Demon and devotee

9 years, 5 months ago by pnd in Special Category A

Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaja,
Please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I would like to ask you if you can clarify me following questions which are unfortunately somehow due to my bad nature relevant to me.

When somebody gets purified by bhakti yoga proccess do unfriendly qualities get transformed/destroyed? Or when soul purify and fully self-realize he still need to behave in body like it is programed by modes of nature, similarly as actor who plays bad character?

We can sometimes see devotees which are close friends of Krishna, His devotees, same time they may have some kind of interesting (non-traditional for vaisnava) nature (e.g. drinking blood of enemies, anger). Similarly Krishna didn't allow Arjuna to go to forrest as his nature will not allow him to properly stay there as yogi. So may we understand that 'varna' or human nature cannot be avoided even when after we will become purified devotees? 

Whatever understanding of myself/my psychology is purely based on body/mind/inteligence. At least theoretically I understand that I am not that, but can I realize what are the emotions, logic, behavior of the real me, the soul? When soul is purified and is back in Krishna's pastimes he has own personality. While in material body, does this personality, characteristics get manifested over out material conditioning or we simply live inner live, while outsite be still same bad character?

Your servant Prahlad-nrsmha das

HpS - ASA - AGTSP.  Paoho.    Wonderful question, but first, in the name of so many people, thank you so, so much for this Blog and

As far as I know, the answer to your question is in NOI 5-6. There we see that we avoid association with third class devotees unless the WANT to take instructions from the example and preaching of a pure devotee (like Srila Prabhupada) or the scriptures. The second class devotee still has material connection and yes, there is still sometimes accidental falldown to his material conditioning, but he is trying to avoid that by intelligence.

First class devotee is described in Text Six, no?  He still may have bad complexion and Bhakti Siddhanta Sarasvati says that he may also have rough character in his Anuvrrti. It is like bubble, foam and mud in the Ganges. So, he completely connects all his resources to Krsna's service unless Krsna wants something else. Draupadi didn't know why all this weird stuff was happening to her, but she never lost faith that Krsna had a plan, although she certainly made requests to understand what they were.

Internally he knows that Krsna is in control, but he may not know why he is acting in certain ways.   That is somtimes Krsna makes him act wrongly, like Arjuna, so that Krsna can use him.

O.K?  Read those Texts.   Sometimes Krsna wants him to control his Karma and gives him power and sometimes Krsna wants to use his Karma and doesn't give him power to control it, but deep within himself he knows that this is Krsna's plan.


About Illicit sex letter

9 years, 5 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Special Category A

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva



It is very nice to hear that U are recovering your energy little by little

As I told U I am on internet cause of work most of the time and in my spare time I read or listen to classess.

I read the very good letter that Harsh posted ¡¡¡¡ And I am writing because I have a point of view of a lady 

I was talking with M. Jambavati more frequently now...and she told me that U said to her that she is a Grhastha due to she has to work to support herself and her father so I think I am in the same situation. I personally belive now that Krsna is taking care of me because I want to surrender to Him... 

I guess that this disease is the most difficult to overcome ¡¡ Until the point you realize that the 4 pillars of religion are pretty real they exist for a reason ...The 4 principles are really helpful PRETTY REAL ... I am sad to share that a friend of mine has a sexually transmitted disease (her husband was with many other ladies so....) So the best policy is to follow 4 principles strictly, but what happened when U follow and your partner no?? U get a disease and ??? karma I guess no??

ASA - Uncle Gismo --- Esteemed Candra-mukhi Devi Das et al, Thank you for your perspective on this topic. HpS is too stuffy to discuss such things but we are practical people, scientists. First, as our old High School teacher, Mr. What's His Name used to say they are not "other ladies". She may be a lady, but they are "women or to call things bluntly as Srila Prabhupada does ...". Second, a lady should not associate with a husband who is fallen, associating with other women. She should only associate for religious reasons. Happy life.

So at least in order not to get a disease U restrain to break principles ¡¡¡ 

About this point on Harsh letter ¡¡

9. Many men think they dont themselves dont need sex , but their wife does, so they indulge in it. In my understanding women can be happy in peaceful home,with a respecting and caring husband, and basic mateiral comforts.  If she does not get these then her sex desire might be more. Secondly if she is really (lusty), then tell her, there are no free lunches in this material world (atleast be a Karmi).  The price for having sex is to care of Kid for atelast 20 years.


Most of the comments that I heard is that women are lustier than men ¡¡ yes this may be true but ¡¡¡ deeply we want to feel protected , loved and most importantly we want to please our husbands or partners, (but in a mundane way) BIG MISTAKE ¡¡¡ Now I realized that our aim MUST be to please Krsna.. So in order to try to please our partners we get wrong advice.... from materialistic mentalities and what we obtain?? DISTRESS ¡¡¡ Until we realized or experienced a HIGHER TASTE ¡¡¡ so  Those wrong ladies need association ¡¡¡ from those who made this terrible mistake.. and learned the lesson  but again .. Do they really want to get advice?? They have to suffer again and again as I personally did until as I said U experienced a Higher taste. Sadly as NOI says an intelligent person do not do what is wrong if they hear but many of us have to experience once, twice .... until finally we understand ¡¡¡

So I have realized that yes ladies need to be protected but not only  by their fathers, brothers, husbands.. but also by elder ladies ¡¡ like M Murti Murti, etc... Because ladies feel more comfortable with other ladies ¡¡¡, also following their Gurus instructions and being sincere etc. 

ASA - Yes!   We all need Ashrama Gurus.

9.  Outside  you will see many women (advertisement or workplace) dressed inappropriately. Have compassion on them as they are being misled that way to be happy is to flaunt one self and have wealth.

CMDD: yes .. most women do not dress properly, in order to get jobs they show their breast etc ¡¡¡ they go to discos and bars to pick up men ¡¡ awful..

I guess that we are influenced by stereotypes if u are slim, beautiful u can get a job a good husband so they struggle to try to fit in that stereotype. And we forget to cultivate within ourselves ¡¡¡¡ But here I want to point out that some girls like me or others go to the beach for example to get sunlight not to show off.. we do not want to feel madonna or any other jajaja we just want to feel comfortable and relax from work or problems...also chaste married ladies do so... others like me feel good wearing designers clothes ¡¡ jaja (lust) yes but not to show off to feel good within ourselves.... maybe I am wrong but I am just being sincere... most of men say She forced me to rapped her look the way she dress ummm ¡¡¡ yes sometimes may be true but also I think that is also the actitude u have ¡¡¡, and convey.

ASA - Yes, many good points here. We need comments from Ashrama Gurus. We saw one scientific study where a girl was talking to a man on a video. They showed it to men and asked if she was "flirting" with him, indicating desire for some more sexual relation. The men mostly said, "Yes".
When they showed the same video to ladies they said, "No, she is just being friendly!". Amazing, no? A lot to learn about Varna-ashrama-dharma for Krsna!  "Women as a source of inspiration for men are stronger than men."  Bhisma deva's Instructions to Yuddhisthira, SB 1.9. So, girls have to understand that by chastity and modesty they inspire the men in this movement to do wonderful things for Krsna. If a lady is chaste and sincere with a single glance at a devotee she can empower him with super-human devotional energy to spread this Sankirtan movement.

Thanks GM for this blog ¡¡¡ for listen to us ¡¡¡ please forgive my stupidity

An unintelligent, lusty lady

Candramukhi dd

ASA - UG - HpSwami says thank you and you seem to be losing a few rounds to The Witch, but She has completely smashed many others, so you got some devotees ahead of you and some behind you. Serve them both and give The Witch a Knock-out Blow in round three!

Sila : question

9 years, 5 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Special Category A

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:



Hope U are better ¡¡¡

I was being asked about sila worship today, but one question I could not answer.. is the following

In Govardhana puja for example if one has a personal sila (not worship in the temple).. and one wants to make a program at home, others who do not have second initiation or not properly following or followed the standard of a Brahmana should bathe Him or not??

Thank U Gurudeva in advance

trying to be iur disciple


ASA - Don't know Prabhupada's instructions on the matter, but in general seems Giriraja is a very personal guest. A very sincere person who is not following 100% strictly may please him, but in general seems Brahman initiation is required or many years of strict first initiation standard.

4 monkeys

9 years, 5 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Special Category A

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:


I was remembering the thing about the fourth monkey that U told us on Janmastami POST NO EVIL,,, I spend most of the time on the computer and now I will spend more ¡ I am working on long distance education.. giving classes about Renewable Energias Solar energy, biomass, Eolic carreer actually I have to read more and to catch up on a lot.. nice ¡¡¡

  I felt identified so I am the fourth monkey who will post no evil ¡¡

Thanks Gurudeva, sorry to bother U



HpS-ASA - Post no evil! Really great Mantra. Positve - Hear of Hari, see Hari, kiss the ground He walked on... ! ...

Sadhu Sanga

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva AGTSP PAMHO Hope U have a good arrival.on Mexico City Gurudeva thank U also so much for iur last visit... We feel really enhanced by iur association I just talked to my mother. she feels ashamed we did not invite U at our home this time. She wanted to talk to U. but she is really upset and depressed with her health.. And also my sister and I are worried... the cost of the operation as I told U is $10 000. My.mother sister and ulyses send their best regards to U. It was really nice to be with Vrsabhanu nandini.. ambar.. Jagad Guru.. caro... devotees in Tarapoto we realized that this movement is just good association. our friendship has increased a lot.. we are not expert as they are but just serving them we will be pleased I talked with M Jambavati and I suggested that on December I may invite her very good father and U to our home.. she is very pleased with the invitation and for us will be an honor. Gurudeva thanks again and see u on cyber space.. lima... argentina and chile Trying to be iur disciple Candramukhi dd HpS - ASA - Thank you for your letter! We will write more in DTC. Do your best for your household. If they want to learn they can advance a lot. They can even become immortal!

practical ways to let go illicit sex fom a fallen man

9 years, 5 months ago by harsh_horse in Special Category A, Hot Topics
ASA - AgtSP. Paoho. Mr. Horse. Thank many times for the following letter. Honestly we were having to restrain our tears while we read it. Such clear, potent, broad information can only come about as the result years of INTENSE personal sacrifice. Thank you. Please edit it a little for grammar etc. and then distribute it all over the known world! We hope some Grhasta devotees make comments. Thank you so much.

hare krsna maharaj. pamho.agtsp.
hope you have complete your trip in Peru.
I will write another letter to you regarding book publishing/distributing efforts in Mumbai.
I remember once you said, if i contribute to this blog, it would be good help to you. Hence I am writing on a topic which I think is very much relevant for many blog readers ( it was for me atleast).
i am also writing this because as a Sannyasi I think it is uncomfortable for you to write on this topic in detail.
Whatever I am writing HH HpS you can modify them at his will.

My Background and qualification to write any suggestion on this matter:
I have been  watching and hearing illicit sex from the age of 16 years (currently i am 30), but now I have stopped it completely. Due to this problem i married, but i preferred to  have a kid. My struggle for last 10 years has  given me tangible results, though i could have easily obtained more if i would been just a little more austere and sincere.

To whom this points are meant for:  Anybody in this world suffering from this disease, but I would restrain it to any one in touch with ISKCON and not able to follow one of the regulative principle of illicit sex. I expect boys to have suffering more from this disease. Hence this suggestions will be less relevant to girls (but not irrelevant) 

definition: illicit sex- there are many concepts but broadlym they fit in [a] sex outside marriage [b] sex without desiring producing KC kids.
In my understanding i stick to defnition mentioned in NOI 1 as it is definitely what Srila Prabhupada wants 

"In a similar manner, the urges of the genitals, the sex impulse, can be controlled when not used unnecessarily. The genitals should be used to beget a Kṛṣṇa conscious child, otherwise they should not be used. The Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement encourages marriage not for the satisfaction of the genitals but for the begetting of Kṛṣṇa conscious children. As soon as the children are a little grown up, they are sent to our gurukula school, where they are trained to become fully Kṛṣṇa conscious devotees. Many such Kṛṣṇa conscious children are required, and one who is capable of bringing forth Kṛṣṇa conscious offspring is allowed to utilize his genitals".

1. Please stick to above definition of NOI-1, even if you can not follow it. We should not change our goals just because we can not acheive it or think it is diffiult to acheive it.

2. Honesty is the first step in improving., So if you are indulging in illicit sex, please accept it. And pray to vaisnavas, Guru Parampara and Krsna to recover from this evil disease.

3.Stick  to canto 1 and 2 in SB. in 2.2.12 (SB ) it is
" So purification means getting free gradually from sex desire, and this is attained by meditation on the person of the Lord as described herein, beginning from the feet. One should not try to go upwards artificially without seeing for himself how much he has been released from the sex desire".

4. Accept this at face value "illicit sex casue violence (physical/verbal)" it is not pleasure but only pain as Krsna is absent from it. 

5. Dont watch/hear any illicit material as it violates both definitions. If you are single  and can not follow such defintion then in my understanding one should accept his fallen condition and get married. If you are already married then its better to produce kids, then indulging in such activities. I have done some reasearch on moral harmful effects of this "ILLICIT INDUSTRY", its living hell.

6. Many men think we dont have income to support Kids and we can not control our desire, hence they indulge in this activity violating real definition and justify themselves by definition A. In my experience Kids help you to purify this desire. Practicaly speaking
      i. Kids take up lot of your time, hence you dont have resources to indulge in
      ii. If you keep on mediating that this Kids should be trained in KC, you will purify yourself ( even if you have      
          flashbacks due to sinful youth)
      iii. Kids give you higher enjoyment than enjoyment of genitals (even if you just think of your happiness than
Regarding less income or  resources ( hence the concept of over population): Its better to give children happy(happiness is state of mind not possession of assets) and moral home, rather than giving amenities and fees to pursue higher degree. Krsna wont let your child starve!!!!!

 7. Its strange one female doctor asked me to indulge in illcit sex (just violating definition NOI not defnition A )as it will reduce anger and improve relationship with my spouse. I tried it , but found it was wrong.  As written before ILLICIT SEX (according to NOI ) causes  violence. Lots of marital conflict between spouses can be reduced if we stick to NOI definition.
Its better to built relationship with spouse on higher platform( god, guru, temple, nation, community,kid ) than just animalist genital level.

8. If your wife thinks she needs to work instead of begitting kids. As a caring husband please tell her facts compassionately. Its natural for women to have and play with kids (even Materialistic agrees with it). If she is working to support you, tell her to relax then you(man) take this task at hand.  You put your trust in Krsna & Guru Parampara, they will be happy with such honest endeavor.
Another reason women prefer to work outside is self-esteem. They feel satisfied in work outside. This is primarily because the husband mistreats her or treat her just like maidservant, cook and nanny. This is wrong, she is doing great service to Krsna and man kind by JUST taking care of kids and home. Praise her austerity genuinely and see SB guidelines how to treat wife.

9. Many men think they dont themselves dont need sex , but their wife does, so they indulge in it. In my understanding women can be happy in peaceful home,with a respecting and caring husband, and basic mateiral comforts.  If she does not get these then her sex desire might be more. Secondly if she is really (lusty), then tell her, there are no free lunches in this material world (atleast be a Karmi).  The price for having sex is to care of Kid for atelast 20 years.

9.  Outside  you will see many women (advertisement or workplace) dressed inappropriately. Have compassion on them as they are being misled that way to be happy is to flaunt one self and have wealth.

10. These are general guidelines, one may need to adjust details personally 

thank you Maharaj for reading- I hope this helps me follow the definition of NOI-1 more strcitly.

passionate horse