hari bol from Mumbai-not urgent !!!

Hare Krsna Maharaj, PAMHO, AGTSP,
i have been following ( like a buffalo) your sankirtans efforts. It has been great that your celibacy and Bhati Yoga, has given you so much stamina and health, that you can vigorously follow/travel over the world.

i know you have been heavily tied up in devotional service.
All the best for July conference.....

i have been focussing on my own nature and how to fit myself in Iskcon.  As I understand ISK is meant for creating Brahmins , deity worship, preaching (sastric studies majorly)....
I see myself definitely have Ksatriya part in me, I like sports, excercise, wrestling, and Raj Dharma...

but as you wrote "If you are really a Ksatriya then take some Karate classes. I would say you are more like a Royal Counselor. So work hard within your nature. Set some goals like that. What will they be tell us some good life goals for a person like you!" in node 4623

we can relate to that we are not Damn passionate, we do have some philosophical bent, and want to train boys (only).We are day by day agreeing that we are more of counsellor than a foot soldier. 

And by God's grace and Karma my whole father side is Ksatriya mentality.

so i would be needing your help to set some goals for myself in devotional service of person like me.
-- to quote Urmila Mataji ISK does not entertain Ksatriya these days. Intially brhamanas and sudra were reuqired then in 1990s Vaisaya were involved.

-- I can see that also In India service generally cover --- either Sastric preaching /donation/offer helping hand . (brhaman/vaisya/sudara)
i am myself in to academia but i am not like you or Radhika Raman prabhu or Krishna Ksetra Prabhu. I can not write books or write, but i can read them assimilate them more easily.
so if i am royale counselor  [a] what services I can taken in ISK
as of now i am focussing on my son as its horoscope says he would be great king or saint (similar thing were said for modi and buddha)>


HpS - ASA ---- Oooof!     It is hard to talk about "ISKCON". It is so, so, so, ....  big and even with such variety. Maybe there is some consistency to the world of GBC ISKCON, but there are so many other ISKCON worlds. To me ISKCON is that society whose Founder and Acharya is Srila Prabhupada. Of course, GBC, Temple President are all apart of this like the shoulders of the elefant, but we may be guys who walk in front of the elefant and guide him buy pulling his ear with a hook.

You do some sports!   Would be good, no?
I would say that you start talking to your father about this. Even tune him in to your interests in ISKCON or similar organizations. Even if you think about doing this it should be powerful stimulation to purify your inteligence.

Urgente: registro de participantes- Houston

9 years, 2 months ago by Asta Sakhi Devi Dasi in Special Category A

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias ! 
Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada! 

Querido Gurumaharaja: 
Muchas gracias por Su autorización de la beca. 

Aceptamos a Govinda Pramodini como nuestra jefa inmediata en este servicio. Y estoy en constante comunicación con ella preguntando muchos o quizás demasiados detalles. 

Envié a Govinda las fichas de inscripción de los participantes para que sean registrados formalmente en Houston como el 29 de Junio.
( estas fichas contienen los datos necesarios para un registro formal ) 

Govinda dice que el tema de hospedaje ya esta resuelto. 

Ella esta en contacto con prabhu Saranga Thakura, también envió las fichas a prabhu Hari lila hace un tiempo. Hoy hablara con él. 

Madre Subhra puede darle un reporte del tema a Ud. para corroborar este informe. De todas maneras quedamos atentos para cualquier observacion. 

Disculpe los inconvenientes por favor. 

Su eterna aspirante a sirviente 
Asta Sakhi dd

HpS - ASA - Super, Mexico y Pery son los Super-poders de Manana!


9 years, 2 months ago by Asta Sakhi Devi Dasi in Special Category A

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias !
Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada! 
Querido Gurumaharaja: 
Por la misericordia infinita de Srila Prabhupada varios devotos confirmaron su participación al Congreso de Houston. 

Gurumaharaja necesitamos por favor solicitar una beca del Congreso para Jayadeva Hari Das brahmacari.  

El vive en el Templo por varios años consagrado al sankirtana, siempre en el primer lugar de las maratones y es uno de los profesores de educación sastrica de Cueramaro y DF. 

Se esta haciendo responsable de colectar sus gastos para tramite de visa, pasajes, etc. para asistir al Congreso. El Templo le apoyo con el permiso para todo esto. 

Con su apoyo Gurumaharaja ayer le entregaron la visa. 

Es posible apoyarlo con una beca del costo de inscripción del Congreso por favor ?  

Muchas gracias por Su misericordiosa atención. 
Disculpe una vez mas las molestias por favor. 
Vuestra eterna aspirante a sirviente : 
Asta Sakhi dd.

HpS - Claro que si, pero hablando con Hari-lila Das, nadie esta inscrito formalmente con el y no se si esta arrelegando hospedaje. Oooof!   Claro, pienso que puede co-ordinar todo con Govinda-pramodini Devi Dasi, pero espero lo hace. Somos muy puequenitos hacer estas cosas. Aparece que va a ser un evento muy bien si todos trabajan sinceramente indidividualmente.

Grrrrraaaa,   Grrraaa, Graaaacias a Vd para sus esfuerzas tan noble. Va ser occupado en el mismo servicio en Goloka pronto.


9 years, 2 months ago by Amparo Hernandez Castillo in Special Category A

Todas las glorias a Sri Sri Goura Nitay

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Srila gurudeva, por favor acepta mis humildes reverencias a todo su ser, comenzando por tus divinos pies tan puros y bellos como un loto.

HpS - ASA ---- Ha!   Ha!.....  Ha.....   ha.... carta de un devoto loco.  estamos medio loco, pero al menos lo conocemos.

Es mi buena fortuna la que me ha hecho hallarte, es una suerte que te haya encontrado a ti, que me puedes enseñar claramente el real secreto acerca del dolor y de la felicidad y como superar el estar afectado por ambos.

HpS - ASA -- We are mostly mailmen for Srila Prabhupada.

Pero aun así mi ego y mi ser indisciplinado hacen que tus palabras no logren ingresar en lo profundo de mi ser, es decir, aun no puedo comprenderte. Ellas, tus palabras, debían en realidad impregnarme, pero no logran hacerlo. Por favor ten piedad de mi y de mi ignorancia. Enséñame como puedo llegar  al Señor, por favor, ten compasión de mi. Gurudeva, te necesito tanto...

HpS - If our words don't enter then how can we instruct you??? Take a vow to chant a fixed number of rounds daily with attention for two weeks. Can you do that???????  That will definitely advance you!!   AGTSP!!

Me siento muy acongojado por la salud de mi esposa, ella sufre intensos dolores todo el tiempo debido al cáncer, pero ella tiene una gran fe en ti, por favor,  ruego al Señor Krsna para que usted le de algunas palabras de consuelo, Amparo sabe que lo que usted dice es absolutamente  perfecto.

Amparo hará todo lo que usted le diga...

Praying always for your mercy, your fallen servant amalakarunadas

HpS - ASA --- The path is very, very clear. Harer nama, Harer nama, Harer nama eva kevalau. . .    Chant, chant, chant. Then Krsna will give you intellingence how to advance more.

The actions and reactions are created by material nature, but the the happiness and distress are created by us. Sex is very painful but we look forward to release from the pain, so we take it as pleasure. Hunger is very painful, but we enjoy fasting so we can eat a good feast.

Surrender to Krsna's arrangement, cancer, suffocation, assault by wild street dogs, and have a good laugh playing with Him

Maybe our much respected Amparo was a great ISKCON Sannyasi in her last life and she had a little Karma to finish off so she has done that and now there is no longer and reason to stay her!!

Our respects to everyone. Best wishes for your Sankirtan.

Thank You

9 years, 2 months ago by David Presta in Special Category A

Dear Guru Maharaj

PAMHO,   All glories to Srila Prabhupada !

It brought a tear to my eye to see tears well up in your eyes when you were talking about Srila Prabhupada.  All of the devotees I spoke to were deeply moved by the affection you have for your Spiritual Master.  It is a sentiment I share for you as my Spiritual Master.  I know you do not want adulation so I will simply say that all of the devotees are already looking forward to your next visit to Sacramento.  Thank you for the mercy I received from you.  All devotees are inspired and strengthened by personally observing a great devotee of Krishna.  We are fortunate to have many sincere devotees here who set a good example for me to follow.

HpS - ASA -  Hare Krsna, a pong for your ping, I have always been very inspired over the years by your gravity, honesty, compassion and practical knowledge.

Thank you for politely listening to me prattle on about useless trivia.  You are most gracious.  I was trying to apprise you of current affairs that you ordinarily do not pay attention to.  But ultimately, none of it will help anyone get back to Krishna.

HpS - Well we don't have to get back to Krsna if we can serve him right here. Prabhupada was very much in tune with current affairs, but the essence, no?

It is my understanding that Lord Caitanya did not say he is an incarnation of Krishna.  I do not question that He is an incarnation of Krishna, but how do we know that He is?

HpS - Usually the first test that Prabhupada, our previous saints, the scriptures give is that an incarnation must be mentioned in the scriptures. This is very nice discussion on that point: http://www.vedabase.com/en/sb/11/5/32.
Then, He performs actions that no ordinary person can do. In general, we can understand that He is God because He shows Himself to us, maybe just enough to lead us one step in the right direction, no?

Your, striving to be humble, servant,  David

Hari Bolo, Hari Bolo...

Urgente: Confirmamos comunicación skype

 Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias ! 

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada! 

Gurumaharaja confirmamos  la comunicación para el día de hoy , estaremos atentos desde 1:00pm . Hora San Francisco. Muchas gracias. 

Vuestra eterna aspirante a sirviente : 

Asta Sakhi dd. 

HpS - ASA - TlgaSP!    Pfanrh.   Desculpa nuestras inabilidades y gracias para su niscayena. Despues de cambiar a nuevo cellular Skype no funciona de inmediato, pero ahora esta bien, pero, claro, hemos communicado por Skype de estas temas, ya, y esperamos mas preguntas aqui.
'o' hk / hr!!