Your Shelter
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada
Hare Krishna Maharaja
In the last letter I refer to the proces of "rendición de cuentas", there i have to do many paper work to the Fondart, the goverment department of art and culture financing, tomorrow i deliver the "rendición de cuentas" and i wish that all will be right.
ASA - We also! Where does every penny come from. Where does every penny go to.
In the temple, following your instruction to improve the comunicate part of the temple, one month ago we are release a little bulletin, all the ekhadasi. this bulletin is composed of 3 news that i redact and madre Cintamani is release, is very simple, but we are progresing. Also i generate content periodically in the web page of ISKCON Chile.
For this year we have another goals, now I going to create a virtual plataform [google drive] to release all the imortant information that the comiunity need (such like GBC resolutions, the reglament of the temple, news for extens) , but in a way more confedintial, not like a public page that all the people can see.
On the another hand, With Rodrigo, we want to create a news paper, more extensive that the bulletin, for the community, but First, I think that we can do news separately, and release in the google drive plataform before to do the news paper.
To end, now i ask you shelter Maharaja.
Hare Krishna.
HpS - Ooof! No name here. But we hope your communication is good. Basically it is a dialog, no? You try this media, that media and listen to the response and adjust according to the feedback. Also the goal is to increase the broadcast of the words of our spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada. Jaya!!! Krsna Book! Krsna look! Good Luck!