A Champu by Bhakta Naro & Monkey

9 years, 5 months ago by hps in Special Category A



NOTE: This is a Champu, not to be confused with a Shampoo. A Champu is a mixture of poetry and prose.
I had a dog named Bosco,
Who owned a Spanish cat.
Because they danced in Sankirtan,
Neither one grew fat.

But then one day,
A rat moved in,
To their house in Madrid town,
Made pussy joke and laugh,
He became a furry, Krsna, klown.

A respectable Japanese rat, from ISKCON Kammisato, he was.    Spoke English, Mandarin, Spanish and Brajabasi.    Strict vegetarian since birth.    Parents honored Raja-bhoga Mahaprasad daily from the Head-pujari.

Monkey: Did they play the Big Mrdanga? Did they distribute many, many buks daylee?

N: Well, sometimes yes and sometimes no. I mean, they were animals.
Their owner would play a hurdy-gurdy machine and they would do tricks like in a little circus and then Bosco would go around with a cup in his mouth for donations and had a bag of books around his neck, and people would give coins and take small books.
Then they would read them and order big books and other books by mail.

Monkey: Spanish books?!

N: Yes, well usually, but sometimes even Chinese and Japanese books because many tourist came to Madrid.
Most of them did not become Hare Krsna devotees, but they became Paramatma realized and then they could find God in their own tradition.

Monkey: Vasistha told us that in Russia they call God, "Bhog".

N: Do they kill people in the name of God?

Monkey: I don't think so. That kind of religious violence seems to be a European thing, like the Spanish Inquisition, the Third Reich. In Russia they seem to kill people for political power and prestige, and the sex and good house and food that come with it.
If you are a Hare Krsna, you just don't pay any kind of direct attention to this kind of violence. You just engage in devotional service, Sankirtana, as Srila Prabhupada encourages, and get the books and music out.
That's enough.

N: Bosco, Kitty and Ratty didn't distribute a lot of books, but they made a lot of devotees, who each distributed a few and sometimes a lot of books.

Monkey: Achaa!   I will go and do likewise. Hare Krsna,     Hare Krsna.    Krsna book, Ki Jai!

N: Flabbergasting! !    !


Todas las glorias para Srila Prabhupada

Todas las Glorias para usted Maharaj

Soy David Leyton nuevamente. muchas gracias por su respuesta estaba ancioso por recibirla, ya que hace mucho que no le escribo. También quiero contarle de algunas terapias que me he hecho y también saber si estas se pueden usar para la conciencia de Krishna o simplemente para darle salud interna o mental a las personas.

Estuve realizándome terapias alternativas desde Junio se llama Sintergética. Me hizo sentir en paz y controló en ese momento mi problema de psicomatico y síndrome Gill de tourette. Me ha dado muy buenos resultados aunque temporales y fue aliviador.

También hice AONC (auto observación neuroconciente) es una terapia que se hace despierto y relajado, la persona va describiendo los recuerdos y visiones que uno está teniendo en ese momento, relacionandolas con las sensaciones del cuerpo, donde esa sensacion o dolores se describer. Eso me ha reducido por parte el problema de los dolores y molestia del cuerpo (psicosomatico), pero aun no encuentro la manera de solucionarlo definitivamente.

Maharaj, usted cree que el AONC podría ser alguna terapia que pueda superar mi problema? He leído que algunos hermanos espirituales cantan mantras que le han ayudado con sus problemas internos y creo que el Srimad Bhagavatam o Bgita tienen mantras que podrán ayudarme.

Una tercera terapia que me hice fue Biosintesis la cual 2 terapeutas van analizando mi energía interna y problemas del pasado que me hayan llevado a los problemas actuales, una de ellas me comento que fui monje franciscano en una vida pasada e hice un voto de pobreza, pero que aun esta vigente. Se supone que la muerte hace que esos votos se terminen y uno comience una nueva vida con Dios. Eso lo relacion mucho con la mayoria de los problemas y dolencias que estoy teniendo.

Favor maharaj necesito que me diga algo sobre esto y me guie para terminar con estos votos. no quiero caer otra vez.

Muchas gracias por estar con nosotros

Hare Krishna.

Bh David Leyton

HpS - ASA -  TlgaSP.  NOI Texto Tres, "maya tatam idam sarvam...". Puede leer esta Texto, tres. Alla puede encontrar los principios basicas de evaluar estas terapias.  Puede ser muy util.   Pienso el libro, "Los Hombres son de Martes y los Mujeres son de Venus" es un super libro para todos, especificamente para Grhastas. Claro, estamos utilizando todo del perspective de SB y los Significados, Bhaktivedanta.  Muy buen obra relacionar unos practicas de psicologia con SB.

En detalle no puedo decir mucho.  Falta de idioma.    Falta de conocimento de estas sistemas.  Pero... por que no habla con Madan mohan Das???  Es psicologo, devoto, loco, su vecino!!

Bhakti Vaibhava Authorization etc.

9 years, 5 months ago by abhinanda in Special Category A, Hot Topics

Hare Krsna Gurudeva


I hope you are in good health. My question is about Bhakti Vaibhava Degree. What institution accredited this course? What are the requirements to be an Examiner of Bhakti Vaibhava?

One of the functions  of the educational  Commission is to ensure that devotees read the BG and SBhg. One idea for doing this is that the readings are included in the tests. I think a devotee of the first initiation must have already read the BG and devotee to the second initiation must have read the canto 1, 2 of SBG and Nectar of Devotion  then a reading program could bring him close to Krsna.

Many Thanks Gurudeva. (forgive my bad english)

Abhinanda das

HpS - ASA --- AGTSP.  Very nice questions. Thank you.

1. The Bhakti-vaihava diploma is given by the ISKCON Ministry of Education through it's Board of Examiners and then through authorized Bhakti-vaibhava
Teaching and Testing Centers. You should be able to find this information at www.iskconeducation.org unde the Schools and Institutions section. It is a little disorganized. They need a general description of who they, BOE, are.
 The only TandT Centers in the Western Hemisphere at this point are San Jose, California; Houston, Texas; and Dhanvantari Swami's Center in Brazil. Mayapura Intitute and maybe Souh Africa and VIHE, and Yadunanadana Swami's center in Spain, are also authorized. Washington D. C. with Braja-bihari Das is close to being authorized.

Peru applied some time ago but there were several things that needed to be adjusted in the application and then Laksmana had his big medical collapse, so since then it has been a disorganized program. Yugala-kishore Dasi and Laksmana Das have been very, very regular and sincere in going through the materials with the 1st San Jose group, but even that group is doing a lot of work to correct things, because they are the first group. There are two more later groups in San Jose, early cantos.
O.K. Is clear?

2. Next point. For first initiation there is no ISKCON standard except for the Guru-Disciple course as far as I know. Of course, almost every Yatra has some kind of course like your, "Introduction to Bhakti Yoga" course. Basic books tht are generally introduced are: The Science of Self-realization, one-volume Lilamrta, Nectar of Instruction, Life of Lord Caitanya (Intro to SB).
For second Initiation the Bhakti Sastri is becoming required.

It is a big pioneering era, so don't try to fix anything too rigid yet. Stay in touch with other Yatras, devotees, develope you local program with great enthusiasm, but in an integrated way with the whole society. Prabhupada did a lot of experimentation in the beginning.


ASA $$$

9 years, 5 months ago by hps in Special Category A

ASA $$$​

IN/OUT  2015 Aug 13 - Sep 20

Bhoga- 19(4)

Travel- 323(8795)

Supplies- 784(2516)

Occupation- 74(74)

Telecom- 56(923)

Donations- 400(3127) *

Postal- 0(393)

Print- 0(50)

Professional Fees 0(330)

Donations +  0(17,859)


Cash + Bank+ 15,661

Foreign ???

Accounts Payable - 42 (and India Printing ???)

TOTAL 15,619

NOTES: Supplies - $700 for Laptop (Half price), Donations-  $400 to ISKCON Peru. ​

hare krishna from lima

hare krishna s.s. hanumatpresaka swami

por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias,  le saluda bhakta victor de lima del templo de wilson.

Queria saludarle y agradecerle por su trascendental visita a peru. ha sido muy inspirador para nosotros, ahora estamos  tratando de leer el libro de krishna todas las noches.

HpS - ASA --- Muy inspirador (y mucho trabajo) para nosotros tambien. Ya estamkos 80% recuperado del estress del viaje, y ya esperamos adelantar, expandir, profudizar, nuestra servicio mas!  Aspiramos siempre ser en los pies de loto de Srila Prabhupada en la assemblea de devotos, de ISKCON.

. . . bueno ahora estamos llendo a sankirtan viajero a cochabamba, bolivia. junto con prabhu tattva-vid goura y bhakta adrian. estaremos 20 dias y al regresar nos quedamos 15 dias mas en cuzco.

HpS - Associacion de Mathuresa Das!

...tambien queria preguntarle acerca del [S]srimad [B]bhagavtam, ya que en el 2.2.35 se traduce a bhagavan como la personalidad de dios y en el verso anterior se traduce bhagavan como el señor brahma, como entender ello?

HpS - No puede comentar como Jiva Goswami, pero como yo entiendo, Prabhupada es traduciendo fuertement sigiendo nuestras Acharyas previos, aqui ellos esta eligiendo el traduccion basado en el contexto. "El Presidente" puede ser traducido como "Barrack Obama" o "Evon Morales" dependiendo en las circumstancias, no?

. . .luego en el verso 2.9.31 sig. se menciona los 5 principios fundamentales para alcanzar la perfeccion en el servicio devocional, de los cuales el quinto es adorar a la deidad del señor con devocion. entonces mi pregunta es si esto significa que todos debemos ocuparnos en adorar, ya sea la deidad del templo o unas deidades pequeñas, o adorar los libros?

HpS - En sus ensanzas a Sanatana Goswami, como hoy dia estamos leyendo en "Las Ensenansa de Senor Caitanya", hay como 64-principios regulativas mencionada, y es la misma en NdlD, pero entre ellos estas cinco son la mad fuerte. "Nectar de la Devocion", Capitulo 13. All dice solamente unos de ellos es bueno, or 2 or tres. Esforsamos realizar todos. Vivimos en Templo de ISKCON, levantamos y participamos Mangala arati de los Deidades, oimos SB, Devoto Sanga, Kirtan....   Realiza las mismas cosas mietras en Sankirtan Vijero. Deidades puede ser pequenos de Gaura Nita o si, ofreciendo Mangala arati a los Libros!

bueno reciba nuevamente mis respetuosas reverencias. todas las glorias sean a srila prabhupada.

HpS - ASA --- Jaya, sea feliz en su Sankirtan!  Ke, Krsna esta feliz en su Sankirtan.

Why God needs to exist

9 years, 5 months ago by jashodev chatterjee in Special Category A

Your Holiness,

                    Please accept my prostrated obeisances. All glories to your good self.

I am again writing to you after a very long time. I pray and hope that you are doing exceptionally well. 

One argument that theists make is that there has to be an origin of everything which implies the existence of a Creator. Some reply with the question that if God has always existed then why can’t we just assume that matter has also always existed. I thought of replying in the following way:

If I say that a black box has travelled on its own, from Mumbai to Washington, most will question the veracity of this statement. But if I say that a human being has travelled like that, the statement will be less questionable. This is because a human being is more complex than a black box. Thus we can expect the human being to have greater properties or abilities than the black box, which is why the human being can be expected to travel on his own but the box can’t. Similarly God being more complex than matter has more versatility than the latter. Thus one can expect God to have always existed on His own whereas matter needs a Creator.

HpS - Very neat.

Another explanation could be that empirically we observe that every effect has a cause. If we take any object and observe its cause and then find out the cause of that cause and proceed like that then we end up with a regression which either ends or doesn’t. If the regression doesn’t end then we end up with an infinite regression, which becomes inexplicable. If we consider that the regression terminates then all matter has to have had an origin, which implies the existence of a self caused cause of all causes. This explanation was given by Thomas Aquinas, a Christian Theologian.

Maharaja, I will be very grateful, if you could kindly consider my reasonings and give your kind impression of them, and/or if you have anything additional to say.

Your servant


HpS - AGTSP.  Thank you for your letters. I guess one thing is that all these arguments depend on a certain logical structure. We use Euclidean geometry to organize our thoughts, reality, but others make the obvious comment that even in the actual world there are cultures that use different logic. Why can't there be an infinite regression. At least beyond our ability to reason.      Why do we assign one cause to things. Why not accept that many causes are interacting with many things to produce many results in a way that really does not reduce down to unique points and lines.

This is like Statistical Mechanics, no?  At least it may be useful to consider these things with our intellectual, cultural tools, but in the end the honest mind comes to the conclusion that we need to be informed by a higher authority that knows.