the Calendar here.
I guess you can put our shoes some place. Off the floor I don't know. For sure lower, lower, lower thatn Srila Prabhupada's paraphernalia. We still have material desires but they are under control (now) and diminishing!