NOI Commentary - Monthly Update

5 years, 8 months ago by srinath in Special Category A

Dear Guru Maharaja

Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to you!

We hope you are feeling better and your chest pains are gone.

HpS - Only lasted for one hour and then we took rest and when we woke up it was 99% gone. It seems to be stress. We have to set our priorities and realize that we cannot do everything that we want for Krsna! How is your health?

We want you to be with us for a long time Guru Maharaja. We have been praying to Radha Kalachandji for your quick recovery.

I have finished transcription till text 3. I am now transcribing text 4 and should complete the text this weekend. Radhika Raman prabhu's semester should be over in a week and he will start editing after that. We are hoping to get the bulk of the work done this summer.

Your servants

Srinatha Krsna dasa and Divya

HpS - Very nice. I think it will be a useful contribution. I found a NOI work by one lady that has a lot of stuff in it. It is a PDF and as we get our work sorted we want to look at it. All this is for practical preaching! Thank you. 😀

You can be Vegan, Just don't ask Krishna to be one.

5 years, 8 months ago by Mishra Bhagavan Dasa in Special Category A

Dear Hanumat Preshak Swami. Greetings from Sri Mayapur Dhama.

He who lives in Sri Mayapur Dhama is very fortunate. for he achieves attraction for Krishna. He who happens to go there becomes freed from all offenses. What yogis obtain after ten years in all other tirthas is obtained in three nights at Sri Mayapur Dhama.

HpS - -[;o}/\_____

Please excuse me for complaining about the brain bending web sites on Ajnana Suta Association. Uncle Gizmo worked hard setting up all those sites. It is not his fault that I am computer illiterate. You get enough complaints.

ASA - Our website is super simple. It only has four choices: Hello. which is obvious where you go if you are a new dude. That explains every thing, even to the illiterate. Ja! Ja! Ja!

Then New - That's the News.

Then Archives - Which is a jumble of stuff but if you are looking for something specific it is there. Then,

Peru - Which is por Spanish speaking Dudes.

You letters here, which are wonderful, prove that even a computer inliterate person can use it.

There was a woman in Mississipppi who wrote a letter to the Principal of her son's primary school complaining that her son's teacher had called him illiterate. She protested: How dare he call my son illiterate. Why I was married four months before he was born.

I read with interest the devotee's letter from Chile. Srila Jayapataka Swami asked me to go to Chile and perform sankirtan there. If Krishna allows I will attempt that mission.

The Vegan issue concerns me. The devotee who preached that vegans are demons was simply repeating what Srila Prabhupada said in the 8th canto of Srimad Bhagavatam that "people who say there is something wrong with drinking milk are demoniac. " In that canto the nectar of immortality sought after by everyone has been compared to cows milk which gives good health, brain substance and devotional service to Krishna. This can be found on page 57 of your book "The Higher Taste".

The devotee who took offense from the one giving class may consider that although he may not be a demon from wanting to be vegan, he serves the demons whose goal is to minimize the importance of the Cow in human society. When Queen Kunti prays, go dvija surati haravatara she indicates that Govinda, Krishna, descends to this world especially to protect the cows , the brahmans, and the devotees. If people stop buying Dairy Products, who is going to pay for cow protection?

When I worked at the Paul McCartney show, Sir Paul had a strict "no meat eating" policy in the entire stadium. The crew were quite angry with this prohibition. Especially angry that the catering was vegan. I felt so sorry to see that their opportunity to eat a meatless meal was spoiled by veganism. One crew member called it a vegetarian shitfest. I wish that they could have been served a nice plate of prasadam like I received in 1974 at the Portland Hare Krishna temple. There was dairy in every preparation. Srila Prabhupada said that every ISKCON feast should start with puris cooked in ghee, halavah in butter, and sweet rice cooked in cows milk. Prasadam cooked in ghee can make meat eaters become vegetarian.

I admire the demoniac class of men for propagating the vegan craze. It is brilliant really. The demoniac in this world are the greatest enemies of the cows. By convincing the Hare Krishna people to go non dairy they use their adversaries to accomplish some of their main objectives; To minimize the importance of cows in human society, to silence Brahmans and sastra, and eliminate the International Society for Krishna consciousness from having super food that no one else could compete with. With his dairy based diet, Srila Prabhupada had a secret weapon that made thousands of people join ISKCON in a decade. He kept a jar of gulabjamins cooked in ghee by the door, to be used as " ISKCON bullets" in the war against Maya.

The other issue that the bhakta . . .

HpS - ASA - Thank you so much for the post. We saw about three more paragraphs but we erased them because it gets too long for our dull head. Can you send that part as a separate topic, or post a link for a longer essay? Monkey have small brain (though fine (from Millk))): Did you see our essay? We were saying that Vegan diet is O.K. if you live in the jungle, gle, and don't have much brain work. Ie, chanting HK/HR from your heart, but if you gotta use your head as the councilor to a King then you gotta have Milk! Of course, offering it to Krsna as He wants, not as our lust wants, and of course He wants us to use it for preaching like you say.


I hope this meets you well. Your Servant, Mishra Bhagavan Dasa

Urgent because we hope you are ok dear GM!

5 years, 8 months ago by Kamagayatri in Special Category A

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj,

We are listening to the class right now as a family! We are very very startled by your news. In fact, we were in a bit of a shock and didn't even notice Jahnavi trying to go out the front door (then we did of course). We sincerely will pray to all of our Radha Bankebihari for your fast recovery. We hope, Guru Maharaj, you may be able to go to the doctor soon?? We are just asking because we are concerned!!!

We got up to the baby screams at 4:45. We chanted until 6:30. We were very easily distracted without the ASA association, and started read articles on Alchemy and psychotherapy, Tarot symbology and psychotherapy (Archetypes are so prevalent and the symbology can help those that feel 'stuck'), and Jungian Art therapy. What is interesting is how a lot of these Jungian therapists who write these kind of articles are also Eastern meditation practitioners. Also, so much of therapy these days has to be 'evidenced based' and is very focused on cognitive behavioral therapy, it seems like less emphasis is on symbology, dream work, etc. Jungian therapy and symbology can really help connect people to a understand a person's deeper, more spiritual motives. We talked the other day about Arjuna on the battle field with a client and compared it to the archetype of the "Hero's Journey" thats found in the Odyssey and modern stories such as Star Wars. We talked about how the clients every day problems are similar to Arjuna's. We feel satisfied that Jung is providing this "bridge" to help us explain the BG to others. Even discerning the mind from the intelligence and thereafter the nature of soul and and the Supersoul (if they seem ready for this) has at times come up for those that seem ready. I'm wondering if Jung brings up these concepts? Do you recommend Psychology of Religion: West and East?

HpS - I don't know that book. By Jung? The Kundalini lectures seem good. Even feel inspiration from Prabhupada to use them.

Thank you for the class and your honest attempts to pull the ignorant jiva jagos a little higher and then a little higher as we journey through the spiral hopefully upward. We pray for continued consistency and that our intelligence defeats the mind's pushes towards Dante's Inferno!! We also pray you will stay with us Guru Maharaj. It feels like we are just beginning to take spiritual life a little more seriously (my dear mother found out a speck of white matter on her nose is apparently cancerous today!)

Your aspring servants,

Kamagayatri Dasi and Murari Dasa

HpS - Yes, we had VERY SEVERE chest pains coming at Mangala arati time. We really felt that we were having a heart attack. Maybe so. We chanted, rested, now has gone, but seems that it can come back if we push too hard. Now it is your, turn. You and Murari. Then it will be Aja's etc.


5 years, 8 months ago by sugopiradha in Special Category A

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to you. I asked you a question this morning based on your twitter post of trying to become worthy disciples every day. You suggested that I ask the question on the blog. I was wondering how one can become a sincere and worthy disciple.

Thank you very much for visiting Boise Gurudeva. We really miss you and hope you come back soon.

Your fallen servant,

Sugopi Radha Devi Dasi

HpS - AGTSP. paoho. Satsvarupa Goswami said that he asked Srila Prabhupada how to chant better rounds, and Srila Prabhupada looked at him very intensely and said, "By chanting better rounds". Sincerity is the essence of Bhakti, no? We can say that sincerity is a synonym for Bhakti. So the answer is that there is no, "way", to become more sincere. You just have to do it. I have to DO it.

If we do, if you do, then Krsna will come with Radharani and ask you how you are? How's school? Are you meeting interesting people?

Text 3 of Upadesamrta. Niscayad?? Thank you?

Good answer? Thank you for your company in Mangala arati!!!

News from Radhakunda

5 years, 8 months ago by radhakundamataji in Special Category A



My dear guruji:

This week "Rama navami" the birthday of Lord Ramachandra was celebrated.

In Radhakund we do not have any festival, only in one temple, Nitai dhama, all deities were holding some bows and arrows to remember Lord Rama.

In Vrndavan they make a huge festival, but not only to celebrate Lord Rama but also because that day was the opening of Krsna-Balarama temple and they use to make flower dresses and abisheka for all the deities, Nitai-Gour, Krsna-Balarama and Radhe-Syamasundara.

Reading the story of the temple in a book named "Deity Worship Manual", HG Mukunda Datta das, the head pujari of the temple wrote: "After many years of hard struggle his desire (Srila Prabhupafa's desire) for a temple in Sri Vrndavan dhama was finally fulfilled in 1975. On Rama-navami, the appearance day of Lord Sri Ramachandra, by the mercy of Srila Prabhupada, the deities were installed in the midst of enthusiastic Hare Krsna kirtan and Vedic yajnas".

Namo brahmanya-devaya




We offer our respects to you, Rama, the most famous among the famous, who favor the brahmanas, who posses eternal intelligence, and who offer His lotus feet to the non-violent devotees" SB 9.11.7

And one more thing, another name of Lord Rama is Hanumatpresaka "the one who sent Hanuman with the ring'

HpS - ASA ---- Jaya!!!!! What auspicious things have you done in your life, past lives, to be able to live in Vrndavana Dhama? Maybe you can see our Calendar post from today. We will be in India in beginning October but only be able to get to Braja one day!!!!!

Vrndavana Dhama Mahimamrta (trans. Kusa-krata Das)

... 111 Are there not many very beautiful intelligent gopis here in Vrndavana? O Radha, I see only You. Where can a cakora bird go if he turns from the moon?

***112 O Sri Radhika, if you are not merciful, then my mind and body will become racked with pain and I will quickly die of grief. For this reason please always cast Your glance of mercy on this person in Vrndavana.

113 The girl named Sri Radha is the most exalted form of the goddess of fortune. Her lover is the most exalted form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

114 May the charming youthful divine couple, which enjoys the nectar of transcendental amorous pastimes in Vrndavana without beginning or end, be the object of my worship.

115 With charming devotional service please eternally worship charming Sri Sri Radha-Krsna, who eternally enjoy charming transcendental pastimes in the charming groves of charming Vrndavana forest.

116 In a splendid transcendental body suitable for Radha's service, acting as a servant of Radha's feet, and pleasing the heart of Radha's lover, eternally reside in Radha's forest.

117 O beautiful faced Radha, gazing into Your face makes my eyes blossom with happiness. The moon, which is the friend of the kumuda flowers, brings only happiness to the kumudas.

Sataka Twelve

1 I have a firm faith in the worship of Sri Radha. My heart burns with pain and can find no peace. Except for the land of Vrndavana, what . . .


Esta semana se celebro "Rama navami" el cumpleanos de Sri Rama.

En Radhakund no hay festejo alguno, solo en un templo, Nitai dhama el pujari ofrecio a todas las deidades Arcos y flechas para recordar al senor Rama.

En Vrndavan hay un gran festival ese dia, no solo por la aparicion de Sri Rama sino porque ese dia se conmemora la apertura del templo de Krsna-Balatama, se ofrecer vestidos de flores y se hace abisheka a todas las deidades, Nitai-Gour, Krsna-Balarama y Radha-Syamasundara.

Leyendo la historia del templo en un libro titulado 'Manual de Adoracion de las deidades" el jefe de pujaris del templo, HG Mukunda Datta das escribio: "Despues de muchos anos de ardua lucha su Deseo (el de Srila Prabhupada) de un templo en Sri Vrndavan dhama finalmente se cumplio en 1975. El dia de Rama-navami, el dia de la aparicion del senor Ramachandra, por la misericordia de Srila Prabhupada, se instalaron las deidades en medio de un entusiasta kirtan hare krsna y yajnas vedicos.

Ofrecemos nuestras reverencias a ti, senor Ramachandra, el mas famoso entre Los famosos, quien favorece a Los brahmanas, quien posee inteligencia eterna y quien ofrece Sus pies de loto a Los devotos no-violentos'..SB 9.11.7

Un Ultimo comentario, otro de Los nombres de Sri Rama es Hanumatpresaka que significa 'aquel que envio a Hanuman con el anillo'.

Su (intentando ser humilde) sirvienta

Tungavidya devi dasi

Reportando desde Sri Radhakunda

Radhakunda, Syamakunda, Giri Govardhan ki, jaya

Ambarisa das/ philosophy of education

5 years, 8 months ago by Ambarisa Maharaja Das in Special Category A

Hare Krsna 


all glories to you guru dev

Hope you be fine 

We were talking about the video base on the power point show philosophy of education.

We think we can do it.. . . 

I talked with Prabhu Abhiram a few days ago about the ideas for the video, how to record and general ideas of the realization of the video. We can do different interviews in different places, he said he can do in Peru, we can do in Argentina, some others in Chile, USA, etc and we can coordinate with them to do the some questions, esthetics, technical things, etc. They can send to us and we can edit the complete video. What do you think, ideas, guidance?

Thank you guru dev

Hope to be useful in sankirtan.

Ambarisa das

HpS - AGTSP paoho So, so, so very nice to hear from you all. So nice. Forget the PPTX that we tried to do earlier. Now we just need a short promo video for 'Education and the Sacred'. I was thinking that we just do a little interview with Hector Behar. Do you remember him from the last video. The question, theme would be, what have you learned in this life that you would consider sacred, that you would like to take to your next life, leave as a heritage for others.

Then we have a couple of short comments on Hector's thoughts and then put it into English also and some related images.


Simple project, but we can build. Srila Prabhupada's books are our basis, but movies are OUR extension.

I will post a letter now with our current Calendar. Includes our dates for Argentina. We have the ticket.