Después de unos meses

1 year, 1 month ago by Gadai in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Hare Krsna, Guru Maharaja, por favor reciba mis humildes y respetuosas reverencias, sigo en la ciudad de Huancayo - Perú. Estoy haciendo algunos planes, espero que funcionen.

Quería pedirle que me perdone, pues hace unos 2 meses que no entro a los programas de Mangal artik (FMP), el motivo fue por que estuve trabajando con unas personas y terminaba muy cansado. Ahora ya no trabajo con esas personas. Felizmente!!!

Ahora en la actualidad estoy trabajando con un devoto editando libros y con otro devoto estoy haciendo cartas astrales Jyotish, algunas veces salgo a Sankirtan, pero son pocas veces. Estas actividades son más tranquilas para mí.

Mi madre, es una de las personas mas importantes para mí, es a través de ella que conocí los libros de Srila Prabhupada cuando yo tenia solo 8 años de edad, en la década de los 90 ella conoció a un devoto, el devoto le predicaba a mi madre, le daba libros, ella aceptaba la conciencia de Krsna, pero no se entrego a ser devota. Paso el tiempo y en el año 2003, cuando yo tenía 23 años decidí volverme devoto, mi madre vio que me había vuelto vegetariano y que cantaba el Maha Mantra Hare Krsna y ella inmediatamente decidió volverse vegetariana y también comenzó a cantar Maha Mantra, a los días le regale unas cuentas de japa, a veces cantaba una ronda, a veces 4. La lleve al templo en 3 o 4 ocasiones, fue para las fiestas principales. Por las actividades y responsabilidades que ella tenía no iba al templo, pienso que el avance que ella hizo en conciencia de Krsna es grandioso. Ahora en la actualidad hablo con ella por teléfono y mientras conversamos le hablo de Krsna y canta conmigo el Maha Mantra. Ella en la actualidad tiene Alzheimer, artrosis y también incontinencia urinaria (no es algo de mucha gravedad pero por la edad que tiene se le complica todo). Ella tiene 77 años. Este cuerpo material es una enfermedad. Trato de ser consciente y entender de que todos vamos a morir, de que en algún momento de mi vida, ella partirá. Siempre ella está en mis oraciones, también le ayudo económicamente, mi hermana y demás familiares están al pendiente de ella. Entonces seguimos aprendiendo en conciencia de Krsna, ¿Que tenemos que mejorar? ¿Que tenemos que pulir?.

Sigo cantando mis 16 rondas de Japa, Gayatris, sigo los 4 principios regulativos, el Mangal Artik lo estoy haciendo a las 5 am, voy retomar el horario de 4 y 30 am, estoy leyendo el Srimad-Bhagavatam, Canto 4 "La creación de la cuarta orden", Capitulo 16 "Los recitadores profesionales alaban al rey Prthu". Mi servicio sigue siendo en atender todos los días a la Giri Govardhana Sila y a las Salagrama Silas, y a Sri Sri Gaura Nitai.

En cuanto a mi salud, tengo algunos problemas visuales por mucha computadora (quizás tenga que usar lentes) y también tengo algunos problemas cardíacos, pero por lo pronto no son graves, tengo 44 años, no se si sera un buen momento para morirme, pero mientras siga en este cuerpo quisiera aprovecharlo en conciencia de Krsna, (Sankirtan).

Bueno Guru Maharaja me despido, que el Señor nrsimha siempre lo proteja, tratare de comunicarme más seguido, y nuevamente le pido que por favor me perdone si he cometido alguna ofensa. Hare Krsna 🙏


All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Hare Krsna, Guru Maharaja, please receive my humble and respectful obeisances, I am still in the city of Huancayo - Peru. I'm making some plans, I hope they work.

I wanted to ask you to forgive me, because I haven't entered the Mangal artik (FMP) programs for about 2 months, the reason was because I was working with some people and I ended up very tired.

Now I don't work with those people anymore. Happily!!!

Now at present I am working with a devotee editing books and with another devotee I am making Jyotish astrological charts, sometimes I go out for Sankirtan, but it is only rarely. These activities are calmer for me.

My mother is one of the most important people for me, it is through her that I learned about Srila Prabhupada's books when I was only 8 years old, in the 90s she met a devotee, the devotee preached to her. I gave my mother books, she accepted Krsna consciousness, but she did not surrender to being a devotee. Time passed and in the year 2003, when I was 23 years old I decided to become a devotee, my mother saw that I had become a vegetarian and that I was chanting the Hare Krsna Maha Mantra and she immediately decided to become a vegetarian and also started chanting the Maha Mantra, at which days I gave her some japa beads, sometimes I sang one round, sometimes 4. I took her to the temple on 3 or 4 occasions, it was for the main festivals. Because of the activities and responsibilities that she had, she did not go to the temple, I think that the advance she made in Krsna consciousness is great.

Nowadays I talk to her on the phone and while we talk I talk to her about Krsna and she chants the Maha Mantra with me. She currently has Alzheimer's, osteoarthritis and also urinary incontinence (it is not something very serious but due to her age it complicates everything).

She is 77 years old. This material body is a disease. I try to be aware and understand that we are all going to die, that at some point in my life, she will leave. She is always in my prayers, I also help her financially, my sister and other family members are looking out for her. So we continue learning in Krsna consciousness, what do we have to improve? What do we have to polish?

I continue chanting my 16 rounds of Japa, Gayatris, I follow the 4 regulative principles, I am doing the Mangal Artik at 5 am, I am going to resume the schedule of 4 and 30 am, I am reading the Srimad-Bhagavatam, Canto 4 "The creation of the fourth order", Chapter 16 "Professional reciters praise King Prthu." My service continues to be in attending every day to the Giri Govardhana Sila and the Salagrama Silas, and Sri Sri Gaura Nitai.

As for my health, I have some visual problems from a lot of computers (I may have to wear glasses) and I also have some heart problems, but for now they are not serious, I am 44 years old, I don't know if it would be a good time to die, but While I remain in this body I would like to take advantage of it in Krsna consciousness, (Sankirtan).

Well Guru Maharaja I say goodbye, may Lord nrsimha always protect you, I will try to communicate more often, and again I ask you to please forgive me if I have committed any offense. Hare Krishna

HpS - AgtSP! Thank you! We are almost 76 years old. One year younger than your mother!

News is very nice.

Srila Prabhupada offers that by hearing and applying the principles of the SB, we can all become preachers on the level of Narada Muni!

He says that by the mercy of the previous acharya and Lord Nitya ananda we can do more than the previous Acharya.

Don't be shocked if great opportunities and abilities some.

Yet, KRSNA has a plan for our service, no?

Big, small, it is the service we have during the next breath.

Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna.

Our respects to your Mother!!

Thank you.

More news as it develops!


1 year, 1 month ago by yasoda in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada 🙏 🌹

Hare Krishna, querido Gurumaharaja 🙏

Por favor acepte mis sinceras reverencias 🙏🧡

Gurumaharaja le tengo que contar algo casé con mi asociado pareja Govinda ("el chico de la foto") que hace unos años llegó desde Europa al Perú para hablar con mi papá y pedir permiso para casarnos y actualmente vivimos juntos en la preciosa finca Nueva Vrajamandala España....SIIIIIIIIIII 🥳 por la misericordia de Radharani todos los trámites fueron favorables y pudimos casarnos acá en España. Mi papá dió sus bendiciones mi mamá lo aceptó como un hijo y los padres de Govinda nos dieron bendiciones también 🙏🙏 recuerdo que usted me dijo que sigamos ese procedimiento: que tengamos a Krishna como centro de la relación y todo será auspicioso🙏💖

Así que para celebrar el matrimonio compramos la película que grabó usted en Perú y la vimos con otros devotos. La película es muy poética e instructiva. me emocionó mucho verlo a usted en el programa de la mañana por meeting, fue como ver "el detrás de cámaras" me pregunto y los títeres de sombras que hicimos con Nitya?

Que Srimati Radharani derrame sus bendiciones para usted y que el Señor Nrsimha lo cuide por siempre para que usted pueda estar bien y encontrar a Sita 💗

Su hija espiritual que lo espera con mucha emoción

Yasoda Devi Dasi


All Glories to Srila Prabhupada 🙏 🌹

Hare Krishna, dear Gurumaharaja 🙏

Please accept my sincere obeisances 🙏🧡

Gurumaharaja I have to tell you something important...I married my partner Govinda ("the boy in the photo") who a few years ago came from Europe to Peru to talk to my dad and ask for permission to get married and we currently live together in the beautiful Nueva Vrajamandala Spain estate....YESIIIIIIIII 🥳 by the mercy of Radharani all the procedures were favorable and we were able to get married here in Spain.

HpS/ASA - Well, you did not invite Tom Brown and Buck White to the wedding!! 🤔

My dad gave him blessings, my mom accepted him as a son and Govinda's parents gave us blessings too 🙏🙏

I remember you told me that we should follow that procedure: that we have Krishna as the center of the relationship and everything will be auspicious 🙏💖

So to celebrate the marriage we bought the film that you recorded in Peru and we watched it with other devotees. The film is very poetic and instructive. I was very excited to see you on the morning meeting program, it was like seeing "behind the scenes". I wonder and the shadow puppets we made with Nitya?

HpS - The shadow puppets? Ooof! There was no one to organize shows for them!!. 😳

Many things we could not use, but.... doesn't mean they won't be used in the future.

May Srimati Radharani shower his [her] blessings on you and may Lord Nrsimha take care of you forever so that you can be well and find Sita 💗

His spiritual daughter who is waiting for him with great emotion

Yasoda Devi Dasi

HpS - The community in NVM seems very mature in having successful Grhasta ashrama.

Go ahead with that and also "adau sraddha..." and translated in BG 4.10 purport.

Ie. 3rd to 2nd to 1st class devotee!!

Houston Vyasa puja 2024

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

My obeisances dear gurudeva

Thank you very much for the news on the blog and the effort you make to write the Kapi.

I am just writing to tell you that I will be in Houston if Krishna allows me a few days before the day of your Vyasa Puja. Some spiritual sisters from Peru and I will stay in an Airbnb near the temple. We maintain communication with Latin devotees who will travel to Houston.

I will travel to Houston with a devotee from Peru, Nama Cintamani, who wishes to have your association. Vidagdha and the children will not be able to accompany me 😌.

We hope to communicate in the group created by mother Sundari Radhika.

I am very happy to see you very soon and receive darshan of Sri Sri Radha Nila Madhava ♥️. We pray to Sri Sri Radha Vrindavan Candra for your health🙏.

All good here Gurudeva; some changes, but very satisfying and happy days.

Many thanks for everything.

Your servant Gopi Radha DD.

HpS - Super. Yes, the Group is nice place to coordinate our Sankirtan.

Nila-madhava and Radharani have a very, very BIG smile waiting for you.

Expect many adventures.

Hope to hear some result from the Group about events for those days.

Hari bolo, this was a really moving experience.

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja



How are you?

Many things happend in this 2 to 3 weeks, many of them very good.

Firts of all I go back to the white asrama, I speack whit Dhanvantari svami about it, and he said that was ok (the reason for that was that is that I will work when I go back to Chile) the Idea of working and colecting money is to travel were you are at the time or when I have the money to.

Second I finish the Bhakti Sastri and pass the Bhakti Shastri. Maybe in the future I will like to take Brahmana.

Third of all I went to the Ratha-Yatra in Buenos Aires Arg, and was a really nice experience, a little bit austere (specially in the bathroom) but good, all the service was intense but necesary and feels really good to help in such important festival (specially for me) I will be happy if I can go next year and help again, they need that pair of hands helping cutting some carrots.

Now im back to San Esteban (Cordoba Region) and my fly to Chile is soon (Just one week since I send this letter) I'm amazing that how fast the time pass, at the start of this I never think that this will end, but now It ended, I think all this world is like this, you see or you think that is never going to end, but whit enough time it ends.

Is a little bit hard because I never think that all tet happens really happend, the friends and all of that, im moved for all this experience, I guest that this is life and if I like to travel i have to get used to this, also I grite a poem after the ceremony of graduation, sure i didn't follow the gramatical rules of poetry (I want to learn about them) but keep being a good poem, at leats for me, here I send to you maybe will be for your liking.

"The last time that I fly

Wings in the sky

That beutifull scenery

Really clowdy it was

I never think that I will ever find

So many and great friends

They will become like the fall wind

A great remember that don't see any end

I will never forget them

I will always be for them

So much time in just one place

Make me feel in great displace"

And finally for the future I'm thinking to travel to Australia or New Zeland (after I see you), I have some spiritual brothers there?

Other option is go to europe and travel trough the temples that Prabhupada stablish, maybe going to some Hare Krsna farms because I realice that I really like the ancients ways of life in a farm, with cows and bees, maybe stay there for a little and after that I don't know very well what could happend.

And I have some doubts, I'm to joung and inexpert in many spiritual and material things I simply don't feel really ready for all the things that I should do or the ones that I will like to do. Do you have something to say that can help to disperse this thoughts?

(That last word I have to use the translator is really dificult to grite that in your funny language xD)

With little to few to add I say goodbye and if you have some advice for my life, (even If I didin't ask for it) I will be really happy if you share whit me.

(I tried to send some pictures, but the page crashed and maybe I can send to you in other way?)

HpS - AgtSP!.... thank you your letter, news. Go places, associate with people that help you understand more and more what is your Sankirtan. Your place in the Sankirtan party.

Of course, this will help you reawaken your original Sankirtan place in Goloka, but that follows.

Other than that your news is great! GREAT! G R E A T !

I think you are on the right path.

Is this Blog, Kapi Dhvaja, and Twitter any use for you?

Thank you. Thanks to all.


Pictures should be O.K.

Try again later.

They are imporant.

Enlighten innocent people KRSNA sends to meet you while traveling to Chile.

Greatings to all the Chile Yatra!

Sankirtan REPORT

1 year, 1 month ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

Whatsapp [12/8, 8:18 AM] Misra Bhagavan Das: In the month of November 2023, on behalf of the International Hari Nama Party headed by Jivanath Prabhu, 🥳, 61 people bought Srila Prabhupada's books from me .📚

3 Paramesvara Bhagavan Sri Krishna,

3 small,

59 medium,

36 Anupam Upahar,

3 Prakriti Kei Niyam,

1 Karma La Justicia Infalible,

10 Transcendental Teachings of Prahlad Maharaj, 

1 Bhakti the Art of Eternal Love,

8 Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.

Mishra Bhagavan Dasa

HpS/ASA - Thank, agtSP, you for the news. It is like water to a thirsty man.

We gave a lot of classes based on the books, a lot of personal consultations and finished all four DTC(UT) movies etc.

Thank you.

We are inspired by example of you and other book distributors, eg. Vijaya Das to distribute books also.

Thank you!

MAke any book disributors?

Prahlada-Nrisimha deities

1 year, 1 month ago by Rukmini in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Gurudeva 🙏

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

Thank you so much for your reply to my last letter. I have a doubt related to the following point:

I feel attracted to Lord Nrisimha. When I visited Simhachalam, I felt inspired by the brahmacharis (boys and girls) who worship Him so reverentially. Could I worship Prahalada-Nrisimha too?
HpS - Seems fine with me! Talk with some mature ladies and girls your age and situation.

I've talked to 3 matajis 2nd initiated and revealed my mind about acquiring Prahlada-Nrisimha (PN) deities. Each of them gave me interesting suggestions. The 1st mataji told me: 'Go to Loy Bazaar and look at different PN deities. They would gradually manifest'. I was seeking a Nrisimhadeva with a reverential presence and a protective mood, and Prahlada expressing total surrender before the Lord. Also, I wanted to make sure that They were not too heavy. Most of them were made of bronze, so They were very heavy despite their small size.

The 2nd mataji I approached told me she had PN at the shop where she works. So, I decided to visit the shop. When I reached, the mataji told me the owner hadn't brought the deities yet, so we had to wait. She started chatting and I revealed my mind to her regarding a problem I was going through: 'One devotee proposed marriage to me, but I don't want to'. So, she guided me on how I should reject him politely. As soon as she finished speaking, the devotee unexpectedly called me. We talked and I managed to solve the issue. A few minutes later, the owner called and said we could go to his workshop to see the deities. We saw the deities in Their carving process. They were made of marble, so They were very light. Even the price was affordable. He said: 'They would be ready in 2 days'.

The next day, I told the mataji that I felt attracted towards these PN deities, but Lord Nrisimha is in the mood of Ugra. He is a small replica of Mayapur deity. The mataji told me that since He is with Prahlada, there is no problem. She was especially surprised in which circumstances They manifested. I also spoke to my mother about this point and she agreed that I should acquire these PN deities. She believes that they would be an inspiration for being more disciplined in my sadhana and principles. So, I decided to acquire Them.

Before installing Them, I went to buy some implements for Their puja. When I was about to buy the first implement, I met the 3rd mataji who would give me her advice. She told me she had also an Ugra Nrisimha deity and she realized that serving Him requires certain qualifications. She also told me that since I desire to get married one day, perhaps it would not be favorable to worship Him in this mood.

After all those events, I concluded that the best thing is to consult you directly. Could I worship these Prahlada-Nrisimha?

I apologize if at any time in this letter I have expressed anything inappropriately.

Trying to be your disciple,

Rukmini dd

HpS - AgtSP! Paoho. Hmmmm. I don't really know. My reaction would be that you can get the PN Deity of marble, but with the understanding that you want to serve Him and understand Him, but maybe after taking His association for some time you may realize that it is your responsibility to pass Him on to your son or some other, and that He will be training your for deeper service.


Hare Krsna.

Hare Krsna.

Expect bigger deals yet to come.