GBC Report on New Bihara-van Visit

5 years, 9 months ago by hps in Special Category A


Esteemed Badri-narayana Swami et al,

PAOHO.... It was very nice to have your cheerful, insightful association during the SGGS in Mayapura. After that we traveled for about seven more weeks with very good results. We finished off the ten weeks of travel in Boise just last week and can summarize the excellent results of the visit as we hope will be of use to you in a few following words.

1. Temple functions are going on with excellent co-ordination.

2. Ananta-rupa Das has touched our heart with the progress he has made in developing educational programs as we suggested. eg. There is now strong internet connection in the Temple so that classes can be shared online, daily Temple classes are underway and a regular, weekly, SB reading/study group is finishing the first two cantos. We will join it.

3. We talked with ARD for about 4-1/2 hours individually and with Srivasa-pandita Das from San Jose. We had similar extended discussions with Srinivasa Das and others and we feel satisfied that very significant progress was made in adjudicating differences and developing similarities.

4. We continued with very, very strong programs in 'Jung and the Bhagavata' at BSU as well as packed Temple and home programs.

5. We did tons individual and family consultation with Temple, congregation and visiting devotees. Walked all the way to the Rose Garden with Srivasa-pandita Das from ISV and his family.

6. We should be available to participate by telephone if it is needed while you are there.


We are like the soil. You are like the sun. If you can find some way to use us, that certainly will be done.


URGENT - Piero from Chile report and questions

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to Hanumatpresaka swami


Here, Piero from Chile.

I am in good health and with enthusiasm to stay in the spiritual war. 

I wrote two month ago about my situation in the temple of Chile.

I was commander of the temple for one month. It was much for me, i am so obsessive and very immature spiritually and materially. It was much responsibility that i can hold. I was sick with nerves and then with indigestion. I wanted stay in the service, but my body stopped it.

Now i am living in a apartment with devotees. I wake up at the 4 AM (some time a litter late for tamo guna but i fought). Then i go to bathroom and then i make a litter mangalartik, just 15 minutes. Chanting my rounds with Srila Prabhupada recording. Then two hours of study Gita and Bhagavatam, breakfast and going to sankirtan.

HpS - AGTSP paoho. You must have been a monk in you last life.

My health quickly got better, and now i take an another service in the temple. Prabhu Amara asked me to be a secretary and i agreed.

Like a Kshatriya i work better like a secretary than a commander. My dharma is more intellectual than a warrior in the battlefield, i dislike the fight.

It matches with the instruction that you give me in Buenos Aires, be a reporter for the temple and do things like a secretary. I like it.

We are doing many things, organizing meetings and typing this, see problems than we have to improve, planning a census of devotees and many other things.

On the other hand in the comunicate department we still doing the bulletin all the Ekadashi. Now we let's go back to do “perspectivas”. Short interview of devotees in a short videos. I want do another interview to devotees but written and with the goal to heal and unite to the congregation.

I want to learn good english, all days i tried to learn a new word.

HpS - Read the Krsna book in English.

My passion make me an a desire machine, but now i tried that all going connected with Krishna.

My idea is clean myself this year, taking some therapies for be more strong, like metagenealogy, yoga, psychotherapy, to know me more than now.

My heart now is more connected with you, but my mind still is a bad dog.

I have some questions. First the question that i did in gotomeeting.

  • Paramatma is connected with the intelligence?

HpS - Intelligence in Sanskrita is "Buddhi". It is in the heart. It is perspective, attitude, meditation. On the basis of our intelligence we think, plan. That is "manas". It is discussed again and again in the Gita and SB. You will understand. It is material. The paramatma is the 'Hand of God". He is especially discerned in the intelligence. We have inspiration to do this do that. That is the paramatma talking through our material intelligence. Read, chant more, you will understand.

  • When Krishna said to Arjuna than never after he see the universal form His refers of this planet or in all the universe?

HpS - We don't understand. Maybe in Spanish. Exact place where it is spoken in the Gita. The universal form is the whole universe. This planet (plane et) is just part of it.

Thank you gurudeva, your simple servant, Piero Saavedra Torchio.

HpS - Thank you. Also look at your other letter.

News from Radhakunda



My dear guruji:

Some days ago we celebrated the advent of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, our beloved Gouranga Mahaprabhu.

Here in Radhakund, for seven days, we had a big festival including a lot of activities, among others we had lila kirtan, that is a group of singers chanting the life of Mahaprabhu, we also had kirtan, dancing, prasadam, and holi and culminating the day of Gour Purnima with a beautiful parikrama around Radhakund and after that the abishek of Mahaprabhu.

But, let's write something about the advent of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu extracted from the Caitanya Caritamrta:

"Lord Sri Caitanya M8ahaprabhu, adventing himself in Navadvip, was visible for forty-eight years, enjoying His pastimes.

In the year 1486, Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu appeared.

I offer my respectful obeisances unto the full moon evening in the month of phalguna, an auspicious time full of auspicious symptoms, when Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu advented Himself with the chanting of the Holy name, Hare krsna'.

Chapter 14 of Sri Caitanya Caritamrta ' The Advent of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu".

Hace algunos dias celebramos la aparicuon de Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, nuestro andado Gauranga Mahaprabhu.

Aqui en Radhakund, por siete dias, tuvimos un gran festival que imcluyo muchas actividades, entre ellasila kirtan, que es in grupo de cantantes, aguantando la vida de Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, tambien tuvimos kirtan, baile, prasadam y holi, culminando el dia de Gour a Purnima con un bello parikrama alrededor de Radhakund y despues el abisheka.

Pero vamos a escribir algo cerca de la aparicion de Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu extraido del Caitanya Caritamrta:

" El Senor Caitanya Mahaprabhu aparecio en Navadvip y estuvo visible durante 48 anos disfrutanfo sus pasatiempos.

Aparecio en el ano 1486.

Ofrezco mis respetuosas reverencias a la noche de luna llena del Mes de phalguna, in momento auspicioso con sintomas auspuciosos cuando el Senor Caitanya Mahaprabhu aparecio junto con el cuanto del Santo Hombre, Hare Krishna'

Capitulo 14 del Caitanya Caritamrta 'La aparicuon de Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu".

My dear gurudev, we will be reporting from Radhakund very soon.

Your (trying to be humble) servant

Tungavidya dd

Note: I could not attach pictures.

HpS - You clicked in the Attach Pictures area below? Maybe it is the weak connection in India. Gauranga..................

News from Radhakunda

5 years, 9 months ago by radhakundamataji in Special Category A



My dear guruji, please accept my humble obeisances to your lotus (lettuce) feet.

We had recently the festival of Gour purnima, which in Radhakund lasts seven days full of kirtan, lila kirtan, that is chanting the pastimes of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, chanting, dancing, prasadam and the last day parikrama around Radhakund with the host deities, Nitai Gour in picture 1 and abisheka, picture 2.

We also had Gour lila in the mornings and krsna lila at evening, see picture 3, padyavali in the afternoon and a lot of fun with the holi lila.

My dear guru Maharaja, pls bless me to be here the rest of my life so I can relish these festivals and narrate something about them to all of You, so all of the readers can be here in radhakund at least for a moment.

HpS - All your little children bless you, Mataji. May Krsna save you from naughty monkeys! See you soon. Thank you so much for the news but we only see one photo?? ! We see there is another letter!!!

URGENT: NOI Commentary Update

5 years, 9 months ago by srinath in Special Category A

Dear Guru Maharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to you!

Although your stay in Dallas was very short, we had a wonderful time associating with you. Thank you so much Guru Maharaja for tolerating our faults and accepting our service. We only wish it was longer.

Radhika Raman Prabhu has finished editing the Preface and has started editing Text 1. He has almost edited half of the transcribed files for Text 1. I printed it for you. Please take a look at it when you have some time and give us your feedback. I think it has come out really well. I am currently transcribing Text 2.

HpS - Thank you. Our visit to Dallas was hard work, but good results. Very good results. Yes, we have the hard and soft copy of the files. As you can see from the DTC we are packed with work right now, but this NOI commentary is very high on our list. Thank you so much for working on this.

I am learning so much when transcribing and the book is going to be a great addendum to Srila Prabhupada's commentary.

Your servant

Srinatha Krsna dasa

News from Radhakunda

5 years, 10 months ago by radhakundamataji in Special Category A

Radhe! Radhe!

ASA - In one lecture in London on Radhastami, Srila Prabhupada commented, "Radhe", "Hare", no difference!

Hare! Hare!

Maybe Srila Prabhupada's habit of chanting "Hare Krsna" was to instruct us that we Western folk must be careful to keep Radharani with Sri Krsna, no?

Panto (ASA - Panto? Please accept nine times obeisances? Please accept ours many more!!)


My dear guru Maharaja, first of all I want to thank you for giving me darshan during your Indian tour, pls accept my humble obeisances.

HpS - We felt the same. Also for your family!!

Following your instructions I want to share some pictures and stories of the holy places and festivals in Radhakund.

Today is Siva ratri, the great night of Siva, the story says that Parvati was meditating in her husband and did penances and austerities whole night to protect him, since then this night all women go to ask Lord Siva to protect their husbands and sons.

It is supposed that we do not have to worship demigod, ONLY to ask them to help us to advance towards Krsna.

Here in Vraja when we start a parikrama we should ask Mahadev, Lord Siva, to allow us to do it since he is the gatekeeper of the dhama.

But why or how he got the post of gatekeeper? Here is the story

In the Garga Samhita it is mentioned that when Lord Siva knew about the rasa dance, he wanted to be there to see him dancing with the gopis, so Parvati and him came but only mother Parvati could come in.

Lord Siva was very sad because of this but he was told to go to Vrndadevi to help him, she told him to go to Mansarovar to meditate in order to get a gopi's body, which he did and once he had a female body he went in to the rasa lila.

There he danced with krsna as a gopi but suddenly krsna said "I cannot relish this dance, it is as if some man be here, so he asked Lalita Saki to go and see if there was a man inside.

She came back and told him "No, there is no men inside but there is a gopi with three eyes". Krsna said "go and bring her"

When this gopi came Krsna who knows everything told her "Siva you have relished the rasa dance, now you have to go out, but I have a job for you, from now on you will be the gatekeeper and you are not going to allow any man to come in".

Since that day Lord Siva is in charge of the gate in the holy dhama and that is why we have to ask him for permission to come in.

I an sending two photos in the first is Mahadev in his altar in the entrance of Radhakunda.

The second photo is a deity In Nitai dhama temple where Kunja Bihari is dressed like Mahadev.

Om namo sivaya. Mahadev ki jaya.

Next time we are going to start our parikrama of Radhakunda.

Only one question guru Maharaja, do you want me to write this report in English or Spanish or both.

HpS - If you can do both it would be wonderful.

Thank you once more for your causeless mercy.

Your (trying to be humble) servant

Tungavidya dd

Radhakunda, Syamakunda, Giri Govardhan ki haya

HpS - In CC Adi Seven, near the end, I think where it is described how Lord was visiting Kasi visvanatha Temple, in the purport Srila Prabhupada gives the Brahma samhita mantras as authorized for worshipping Lord Siva, Ganesa et al. Also Lord Siva instructs the Pracetas in Canto Four, no?!

Thank you!!