urgent:india travel iteinrary

9 years, 5 months ago by harsh_horse in Special Category A, Calendar Development

Hare Krsna Maharaj,

Pamho Agtsp. You are the light of bhagavat in our well of darkness.

your mercy is beyond comparison.

HpS - ASA - Monkey says that your well must be very deep to get any help from HpSwami.

Two of indian followers of yours wanted to meet you in India. Can you please give your flight details of India travel ? has the travel itinerary also been finalized?

ASA - It is updated at the ASA Calendar. Just click on the link in today's KDh!  Thank you.  We want to see you.  We expect to just be stationed in Delhi and go to Vraja as we can. There we can just lie down in the street if we have to. After talk with Dr. Samaresh we should be able to send you more news. Big focus will be for our NIOS to meet with Shri Pranab Mukerjee. You are essential.

---------------------- watched a movie on Chris Kyle ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chris_Kyle) an American sniper. A great help to US marines in Iraq, killed many militants and saved many marines. was hero or legend for marines but his wife was heavily unsatisfied as her husband was always mentally/physicaly in battle field. grrrrrr. it only makes sense when we work for krsna ( not for marines of wife), because only he can understand in and out ( OM param-atma).. even if it is SNIPE ha ha ha Jaya Rama

HpS - Yes, Grhastha Ashrama is big, big learning experience, no? But if we do it sincerely then we are prepared for Sannyasa and if we do Sannyasa properly then our return to Goloka is guaranteed (dragging our spouses, spices back behind kicking and screaming if necessary).

We are trying to get a good connection to watch M. Urmilla's video!  thank you..

Correspondance and questions

HpS - ASA   ---  Yamunesvara Das, We just answered this letter by e-mail. But it is super, super, super to see it here on the Blog also. Everyone should hear about Manipur. Everyone should help to spread K.C. in Manipur.


All Glories to Sri Guruji Maharaja and Gouranga Mahaprabhu

Radha Krsnaki Jay and Goura Bhakta Vrnda Ki Jay

Please accept my humble obeisances unto to Sri Guruji’s padmacharan that I am so happy after getting Gurujis reply. On the other hand we are very sorry to know that Guruji will not come to Manipur this year but we are eagerly waiting February, 2016. For our kind information is there any special programme during May 7-12, 2015 in Braja (Vrndavana)? If somebody comes to Braja for other purpose can we see Guruji there or not? If possible please give us the exact location? Is it ISKCON Temple of Vrndavan?

HpS – AGTSP. Paoho. It is always so nice to hear from you and any Manipuri Bhakta. Please be merciful to us. We are just now fixing our program for Delhi. We are trying to meet with Prime Minister to release our next NIOS book, so it depends on his schedule. I think mostly we will be in Delhi temple and then go to Vrndavana just for a day, but I don’t know.

Please highlight the following quotations and questions?

The fortunate inhabitants of Pitrloka, who preside over the funeral ceremonies, made Aryama into a calf Bhagavatam 4.18.18

There are so many lokas mentioned in the previous chapters e.g. Brahmaloka, Chandraloka, Suryaloka, Indraloka, Dhruvaloka, Sivaloka, Satyaloka etc. Again in the Brahma Samhita 43 sloka mentioned that Lowest of all is located Devi-dhama (mundane world),  next above it is Mahesa-dhama [abode of Mahesa], above Mahesa-dhma is placed Hari-dhama [abode of Hari] and above them all is located Krsna’s own realm named Goloka. Then the realm of Goloka stands highest above all other……….  the first in order is this mundane world called Devi-dhama consisting of the fourteen worlds, viz Satyaloka.

From the above statements quoted from Bhagavatam and Brahma Samhita where will be the different Lokas situated and in which levels? And what are the fourteen worlds? In which books and where we could find the fourteen levels including the planet Earth?

HpS – ASA – SB 2.5.38 +  ... there are details:

Below Bhu-mandala (~Earth) there are seven planetary systems: Vitala, Talatala, Atala... then bhur, bhuva, svarga, mahaloka, janaloka, tapaloka and jana-loka. Those are the 14-worlds. Gandhava loka is in Bhuva-loka.  They are in different parts of the 14-worlds. We really know how to get to our ISKCON Temples and how to go out on Sankirtan. –[;0)---

Yours fallen servant

Yamunesvara Das

HpS – We send you more news as we get it, but if you have not done the sequence listed above on the Blog PLEASE try that.   May you have all success in understanding Srila Prabhupada’s books and become the greatest ISKCON leader.

dilution of SB

Hare Krsna Maharaj,

Just wanted to share, even Bhakti Vinod Thakur thougt something inappropriate about SB, what about conditioned souls

"The Bhagavat, like all religious works and philosophical performances and writings of great men, has suffered from the imprudent conduct of useless readers and stupid critics. The former have done so much injury to the work that they have surpassed the latter in their evil consequence. Men of brilliant thoughts have passed by the work in quest of Truth and Philosophy, but the prejudice imbibed from It's useless readers and their conduct prevented them from making a candid investigation...This prejudice is not easily shaken when the student grows up unless he candidly studies the Book and ruminates on the doctrines of Vaishnavism. We are ourselves the fact. When we were in college, reading the philosophical works of the West and exchanging thought with the thinkers of the day, we had a real hatred of the Bhagavata. That great work looked like a repository of wicked and stupid ideas scarcely adapted to the nineteenth century, and we hated to hear any arguments in It's favour...Oh! What a trouble to get rid of prejudices gathered in unripe years."
(excerpted from The Bhagavata Speech, Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur, 1869)

HpS - AGTSP paoho. Thank you so, so much.  Right in the Introduction to the SB:

"In the modern age Lord Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu preached the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam by practical demonstration. It is easier to penetrate into the topics of the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam through the medium of Śrī Caitanya's causeless mercy. Therefore a short sketch of His life and precepts is inserted herein to help the reader understand the real merit of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam.

It is imperative that one learn the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam from the person Bhāgavatam. The person Bhāgavatam is one whose very life is Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam in practice. Since Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu is the Absolute Personality of Godhead, He is both Bhagavān and Bhāgavatam in person and in sound. Therefore His process of approaching the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam is practical for all people of the world. It was His wish that the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam be preached in every nook and corner of the world by those who happened to take their birth in India."

Dr. Samaresh suggests that we shoot for release of our next book by Prime Minister of India while the HpS and Monkey and Piggy are in India, 7-12th of May. Are you ready!??  Sri Hari Das says he can help from Mathura, visits to New Delhi.
We will call you all. You are the hope of Asia.

News and questions

Hare Krsna dear Gurudeva

Please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupda

Dear Gurumaharaja, 

I'm very happy to tell you that I've recently started my Bhakti-sastri course (at last!). It's something I've been waiting for a while. For now, Laksmana prabhu is giving me on line lessons but as soon Isabelle and I move to Chosica I'll engage the classroom group at the temple. Bhagavad-gita is the most intelligent, overwhelming and sharpest book I've ever read. It is going to be very nice to study it systematically. 

Gurudeva, I have a few questions concerning to some doubts. I hope you kindly give me an answer to them.

1. Our philosophy encourages congregational chanting of the Holy Name and association with the devotees, but our relation with Krsna is individual, now and forever. In which way an incorrect understanding of what association means could harm the development of this natural individual rasa with the Lord?

HpS - ASA --- I guess the answer would be 1) When the association is based on material things eg. we are associating because we want fame, prestige etc. from our "religious" association. Eg. I associate with devotees because I want to become President, Sannyasi and have comfortable accomodation, association with the opposite sex. 2) When the association is an improper mixture of mellows. The Gopis are good citizens of Vraja, they milk cows. They have their own friends and circle of associates within Vraja. They have their own unique relations with Krsna. See Krsna Book Chapter 21.
So, they, we associate with devotees who have a similar spiritual perspective. We don't associate with Karmis.
AND it is acintya-bheda-abheda-tattva. You must give you whole energy to your unique relation with Krsna giving up all concern for GBC, Guru etc. and as you do this then you will realize that you cannot devolop it without GBC, Guru. Also, quite inconceivably you must give 100% to Guru, GBC et al and if you do this then you will realize that you cannot serve them unless you have your own unique, secret relation with Krsna. Actually this question is the whole focus of our filosophy and goes on forever in its answer.


2. Pure devotional service means to serve God without any trace of selfishness or personal desire and free of karma and jñana yoga. Srila Prabhupada explains in NOD that karma yoga is performed in rituals and jñana yoga in philosophical speculation. This means that in the way we achieve Bhakti we leave our analytical approach to philosophy and practice of rituals?
HpS - No, Krsna stopped the Rasa-lila for Brahma-muhurta (Mangala arati). We do the rituals and use our intellects in the SERVICE of our Rasas with Krsna. We do them. They are wonderful, but ultimately in terms of the nature of Rasa. Actually this is explained in the BhSastri curriculum!

"Whatever is produced of the Complete Whole is also complete in itself" (Isopanisad, Invocation). This phrase could refer to us, the Jivas. So, why do we need to engage whith the Complete Whole? What kind of feeling moves us towards God despite of being complete in ourselves? what kind of completeness is this?
HpS - I would say we "don't" have to engage with Krsna, in one sense. Prabhupada says Krsna is free to accept our service or not. But the devotees attitude is that he will never stop offering it, with love. So, yes the devotee is complete just like Krsna, although of course different.

I've been a little bit demanding with my wife's saddhana, can you please tell me up to which point we could be a raw example for others?

HpS - What does "raw" mean? Do you mean you are putting stress on her that doesn't let her get her rounds done, or you are putting pressure on her to get her rounds done.
1. We "put pressure on people" by preaching intelligently, nicely, humbly, to them.
2. If they don't, can't, listen then we preach by setting a good example!

Hoping you're doing well with your health and sankirtan

Your servant

Gandharva dasa

HpS - We have to establish some time for some online discussions. Also, you can certainly ask these questions to Siksa gurus like Virabahu, Bh. Bhusana Swami et al.

Thank you so much.


9 years, 5 months ago by Amparo Hernandez Castillo in Special Category A

Hare Krishna Maharaja Por favor acepte mis más humildes reverencias.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada Desde su ultima visita a cusco y que tome refugio en usted ,han pasado muchas cosas ,tal como usted nos dijo a prabhu Amala Karuna Das y mi que nos casaramos , intercambiamos guirnaldas ,en abril nos casaremos civil ante el juez y ya que usted llega en agosto y si lo permite nos pueda casar por fuego.....Gurudeva estamos esperando un bebe ya tengo casi ocho semanas ,viaje a Lima a traer a mis dos hijos niños aun para que vivan con nosotros y hacer las cosas bien ,en ese viaje me puse mal me internaron en el hospital,y me dijeron que mi salud no es buena y corre riesgo el bebe y yo ,tengo un embarazo de alto riesgo,en algun momento Maharaja pensaron en interrumpir la vida del bebe y yo no acepte ,estoy cantando 20 rondas hago servicio ,atiendo las deidades de Jagannath Subhadra Balaram,aun asi Guredeva con todo esto en mi cabeza no canto buenas rondas con seguridad o me pierdo en el pensamiento,deseo y debo hacer lo correcto,a pesar de todos estos inconvenientes me siento muy feliz con mi servicio y la asociacion de los devotos ,luego nuevamente me gana la mente y olvido que no somos el cuerpo y que ese bebe es un alma ,hay momentos en los que mis pensamientos son vacios y el Maha mantra lo repito talvez por inercia ,por eso pido un consejo , Gurudeva una palabra suya es muy importante para mi para poder guiarme y hacer lo corecto...... Me despido, su sirvienta bhaktin Amparo Hare Krsna.

HpS - TlgaSP. Pfanrh. Su nombre significa "refugio", no?  Si, claro, la Mama tiene fuerte responsibilidad protejar la alma en embrion en su vientre. Pero claro, si va a dejar su cuerpo en el processo, es base pensar sacrificar el cuerpo del bebe. Es algo intenso. Tiene consultar muy bien con muchos. Arjuna tuvo que matar milones de tios, primos, sobrinos...!

Y claro, claro, claro, necesita mucho ayuda de Krsna. Como va a obtener si no canta buen rondas. Eso es el Kali-yuga Dharma. Canta bien para inteligencia y tambien directamente para salud!  Es un hecho, su bebe va a oir, beneficiar, del sonido de Krsna katha, SB, K book etc.

Muy buena suerte con gran felicidad en sus desafilos.