URGENT: NOI Commentary and Dallas Ratha Yatra

5 years, 11 months ago by srinath in Special Category A

Dear Guru Maharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to you!

I hope you are having a pleasant trip in India. Please forgive me for not giving you an update on the book before the Kapi Dhvaja. We welcomed Nitai Navadwip Chandra last Saturday and I gave my first Srimad Bhagavatam class at the temple. We were buried with so much work to prepare for the welcoming ceremony and preparation for the class (It was SB 12.3, brume Gita), I missed sending my biweekly update. I apologize again for not sending the update on time.

HpS - ASA --- It is O.K.!! Just a few words are enough. Once a month is fine.!

The transcription for Preface is done and the transcription for Text 1 is almost complete. I am planning to get it done in the next few weeks so that Radhika Ramana Prabhu can start working on editing those files during his spring break on the second week of March. Our target is to get the preface edited and start editing Text 1 by the end of spring break.

Guru Maharaja, it would be wonderful if you can give us your association in Dallas for the Ratha yatra. It is on 30th March. Since you come back from India only on the 27th, we would suggest traveling to Dallas on 29th so that you can get at least a day's rest in Houston. We propose the following schedule.

29-March-2019 - Travel to Dallas

30-March-2019 - Ratha yatra

31-March-2019 - Srimad Bhagavatam Class in the Morning and/or Sunday Feast Class in the evening

1-April-2019 - Travel to Houston

We can either drive you to/from Dallas or book flight tickets.

I meet Mishra Bhagavan Prabhu every day during the mangala arthi in the temple (It has been a month since we moved close to the temple) and today, he was fondly remembering his association with you in Berkley. He wanted to write to you and asked for your email. I gave him [email protected]. Is that an appropriate email to give Maharaja? The temple president Nityananda Prabhu also wanted your email to invite you for the ratha yatra.

HpS - That address would be good for VIPs like Temple President but in general the Blog is always the best way to reach us!!!

Your servant

Srinatha Krsna dasa

HpS - Let us see who is coming from Houston. Maybe we can travel easily with Hari lila Das or others. In Pune now with the Mnistry of Education. Nine hours of lectures and work yesterday!!

Your Shelter

5 years, 12 months ago by Piero Saavedra Torchio in Special Category A

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

Hare Krishna Maharaja

In the last letter I refer to the proces of "rendición de cuentas", there i have to do many paper work to the Fondart, the goverment department of art and culture financing, tomorrow i deliver the "rendición de cuentas" and i wish that all will be right.

ASA - We also! Where does every penny come from. Where does every penny go to. 

In the temple, following your instruction to improve the comunicate part of the temple, one month ago we are release a little bulletin, all the ekhadasi. this bulletin is composed of 3 news that i redact and madre Cintamani is release, is very simple, but we are progresing. Also i generate content periodically in the web page of ISKCON Chile. 

For this year we have another goals, now I going to create a virtual plataform [google drive] to release all the imortant information that the comiunity need (such like GBC resolutions, the reglament of the temple, news for extens) , but in a way more confedintial, not like a public page that all the people can see.

On the another hand, With Rodrigo, we want to create a news paper, more extensive that the bulletin, for the community, but First, I think that we can do news separately, and release in the google drive plataform before to do the news paper.

To end, now i ask you shelter Maharaja. 

Hare Krishna.

HpS - Ooof! No name here. But we hope your communication is good. Basically it is a dialog, no? You try this media, that media and listen to the response and adjust according to the feedback. Also the goal is to increase the broadcast of the words of our spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada. Jaya!!! Krsna Book! Krsna look! Good Luck!

Vyasa Puja ofrenda.

5 years, 12 months ago by bhaktajosemadrid in Special Category A

Pamho, tlgaSP, querido gurú Maharaja, sigo siendo un pobre tonto ignorante que trata de rendirse a sus pies de loto.

HpS - TLGASP y Sus Pies de Loto. Esperamos que ambos nosotros tenemos ellos en nuestros manos.

Para mí este año ha estado cargado de dificultades, seguramente sin su misericordia sin causa y también porque, aún así, no he encontrado un refugio mejor en este mundo material (sigo determinado a intentar servirle) me han entrado a veces muchas ganas de salir corriendo. ¿Pero a donde? Entonces es mejor correr hacia sus bendiciones eternas.

Gracias por todo lo que hace por nosotros, si no estuviera ahí difícilmente estaríamos nosotros donde estamos.

Todavía tengo muchas cosas que mejorar y tengo presente que no sabría nada de la conciencia de Krishna sin su inconmensurable ayuda.

Cada vez, gracias a su determinación y gran ejemplo,confirmo que el único refugio es la conciencia de Krishna. Perdone una vez más mis ofensas y gracias por darme la oportunidad de poder ofrecer mi humilde servicio.

Jharikhanda-gaura das

HpS - Hare Krsna. Aun esta Pujari en Malaga? Cada anyo convertiendo mas fuerte. Mejor herramiento.

Vyasa Puja Offering : 2019 - Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

5 years, 12 months ago by Gopal C Biswas in Special Category A

Hare Krsna Dear GuruDev,

   Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.

HpS - Lettuce Feet. AgtSP!

   All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

   All glories to Guru parampara.

   All glories to you on the auspicious occasion of Vyasa Puja.

   You are always in Vrndavan, serving, playing with group of cowherd boys in the deep

   forest....teasing boys, chasing Krsna, Krsna Krsna and Krsna.....Beautiful lakes, variety

   of flowers, birds, cows, monkeys, trees with fruits, calm footsteps on village roads.

   When you see colors, trees, birds, flowers, lakes....you immediately stand with Krsna...

   with cowherd boys in the beautiful forest, near the river.

   At the same time, You travel around the world to tell about Krsna to all.

   You represent Srila Prabhupada and entire Guru parampara.

   Your "Sattva" stage is untouchable by material energy, Material energy is not able

   affect your spiritual level.

   You are very tough to yourself but very kind to all Jiva.

   You are always accept Krsna's plan and roam accordingly, even he makes you to do a big

battle of Kurukestra.

   Gurudev, Just to see you, we learn - no excuse for material weakness. On the occasion of

Vyasa Puja, we beg for the strength to become steady in sadhana, bhajan and services.

   Thank you so much Dear Gurudev.

your fallen servant,

Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

HpS - We are 90% in Maya but Srila Prabhupada is using us like a puppet. All the things you say are for him but they manifest if he wishes through the crazy dog on the end of his leash if he desires. May we all be his puppets with a little smile and wave from us in the big dance. Thank you. See you in a minute.

Another Year Sri Vyasa Puja

5 years, 12 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Special Category A

Hare Krishna Beloved Gurudeva


Another year Gurudeva !!!

I have heard that in the VP offering one must talk about the qualifications of the Guru and not talk too much about ourselves. But You in your dealings with devotees are so personal that I just can recall precious moments with U in my 💓. Thanks for your support for putting up with all my laziness, stupidity,etc.

When I felt that the whole world left me You are always there. Light in the dark lighting my path. With You I just found the greatest treasure, but I am such an idiot that during all these years I continue blind. So as it is stated in ISO 15 hiranmayena patrena. Please Kindly remove the cover of misfortune that takes me away from Krsna and You.

Thanks for sharing with us your most intimate time at FMP. Thanks for setting with your personal example the standard of a disciple of our Acarya. A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada.

Whoever puts in contact with you his/her life is never the same. They always recall You with sincere respect and love. SP says that a pure devotee just with His smile can convert the mass of people Krsna conscious. Please continue giving us your refreshing smile. Your sincere and humble 💓 that inspire us to continue. Thanks for pulling up the rope and trying to help me to get out of this mess that is material life.

The best thing of each year is that You are always there. I promise to improve my annual report this year.

Happy and useful Sri Vyasa Puja Beloved Gurudeva

Trying to be your disciple

Candramukhi dd

HpS - We also answered the letter about your mother. Who will leave their body first, you or me? So we need a transcendental connection. Chant, Chant, Chant. That is the only solution, it is the best solution, it is a simple solution. It solves all problems in the best way.

And remember they do have Designer Clothes in Goloka! Your association is great. In this world or in Goloka people will always like you and want to be your friend!

muy urgente - ofrenda de VP

6 years ago by YugalaKD in Special Category A

Domador de Titanes

Es hora de cosechar,

Siembra las semillas,

los frutos fueron escogidos,

maduros, fuertes y sobresalientes.

Otros Gurus tienen miles de seguidores,

Hanumatpresaka Swami

prédica a los líderes.

En una oportunidad un crítico de cine

cuestionaba una película que presentaron

en la conferencia de Su Santidad,

cuando Hanumatpresaka Swami

profirió palabras, el insensato, trato de disculparse

valorando el mensaje trascendental de esa película,

que superaba a cualquier otra gandora de “Óscar.

Así es Gurudeva, un ladrón de corazones,

Nadie se resiste a la pureza del devoto puro.

Todas estas personas exitosas desean su asociación,

El hace sankirtan a lo grande, en grandes conferencias,

Pese a todo ello, siempre es sencillo y amable con todos.

Siempre determinado en su sadhana,

cantando al Señor Nrsimha, tocando la flauta,

el raga matutino a la hora del Gayatri.

Este año, después de una tormenta, me vino la calma,

y me dio a Hanuman, a quien se me instruyo adorar,

Krsna habla en el corazón del Guru.

Cual cartas liberadoras de locura de mente

Corrí tras su sombra, siempre oyendo,

nos sentimos dichosos.

El primer puesto de la maratón es para HpS,

sin su misericordia no podría ir a India.

Sin sus bendiciones no podemos lograr nada,

El nos motiva a seguir nuestros sueños.

El siempre instruye con su buen ejemplo.

Un mono decía: “yo siento que debo ayudarlo”

Yo siento que no podemos pagárselo.

A Nuestro Salvador, Nuestro Instructor,

Nuestro padre, Dueño, Maestro Bienqueriente,

Sirviente de la Gran familia de Prabhupada.

Infinitas dandavas, mil súplicas por cualquier ofensa,

Mi único pedido es más entendimiento,

para poder servirlo, para poder complacerlo,

que sería de la educación en ISKCON,

sin la contribución de Hanumatpresaka Swami,

un lumbreras, un pionero en estudios sastras,

el gran cosechador, muy Encandor,

el Domador de titanes

emponderado por Krsna.

Jay Srila Prabhupada!

Jay Gurudeva!!!!!!!!!!!!


Su hija que lo adora:

 Yugala Kishora Dasi

HpS - ASA -- Jaya! Podemos entender 11% pero aparece una poema muy hermosa!!! Espero hay alguien con abilidad como Miguel Cervantes quie puede traducir. Gracias. Yugala kishora Dasi. Tu eres una ganadora, sin duda, joya de corona de sus familia.