URGENT: NOI Commentary Monthly Update

5 years, 7 months ago by srinath in Special Category A

Dear Guru Maharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to you!

I transcribed texts 4, 5 and 6 this month. Your comments gave me more clarity on how to associate with devotees. It would be very beneficial for everyone when the books comes out.

Since the last update, I have transcribed 3 more texts. This month was the most productive month. I was able to transcribe 3 texts in spite of some travel. My goal is to finish transcription of all the texts by mid July.

Radhika Raman prabhu is in Europe now. We spoke before he left and estimated that it would take him about 2-3 weeks of full time work to edit the entire commentary. He will be able to spare at least a week in June. My next letter in June should have updates on the editing front also. We are still targeting the end of summer for a first draft edited version.

Thank you so much for giving us the service Gurudeva.

Your servant

Srinatha Krsna dasa

HpS - Thank you so much. We hope that this effort stimulates others to communicate with us about the NOI and then we can even collect a bibliography or even on-line or real library of materials such as the efforts that Bh V. Thakur made.

Books are the basis, no?

Wild Weekend in Sri Mayapur Dhama

5 years, 7 months ago by Mishra Bhagavan Dasa in Special Category A

THE APPEARANCE DAY of Lord Nrishinghadeva turns Mayapur into a festival frenzy. Mathura's King Kamsa of Krishna Lila became Chand Kazi in Gaura Lila. Under orders from Hussein Shah, who was the king of the Bengal empire and Jarasandha in Krishna Lila, the Kazi caused disturbance during kirtan performance by breaking the mrdangas. The Lord appearing in the form of Nrishingha, put fear in the Kazi's heart. Sri Chaitanya however, gave him prema and thus made the Kazi a great devotee.

Jayapataka Swami told us that Lord Nrishinghadeva came to Mayapur to take some rest after vanquishing Hiranyakasipu. Bhaktivinode Thakur said, " At this abode of Nrishingha I will roll about on the ground in ecstatic love begging for unalloyed love of Krishna. In my heart reside duplicity, insincerity, the desire for fame and the six enemies beginning with lust. therefore I will pray at the feet of Lord Nrishingha to purify my heart and give me the desire to serve Krishna."

ASA - Jaya! Om namo bhagavate narasimhaya... Kill the demons (in our heart!).

The festival began with a huge agni hotra fire yajna. After a five day load in, the courtyard to the temple had a big pit made of mud and cow dung. The fire was huge with Bhakti Vidya Purna Swami's boys rattling off many mantras and the Hare Krishna mantra being sung in the temple room. Many guests came for the weekend. Must have been over a hundred thousand easy.

Bhagavatam Classes were given by Gopal Krishna Goswami, Jayapataka Swami, and in Bengali, Bhakti Purushottama Swami. I went to Srila Tamal Krishna Goswami's samadhi to pray. There I met my friend Hayagriva Prabhu. He maintains Goswami's samadhi making a daily offering and arotik.

Hayagiva and I decided to get some cows milk. In India to get pure cow's milk we have to walk a coup[le of miles to Ghose village. the house of Tappan Ghose is very sattvik. The family there live just like in Lord Chaitanya's time. No television, computers, or radio racket. Mataji makes cow dung circles all over the ground that keep away mosquitoes.

We watch the cow get milked and the liquid religion go from the bucket direct into my 3 litre container. Coming back we walk on the same path Lord Chaitanya would wander while chanting Hare Krishna. We pass the place that Madhai built a bathing ghat for purification.

cont'd in Part Two!

México( URGENTE )!!!

5 years, 7 months ago by Malati dharani in Special Category A

todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada !

todas las glorias a usted !

todas las glorias a los devotos !

Querido gurudeva mis reverencias a usted y a sus pies.

espero que se encuentre bien aunque como usted dice ¿Quien está bien en el mundo material?

le escribo para informarle que el día 16 (jueves) a las 13:29 hs nacio nuestra hija , su nombre es Rukmini Krishna.

ASA - Gordita? 3+Kgs? 😁

todo salió mejor de lo que imaginamos gracias a las bendiciones de los devotos! Estamos muy felices con su llegada ,nos sentimos de maravilla y llenos de felicidad !

esperamos que usted nos de sus bendiciones para esta nueva alma que llegó ,que pueda servir a los devotos y seguir las instrucciones de Srila Prabhupada.

le agradezco su tiempo ,espero poder seguir complaciendo a Srila Prabhupada ,a los devotos y a usted con mi servicio ,en cuanto nos recuperemos volveremos a sankirtan!!!!

se dedpide con mucho afecto su sirvienta

Malati dharani dd.

ASA - Esperamos que la madre se esté recuperando de su arduo trabajo y recordemos que solo si eres un devoto, ¡puedes alimentar a tus hijos con conciencia de Krsna!

Crecer Vaisnava and Report KSDD

Hare Krsna dear Guru Maharaja

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada and all glories to you

Please accept my obeisances

Long time ago I do not write on the blog and I beg your pardon.

HpS-ASA - AGTSP! It is small fault compared to our many! So good to see you.

Although I read daily your instructions and I can find similar situations to what I am living, so, I take your instructions as if they were for me.

My personal report:

For your mercy without cause we maintain ourselves chanting 16 rounds, following 4 principles, regular morning Sadhana, daily lecture of srila prabhupada’s books and we regularly listen to classes online. We maintain our service on the temple. Raja bhoga on Wednesdays and garlands on Saturday.

I’m trying to support Prabhu Arya-Srestha Das, according to my possibilities. Even there still are things that hurts me, but I’ve left it aside and above that I see him as a great devotee that has gone through adverse situations; so I’m trying to be a support and not a burden. Our deals are cordial and he is striving to correct his mistakes, we share Rajas Bhoga service on Wednesdays… after all… we will always be united by the service to you and Srila Prabhupada.

HpS - ASA - As you describe the situation, we would say that any gentleman is very fortunate to have the association of a lady like you. Thank you. Our respects to, Prabuji also.

My sakirtana report “Crecer Vaisnava” :

For your mercy without cause I have worked in this service for almost 6 years. Our intention is to bring support tools for parents and instructors vaisnavas. We have a facebook page, we have 3000 followers and the last statistic we have a range of 12.2 thousands of visits in one month.



-His holiness Guru Prasad Swami, has given us his authorization as GBC of our zone and he likes our service.

-We share articles for Grihastras, Parents, and Instructors. Quotes from Srila Prabhupada, material for kids, videos, songs, work books, children’s book, etc…

For your mercy without cause, this year various vainavas have joined to our team and we are realizing new material, they are really anxious in collaborating and it inspires me to continue.

Like maybe you remember, Crecer Vaisnava, translated the book of Homeschooling some time ago. So since that time I am in touch with Prabhu Abhirama about it, we are coordinating each other and he things that it would be possible to publish it in Mid-year. 

-In addition we have organized some conferences online with Mataji Aruddha about the Homeschooling topic, in different Yatras. (Chile, Mexico City, Cueramaro and Tulancingo) many parents have been attracted to the topic, and we have done links with some devotees that realizes home Education, since we are Crecer Vaisnava we are tracking them.

-Following the conferences we have achived a group of studies of the Homeschooling of Mataji Aruddha. Actually there are 15 devotees on the group. The parents are really enthusiastic and committed. We are learning a lot.

-We published a bimestrial magazine ”Educando para el hogar Crecer Vaisnava”. On it we share articles about devotees like Mataji Urmila, Mataji Aruddha and also we interviwed to senior devotees from different Yatras… Parents are eager to learn about the experiences of others and it looks like a good tool.

This is a little proof of what we have done during this time, we would like very much to be useful for your Sankirtan, we ask you to instruct us in how we can please you. We would like to know, ¿How can we subordinate to the Anjana Suta Academy?

HpS - I don't think there is any need to be formally a "Branch" of ASA. This communication is wonderful format for being part of the Occult ASA. You have your formal authority from the local Temple etc. O.K.?

Thanks Gurudeva, because you are the one who pushes us to try to be useful on the transcendental Sankirtana of Srila Prabhupada.

Please forgive me for the long letter. We reiterate our obeisances and eternal thanks.

Your aspirant to servant

Karuna-Sakti DD

HpS - Is not too long. Is very wonderful thing you are doing. We hope it goes to Spain, Peru, Argentina etc!!!! Send us news from time to time.

News from Radhakunda

5 years, 7 months ago by radhakundamataji in Special Category A



Srila Prabhupada used to say that Radhakund is for relishing and that is true. Here we have festivals every other day and even if we do not have a reason we have a festival.

These days we had three wonderful festivals.

First, we celebrated the appearance day of Sri Gadadhar prabhu, one of the most confidential associates of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and in Krsna lila is Srimati Radharani,so we went to the temple of Nitai Gour Gadadhara to listen an ecstatic kirtan and to see the abisheka and full bungalow decoration.

gadādhara-paṇḍitādi — prabhura nija-śakti

tāṅ’-sabāra caraṇe mora sahasra praṇati

I offer my respectful obeisances unto the internal potencies of the Lord, of whom Sri Gadadhar prabhu is the foremost. C.c adi 1.41

HpS - In Gaura lila Gadadhara is more like Rukmini? Radharani without Her humor, because Krsna is stealing it?

Second. This week was the advent of Jahnava devi, who was One of the wives of Sri Nityananda and a very Influential character for all the gaudiya vaishnavism. This is one of my favourite utsava since Jahnava ma is so merciful that she allows us to make flower dress for her to wear during the adhivas (the first day). This festival last 5 days during which we can hear lila kirtan chanting her glories and the fifth day is the dhulotsava, this is something like holi but Instead of throwing colors, people throw duly (dust from Vraja) after that everybody goes to take bath in Radhakund, this is the closing of the festival.

Ogo Sri jahnava devi, E dase karuna karo

Aji nija gune, Guchao jantrana

"O Jahnava devi, by virtue of your own good qualities, show compassion to this servant today and remove my afflictions."

ASA - http://gaudiyahistory.iskcondesiretree.com/jahnava-mata/

And third, as I wrote at the beginning, if we don't have a reason it doesn't matter, we make a festival. Last week we had a "saptaha" here at home, just to please our Kunja Bihari. That is, for seven days Srimad Bhagavatam is read and explained, after these 7 days we had 24 hours kirtan and then we made a parikrama around Radhakunda carrying the Grantha and a tulasi plant and finally we made vaishnava seva.

As you can read Radhakund is really the best place for relishing.

HpS - Seems that Radha-kunda is were we serve Krsna directly and Mayapura is where we serve Lord Caitanya's Sankirtan? Mangos and Bananas? How is your household? You can see we have ticket so visit India for twelve days in October. Look in the Calendar Development filter.

Srila Prabhupada ki jaya

Radha Kunja Bihari ki jaya

Jahnava devi ki jaya

Sri Gadadhar prabhu ki jaya

This is my report from Radhakund

Your (trying to be humble) servant

Tungavidya dd

ASA - Thank you. Thank you for the austerity of living in Radha-kunda. Thank you for sharing it with us. We are dying to go there.