Ante narayana smrtih

1 year, 1 month ago by Asta Sakhi Devi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las glorias a nuestro Fundador Acarya A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Śrīla Prabhupāda, autor del libro KRSNA, la Suprema Personalidad de Dios.

(Encabezo preferido porque viene de su inspiración y se ve mucho más especial)

Querido Gurumaharaja,

Por favor acepte nuestras respetuosas reverencias a sus sagrados pies de loto que están salvando nuestras vidas por haber tomado refugio en Śrīla Prabhupāda.

Mencionamos pies de loto porque no queremos preguntar cómo está uno de sus dedos, UD siempre es transparente y el Señor Nrisimhadeva le protege a cada paso.

Estuvimos esperando que llegue a Houston pero posiblemente lo encontremos más ocupado, disculpe por favor, esperamos no molestar mucho.

Estos días estuve releyendo algunas cartas de los usuarios del blog y hay tantas buenas instrucciones, aprendemos bajo la luz que emana sus palabras inspiradas por Srila Prabhupada, nos conecta al parampara, muchas gracias! al mismo tiempo vamos conociendo su posición en ISKCON, misma que hemos observado por años desarrollarse con pulcritud.

En la pasada clase para Spiritual Shakti, la importancia de los lugares sagrados, nos llevó al recuerdo cuando vivimos en el ashrama de Chosica mandir.

La primera vez que pude hablar con UD, me dió dos instrucciones prácticas:

•Un año después de iniciada sabrás si deseas o no casarte; y

• Vive tu vida espiritual intensamente.

Inmediatamente, por arreglo de Krsna o talvez mi destino, el novio me dijo "elige! tu Guru o yo" (fue extraño) pero sin dudar por un segundo lo elegí a usted y me mudé definitivamente al ashrama de madres entendiendo que era la mejor forma de intensidad, yo era muy joven con tantos errores propios de la juventud, hoy tomo la oportunidad para agradecerle infinitamente por esa guía, fueron los años más maravilloso de mi vida lleno de más aprendizaje que frustraciones porque usted siempre estuvo y está presente, hay tantos vaisnavas que agradecer, porsupuesto ha sido el inicio, hace mucho un devoto enfatizó que la vida espiritual no es como comienza sino como termina, ante narayana smrtih. Por favor sus bendiciones para que nuestras vidas puedan desarrollarse con un molde espiritual siguiendo su vani y vapuh y al final de esta vida lo volvamos a encontrar, encontrar a ud significa encontrar a Śrīla Prabhupāda, ese es nuestro camino a Krsna garantizado.

Lamentablemente por el tema de la visa no podremos viajar a Houston.

Porsupuesto también hemos tenido y continuamos con tantas pruebas pero no queremos lamentar demasiado porque las recompensas superan los desafíos.

Envío la foto de la octava cuenta para que me diga por favor si es un error que la tenga separada con un broche remanente de las Deidades, no está apretada, la cuenta tiene la misma fisura por ambas caras, tengo varios años así y posiblemente estoy cometiendo ofensas.

Puede ser que sea la preferida pero es porque las 8 principales gopis me acercan a Krsna.

Asaltantes de ómnibus me robaron mi japa de iniciación en un viaje de sankirtana, está japa la ofrecí a las Deidades del templo Krsna Balarāma de Vrndavan en el 2002.

Mi esposo no suele escribir mucho, pero si leer bastante los libros de Śrīla Prabhupāda y predicar, usualmente también participa de los programas en linea, le envía sus reverencias, él piensa que el acontecimiento del 2024 será que SS. Hanumatpresaka Swami conocerá a su discípulo formal sannyasi.


Leímos el kapi dvaja

Futuro lejano

11-13 de enero , ASA/ HpS /Vyasa-puja

11º ¿Programa de Hogar? ¿ Enfoque en español ?

En México el Vyasa-puja también se celebra este día, será muy auspicioso tener su darshan. Pensamos que es buena propuesta en español para este lado del mundo si a uds les parece bien. Muchas gracias.

Por favor perdone muestras ofensas

Vuestra eterna aspirante a sirviente


Sakhi dd


All glories to our Founder Acarya A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Śrīla Prabhupāda, author of the book KRSNA, the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

(Preferred header because it comes from your inspiration and looks much more special).

ASA - 🐶 🐈 🐻 AgtSP !

Dear Gurumaharaja

Please accept our respectful obeisances to your sacred lotus feet [ASA - Lettuce feet] who are [One of the devotees] saving our lives by taking refuge in Śrīla Prabhupāda.

We mention lotus feet because we do not want to ask how one of your toes is, you are always transparent and Lord Nrisimhadeva protects you at every step.

HpS - We had so many suitcases open in our trailer in Tennessee that we tripped over one of them and our toes turned blue from the strike. Now we can rub the toes with not pain, but the tendons connecting the toes make some loud sharp noise when we rub them. Maybe the tendons and their base point on the foot was bruised?

We were waiting for you to arrive in Houston but we may find you busier, please excuse us, we hope we don't bother you too much.

HpS - No bother. We noted in the Kapi Dhvaja (agt Patraka Das and Antoinette) that was BIG move and BIG symposium from H. H. Roma pada Swami, but now we have our roots just getting connected in the ground.

These days I was rereading some letters from Blog users and there are so many good instructions, we learn under the light emanating from his words inspired by Srila Prabhupada, it connects us to the parampara, thank you very much! At the same time we are getting to know their position in ISKCON, which we have observed for years developing neatly.

In the last class for Spiritual Shakti, the importance of sacred places took us back to when we lived in the Chosica mandir ashrama.

The first time I was able to talk to you, you gave me two practical instructions:

•One year after it starts you will know whether or not you want to get married; and

• Live your spiritual life intensely.

Immediately, by Krsna's arrangement or perhaps my destiny, the groom told me "choose! Your Guru or me" (it was strange) but without hesitation for a second I chose you and I moved permanently to the mothers' ashrama understanding that it was the best form of intensity, I was very young with so many mistakes typical of youth, today I take the opportunity to thank you infinitely for that guide, they were the most wonderful years of my life, full of more learning than frustrations because you were always and are present, there are so many Vaisnavas to thank, of course it has been the beginning, long ago a devotee emphasized that spiritual life is not how it begins but how it ends, before narayana smrtih.

HpS - Wonderful!!

By the way. Any news of the Jambavati Devi Dasi. We keep the pictures of her deities on our altar, but no news of her for some time!

Of course, Krsna seems to be taking personal care of her.

We listen to your stories as Sankirtan partners. Amazing.

Yet, better things are to come.

Which do we want to be in our next life: Kunti or Draupadi! 😥

Please your blessings so that our lives can develop with a spiritual mold following your vani and vapuh and at the end of this life we find you again, finding you means finding Śrīla Prabhupāda, that is our guaranteed path to Krsna.

HpS - I think that there is just as much chance that I will find H. H. Bhakti bhusana Swami's feet and that will get me back in connection with Krsna.

Unfortunately, due to the visa issue, we will not be able to travel to Houston.

HpS - Oooof! Maybe the CIA will kidnap you and your good husband by mistake and bring you to the Houston Temple as a recompense.

Of course we have also had and continue to have so many trials but we don't want to regret too much because the rewards outweigh the challenges.

HpS - On the other had, as soon as we just put both hands up in the air and call, He Govinda! We just have no problems! [What happened to all those Sarees???]

I am sending the photo of the eighth bead so that you can please tell me if it is a mistake that I have it separated with a remnant clasp of the Deities, it is not tight, the bead has the same crack on both sides, I have had this for several years and possibly I am committing offenses.

HpS - Don't think so. Some good glue?

It may be the preferred one but it is because the 8 main gopis bring me closer to Krsna.


Bus robbers stole my initiation japa on a sankirtana trip. I offered this japa to the Deities of the Krsna Balarāma temple in Vrndavan in 2002.

HpS - We heard that Srila Prabhupada said, that replacing sincerely lost beads makes them as good as the ones on which were chanted.

My husband does not usually write much, but he does read Srila Prabhupāda's books and preach a lot, he usually also participates in the online programs, sends his obeisances,

he thinks that the event of 2024 will be that His Holiness. Hanumatpresaka Swami will meet the formal disciple of his sannyasi.

HpS - Hmmm. Interesting. We think Yadunandana Swami is a great Sannyasa guru.

Our respects to him.

After all these years is he still in control of "the coconut"?


We read the Kapi Dhvaja

Distant future

January 11-13, ASA/HpS/Vyasa-puja

11º Home Program? Focus on Spanish?

In Mexico Vyasa-puja is also celebrated on this day, it will be very auspicious to have its darshan. We think it is a good proposal in Spanish for this side of the world if that sounds good to you.

HpS - It seems good so far. That's Thursday and then in the Temple on Saturday focusing in English.

Thank you so much.

Please forgive any offenses

Your eternal aspiring servant

Asta-Sakhi dd

HpS - Ooof, please forgive our offenses.

4.26PM. Seems sun has set.

Is getting dark here.

How are the Mangala arati, FMS, online program?

We are seeing a schedule emerge.

Saturday Class for Cusco.

Thank you all, so much.

More Dandavat Pranam from Manipuri devotees

1 year, 1 month ago by sadhubhusandas@bsds in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

{Last night, in my dream, Maharaj [H. H. B. S Damodara Swami? or us?] was present in the Brahmachari Ashram of ISKCON Manipur, and Maharaj was trying to send some messages to your Blog from my computer and you were indicating me to send it.}

Maharaj, it’s you I was seeing in the dream.

HpS - AgtSP~ Amazing. Being able to visit the B'cari ashrama in Manipur is a great honor in any way.

KRSNA book is full of Krsna and His soldiers fighting with demons like Jarasandha, and not a single soldier of Krsna's getting killed. Of course, dying for Krsna, might be even more desireable.

Thank you very much for the wonderful and very valuable guidance you have given me in your response to my last letter. I was reading it again and again with my devotee friends. Please bless me Maharaj so that I may continue serving Srila Prabhupada more and more enthusiastically.

H. H. Haridasa Maharaj and myself, we are going to Bali on 26th of this month. We may be coming back to India in the last week of January 2024.

HpS - One month.

We remember that Srila Prabhupada said, that first they will laugh at our preaching, then they will try to destroy us, and finally they want to listen to us.

It seems that ISKCON is starting to move into the 3rd phase.

In the first phase we have to tolerate humiliation.

In the second getting killed.

In the 3rd, we really have to know our culture, SB, and be able to give professional advice on that basis!

The speeches of Maharaja Prthu for political science, and Lord Kapila's Sankhya for physical science etc. 👍

Maharaj, thank you once again for your love and concern for this lowly servant of yours. Hope to see you soon again in Manipur.

Your servant

Sadhubhusan Das


HpS - I know of no place else like Manipura except Vraja itself. Both are worth dying for, no?

Querido Gurudeva

1 year, 1 month ago by muraridas in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna! Querido Guru Maharaja, por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias.

¡Todas las Glorias sean Srila Prabhupada!

 Hace tiempo que estoy pensando en escribir, pero la verdad es que la vida nos está haciendo movernos mucho y pensar poco , de mayo a diciembre habremos estado en cuatro diferentes sitios. Espero que la casa al pie de la montaña y con cinco pies de nieve me ayude a calmar la mente.

Por lo demás, cuando tenemos un momento libre, después de terminar las rondas, estamos estudiando astrología y continuando con aprendizaje de mantras para sacrificios de fuego

La finalidad es, la prédica en un principio la la próxima primavera puede ser un buen momento para empezar a dar pequeños seminarios acerca de estas otras ramas de la filosofía Vedica para poder atraer a gente interesada y llevarlos al canto de los Santos Nombres

Me gustan los seminarios que hacen unos devotos de Perú Ramanuja y Devarshi Naradha Prabhu que podría replicar aquí en inglés hay mucho trabajo ya hecho es cuestión de adaptarlo y poniéndolo a trabajar y ver si funciona si no también están las opciones de internet

No tenemos pensado parar en esta vida

 de una otra manera, siempre bajo su inspiración

Y como meta el que usted se sienta orgulloso de nuestro servicio 

Además, estamos haciendo Homeschool para Jahnavi completo y  para Sita es escuela , kindergarten,sin quitarle un ojo a nuestro pequeño Guerrero Arjuna

Así es como


Hare Krsna! Dear Guru Maharaja, please accept my humble obeisances.

All Glories be Srila Prabhupada!

 I have been thinking about writing for a long time, but the truth is that life is making us move a lot and think little, from May to December we will have been in four different places. I hope that the house at the foot of the mountain and with five feet of snow will help calm my mind.

HpS/ASA - Five, agtSP, feet!

For the rest, when we have a free moment, after finishing the rounds, we are studying astrology and continuing with learning mantras for fire sacrifices.

The purpose is, preaching, initially next spring may be a good time to start giving small seminars about these other branches of Vedic philosophy in order to attract interested people and lead them to the chanting of the Holy Names.

HpS/ASA - From what I understand H. H. Bhanu Swami does the same.

I like the seminars given by some devotees from Peru, Ramanuja and Devarshi Naradha Prabhu, which I could replicate here in English. There is a lot of work already done. It is a matter of adapting it and putting it to work and seeing if it works. If not, there are also internet options.

We do not plan to stop in this life.

In another way, always under your inspiration.

And as a goal, we hope that you feel proud of our service.

HpS/ASA - 😐

We always hope that, by His Divine Grace, we can contribute something unique to Radha and Krsna's pastimes.

In addition, we are doing Homeschool for Jahnavi completely, and for Sita it is school, kindergarten, without taking an eye off our Little Warrior, Arjuna.

HpS - Just imagine what potential you would have had if you had advantage of this philosophy as you grew up! Second generation!

Whatever happened to your two daughters in Spain???

This is how, thanks to your blessings, we are going through this period of life in the most honorable way possible.

HpS - AgtSP!. When we drop a little rock in the still water it sends ripples out. We may be small but Radharani, Lord Nityananda, are expert at using every little screw in the BIG MACHINE, no?

His servant Murari Das,

HpS - No fotos!! Please send some fotos as you can.

Mi cuenta favorita

1 year, 1 month ago by yasoda in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las Glorias a nuestro Maestro Eterno Srila Prabhupada 🙏

Por favor Gurumaharaja acepte mis sinceras y afectuosas reverencias 🙏

Debo confesar que nunca había pensado que de alguna manera inconciente yo podía tener una cuenta favorita en mi Japa 😮

Mi Japa tiene cuentas muy pequeñas (cada una mide 1 centímetro aproximadamente) pero siempre que la veo recuerdo el día que usted cantó mi Japa antes de mi iniciación en el templo de Wilson 🙏🙇🏻‍♀️ vi como usted cantaba cada cuenta con mucho cuidado de no dejar ninguna sin cantar porque son muy pequeñas...ese momento quedó grabado para siempre en mi mente y mi corazón 🧡🙏

Mi cuenta favorita es la primera porque es totalmente diferente a las demás: es más grande y por ello me indica por donde empezar a cantar la Japa, además me parece que tiene una forma peculiar como de un OJO 👁️... usted que opina Gurumaharaja?

Que el Señor Nrsimha lo proteja siempre

Intentando ser útil

Yasoda Devi Dasi 🙏


All Glories to our Eternal Master Srila Prabhupada 🙏

Please Gurumaharaja accept my sincere and affectionate obeisances 🙏

I must confess that I had never thought that in some unconscious way I could have a favorite bead on my Japa beads 😮

My Japa has very small beads (each one measures approximately 1 centimeter) but every time I see it I remember the day you chanted my Japa before my initiation at the Wilson temple 🙏🙇🏻‍♀️ I saw how you chanted each bead very carefully of not leaving any without singing because they are very small... that moment was forever recorded in my mind and my heart 🧡🙏

My favorite bead is the first because it is totally different from the others: it is larger and that is why it tells me where to start chanting the Japa, and it also seems to me that it has a peculiar shape like an EYE 👁️... what do you think Gurumaharaja ?

May Lord Nrsimha protect you always

Trying to be useful

Yasoda Devi Dasi 🙏

HpS - AgtSP! Paoho... we can't see the details, but sometimes the "eye" is where a twig was passing through the branch.

It is mentioned in the Krsna book about chanting on beads and calling cows or remembering Gopis.

We were able to go in Braja, many years ago, where the man was making Japa beads.

He was sitting on the ground in a porch of his house and he had a simple village lathe that was made of piece of metal lie a nail, some rubber from an old inner tube, and was turned by his knee. He had pieces of Tulasi branch that was cut into about three bead sizes, and he would put them on the lathe between the 'head stock' at one end then the cutting end would start drilling into the bead as he chanted and cut in from the side with a shard knife-chisel.

The art was to cut from the side and the hole so that they reached each other at the same time. Then he would knock the bead off and start cutting the next.

Seemed he could chant one Mahamantra for each bead as he cut it.

If he did that for two hours a day he would have enough income to pay for his bodily expenses, no?

Village life.

NVM village life.

Wake up in Braja one day.

De vuelta

1 year, 1 month ago by kazzymiro@ in Personal Sadhana Reports

Por favor acepte mis reverencias Mahārāja, hoy por fin ví su clase de Śrīmat Bhāgavatam, estuve sin teléfono tres semanas más o menos, sentí gran alegría de escucharlo nuevamente, había estado tomando la clase del curso para iniciación con Prabhu Vanamali pero sin teléfono he faltado a dos clases, espero poder retomarlo si se me permite, no me he podido poner en contacto con Yadunandana Svāmī Mahārāja pero veo sus clases en YouTube y creo entender porque me envía a sus pies de Loto Gurvdeva, tengo un trabajo que no me ha permitido ir a Rādhā-Mādhana-Gopāla Mandira pero hago mi Mangala ārātika en casa.

Llevo 10 días tratando de no deber rondas, un día canté 34 rondas, ahora sólo debo 14 rondas y estaré al corriente con mis 16 diarias, en Ratha-yatra colecte y cocine para 500 platos de Jalaba, arroz y vegetales con néctar, Akincana Kṛṣṇa Dāsa me dió el Seva junto a Haribhakti Prabhu y el devoto Cerón, fué hermoso el festival, solo faltó usted. Anirudha Prabhu se ha quedado en mi bajan kutira algunas veces y me predica, él tiene apego por Yadunandana Svāmī Mahārāja lo que es genial porque somos doblemente hermanos, también lleve a Akinkana Kṛṣṇa a su pueblo y fueron 6 horas de Kṛṣṇa katha muy extático, su bendición llega y Kṛṣṇa me permite acercarme a él, gracias Mahārāja, Todas las Glorias !!!

Tengo Doti morado y kurtas de colores, pienso hacer un personaje de Clown predicador, pronto le enviaré fotos.

Jaya Śrīla Prabhupāda!!


Please accept my obeisances Mahārāja, today I finally saw your Śrīmat Bhāgavatam class, I was without a phone for three weeks or so, I felt great joy to hear you again,

I had been taking the initiation course class with Prabhu Vanamali but without a phone I have been missing to two classes, I hope to be able to resume it if I am allowed, I have not been able to contact Yadunandana Svāmī Mahārāja but I watch his classes on YouTube and I think I understand why you sends me to his Lotus feet Gurvdeva,

I have a job that has not allowed me go to Rādhā-Mādhana-Gopāla Mandira but I do my Mangala ārātika at home.

I have been trying for 10 days not to owe rounds, one day I chanted 34 rounds, now I only owe 14 rounds and I will be up to date with my daily 16,

HpS - Super!

In Ratha-yatra I collect and cook for 500 dishes of Jalaba, rice and vegetables with nectar, Akincana Kṛṣṇa Dāsa gave me the Seva together with Haribhakti Prabhu and the devotee Cerón, the festival was beautiful, the only thing missing was you.

Anirudha Prabhu has stayed in my Bajan kutira sometimes and preaches to me, he is attached to Yadunandana Svāmī Mahārāja which is great because we are doubly brothers,

I also took Akinkana Kṛṣṇa to his village and it was 6 hours of very ecstatic Kṛṣṇa katha, his blessing comes and Kṛṣṇa allows me to approach him, thank you Mahārāja, All Glories!!!

I have purple Doti and colorful kurtas, I plan to make a preacher Clown character, I will send you photos soon.

Jaya Srila Prabhupada!!

HpS - Very interesting!!! We wait for the pictures!!!! Very informative news for all of us here.

You have nice relation with the Temple authorities?

An offering for the departure of Srila Prabhupada/ Una ofrenda por la partida de Srila Prabhupada

1 year, 1 month ago by Radha Japa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Please accept my obeisances at Your lotus feet dear Gurudeva🙏🏼

 This song was born to me a while ago when Srila Prabhupada appeared.

 And today I share it with you as an offering for his departure.

 He told us that in the spiritual world there is no separation...that in reality separation is just another aspect of the encounter...

 A song dedicated to our beloved Acarya: the Divine Grace of him: Srila Prabhupada:

 🎵I was looking for happiness

 And I couldn't find it🎶

 🎵Today I thank you

 Srila Prabhupada 🎶

 🎶Srila Prabhupada

 Srila Prabhupada

 Today I thank you

 Srila Prabhupada🎵

 🎶Srila Prabhupada

 Your divine Grace

 Srila Prabhupada

 Patita Pavana🎵


 🎶Patita pavana

 Patita pavana

 Today I thank you

 Srila Prabhupada🎵


 🎵When I read your books

 I felt loved🎶

 🎶Thanks to them

 Find new life🎵

 🎶Every word said by you

 It's wonderful🎵

 🎶Gives us hope

 To the fallen soul🎵

 🎵Thank you for coming my dear

 Patita pavana🎶

 🎵Thank you for coming here

 His Divine Grace🎶


 🎵Srila Prabhupada

 Srila Prabhupada

 Today I thank you

 Srila Prabhupada🎶

 🎶You taught us to live

 To die too

 Today I thank you

 Everyone loves you🎵

 🎶Srila Prabhupada

 Srila Prabhupada

 Today I thank you🎵🎶

 Pa ti ta Pa va na

 Trying to please him:

 JP. Radha devi dasi.


Por favor acepte mis reverencias a Sus pies de loto querido Gurudeva🙏🏼

Me nació esta canción hace un tiempo cuando fue la aparición de Srila Prabhupada.

Y hoy se la comparto como una ofrenda por Su partida.

El nos dijo que en el mundo espiritual no hay separacion..que en realidad la separación es solo otro aspecto del encuentro..

Una canción dedicada a nuestro querido Acarya: Su Divina Gracia : Srila Prabhupada:

🎵Estaba buscando la felicidad

Y no la encontraba🎶

🎵Hoy te doy las gracias a ti

Srila Prabhupada 🎶

🎶Srila Prabhupada

Srila Prabhupada

Hoy te doy las gracias a Ti

Srila Prabhupada🎵

🎶Srila Prabhupada

Su divina Gracia

Srila Prabhupada

Patita Pavana🎵


🎶Patita pavana

Patita pavana

Hoy te doy las gracias a Ti

Srila Prabhupada🎵


🎵Cuando leí tus libros

Me senti querida🎶

🎶Gracias a Ellos

Halle nueva vida🎵

🎶Cada palabra dicha por ti

Es una maravilla🎵

🎶Nos da esperanza

Al alma caída🎵

🎵Gracias por venir mi querido

Patita pavana🎶

🎵Gracias por venir aqui

Su Divina Gracia🎶


🎵Srila Prabhupada

Srila Prabhupada

Hoy te doy las gracias a Ti

Srila Prabhupada🎶

🎶Tu nos enseñaste a vivir

A morir también

Hoy te doy las gracias a Ti

Todos te quieren🎵

🎶Srila Prabhupada

Srila Prabhupada

Hoy te doy las gracias a Ti🎵🎶

Pa ti ta Pa va na

Intentando complacerlo:

JP. Radha devi dasi.

HpS - ASA - Jaya!!!

4.30PM here in ISKCON Houston. Temple is four stories tall inside! Over 25-buildings, homes, school, restaurant all Hare Krsna.

Now we press our clothes, prepare some bananas for storage and prepare for Romapada Swami's seminar.