Bhaktivedanta Course (Bhagavatam canto 7 -12)

5 years, 6 months ago by parampadam in Special Category A

Hare Krishna Maharaja!

Please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I am writing to get some information about Bhakivedanta Course (Srimad Bhagavatam Cantos 7-12)

Is there any formal acreditation yet? Any news?

 Last year seven student finished Bhakti Vaibhava course in my college, and next december another students group are finishing too.

 They ask to me to continue with Bhaktivedanta Course. What I would have to say them?

 Any information about this is very usefull for us.

Thank you very much!

I hope you well


Parampadam das

HpS - AgtSP Paoho. Nice to hear from you. I will send Atul Krsna Das address to your email. He is Director of Board of Examinations

At your service


URGENT: NOI Edit date

5 years, 6 months ago by srinath in Special Category A

Dear Guru Maharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to you!

I was in Boise for the weekend. Gopal Krishna Maharaja was there and initiated my friend Chidam, who also went to Utah State University with me. He became Caru Nimai das. I also met Radhika Ramana prabhu there.

He was saying, you might have sent the edited version to him in mid-end April. I am also thinking the same because after I gave you the print out on 30-Mar in Dallas, you travelled to Santa Barbara and then Boise before returning to Boro. That is when you might have had some time to look at it and send him your comments.

I hope it helps Guru Maharaja.

Your servant

Srinatha Krsna dasa

HpS - AGTSP!!! paoho. Thank you so many. We looked but could only find his original letter. I think I only edited the hard copy and that may have got lost in the mail. So we took about 15-minutes and edited again and sent the edited file to you and RRD. Got it?

Congratulations to your friend!!

News from Radhakunda. VERY URGENT

5 years, 6 months ago by radhakundamataji in Special Category A



My dear Guru Maharaja

Giridhari das has requested me to ask you if you know the email of a devotee named Gourasundar who lives in Tennessee.

Also, he needs to go out of india to renew his visa and Panca Gouda prabhu can extend an invitation letter for him, since he knows Giridhari very well but he is asking him to get a recommendation letter of one or two sanyasis to support the issue if that invitation letter.

I thank you very much for your help in this matter.

I think this letter don't need to be sent to the blog.

Your (trying to be humble) servant

Tungavidya devi dasi

HpS AGTSP paoho. We just sent a letter to Nitai gaura sundara Das and your good self with introduction to Giridhari Das and a letter for President Pancha Gauda Das. Please confirm receipt! Those who live on the banks of Radha kunda are the most fortunate people in the universe.

URGENT: NOI Commentary Monthly Update

5 years, 6 months ago by srinath in Special Category A

Dear Guru Maharaj

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to you!

I transcribed texts 7, 8 and 9 last month. I will complete the text 10 and 11 in the next few weeks. By the next report transcription of commentaries of the texts should be complete.

Radhika Raman prabhu has not had much time to edit. After coming back from Europe a couple of weeks back, he was busy working on a paper for a conference. He will have a few days in July but will get more time in August to get the bulk of the editing work done.

He was saying he didn't get the email with your comments on his edited sample. Guru Maharaja, can you please send the email when you get a chance so that he can incorporate those comments when he edits.

You also mentioned about Japa Joe in Houston. I have downloaded the file from the archives and it has such wonderful instructions. How would you like to proceed with it Guru Maharaja? Radhika Raman prabhu was suggesting that it could be an appendix in the NOI commentary book.

Mukunda Datta prabhu was here in Dallas last week and we were able to serve him by making breakfast prasadam for him. We spent some time with him and it was very inspirational for us.

We miss having your association and hope to meet you in August in Houston when you come back from your preaching tour.

Your servant

Srinatha Krsna dasa

Thank you so much! The Kapi Dhvaja is about to go with Monkey and Piggys news. I guess Japa Joe can follow after NOI as a separate book. We can enhance it with your and Mataji's realization. Respects to Prof. Gupta.

Can't get access to our Yahoo Sent folder right now. Can you give us an approximate date of when we would have sent the edits? I think I talked to Radhika about this and maybe sent it again last month???

Again, thank you.


Calendar news for you in the Kapi Dhvaja.

*Urgente!* Iniciacion / consulta visita bs as


Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias a Sus pies de loto.

HpS - Pies de [media] loco.

Soy bhaktina Lali, de Bs As. 

En su última visita hablamos de homeschooling y programas para devotas con hijos. 

Mi sadhana está bien, aunque aún hay que acomodar los horarios, entre mi trabajo y mi pequeña hija Govinda a veces se hace difícil cantar japa bien temprano, entonces voy haciéndolo durante el día. (Tengo que mejorar esto!).

Tengo deidades de Gaura Nitai, una devota las está pintando, le pido sus bendiciones para poder atenderlas en mi hogar. Usted está de acuerdo con que las instale?

HpS - Como entendemos, puedes ofrecerles tu amor a ellos bajo la autoridad de Srila Prabhupada, pero no están oficialmente instalados. Eso es algo grande y requeriría consideración a nivel de GBC. Bajo la autoridad de Srila Prabhupada, guarde las deidades de Gaura-Natai en su casa y sirva a ellas con amor, limpieza y puntualidad y más detalles de parafernalia y rituales.

Una buena ofrenda de un tiempo regular es la comida, la flor, la lámpara y las fragancias. ¡Habla con los brahmanas locales sobre más detalles! Te veo pronto.

Sigo con mi servicio fijo para el Ratha Yatra Bs As en la organización del festival.

Junto a Rati Manjari dd hago servicio en secretaría y en la organización de su visita a nuestro yatra. Con Vrisabhanu Nandini dd estamos planeando programas para los niños, mientras Usted da las conferencias y/o clases en el templo. Tiene alguna sugerencia sobre qué temas podríamos tratar con los pequeños devotos?

ASA - Tener kirtan y bhajans con ellos. habla de los pasatiempos de Krsna y Rama etc.

Con las devotas que tienen hijos pequeños tenemos un grupo, en el cual nos ayudamos entre todas, para avanzar en conciencia de Krsna. Espero pronto llevar a cabo sus instrucciones, y tener un grupo de prédica para los niños y las madres. Estamos avanzando en la investigación de homeschooling, aunque no hay muchos devotos entusiastas con este tema.

Hace unos meses hago servicio en Crecer Vaisnava. Karuna Sakti DD me permite servir y aprender a su lado, a pesar de la distancia.

Desde hace tiempo los devotos me están animando a formalizar mi relación con usted y yo también creo que este puede ser el momento de tomar iniciación, si es que lo considera propicio ¿Qué piensa Usted de eso?

HpS - Pienso es bueno, pero necesita carta de su Presidente del Templo. Esta Vd. realizando todos los requisitos que hay en nuestra "guru-tattva"?

La próxima semana daré el exámen, cuento con la recomendación de las autoridades del templo de Bs. As.

HpS - Si!!

Le pido disculpas por todas mis ofensas. Mi deseo más sincero es poder servirlo, y ser un instrumento en su prédica para la misión de Srila Prabhupada.

Perdón por la carta tan extensa Espero se encuentre muy bien.

Su aspirante a sirviente,

bktn Lali 

HpS - ASA - muy bien. Diksa es bueno. Es como matricular formalmente en la universidad.

President Trump

5 years, 7 months ago by Mishra Bhagavan Dasa in Special Category A

I have heard that President Trump facilitated the 1976 Ratha Yatra that Srila Prabhupada attended. When it comes to judging someone we have imperfect senses, the propensity to make mistakes, and the propensity to give an opinion from information our mind has been filled with from a cheating media. If president Trump helped put on the Rathayatra he is a devotee of Krishna and thus glorious.

ASA - Hmmm. There are different levels of devotees, no?