Hey!! about scalar potential of everyone, even telepathy and communication

6 years, 2 months ago by Nanuk in Special Category A

HK ! I informed: http://www.cohengroup.net/our-people/william-cohen

HpS - ASA -- Hare Krsna. AGTSP.  So nice to see these scientific posts again. Glad you informed Mr. Cohen. There is no Kirtan that does not have an effect, no?

Them about this our little: https://www.foundation-of-vedic-arts-and-sciences.org/

ASA - What you mean "Little". It is very big. Too big for us to take detailed looks, but stimulating to develope Vedica science and enginnering. Growing piezeolectic crystals in our pituitary glands.

Hanuman kiJay!!!!!

Sankirtan Report from Our ASA Sankirtan Leader

On ‎Saturday‎, ‎February‎ ‎24‎, ‎2018‎ ‎01‎:‎26‎:‎32‎ ‎PM‎ ‎CST, Mishra Illo <[email protected]> wrote:
Gauranaga. Humbles and Glories.
I just read the Kapi Dvaja. In New panihatti Dhama I was personally introduced to Srila Prabhupada by Tamal Krishna Goswami, that weekend in February 1975. He brought me in and had me set a flower on Srila Prabhupada's desk and said "This is Bhakata Michael , he joined our party at a young age." Prabhupada looked at me and said "Very good."
Then Srila Prabhupada said "You are all Vaikuntha men," (we were immaculately shaved up and adorned with tilak and dhotis.) "I am very grateful that you are assisting us in distributing our literature. I am always thinking of you boys in the vans." and " Stay brahmacharya if you can. My guru maharaj went directly from brahmacharya to Sannyas, You will save yourselves a lot of trouble if you are able to do that."  He added that "You have a good leader with Tamal Krishna Goswami, you follow him and I will be pleased." 
Yesterday the wife and I went to El Rancho for sankirtan. 5 people bought Srila Prabhupada's books from us. The last one to a man that had repeatedly gone to Kalachandji's restaurant. Everyone got a maha flower garland from Sri sri Radha Kalachandji. 
We are months away from being able to get to Mayapur. In the mean time, I have a lot of work to do and there is the sankirtan mission of Lord Chaitanya to worry about. 
Yours, Mishra Bhagavan Dasa
HpS - ASA - Hare Krsna!!!   AgtSP.    Seems to me that you and Arron can live together peacefully and help each other.  It comes from realizing that I have to decide to be happy and not depend on others, using their association to become happy and not sad.
Of course, always heading for more renunciation.
We posted your letter as it is in our Blog.
We are in Houston lecturing and on "Lord Caitanya, the Ideal Preacher of Srimad Bhagavatam" in preparation for Gaura-purnima and we have distributed 15=TLCs so far!
Thank you.
Please join the Blog and write there!!   Your news will help many people. - www.hps.monkeywarrior.com

Grandmother passed away - Urgent

6 years, 2 months ago by srinath in Special Category A

Dear Guru Maharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to you!

My grandmother passed away two days back and was cremated yesterday. She was my father's mother and was very dear to me. She practically raised me and my brother as both my parents were working. I just met her last month when I was in India.

My only regret is that I was not able to convince her to take up Krishna Consciousness. I request you and all the devotees in this blog to pray for her so that she may get the association of devotees in her next life at least and go back to Krishna soon.

Your servant

Srinatha Krsna dasa

HpS - ASA -- Hare Krsna!  Was she worshipping Shiva?  Narayana??   A Su-karmi??? She raised you and you became a devotee.

educación sástrica URGENTE!

Hare Krishna, dear Gurumaharaj, Pamho, AGTSP!
As I have been commenting lately, my focus on my service to ISKCON is now directed to the sastric education. I want to contribute with renewed educational technology that I am learning and remembering in my master's studies.
There is still a lot of work to be done to continue developing bhakti sastri and Bhakti Vaibhava, at least in Spanish. I ask you, please, to allow me to add things to your brilliant and unparalleled study guides "tava pace pace". Especially in matters of dynamics and other reinforcement and feed-back exercises, etc. Even Spanish still needs to improve.
I also urgently ask to formally participate in the curricular development group on Saturday mornings. I have requested my inclusion on several occasions. The first objective is to continue studying and also to prepare myself to continue teaching. And of course, the educational material will be transferred to Spanish.
Please, if you think it is convenient, send me the material and the links to my gmail, which I understand would be the means of communication for the group.
[email protected]
I'm still worried about the subject of the BS and BVB examination center. I hope it is resolved in your visit to Peru.
Thank you very much.

HpS - From our (imperfect point of view)Education in ISKCON is in much disorder, but we are going ahead!!!  You should write to Srinivasa das with a copy to me. I will Skype you his address.

If your participation is integrated it will be wonderful.

Boise Trip and ASA Online - Little Urgent

6 years, 2 months ago by srinath in Special Category A, Calendar Development

Dear Guru Maharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to you!

I have registered for Sadhu Sanga and am looking to book tickets. If you are planning to come to Boise during the memorial day weekend, I will cancel my sadhu sanga registration and come there. Is there a plan to come to Boise during that time?

HpS - ASA --  No, I think we will come in the summer sometime.

My humble obeisances to Tulasi Carana Sevita Prabhu. I have updated all the tracks on soundcloud and given permission for downloads. All the new tracks have been uploaded in IDT as well.

From the last letter, you asked about chanting during brahma muhurta. I am chanting during brahma muhurta if it is 1.5 hrs before sunrise. The sunrise in SLC is at around 7.30 now.

HpS - Paoho... !

Your servant

Srinatha Krsna dasa

ASA - Now we have to setup a microsoft account, download windows on to VSD computer, make a Pptx for tonight's Georgia Tech program, finish Viplavah3 and Kapi Dhvaja and answer other mail.

Thank you for posting the lectures. We hope that Krsna will let people separate the milk from the water.

ASA Online Update and Sadhana Report

6 years, 2 months ago by srinath in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category A

Dear Guru Maharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Thank you for adding the link to the soundcloud account in the Kapi Dhvaja. I have now completed upload of all the lectures from IDT and e-sanga to the Soundcloud account. Dhruva prabhu and Mandara Sakha prabhu shared the lectures they recorded in Australia and Chile. Those have been uploaded as well. I thank them for sending the files.

I request all the devotees to send the lectures they have to [email protected]. I also request the devotees to record the lectures in the upcoming travel schedule and send them as well.

We now have 432 audio files. On an average there are 35 plays a week. This weekend, I think devotees from Russia have gotten to know about the account. I am seeing a massive increase in the number of plays. In the last 5 days alone there have been 345 plays!

HpS -  Hare Krsna!   We make mistakes. We learn and then correct them in later lectures. We can help to illuminate a path to Srila Prabhupada, but he is the Guru for everyone in ISKCON. You must have a personal relationship with him to really be in ISKCON.

There is a letter from TCSD thanking you for the lectures and asking for ability to download. He is one of the first devotees we initiated. Tulasi-carana-sevita Das. He grew up in California. His mothe is like 1/8th native American Indian as I remember. Graduate in Cultural Anthropology from UC. Went to Thailand. Married a nice Thai girl. Taught public school in the USA. Moved to Thailand and has taught there since then.

Sadhana wise, I have been chanting 16 rounds and following the principles strictly. I wake up between 5:30-6:00, complete at least 10 rounds, do a small arthi and read Srimad Bhagavatam before leaving to work. I completed Canto 1 Chapter 3 today. I hope to complete a first pass of the first 2 cantos this year and then use the PDP guides for a deep study. I also read The Six Goswamis of Vrindavan on the recommendation of Radhika Ramana prabhu. I wanted to know more about the Goswamis after visiting Vrindavan and it was a wonderful book. I couldn't put it down.

I have decided to move to Dallas. It was a very difficult decision to make because of my attachment to the devotees here. But I feel it is the right thing to do. I love the work I do (I published a paper and filed 2 patens last year) and don't have too much pressure at work. I have a good balance at work that gives me time for sadhana and service. I'll be moving to Dallas sometime in the end of June.

HpS - Also, very nice Temple there. Your Sadhana sounds wonderful. Are you up and chanting Hare Krsna during the Brahma muhurta?


https://www.vedabase.com/en/kb/70  (FIND: "muhurta") It says "three hours" but I think it is 1-1/2 hours.

Your servant

Srinatha Krsna dasa