Urgente LAD: "Nobody is a prophet in their own land".

5 years, 10 months ago by laksmana-agraja in Special Category A

Hare Krishna, dear Gurumaharaja, Pamho, AGTSP!

"Nobody is a prophet in their own land".

My friend Om Purnam made this comment when I published an article on Facebook that told how well I did on my tour of Cuzco. Then followed Cochabamba and La Paz. It was a tour in the south that lasted 25 days. 15 programs in 25 days; between classes, workshops, seminars, etc. Fairly good. Besides preparation or editing of several ppts, readings, etc to prepare me, were quite a few hours of work. But, I felt happy, dear, useful. It's not that I'm too worried about success and fame. Actually I have always been between fame and infamy all my life. I have gone through several institutions. In summary it was a successful tour.

And I returned to my reality. Once again I realized that I really am not the savior of Chosica, or Peru. I have been in limbo for several weeks.

The point is that I want to preach inside and outside ISKCON, and in Peru the doors close. I have applied to various institutions and nothing has happened. Then, the phrase that I started with took on a new meaning. By the signs, it seems that destiny is sending me to other places.

Some friends recommended me to go somewhere else and I think they are right. They do not need me here anymore. In education there are enough people to develop it in ISKCON Peru. In addition there is not much demand, but outside, in society, there are many people who are looking for alternatives. After my experience in the university and some talks outside, it seems to me that work in the cultivation of the human spirit is a good preaching work.

It occurred to me to talk to P. Mathures (he invited me to Bolivia in my tour), that apart from being my authority I consider him my friend and I asked him to see if there are opportunities outside, in Bolivia or where required. A place where I can serve the devotees and do some work, preaching, outside. I do not want temple life again, I already went through that experience and it's beautiful, but I feel that outside there are many people who are waiting for something.

I finished my master's degree, but I am missing the thesis and that can be completed at any time, and resources are needed that I do not have at the moment. Nothing really ties me here. Here I feel useless, I know that I have a lot to give and I need to go to a place where I can do it.

Well, Gurudev, thanks for listening. I did not write before because I know you are busy and also I did not have things clear. Well, in reality the only thing clear is that there is nothing here for me. I hope that when you return to USA you will have some time to talk and help me clarify my ideas.

Because of your mercy, my sadhana continues to be good and that keeps me alert and without being carried away by frustration. I could have thought ... I gave ISKCON many years, I stopped working outside to help the gurukula, then the ashram and the temple, I did not worry about my future, nor my maintenance, now I'm old and they do not want me anywhere anymore because They accept older people, who have not worked lately. I have no bank account, no opportunities, I live in my mother's house. It would have been simple to have these ideas, in fact many people have left ISKCON with this feeling or are simply full of resentment. Neither do I want nor am I ready to accept sannyasi's order. It would be ridiculous. Prabhupada speaks of those who take the order out of frustration. I want to be useful in the world, to help people from their realities. Cultivation of the human spirit.

Anyway, I know that behind everyting there is a plan of Krishna. Please, help me to find it out.

ss LAD

HpS - ASA --- Jaya! Excellent letter. Thank you. "One who does good my friend is never overcome by evil", Krsna, BG! We all have given years to ISKCON, the church part of it etc. It is more often described as a movement than an institution. Never give up Srila Prabhupada's movement and work to help the institution.

In the USA let us talk. Also, travel seems good. Spain??

Sample Education and Sacred Interview

5 years, 10 months ago by hps in Special Category A

Dr Samaresh Bandyopadhyay - interview 190308

This interview is to enlighten and enliven the participants in the 2019-2021 NIOS symposia on Education and the Sacred, planned to be co-sponsored by San Marcos University, Lima, Peru.

Professor Dr. Samaresh Bandyopadhyay, you have had an enriched career in the academic, cultural and religious life of Bengal and the academic world of ancient Indian history and culture.

In one line that might be taken into the thumb-nail biographies of the Websters International Dictionary how would you describe yourself, your life?


Thank you, just to expand upon that a little more for our audience, if you were writing to a professional and somewhat close associate how would you describe the contribution that by your own effort or the hand of destiny you have made in your professional, community and personal life?

What work would you be very satisfied to see carried forward by others?


Turning more specifically to our symposia theme of Education and the Sacred we have been gifted with three questions by the great scholar and humanitarian, Hector Behar:

1.    With what community do you identify yourself?

2.    In that community what is The Sacred?

3.    How does Education allow the Sacred to be researched and communicated in that community?


Then taking a step backward:

What is your theory and practice of Education, your Philosophy of Education? Of course, this can deal with such questions as:

What is a fully educated man,

What are the steps along the road to that education,

How such education can be effected.


Thank you so much for your valuable time and two more question comes immediately to our mind and of course, your esteemed self may see many other topics that are essential for this short interview:

How can NIOS and its allies organize these symposia in such a way as to have a global impact for modern society? What contribution do think you can make to see this become a reality?

Vyasapuja Offering

5 years, 10 months ago by hps in Special Category A

Vyasa-puja 2019

“…according to the Vedic system, on the birthday of the spiritual master the disciples conduct the ceremony called Vyāsa-pūjā.” BG 18.75. Esteemed reader, do you also turn to this purport every year during Srila Prabhupada, Srila A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami’s Vyasa-puja?

Our offering to His Divine Grace’s Vyasa-puja, in this little essay, is an effort to illuminate a little bit of the glories of Srila Prabhupada, Founder Acharya of the International Society for Krsna Consciousness, and author of the book KRSNA, The Supreme Personality of Godhead. We are like weak sighted men, standing in the dark, trying, with our candle, to illuminate the Royal Elephant. We do this for our benefit and the benefit of others.

Thus we work to hear other articles in this Vyasa-puja book that make their own attempts to illuminate Srila Prabhupada, and maybe in choir we can get some little, but practical glimpse of His Divine Grace: No one can take everything that the spiritual master is offering. No one can know the Acharya completely.

“The transcendental pastimes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, are so powerful that simply by hearing, reading and memorizing this book, Krsna, one is sure to be transferred to the spiritual world, which is ordinarily very difficult to achieve.”, Krsna, Chapter 90. Our first real contact with Srila Prabhupada was this Krsna book. One of his disciples, maybe Sriman Buddhimanta Das, was distributing books at the Davis Campus of the Universsity of California about 1972 and he convinced us to donate $10 and take one. This Krsna book seems complete in every way but to gain more and more access to it Srila Prabhupada has given Srimad Bhagavatam, The Teachings of Lord Caitanya, Caitanya-Caritamrta, Upadesamrta, Nectar of Devotion, Isopanisad etc.

“The main business of human society is to think of the Supreme Personality of Godhead at all times, to become His devotees, to worship the Supreme Lord and to bow down before Him. The ācārya, the authorized representative of the Supreme Lord, establishes these principles, but when he disappears, things once again become disordered. The perfect disciples of the ācārya try to relieve the situation by sincerely following the instructions of the spiritual master.” SB 4.28.48. When Srila Prabhupada disappeared from our physical vision in 1977 we experienced just what he describes here and took shelter of the remedy that he describes here also. Now we seem to see in 2019 that our Acharya is beginning to disappear again. This time from the natural passing of the years - Disappearing from the rituals of his society, from the recollections of his disciples as they grow old and pass away. This is quite natural but the remedy is still the same, follow the instructions of the Acharya: Chant 16-nice rounds daily on beads and follow the 4-regulative principles strictly. Then, intelligence (Brahminical culture), and organization  (Ksatriya culture), can be cultivated from that root.

What we have been able to take from our little connection with Srila Prabhupada is that the whole process can be boiled down into eight words: Get up early and get your rounds done. Done with enthusiasm. Then your day will be play. Management will be at your fingers end, there will be no question of shortage of funds, people will respect your preaching.

Thank you Srila Prabhupada for giving us this orchard of fruits, roots and flowers in the form of the wisdom and culture in your books. Thank you for giving us a connection to you through the Lord in the heart. Thank you for ISKCON and all its venerable members. We will try to be more sincere disciples and we hope to find some eternal place in your traveling Sankirtan.

One of your most insignificant servants,

Hanumatpresaka Swami

2019 Mar 08

URGENT: NOI Commentary and Dallas Ratha Yatra

5 years, 10 months ago by srinath in Special Category A, Calendar Development

Dear Guru Maharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to you!

NOI Commentary

I said I would update on NOI Commentary on a biweekly basis. But I think if the updates are monthly, they might be good. They will have something tangible to report.

HpS - Yes, that seems good. Abraham Lincoln said that a man's legs should be long enough to reach the ground.

I have completed transcribing Text 1. Radhika Ramana Prabhu will start editing them next week during his spring break. Once he does the editing on Text 1, we will have a fair idea of how long it takes for him to edit and how soon he will need the transcribed files.

HpS - I hope that it does not take too much of his time and that it is a useful project. Maybe some one else can do a preliminary edit and then he can just do an overview.

Ratha Yatra

I was talking with Caitanya Caritamrita Prabhu about him coming to Dallas for the ratha yatra and he is still not sure about it. We will know about it soon.

HpS - I think I will travel with Hari-lila Das. We are in dialog to determine the best schedule. We need to focus on Sastric Education with the devotees in Houston.

I wanted to request you for a book signing event, like the one in Houston, when you come to Dallas for the ratha yatra. It can be on the ratha yatra day or on the next day's Sunday feast program. I can talk to the sankirtan team here about the scheduling.

We would feel very fortunate if you can stay with us in our house during your visit here. We live at a 5 minute walking distance from the temple or a 2 minute drive.

HpS - Thank you. Can you call Hari-lila Das and work out the details? CCD has his phone number if you do not.

Your servant

Srinatha Krsna dasa

HpS - Thank you so much. We will see you in just a few days.


5 years, 10 months ago by abhiramdas in Special Category A


Hare Krishna Gurudeva, please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

All glories to Hanumatpresaka Swami!!


Sorry for the delay of this report, I am a little sick and exhausted, but, for your mercy and that of Sadai Nimay-Nitay we are improving.

HpS - Yes, we are sorry that we do not have Sat-Cit-Ananda bodies, but your sincerity is a challenge for many of us.

 At the moment we have two managements in parallel:

1) The sending of the HONOR DIPLOMA and RECOGNITION LETTER from the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences of San Marcos to Dr. Samaresh Bandyopadhyay, for which on Wednesday, March 6, the Rector of San Marcos Dr. Orestes Cachay Boza is sending an email to the ambassador of India in Peru, Mr. Mandarapu Subbarayudu, asking you kindly to send, by diplomatic pouch, these two documents to the Governor of Bengal Sri Keshari Nath Tripati for him to hand over to Dr. Samaresh Bandyopadhyay on Friday 22 or Saturday 23 March,by the mercy of Sri Nityananda, we hope it will be the day of the presentation of the book ŚIKṢĀDARŚA.

HpS - That is very good. Because of the medical situation of Prof. Samaresha's good wife we may have to adjust the schedule, but if we stay in touch then it should be a very wonderful event.

2) A CONVENTION OF ACADEMIC AND CULTURAL COOPERATION, for three years, between the Rector of the National University of San Marcos and NIOS, the basis of this agreement is EDUCATION AND THE SACRED. At present we are presenting, with Miguel Polo, the Project of the Agreement to the School of Philosophy, by the mercy of Sri Gauranga we hope that it will be approved on March 20, then the Resolution of the Dean's Office of the faculty and finally we will subscribe the agreement between the rectorado and NIOS. The Rector and his principal adviser they agree, but, we need to do the formal part and comply with the legal protocol of the university.

HpS - So it may be signed on Gaura-purnima! From your side we are working on the Symposium with devotees in India, the Ministry of Education and are trying to specifically get a good interview of Dr. Samaresh this weekend that can serve as a strong impetous for the Symposium. 


We are talking to Miguel Polo, Walter León and Oscar Naters and we all agree to suggest that the best dates to develop your academic sankirtan in Peru is in June, in those days we would do talks, interviews and preliminary activities on ¿What is sacred? and What is Education? and What is the relationship between Education and the Sacred?

HpS - Mathuresa Das has retreat in Bolivia the last week in June. We can also do a strong outside event in Bolivia at that time on Ed. and the Sacred.

From the perspective of the sacred. Why educate? How to educate?

Is any type of Education sacred in itself?

What kind of Education leads us to the Sacred?

HpS - We will post the interview questions we are asking Dr. Samaresh here on the Blog. 

And the 1st SYMPOSIUM INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION AND THE SACRED for the end of October or the first week of November.

HpS - Yes. We will go to Spain and India at the end of September for the MOE work.

Finally, we hope to have ready 500 copies of Jayam No. 3 and 20 copies of the book "Twirl Your Beads: Collected Writings of Hanumatpresaka Swami, 2017" for Gaura purnima and with Miguel Polo we will launch the call for SOLARIS No 3 in Ramanavami. It's okay?

HpS - We must ask Dr. Samaresh about Solaris 3 also. Yes, that date is good for launch! 

Gurudeva on the day of your Vyasa-puja, I made you this short poem, please, accept it as a modest offering from your insignificant servant who aspires to become your first-rate servant


HH HANUMATPRESAKA SWAMI, Savior of fallen souls


Fact of Bhakti and compassion

born its Guide and Association

before, sought love among screams and illusion

I wandered lost without any orientation

now, I cling to its instruction

because that is, the real solution



HpS - Thank you! The Google translation is a little difficult but the feeling and even idea does come across!! We are in Kolkata again. It is tough: Food is different. Our body is old. Travel is very dificult and even dangerous, but good facility to chang early and go to class!! That gives us STRENGTH.




Disculpe por la demora de este reporte, estoy un poco enfermo y fatigado, pero, por su misericordia y la de Sadai Nimai-Nitai estamos mejorando.

En estos momentos tenemos dos gestiones en paralelo:

1) El envío del DIPLOMA DE HONOR y CARTA DE RECONOCIMIENTO de la Facultad de Letras y Ciencias Humanas de San Marcos al Dr. Samaresh Bandyopadhyay, para lo cual el miércoles 6 de marzo del presente, el Rector de San Marcos Dr. Orestes Cachay Boza está enviando un correo al embajador de la India en el Perú, sr. Mandarapu Subbarayudu, pidiéndole tenga a bien enviar, por valija diplomática, estos dos documentos al Gobernador de Bengala Sri Keshari Nath Tripati para que él se los entregue al Dr. Samaresh Bandyopadhyay el viernes 22 o sábado 23 de marzo, por la misericordia de Sri Nityananda, esperamos que sea el día de la presentación del libro ŚIKṢĀDARŚA.

2) Un CONVENIO DE COOPERACIÓN ACADÉMICO Y CULTURAL, por tres años, entre el Rectorado de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San marcos y NIOS, la base de este convenio es LA EDUCACION Y LO SAGRADO. En estos momentos estamos presentando, con Miguel Polo, el Proyecto del Convenio a la Escuela de Filosofía, por la misericordia de Sri Gauranga esperamos que salga aprobado el 20 de marzo, luego se tramitaría la Resolución del Decanato de la facultad y finalmente se suscribirá el convenio entre el rectorado y NIOS. El Rector y su asesora principal están de acuerdo en hacer el convenio, pero necesitamos hacer la parte formal y cumplir el protocolo legal de la universidad.


Estamos hablando con Miguel Polo, Walter León y Oscar Naters y todos estamos de acuerdo en sugerir que las mejores fechas para desarrollar su sankirtan académico en Perú es en junio, en esos días haríamos conversatorios, entrevistas y actividades preliminares sobre ¿Qué es lo "sagrado"? ¿Qué es la “Educación”? y ¿Cuál es la relación entre la Educación y lo Sagrado?

Desde la perspectiva de lo sagrado ¿Para que educar? ¿Como educar?

¿Algún tipo de Educación es Sagrada en sí misma?

¿Qué tipo de Educación nos conduce a lo Sagrado?

 Y el 1er SIMPOSIO INTERNACIONAL LA EDUCACION Y LO SAGRADO para fines de octubre o la primera semana de noviembre.

 Finalmente, esperamos tener listo 500 ejemplares de Jayam No. 3 y 20 ejemplares del libro “Twirl Your Beads: Collected Writings of Hanumatpresaka Swami, 2017” para Gaura purnima y con Miguel Polo vamos a lanzar la convocatoria para SOLARIS No 3 en Ramanavami. Esta bien?


Gurudeva el día de su Vyassa-puja le hice este corto poema, por favor acéptelo como una modesta ofrenda de su insignificante sirviente que aspira a llegar a ser su sirviente de primera clase.


SS HANUMATPRESAKA SWAMI, Salvador de almas caídas


Hecho de Bhakti y Compasión

brota su Guía y Asociación

antes, buscaba el amor entre gritos e ilusión

vagaba perdido sin ninguna orientación

ahora, me aferro a Su Instrucción

porque esa es, la verdadera solución


Invitation of my daughter's marriage

5 years, 10 months ago by Yamuneswar Das in Special Category A

Dandavat Pranam,

Hanumat Presaka Swami Marsha & Ananda Bhakti Haridasa Goswami Maharaja!

As You had suggested earlier that both HpS Maharaja and Yourself wants to give asirbat my daughter and witness the Manipuri tradition of marriage ceremony on the 13th March, one day after HpS Guruji Maharaja reach Imphal. I whole heartedly invites for the ouspicious occasion. Please communicate me the confirmation for early arrangement.

Yours fallen servant,

Yamunesvara Das

HpS - We are very honored for the invitation! Please confirm our participation with Sarad-gaurangi Devi Dasi and the Temple Authorities such as The Sadhu Das.