Seeking your Kindness

1 year, 1 month ago by [email protected] in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna, gurudev, PAMHO AGTSP.

Dear gurudev thank you very much for your kind blessing. SORRY for being late in responding. By your grace I was able to visit many places in India and as the result all of my family and other relatives started chanting at least 4 rounds of japa and are vegetarian.

HpS/ASA - 👍

👍 👍

Month of Kartika was very special and was regularly offering dipa at home along with my family.

We were also having at least 3 programs at people's houses during weekends where everyone got a chance to light lamps.

May I know Gurudev where you are at this point?

Your insignificant servant

Rupanuga siddhanta das

HpS - Let us offer our obeisances to you. You are so fortunate by birth and accomplishment, yet you still offer your assets to the service of Srila Prabhupada.


Every two weeks we have been fortunate to be posting our news, location, Sankirtan work in the "Kapi Dhvaja" at our WebPage:


Just click on the "News" link.


Camped in Nila-madhva Dhama, ISKCON-Houston.

(3402 Radha Ln; Houston, Tx 77018; USA).


Thank you for the Sankirtan news.

How do you find this Japa vrata prescribed by Srila Prabhupada? Getting rounds done early???

How is the ice business?


Thank you!!!

You are a living proof that Krishna Consciousness is a Spiritual Science /Eres una prueba viviente de que la Conciencia de Krishna es una Ciencia Espiritual

1 year, 1 month ago by bhaktanicasio in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna, Beloved Gurudeva,

Please accept our humble obeisances at your Lotus feet (I know you will say lettuce feet, but the one that is hanging from SP’s Lotus feet, develops Lotus-sprouts feet),

ASA - Hmmm!🤔

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada,

HpS - That's the Key! AgtSP!. He does 99.9999.... % of the work!!! We are ashamed of how much we exploit his mercy. 😞

Again, Guru tattva.txt is the Gold Standard, with the purports to BG 3.31/33, and the Help from Senior Vaisnavas who have given shelter to us, we feel protected!!

We are still with our family. Sometimes we see it as a burden, sometimes as our shelter!! VAD!!

H. H. Bhakti Dhira Damodara Swami accepted us as his Siksa disciple, he allowed us to chant his Pranam mantra, but still we can not do it. We don't know whether it is appropriate.

HpS - I don't know. For me Siksa guru is an informal relation. Of course, chanting a Mantra with respect to a Vaisnava as Diksa or Siksa guru or Founder Acharya are all appropriate. It is just having a practical understanding of how they are all situated in the Parampara.

I spoke twice with Sriman Panca Tattva!! First time I was a little bit worried. But the second time I noticed him better.

Although he is not following your instructions, he still has faith in you and Srila Prabhupada!!

HpS - Maybe his story will be in SB in the future, like Maharaja Bharata or Vyasadeva and Narada Muni. 😆

Such a nice person.

Maybe he is seeking his identity in society, I guess.

His story, I could say is a mixture between Ajamila story in 6th canto of SB, and Kālā Kṛṣṇadāsa with the Bhaṭṭathāris, from CC. Madhya lila.

HpS - Ooof!

We realized that although we are busy fools, we can follow the standard of FMS and FES!! And there it is the strength.

Today We watched some videos of you at ISKCON Houston!! We feel so happy watching you relishing the Holy Names. We are struggling to follow in your footsteps!!

Thank you Gurudev,

Hanging from your Lotus feet,

Nikunja Bihari das.

ps: Manu is going to the US next February. I will send you a gift with him. Photo attached. Not the photo I wanted to send. Couldn't delete them.

ps 2: I used a lathe to make my own mala for japa!!

HpS - We saw the little village lathe they were using in Vraja about 25-years ago. Was an old drill bit, a mail, some rubber from a bicycle tire. It was great. Worked fine. Guy could chant like one mantra for each bead.

Now we just need a Global Kirtan to turn all the U-238 in the world into lead over the period of one months, no?

Hare Krishna Amado Gurudeva,

Por favor acepte nuestras humildes reverencias a sus pies de Loto (sé que dirá pies de lechuga, pero el que cuelga de los pies de Loto de SP, desarrolla pies de brotes de Loto),

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada,

Nuevamente, Guru tattva.txt es el Estándar de Oro, con los significados de BG 3.31/33, y la Ayuda de los Vaisnavas Mayores que nos han dado refugio, ¡¡nos sentimos protegidos!!

Seguimos con nuestra familia. A veces lo vemos como una carga, a veces como nuestro refugio!! ¡¡VAD!!

SS Bhakti Dhira Damodara Swami nos aceptó como su discípulo Siksa, nos permitió cantar su mantra Pranam, pero aún así no podemos hacerlo. No sabemos si es apropiado.

¡¡Hablé dos veces con Sriman Panca Tattva!! La primera vez estaba un poco preocupado. Pero la segunda vez lo noté mejor.

¡¡Aunque no sigue tus instrucciones, todavía tiene fe en ti y en Srila Prabhupada!!

Quizás esté buscando su identidad en la sociedad, supongo.

Su historia, podría decir, es una mezcla entre la historia de Ajamila en el canto 6 de SB, y Kālā Kṛṣṇadāsa con los Bhaṭṭathāris, de CC. Madhya-lila.

¡Nos dimos cuenta de que, aunque somos unos tontos ocupados, podemos seguir los estándares de FMS y FES! Y ahí está la fuerza.

¡¡Hoy vimos algunos videos suyos en ISKCON Houston!! Nos sentimos muy felices viéndolos saborear los Santos Nombres. ¡¡Estamos luchando por seguir sus pasos!!

Gracias Gurudev,

Colgando de sus pies de loto,

Nikunja Bihari das.

Seguimos esforzandonos

1 year, 1 month ago by manjari.devi.dasi. in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Todas las glorias a sus pies

Mis más humildes y respetuosas reverencias

Muchas gracias por su respuesta en la anterior carta, me hubiera gustado responder antes, pero estuve esperando respuesta de las autoridades, lamentablemente no tuve respuesta.

Desafortunadamente la relación con la autoridad del templo que yo tengo es por medio de mensajes, el presidente del templo los ve, pero no responde y físicamente es complicado de encontrar.

Por lo que solo nos queda recordar la última respuesta del devoto en donde al respecto de la carta de recomendación si todo va bien considera poderme recomendar en un año o bueno ya son como 10 meses y medio. Por lo que yo comprendí fue porque no estaba haciendo Mangalarti de manera frecuente en casa si no desde hace unos meses desde que recibí sus indicaciones.

HpS - Thank you! We received letter from your conjugal friend, no? We suggested that he help you with these bureaucratic formalities. They are formalities but not without meaning. ISKCON as an institution is like the Pandava army!

Respecto a eso nos esforzamos en casa, mi familia me ha apoyado a cumplir sus indicaciones.

Por mi parte sigo con mis principios, seguimos ofreciendo mínimo 16 buenas rondas, estudiando las escrituras y realizando servicio de guirnaldas para Sus Señorías.

Con respecto también a la última conversación que tuvimos el devoto ya escribió en el blog y se presentó.

Muchísimas gracias por seguirme leyendo, del mismo modo agradecemos las herramientas que nos brinda por seguir en contacto.

Mis más humildes reverencias.

Esperamos pronto poder leer un Libro Diario De Composicion.

HpS - Thank you. If you have 4-principles strictly, regular temple program in the morning at home, japa, for six months, then seems you are ready for initiation. Of course, we very, very, very, much respect Temple President, senior devotees in Mexico opinions of things. Srila Prabhupada did not formally take initiation for years after he met Srila Bh. Siddhanta, yet he NEVER gave up on the process and idea.

You will become an initiated disciple of Srila Prabhupada in Parampara if you are determined!

Send us an email and whatsapp address that includes your father et al for Monkey to send a copy of his Diary of a Traveling Creature. We won't post it.

Thank you!!!

Preach like Visnu priya Devi!

Seeking More and More Blessings

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to you Guru Maharaj. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Guru Maharaj, we are just starting our journey of spiritual life. And we need to learn many things from you to perfect our spiritual journey.

HpS/ASA - AgtSP. Paoho and Bw.

We are just trying to be one handle on the cup of Vedic wisdom and nectar, that Srila Prabhupada is offering to us from his BBT, ISKCON et al. Please, get many Siksa gurus in ISKCON, 1st, 2nd and 3rd class. Learn to take nectar even from poison.

Whenever I hear or read something related with your early departure from this material world, we are very sad and tears fill our eyes. Thinking for your disciples, please live little longer and please don’t plan to depart soon. We are begging this from you Guru Maharaj.

HpS - and the following verses give illuminating dialog. We feel that Narada Muni may even be chiding Yuddhisthira for wanting to be the protector of Dhrtsrastra and Gandhari.

Bharata Maharaja decided to be the protector of a little deer. 🙂

Was he saying, "You are worried about being the Protector of your old aunt and uncle, but come to your senses! You yourself are being stalked by the Tiger of Nescience".

So, who is going to die first?

You or me? 🙂 👍

We can die today. Even now we have chest pains coming at 5.48PM, sky all dark. So, you, me, everyone, let us make some practical plan for death. Learning how to always be in contact.


For your good health, we, few devotees of Silchar, Assam are chanting extra rounds everyday, regularly.

We also are offering extra Dip Dān for you to Sri Gopal Devji everyday. And we are planning to offer 108 tulasi leaves at the lotus feet of Lord Narasimhadeva on every Sunday, starting from the coming Sunday for your good health and long life. Please be merciful on us and live some more years Guru Maharaj.

HpS - Join us on the trip, 🚋 🙂, or stay a little while longer to preach, then we can meet in Nabadvip when Nimai is playing there with Gadadhara, Damodara et al, no?

Following your instructions, I have started reading (online) Krishna book along with many disciples of yours. I have created a Facebook account and started using Kapi Dhvaja. I have met many new godbrothers and godsisters through this Facebook group, and because of their association I am getting prior information of your Classes and I am regularly attending it.

I have requested many of my godbrothers and godsisters, who are known to me and who were not in connection with you for a long time, to listen your classes and read the Blog; and they are now doing it regularly.

Recently, there was one Teachers’ Training Program for around 90 teachers of the schools in Cachar district of Assam. I was part of that and did Kirtan (by humbly begging your blessings in my mind) in that program, everyone was enjoying the Kirtan. Many of them are muslims and christians.


There is a tradition called [?] Dikker, which is just like our ISKCON Temple Kirtans, but could not find the link. With this knowledge it becomes easier to inspire Islamic devotees to engage in the Yuga dharma.

Also, Christans to Christmas Caroling and Jews have even reawakened "Jewish Kirtan" after some young Jews joined ISKCON and then returned to their roots, finding Kirtan was a part of Jewish tradition!

I also did some book distribution in that program. Guru Maharaj, please bless me so that I may be able to correctly understand your language, pronunciation and follow your instructions properly.

Guru Maharaj, my mother Padamashri Devi Dasi (one of your disciples and a familial relative of Haridas Maharaj) is also offering her humble obeisances at your lotus feet. She is 72 years old now and terminally ill. Please kindly bless her so that she goes back home back to Godhead when she leaves her body.

HpS - Please send her picture!!! Tell her to preach all about the realizations she is having in old age!

Guru Maharaj, please give me instructions on how can I get advancement in spiritual life and how can I please you. I am a village girl and we are not so smart. But still, I have intense love for you and desire to strictly follow your instructions, Guru Maharaj. Please guide me so that I may attain love of Godhead in this lifetime. 


Your humble servant

Manjuali Devi Dasi

Kaptanpur, Chandam Leikai, Silchar, Cachar, Assam, India

Guru Maharaj, I am attaching herewith some pictures of me, my sisters and mother. They are all your disciples.


HpS - Aaah! We all shall look at them. Hope they are labeled.

All we can say is that you are on the right path and now you just have to learn how to move faster toward the mystical land of Nabadvipa!!!! Hari bolo! Hari bolo! Respects to The Hari das Swami et al!!

Divya svarupa Das in Radha Kunda!!!

actividades último semestre 2023

1 year, 1 month ago by laskmiradhadd in Personal Sadhana Reports

Querido Gurudev, acepte mis humildes y respetuosas reverencias. Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada. Desde el mes de agosto quería escribirle, el semestre se pasa muy rápido sobre todo cuando hay mucho seva en el día a día.

Gracias por cambiar mi visión en esta vida, antes de conocerlo el día de mi cumpleaños era un día muy triste para mi corazón. En esta oportunidad hice una torta de verano, solo de frutas, cuando lo conocí usted me dijo que ese día tenia que preparar Krsna prasadam para compartir con mis seres queridos, nunca mas senti tristeza, y me di cuenta de que siempre he sido feliz pudiendo servir a los demás

Hay tantos servicios que deseo aprender Gurudev. Por ahora estoy ayudando una vez al mes a hacer las guirnaldas de Krsna Balarama en el Templo de Alachua y voy también una vez al mes a preparar el desayuno para Sus Señorías. Es tan inspirador ver en la mañana al equipo de gopis alistando a Sus Señorías en el altar, realmente esto es una pequeña visión del mundo espiritual que me permite ir aprendiendo día a día.

Con Syam participamos en 12 hours de Kirtan en GNV y nos dimos cuenta de que tenemos que aprender a tocar mrdanga, kartalas y armonio, en el semestre de verano de KL (Krsna Lunch) cuando baja la cantidad de servicio junto a sus bendiciones lo haremos. Estamos en temporada alta en estos momentos y eso significa que no solo tenemos un servicio, sino tres, por lo que el día se nos hace muy corto, sin embargo, el corazón crece más y más junto a nuestra alegría de ofrecer nuestras actividades a Srila Prabhupada y a usted. Es muy reconfortante ver su foto en el cuarto del Pujari.

Para Govardhana hicimos dulces, decoramos la Vyasasana de Prabhupada y también hacemos la puja para Sus Señorías de Sri Sri Gaura Nitay en mangala arati y Guru Puja que son extáticos junto al canto amoroso de sus devotos.

Las devotas mayores de Alachua discípulas de Srila Prabhupada son muy inspiradoras, son austeras, recatadas, determinadas, exigentes y a la vez muy misericordiosas, unas sabias maestras de quien aprender todo el tiempo en el servicio devocional. Somos muy afortunados realmente de estar aquí.

Para Radhastami pudimos ayudar para la ofrenda de la tarde, hicimos dos tortas y un surtido de dulces para Radha Syamasundara.

Seguimos haciendo el curso de BS con P. Laksmana Vigraha quien nos inspira mucho en el estudio de los sastras. Ya estamos en la cuenta regresiva.

Tuvimos la trascendental presencia de Krsna Ksetra en Krsna House hace unos días su presencia llenó la atmosfera de fuerza espiritual, ha sido todo muy hermoso Gurudev.

Estamos leyendo un libro de Mahatma Das muy inspirador de crecimiento personal, me dijeron que no era para devotos, pero creo que libros de superación personal siempre deben estar en nuestra mesa de noche para poder servir mejor y tener una mejor conciencia, sobre todo cuando hay cambios tan grande de vida, tanto de país, de asram, de comunidad, etc, etc….no es fácil están en una cultura tan diferente haciendo vida espiritual.

Por favor envíenos siempre su misericordia Gurudev que es el aire vital para poder sostener esta existencia material.

Sus eternos sirvientes Syam Krsna Gopal Das y LaksmiRadha DD


Dear Gurudev, please accept my humble and respectful obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Since the month of August I wanted to write to you,

the semester goes by very quickly especially when there is a lot of seva in everyday life.

Thank you for changing my vision in this life,

before I met you, my birthday was a very sad day for my heart.

On this occasion I made a summer cake, only of fruits,

when I met you you told me that that day I had to prepare Krsna prasadam to share with my loved ones,

I never felt sadness again,

and I realized that I have always been happy being able to serve others.

HpS/ASA - AgtSP! 😢

There are so many services that I want to learn Gurudev.

For now I am helping once a month to make the garlands for Krsna Balarama in the Alachua Temple

and I also go once a month to prepare breakfast for His Lordships.

It is so inspiring to see in the morning the team of gopis getting Their Lordships ready at the altar,

this really is a small vision of the spiritual world that allows me to learn day by day.

With Syam we participated in 12 hours of Kirtan at GNV and we realized that we have to learn to play mrdanga, kartalas and harmonium,

ASA - Although clapping hands is really good too!!! In Manipur it is a really developed art.

In the summer semester of KL (Krsna Lunch), when the amount of service drops, along with his blessings we will do it.

We are in high season right now and that means that we not only have one service, but three,

so the day seems very short, however, the heart grows more and more along with our joy of offering our activities to Srila Prabhupada and you.

It is very comforting to see the photo of him in the Pujari's room.

For Govardhana

  • we made sweets,
  • decorated Prabhupada's Vyasasana
  • and also did the puja for Their Lordships of Sri Sri Gaura Nitay in mangala arati
  • and Guru Puja which are ecstatic along with the loving chanting of the devotees of Him.

The senior devotees of Alachua, disciples of Srila Prabhupada, are very inspiring, they are austere, modest, determined, demanding and at the same time very merciful, wise teachers from whom to learn all the time in devotional service. We are really lucky to be here.

ASA - Amazing! Amazing! Amazing! Srila Prabhupada has turned his dancing while elephants into dancing Angels!!

window on a little glimpse of the rasa lila?

For Radhastami

we were able to

help with the





two cakes

and an assortment

of sweets for Radha Syamasundara 🍰 🍰 🍰

We continue doing the BS course with P. Laksmana Vigraha (agra ja = "born before laksmana" = rama!) who inspires us a lot in the study of sastras. We are already in the countdown.

We had the transcendental presence of Krsna Ksetra in Krsna House a few days ago, his presence filled the atmosphere with spiritual force, everything has been very beautiful Gurudev.

. . . We are reading a very inspiring book by Mahatma Das on personal growth, I was told that it was not for devotees, but I believe that books on personal improvement should always be on our nightstand to be able to serve better and have a better conscience, especially when there is such great changes in life, both in the country, in the asram, in the community, etc., etc….it is not easy to be in such a different culture living a spiritual life.

Please always send us your mercy Gurudev which is the vital air to sustain this material existence.

His eternal servants Syam Krsna Gopal Das and LaksmiRadha DD

HpS - Thank you. It is just complete dark now in Houston. 5.46PM. We are having pretty robust chest pains.

There is no doubt that this Car can be finished at any moment.

That is good.

It may be like getting in the Top Gun airplane with Krsna as the Chariot Driver!!!

Set priorities.

There are an unlimited number of offerings and we cannot do all of them.

Eg. Yasoda and the Boiling Milk!

Thank you.

Meet the students?

Help them advance?


1 year, 1 month ago by chay0395 in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada.

Todas las glorias a usted.

En respuesta con la carta que mando Manjari Devidasi.

Yo Chaitanya Nitai Martínez Topete, hijo de Valmiki Das (Discípulo de Paramadvaiti Swami) el cual hace algunos años fue presidente del templo en vrinda CDMX y Jana Priya (Discípula de Guru Prasad Swami).

Tengo 23 años, nací el 3 de junio del 2000, en CDMX.

Actualmente realizo servicio en el restaurante Govindas y apoyo a Manjari en su servicio de guirnaldas además de realizar la limpieza del templo. A lo largo de mi vida he observado los principios regulativos vaishnavas y durante mi crecimiento siempre tuve cercanía a conciencia de Krshna por medio de mis padres. En particular de parte de mi padre quien ha practicado el servicio devocional de manera más constante.

Actualmente mantengo una relación afectiva formal con Manjari, ya conocí a sus padres y ella a mi madre.


All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.

All glories to you.

In response to the letter sent by Manjari Devidasi.

I am Chaitanya Nitai Martínez Topete, son of Valmiki Das (Disciple of Paramadvaiti Swami) who a few years ago was president of the temple in vrinda CDMX and Jana Priya (Disciple of Guru Prasad Swami).

I am 23 years old, I was born on June 3, 2000, in CDMX.

I currently perform service at Govindas restaurant and supports Manjari in her garland service as well as cleaning the temple. Throughout my life I have observed Vaishnava regulative principles and during my growth I was always close to Krishna consciousness through my parents. Particularly from my father who has practiced devotional service more consistently.

HpS/ASA - 😮 So fortunate!! So inspiring of hope for a better world! Maybe you become Mayor or Mexico City???? ! Shoot for the rhinocerous. Thank you!

I currently have a formal emotional relationship with Manjari, I have already met her parents and she has met my mother.


Very nice. Seems you are both very fortunate. Please help her work out the details of Hari nama Diksa! Please.