Sankirtan Updates

1 year, 1 month ago by shatakshi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Maharaj,


Maharaj for the past 15 days I’ve been working to submit university applications for graduate studies. Thanks to help from your esteemed self, Prof. Dr. Bandyopadhyay, Aja Govinda and my father.

My goals until then: 1) Hanuman Film with Yogi, 2) complete Odissi workbook for my students, 3) complete Kalaripayattu Martial Arts training and workbook, 4) complete making online Odissi curriculum and choreographies and video lectures, 4) build separate courses for Kalaripayattu and yoga, 5) bring in more teachers to create various courses and curriculums for online university and eventual accreditation together with Aja Govinda and my father.

HpS/ASA - Seems like a lot! Very nice. What is your general strategy for these five projects? How do you see them fitting into helping Lord Caitanya with His mission? Nabadvipa and Boston?

Personal Sadhana: chanting 16 rounds before breakfast, reading SB regularly. Trying to hear your lectures on iskcondesiretree regularly.

ASA - Got cohorts? 🐵




your aspiring servant,

Subhadra Mayi DD

ASA - Do you have some people who inspire you? Eg

Yadubara Das and Vishaka Devi Dasi????


1 year, 1 month ago by pnd in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna, Dear Gurumaharaja

Please accept my hubmle obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Writing after very long time.

HpS / ASA - Not so long. Ag ag tSP! Paoho. So nice to hear from you.

I am very happy to share that my Mangala Arati attendence is by your's and Krishna's mercy finally perfect. Sometimes there are only 2 of us, pujari and me. Sometimes we are 4. For long long time I was part of the problem by my bad sadhana, but I pray I will be able to continue as good example. So now just to keep it fixed and to improve consciousness.

HpS - Param drstvam nivartante[?]. When we see the natural, happy result of good Mangala arati then we keep it fixed.

Learn the word by word meaning of the song.

Get some rounds done before Mangala arti! ... See Radha and Krsna listening to you all! . . .

Our son, Balarama, is energetic and cute child. Bringing us both happiness and distress :)

He loves to offer lamps with us for Damodara.

My wife is working on design for puppets for another devotee who will make Ramayana puppet plays for nursery schools.

My wife likes to do things like this.

Working on new version.

Last few days I struggled somehow with user authentication system and trying find way of connecting it with current data.

It makes me insane, but I hope I am very close to make it working nicely.

Once that is done, I can quickly finish other stuff and make online beta version. Then when it will be consider stable it will replace current 

After new version will be running I can finally finish offline Vedabase app. It became more urgent due to attitude of Indian BBT toward all other projects, causing one devotee who made offline reader few years ago to delete it.

As I mentioned last time we spoke Indian BBT is trying to remove Online Vedabase too, but by Prabhupada's protection we will not give up and instead increase preaching even on more.

Your servant Prahlad Nrsimha das

HpS - Thank you so, so, much for this facility. We certainly feel that online is an essential Sankirtan tool for so, so, many devotees. It allows us to quickly access texts for Sankirtan and share precise citations.

Maybe BBT India and others will be more enlivened if they see orders for hard copies of books coming in through online VedaBase?!!

Maybe you can offer then space to develop their advertisements.

General Daily Sadhana Activities

1 year, 1 month ago by balabhadra dasa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna, Maharaja, please kindly accept my most humble obeisances;

ASA - 🐵 . . 🐒🐒 Paoho.... !

all glories to Srila Prabhupada;

ASA - ❗❗

all glories to your good self for your wonderful service to Prabhupada and Sri Krishna. After having read your response to my last letter, I gave some thought to your advice to come down to Houston for a short retreat. I have reservations for a flight to Houston to visit you during your Vyasapuja celebration, but out of a sense of trepidation I have purchased it with the option of being able to cancel it.

I can't explain the reason(s). It's like I am afraid of feeling unwelcomed all over again; afraid of feeling left out of the ecstacy that should be there when celebrating Vyasapuja.

HpS/ASA - Hmmm. For us it is a chance to glorify Vyasadeva and the Parampara: Krsna,


Lord Caitanya,

Six Goswamis,

Narottama Das Thakura,

Gaudiya Vaisnavas,

Srila Prabhupada Bhaktisiddhanta,

Srila Prabhupada, A. C. Bhaktivedanta!,


Me and You,

Our disciples = Whoever is following our discipline in following Srila Prabhupada's discipline.

In 'NoI' we always remember SP saying that devotional service is not a matter of imaginative ecstasy nor sentimental speculation, rather practical activity in the forefront of spiritual life.



Please come and join, lead, us in the work!!


My wife and I are still dealing with some fallout. Not a day goes by when I am not dwelling on what happened. Still, we are managing to stay connected with those devotees whom we still have friendship: few though they may be.

My sadhana has taken a big hit. I have not been able to rise early in the morning like I used to due to despondency.

ASA/HpS - We Remember Srila Prabhupada Saying (WRSPS) that Maya's big weapon at the time of death is depression, despondency. I remember Vaisesika Das say, citing, "Don't become a vicitim". Introspection: Did I do something wrong to deserve some chastisement???

a) if I did, then there is not mistake we can make that we cannot correct (Sri Rama to Laksmana).

b) if I did not, then it is a mistake by the chastiser, material world, and I will try to help them, with KRSNA's help. I am not the target. they are chastising something about me that stimulates, fear/anger in them. etc. 🌴

These days I am up by 6AM, if I am lucky; and that means my Mangala Arotika is not until 6:30. Daily readings from Srimad Bhagavatam is not so daily, but I try to keep up my attendance in the Bhagavatam classes from Hawaii.

My japa is splayed out throughout the day, thanks in part to my work as a driver for Uber; but still I am chanting every day and observing the four regs.

ASA - Wars are not won by intact soldiers who never take a wound, nor never fall down. They are won by wounded soldiers who show the world how to get back up again and go back into the fight against The Evil One and His Companions, with a wounded body! 🌴

I just concluded my observance of Damodara prayers, and returned the Murti of Yashoda Damodara to Their place on the bookshelf next to Lord Nrishinghadeva and Sita Rama, Lakshmana and Hanuman murties.

I don't wish to sound like I am overstepping my low level of puny realizations, but this year, as with previous years, when I have chanted the last round of Damodara prayers, when I have lit the last candle for offering, and returned Yashoda Damodara to Their place on the bookshelf, there is a sadness that is felt: as if I am saying goodbye until next year, although I see Them every single day.

I would be lost without Deity worship in our home.

I guess I am very attached to the very process ofDeity worship here: even if for no other reason than I would be completely scared and lost without it.

I still have online Bhagavad gita classes on Tuesdays, and I try to attend online Bhagavad gita classes from Hawaii every Wednesday and Friday evenings.

I perform evening arotika nightly, which is only a Dhupa Arotika.

It's not so easy because of my days of driving around for Uber, but still I do it because it is my protection.

I have been distributing books to passengers and preaching, when the occasion allows it.

Some passengers are really grateful, as they are needing to hear something that gives them hope and direction in life.

Most are just curious and open minded, but into doing their own thing.

My preaching through IPM devotional correspondence with inmates continues, but it is not so easy.

I don't always have the stamina to take time out to write to them, since writing is not a skill that I am blessed with.

ASA - 🐷 🐵 📿

Same for us! Thank you!

Still, it is an opportunity to preach, and I need all the opportunities I can get; so I read their letters, and try to make time to preach to them in my replies to their letters.

I will close here, hoping to get your blessings and association soon. Please kindly forgive me for being such a weak and nonsensical devotee: Hare Krishna.

Your lowly servant,

Sriman Balabhadra dasa

HpS - ASA - Jaya Balabhadra! Jaya Balabhadra Das!!! Hope to see you soon! Hear from Srinivasa Das that you are talking with him about accomodations.

Problems with the family, problems with the community, church, government, enviroment. 'kalu dose nidhe rajan...'

Bead bag, visions and Boise temple update

Hare Krishna Gurudeva, please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Thank you for your response to my letter. It has inspired a lot of discussion. Planning to talk more with Radhika Ramana Prabhu and Anantarupa Prabhu about ISKCON of Boise and The Hare Krsna Temple corporation in a few days when Radhika Ramana Prabhu is here in Boise. Anadi (TP) has many questions and thoughts on the matter. I’m just a simpleton when it comes to this stuff.

The cultural conquest in Boise Idaho is on its way though. Fixing our selves with the morning program and simply just refusing to give up and always putting:

 "Vaisnava relationships above managerial relationships." This is our challenge.

We also have a strong selfish desire just to have more like minded association, more locals, more life at our temple. I have had visions of devotees practicing mrdanga off in the distance, devotees working on art projects outside, gardeners and lively, radical morning and evening programs.

“No matter how isolated you are and how lonely you feel, if you do your work truly and conscientiously, unknown friends will come and seek you.” -Carl Jung

We had a very cool young bramachari visit recently named Brhat-Mrdanga Prabhu. He’s a disciple of Kalakantha Prabhu and he is one of the leading members in establishing Krishna Houses through out North America. I got alot of his association and we had a very nice meeting with him and Anatarupa Prabhu about having a Krishna House program here in Boise. We have a long way to go but the relationship with him has really developed and he will be visiting Boise regularly and is a great resource, well wisher and friend.

For now I am just working on getting trained to take over Kamalananda Prabhu’s maintenance position at the temple in January. Big big shoes to fill.

Thank you for telling me that Prabhupada considered Saint Francis to be a Bhakta. So amazing. We are so inspired by reading about his life and watching “Brother Sun Sister Moon” movie. Do you think he is more of an avadhuta?

HpS - Thank you. Other devotees also commenting about Boise. One very powerful comment was along the lines of what they taught us in the first year of Engineering curriculum, "If is works, don't fix it". 😃

Of course, enthusiasm is more important than patience, but without patience it all becomes passion! 👻

Seems St. Francis was more on Lord Nityananda's side than Advaita's.

Now is 5PM.

One more letter and go for a walk to Nila-Madhava Temple?

your aspiring servant,

Nitisara das

P.S. I would love to work with Jaga-guru Prabhu and help serve his vision in any way if it makes sense. I think there is great potential for the DTC films to be played in independent theaters and small film festivals here. From my own experience in the music world..I may have some zeros that could be utilized.

Thank you Gurudeva!

ASA - We will forward a link to this post to him.

Max's song

Dear Guru Maharaja, TgaSSGN . TGASP.

I hope you are well. I feel that you are very well. And said feeling waters this heart with freshness. Surprisingly, sadness invades us due to the supposed planned separation.

All glories to you.

HpS - Agt you. We consider you one of our mentors in life. Thank you.

We continue breathing and remembering at intervals that the oxygenation of our blood is not worth it if the air that enters the lungs is not impregnated with the transcendental vibration of the holy Names.


Thanks to Krishna and the great Vaisnavas we have managed to notice the busy loneliness of this world. And that the human body has the blessed potential to become like the dagger that can definitively put an end to the dark desire to enjoy envy, or, on the contrary, take us to the darkest regions of creation.

The +1728 /4 are loaded with freshness and enthusiasm. And despite the deficiencies typical of a fallen soul like this... we see progress, and we cannot help but feel infinitely grateful to SP for his incomparable contribution to humanity. We humbly try to cooperate with our grain of sand.

asa - 🐷🐒 🌴🌴


“It is sometimes said that by meditating, one will understand that God is always sitting within the heart, even when one does not know it.” (Practicing yoga in the era of quarrels “The science of self-realization by SP)

And at the end of the paragraph, SP continues instructing us…

“He is present not only in everyone's heart, but also within the atoms. No place is vacant; “no place exists without the presence of the Lord.”

Does it mean then… that by obtaining the mercy of the pure devotee of Krishna, we simultaneously obtain permission from the Lord to see Him everywhere? Without a doubt ¡yes…¡ TgSP

(No wonder then that someone as fortunate as HPS is seeing all the vast Vedic knowledge in one invisible inkblot.) pamho

ASA - "One must promote himself to the platform of goodness, sattva-guṇa, by following the instructions of Rūpa Gosvāmī, and then everything concerning how to make further progress will be revealed.",

Basically at second initiation we can start taking our intuition seriously, no? Of course, we confirm it with Guru, Sadhu and Sastra!!


…Once: Max, who at that time was helping in the demolition of a dome, said that he had opened the Bhagavad Gita (as it is) only with the intention of reading something… and that by “chance” the book opened in the Chapter 8 text 17 –

“According to human calculations, the sum of a thousand eras constitutes the duration of one day of Brahma. And that is also the length of your night.”

After Max read the text and the meaning. He wrote in his intimate diary...

                                                                                    MAX SONG

The top bricks fell first

It will now be possible to undo the plot that surrounds the pinnacle more easily.

SP-The duration of the material universe is limited. This duration is manifested in cycles of kalpas. A kalpa is a day of Brahmā, and a day of Brahmā consists of a thousand cycles of four yugas, or eras: Satya, Tretā, Dvāpara and Kali.-

Just as the shell of an egg loses its epitome when one of its nimbus is pierced.

The resistance that characterizes the self-supporting shape of the domes or half-point.

It gets weak.

SP-The Satya cycle is characterized by virtue, wisdom and religion, with practically no ignorance or vice existing in it, and the yuga lasts 1,728,000 years. In the Tretā-yuga vice is introduced, and this yuga lasts 1,296,000 years. In the Dvāpara-yuga there is a still greater decline of virtue and religion, with vice on the rise, and this yuga lasts 864,000 years. And finally, in the Kali-yuga (the yuga in which we have been living for the last 5,000 years), there is an abundance of strife, ignorance, irreligion and vice, with true virtue practically non-existent, and this yuga lasts 432,000 years . -

Inside the dome there was a minimum percentage of humidity…

When the remaining segments of masonry began to collapse

A cloud of dust blended beautifully with the Sun's rays.

At the same time the insects on the ground moved in a daze.

SP-In the Kali-yuga the vice increases to such an extent that at the end of the yuga the Supreme Lord Himself appears as the Kalki avatara, destroys the demons, saves His devotees and begins another Satya-yuga.

After a moment... the top of the dome completely collapsed

The unique thunderous sound after the collapse

The vibration of the ground and wind…

He provided the irreproachable vision of the cosmic manifestation, devastating us in a flash.

SP- Then the process starts again

SP-According to earthly calculations, those "hundred years" amount to a total of 311,040,000,000,000 earth years. According to these calculations, Brahmā's life seems fantastic and endless, but from the point of view of eternity it is as fleeting as lightning.

-At that moment Max thought.

When I contemplate this scene I understand that my body…

Just like other bodies formed by various combinations of elements

It will completely lose its shape and appearance.

I notice exactly what is now in front of me...

 SP- In the Causal Ocean there are countless Brahmās that arise and disappear like bubbles in the Atlantic. Brahmā and his creation are all part of the material universe and are therefore in constant flux.- 

                                                                     A PILE OF RUBBLE

The cells that make up the epidermis of this body are shed second by second.

How dry leaves fall off trees during autumn

And, transported by the wind along with the dust of the Earth... they come to an end.

This dome has already been dismantled.

SP- “However, Brahma is directly engaged in the service of the Supreme Lord in the administration of this universe, and, consequently, he immediately attains liberation.”


Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare - Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare


Thank you very much Maharaja. Please accept my humble obeisances at your feet

We anxiously wait to see him in our dreams.

ENC das

HpS/ASA - Who is your translator?

16/4 done grossly is knocking the outer covering off the shell?

Querido Maharaja, TgaSSGN . TGASP.

Espero que te encuentres bien. Siento que tú estás muy bien. Y dicho sentir riega de frescura a este corazón.

Sorpresivamente nos invade el quebranto por la supuesta separación prevista.

Todas las glorias a ti.

Continuamos respirando y recordando a intervalos que la oxigenación de nuestra sangre no vale la pena si en caso el aire que ingresa a los pulmones no se halla impregnado con la vibración trascendental de los santos Nombres.


Gracias a Krisna y a los grandes vaisnavas hemos logrado advertir la soledad tan concurrida de este mundo. Y que el cuerpo humano cuenta con el potencial bendito de volverse como el puñal que puede acabar definitivamente con el oscuro deseo de disfrutar la envidia, o bien, por el contrario, llevarnos a las regiones más tenebrosas de la creación.


 Las +1728 /4 se cargan con frescura y entusiasmo. Y pese a las deficiencias propias de un alma caída como esta… vemos progreso, y no pudiendo menos que sentirnos infinitamente agradecidos con SP por su incomparable aporte a la humanidad. Intentamos cooperar humildemente con nuestro granito de arena.


“A veces se dice que, al meditar, uno entenderá que Dios está siempre sentado dentro del corazón, incluso cuando no lo sabe”. (Practicando yoga en la era de riña “La ciencia de la auto realización por SP)

 Y al final del párrafo, SP continúa instruyéndonos…

“Él está presente no solo en el corazón de todos, sino también dentro de los átomos. Ningún lugar está vacante; ningún lugar existe sin la presencia del Señor”.

  ¿Quiere decir entonces… que, obteniendo la misericordia del devoto puro de Krisna, obtenemos simultáneamente el permiso por parte del Señor para poder verlo a Él en todas partes? Sin duda que si¡¡ … TgSP

(No nos resulta sorprendente entonces que alguien tan afortunado como HPS esté viendo todo el extenso conocimiento védico en una invisible mancha de tinta.)


…Una vez: Max, que por aquel entonces ayudaba en la demolición de un domo, contó que había abierto la Bhagavad Gita (tal como es) solamente con la intención de leer algo… y que por “casualidad” el libro se abrió en el Capítulo 8 texto 17 –

 “En función de los cálculos humanos, el conjunto de mil eras constituye la duración de un día de Brahma. Y esa es también la duración de su noche”.

Luego de que Max leyera el texto y el significado. Escribió en su diario íntimo…

                                               CANCIÓN DE MAX

Los ladrillos de la parte superior cayeron primero

Será posible ahora deshacer la trama que ciñe al pináculo con mayor facilidad.

SP-La duración del universo material es limitada. Esa duración se manifiesta en ciclos de kalpas. Un kalpa es un día de Brahmā, y un día de Brahmā consta de mil ciclos de cuatro yugas, o eras: Satya, Tretā, Dvāpara y Kali.-

Al igual que la cascara de un huevo pierde su epítome al perforarse uno de sus nimbos

La resistencia que caracteriza la forma auto portante de los domos o medio punto.

Se debilita.

SP-El ciclo de Satya se caracteriza por la virtud, la sabiduría y la religión, sin que en él prácticamente exista la ignorancia y el vicio, y el yuga dura 1.728.000 años. En el Tretā-yuga se introduce el vicio, y este yuga dura 1.296.000 años. En el Dvāpara-yuga hay una declinación aún mayor de la virtud y la religión, con el vicio en aumento, y este yuga dura 864.000 años. Y, finalmente, en el Kali-yuga (el yuga en el que hemos estado viviendo durante los últimos 5.000 años), hay una abundancia de contienda, ignorancia, irreligión y vicio, con la virtud verdadera prácticamente inexistente, y este yuga dura 432.000 años. -

En el interior del domo había un mínimo porcentaje de humedad…

Cuando los restantes segmentos de mampostería comenzaron a desplomarse

Una nube de polvo se amalgamó bellamente con los rayos del Sol.

      Al tiempo en que los insectos en el suelo se movían aturdidos.

SP-En el Kali-yuga el vicio aumenta hasta tal punto, que al terminar el yuga el propio Señor Supremo aparece como el avatāra Kalki, destruye a los demonios, salva a Sus devotos y comienza otro Satya-yuga-

Seguido un instante… se precipitó por completo la parte superior de la cúpula

El singular sonido estruendoso tras el derrumbe

La vibración del suelo y ventolina …

Aportó la visión irreprochable de la manifestación cósmica devastándonos en un santiamén.

SP- Luego, el proceso se pone en marcha de nuevo

SP-Según los cálculos terrenales, esos «cien años» ascienden a un total de 311. de años terrestres. De acuerdo con esos cálculos, la vida de Brahmā parece fantástica e interminable, pero desde el punto de vista de la eternidad es tan fugaz como la luz del relámpago.

-En ese momento Max pensó…

Al contemplar esta escena entiendo que mi cuerpo…

 Tal como los demás cuerpos formados por diversas combinaciones de elementos

  perderá por completo su conformación y su apariencia.

Advierto exactamente lo que hay ahora frente a mí…

SP- En el océano Causal hay infinidad de Brahmās que surgen y desaparecen como las burbujas en el Atlántico. Brahmā y su creación son todos parte del universo material y, por consiguiente, están en flujo constante.-

                                                      UN CÚMULO DE ESCOMBROS

  Las células que conforman la epidermis de este cuerpo se desprenden segundo a segundo.

Como las hojas secas se desprenden de los árboles durante el otoño

Y que, transportadas por el viento junto con el polvo de la Tierra… llegan a su fin.



                                      Ya se ha desmantelado este domo.


SP- “Sin embargo, Brahma está dedicado directamente al servicio del Señor Supremo en la administración de este universo, y, en consecuencia, logra de inmediato la liberación.”



Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare - Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare


Muchas gracias Maharaja. Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias a sus pies

 Esperamos con ansiedad verlo en nuestros sueños.

ENC das

Trying to summarize my life

1 year, 1 month ago by rohini in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna, Gurudeva,

My respected Gurudeva, please accept my most humble and respectful obeisances.

All glory to Srila Prabhupada!

I always wish you the best for your health.

Om namo Bhagavate Narasimhaya!

HpS/ASA - Thank you, agtSP, for your regular association in the FMS online! Please help us improve it...

Special Priority

for Blog Posts

for Regular FMS associates!

Our "health" is a challenge.

"This body does not get diseases, this body is a disease", WRSPS.

 We need to end this body, but we need to use it to extract ourselves from it at the same time, no?

Yes, my dear Gurudeva, I think it can be my Sankirtan. I am trying to summarize my life of learning by seeing my existence in a broader context; then I allow myself to give greater meaning to my reflections. If I can finish it. I would like to give this report to You, to existence and to my Lord Krsna.

HpS/ASA - You might publish it in 'Solaris', the NIOS periodical. It needs a lot of help.


Now I have my attention on Swan Lake (story-ballet by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky), the beauty of its content, the music and its dance and the ease with which it can be adapted to different interpretations.


We have been paying $50/year to be Members of the Britannica.

Accepted by academics, no?

Wikepedia is like the plough and Britannica is like the needle?

We wonder how many homosexuals, lesbians, would be so much happier if there was full development of Brahmacari Ashrama and Polygamy in society?

Thus, I can see the search for the self. and the confusion that is experienced in the face of this fictitious envelope, well explained in the Bhagavad Gita As It Is by Srila Prabhupada in Chapter 2. How in the human person coexists, the good and the evil, outside and within himself, because everything that exists comes from GOD SB 4.8.3 and how that coexistence is a struggle to achieve the ‘YO’, integrating all the ‘yoes’ that fragment us. And return to Supreme God.


An elevation of consciousness with self-discipline, determination, patience… NOI 1-3. Guided by the love, the purity, the offering, THE DEVOTIONAL SERVICE.


In all ages great souls have given the message of the purpose of life in different ways. Yes, ART is mainly a good vehicle for the message, even if we are not artists, just by appreciating it we can learn. It is important to have a guide, for me you are my natural guide.

HpS/ASA - 🐷 ❗❗ AgtSP. We certainly try a little. Are your eternal servants!

My sadhana is improving every time, in depth. I am in the first draft, really every day it is created, I need to link, compare, harmonize, expand, the ideas that come to me.


What do you think of Gurudeva?

HpS - Thank you. Thank you. We made some humble comments above, no? We only hope to continue these dialogs more and more here.

We are very limited.

We should do one more Blog letter now and go for a walk to the Temple !!!

Thank you.

How is your family?


All glories to Srila Prabhupada! Thank you very much for your attention Gurudeva, your time and mercy.

Your disciple

Rohini dd.