GBC Report on New Bihara-van Visit
Esteemed Badri-narayana Swami et al,
PAOHO.... It was very nice to have your cheerful, insightful association during the SGGS in Mayapura. After that we traveled for about seven more weeks with very good results. We finished off the ten weeks of travel in Boise just last week and can summarize the excellent results of the visit as we hope will be of use to you in a few following words.
1. Temple functions are going on with excellent co-ordination.
2. Ananta-rupa Das has touched our heart with the progress he has made in developing educational programs as we suggested. eg. There is now strong internet connection in the Temple so that classes can be shared online, daily Temple classes are underway and a regular, weekly, SB reading/study group is finishing the first two cantos. We will join it.
3. We talked with ARD for about 4-1/2 hours individually and with Srivasa-pandita Das from San Jose. We had similar extended discussions with Srinivasa Das and others and we feel satisfied that very significant progress was made in adjudicating differences and developing similarities.
4. We continued with very, very strong programs in 'Jung and the Bhagavata' at BSU as well as packed Temple and home programs.
5. We did tons individual and family consultation with Temple, congregation and visiting devotees. Walked all the way to the Rose Garden with Srivasa-pandita Das from ISV and his family.
6. We should be available to participate by telephone if it is needed while you are there.
We are like the soil. You are like the sun. If you can find some way to use us, that certainly will be done.