Llegó la misericordia Mahārāja

Por favor acepte mis Dandavats Praṇāmas Gurvdeva.

Espero que ese 75% de salud halla aumentado, mi salud está bien.

No he dejado de cantar, aunque sigo debiendo Los 3 días, osea 48 rondas, espero ponerme al corriente.

Por la misericordia de Śrī Kṛṣṇa llegaron a casa las Deidades que tanto deseaba, son Śrī Rādhā-Syamasundara de metal. Estoy adorandolas desde hace 4 días, investigue como purificar manos y boca para tocarlas y hago Mangala ārātika y las duermo por la tarde -noche, aunque les falta ropa y parafernalia.

Encontré un trabajo que me ha permitido juntar dinero para poner luces al altar y mejorarlo, así como adquirir las Deidades, aunque me absorbe tiempo, por tal motivo ya no puedo ir al templo tanto como antes, pero seguimos adorando en casa.

Estaba tomando mi curso de Gurv- discípulo con Prabhu Vanamali pero me quitaron el internet y se me descompuso el celular casi el mismo día, y ya no lo pude seguir las pasadas semanas, ya le había comentado, recién tengo otra vez ambas cosas (teléfono e internet), sigo viendo las clases de Yadunandana Svāmī Mahārāja que son extaticas.

Me preguntó UD. Sobre mi relación con las autoridades del templo:

Creo debe ser buena, aunque no he podido explicar a Prabhu Vanamali por qué no seguí tomando el Curso, pero nunca he ofendido o fallado al Devoto, lo conozco desde que el era bhakta y nos llevamos bien, con Madre Anurhada también la relación es buena y de respeto, y con mis demás hermanos creo que hay aprecio y cariño.

Madre Astashaki creo está preocupada porque a veces voy a la Gauḍīya Matha, porque allí lo jalan a uno a iniciase muy fácil, pero yo tengo bien firme mi amor por UD. No tengo ninguna duda, soy su Sirviente eterno, por eso me cualifico para servir a Yadunandana Svāmī Mahārāja.

En Gauḍīya Matha tengo asociados Vaiṣṇavas favorables que conozco de hace 23 años, asistían a ISKCON Rādhā-Mādhana-Gopāla y luego se fueron con Vanna Gosvāmī Mahārāja, a veces voy a su restaurante o a sus festivales, pero no me interesa iniciarme en ningún lugar que no sea la familia Prabhupādanuga de UD. Mahārāja.

Por otro lado hay un Devoto mayor que yo, se llama Ambarish, me pidió quedarse en mi casa unos días, accedí por ser Devoto mayor pero ya estando instalado me comentó que lo corrieron del templo por tocar maliciosamente a madre Anurādhā, aunque dice es un malentendido, ya estaba en casa, así que lo deje quedarse, pero no sé si sea bueno. Indíqueme que hacer Mahārāja por favor.

He estado viendo sus filmes.

Que son muy extáticos y amenos.

Gracias por tanto servicio y amor Mahārāja.

En mi corazón siempre está UD.

Que Kṛṣṇa le de mucha más Luz.

Todas las Glorias a Śrīla Prabhupāda.

Gaurā Premanande!!!!


Please accept my Gurvdeva Praṇāmas Dandavats.

I hope that 75% health has increased, my health is fine.

I haven't stopped singing, although I still owe the 3 days, that is 48 rounds, I hope to catch up.

HpS - AgtSP! Bhadra vardana Das B'cari suggested to us to catch up four rounds every day for a few days.

By the mercy of Śrī Kṛṣṇa, the Deities that he so desired came home, they are Śrī Rādhā-Syamasundara made of metal.

I have been worshiping them for 4 days,

I researched how to purify hands and mouth to touch them and I do Mangala ārātika and I put them to sleep in the afternoon - night, although they lack clothes and paraphernalia.

HpS - Sounds nice! Love, cleanliness, punctuality, paraphernalia and detailed rituals.

I found a job that has allowed me to raise money to put lights on the altar and improve it, as well as acquire the Deities, although it takes up my time, for this reason I can no longer go to the temple as much as before, but we continue worshiping at home.

HpS - Listen to people you contact during work and then use the answer to Arjuna's question, https://vedabase.io/en/library/bg/10/17/, to preach to them!

😎 🌈 🌬

I was taking my Guru-disciple course with Prabhu Vanamali but they cut off my internet and my cell phone broke down almost the same day, and I couldn't follow it for the past few weeks, I had already told you, I just have both things again (phone and internet), I keep watching Yadunandana Svāmī Mahārāja's classes that are ecstatic.

You asked me. About my relationship with the temple authorities:

I think it must be good, although I have not been able to explain to Prabhu Vanamali why I did not continue taking the Course, but I have never offended or failed the Devotee, I have known him since he was a Bhakta and we get along well, with Mother Anurhada the relationship is also good and respect, and with my other brothers I think there is appreciation and affection.

HpS - Perfect. Iskcon means friendships before politics, no?

Mother Astashaki, I think she is worried because sometimes I go to the Gauḍīya Matha, because there they pull you to start very easily, but I have very firm love for you. I have no doubt, I am his eternal Servant, that is why I qualify to serve Yadunandana Svāmī Mahārāja.

In Gauḍīya Matha I have favorable Vaiṣṇava associates whom I have known for 23 years, they attended ISKCON Rādhā-Mādhana-Gopāla and then went with Vanna Gosvāmī Mahārāja, sometimes I go to their restaurant or their festivals, but I am not interested in getting initiated anywhere not be the Prabhupādanuga family of UD. Mahārāja.

HpS - Yes, we should respect all kinds of devotees such as Muslim, Christian, Ramanuja Acharya, Vrnda et al. Yet as you say, we have to learn to distinguish in which school we want to matriculate.

On the other hand, there is a Devotee older than me, his name is Ambarish, he asked me to stay at my house for a few days, I agreed because he was an older Devotee, but once I was installed he told me that they kicked him out of the temple for maliciously touching mother Anurādhā, although he says he is a misunderstanding, he was already home, so I let him stay, but I don't know if it's good. Please tell me what to do Mahārāja.

HpS - I don't know the devotee or the details!!!

I've been watching your films. Which are very ecstatic and enjoyable.

ASA/HpS - We are technical advisor, and member of the ASA Sankirtan party, but they are Diarys of Tom Brown, Director is Raul, Director of Photography is Pablo, Producer is Abhirama th Das. Unit director for Spain is Ambarisha Das (Argentina) and Vrsabhanu nandini Devi Dasi!! Adi rasa, Sita lalita, Prema murti .... So many even more important!

🐷 🐶 🐵 🐰 👨 👩 🦁 😺 🐐 🐮 🔬

Thank you for so much service and love Mahārāja.

HpS - We are a 👹 that Srila Prabhupada has made into a little bit useful, but arrogant,instrument.


You are always in my heart.

May Kṛṣṇa give you much more Light.

All Glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda.

Gaurā Premanande!!!!


Hare Krsna, Dear Gurudeva.

Please accept my humble and respectful obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I am always aware of your preaching activities on delayed Facebook, your reports, the blog and the FMP to which I always connect, it saved me some times that it saves me time and service in the temple...

I continue to worship Krsna Balaram and Govardhan wherever we are, sometimes there are greater eases and sometimes there are great austerities... But they continue to travel with us until now... Maya is becoming more subtle and the anarthas continue to emerge, sure of past lives... But by his and Srila Prabhupada's mercy we can still hold on to our 20Rs, 4Ps, Gayatris, MA, and especially the daily reading of the SB daily. In the temple in association with the devotees it is always less difficult…

And we have traveled from Brazil to Ciudad del Este in Paraguay and we continue to support the program (pujari - classes - festivals) at different times with Agnideva Prabhu, Bhakti Sundar Goswami and now with Bhakti Bhusana Swami, with whom we have come to Asunción, the capital of Paraguay (5 hours from Ciudad del Este).

In Ciudad del Este we were doing a course for Bhaktas integrating Kirtan Yoga, the Vaisnava etiquette, introduction to the Vedic Vaisnava philosophy and the disciples course. Now we will be in Asunción for a while and apparently some more students are going to join... so we will do it online, on Wednesday afternoons - nights.

A few weeks ago I asked him if he could tell us a little more about santa-rasa, because it is difficult for us to understand that relationship with Krsna. Sometimes we don't know how to explain in detail that kind of relationship with Krsna. You told me to make the formal request here on the blog… Maybe we can organize a class to talk about that topic? Alright? Do you have any suggestion? Date ? Schedule?

HpS/ASA - AgtSP!!! Paoho. Thank you for your letter. In general how is family, KmDD, Sita...?

asa[e] - Yoga-ladder; Santa-rasa

Santa-rasa is in NoI, maybe end of Text 8. It is appreciation of God, God is Great! Prabhupada says in Braja it is like flute in Krsna's hand, garland, cows. They all appreciate Krsna. Think he is wonderful, but are not moved to active service.

We think it is like Darsana arati when the curtains open and we are just appreciating the beauty and splendor of the Deity with the Govinda song playing, but that can just go on and on and on forever..... !

It is like Maha-visnu loka as we understand.

SP says that some people don't actually accept it as a real Rasa, but he continues that whatever it is, it is the basis of all the other Rasa. It is included successively in Dasya, Sakhya, Vatsalya, Madhurya rasa. Their is no one more fixed in Santa rasa than the Gopis, no? When the start to think of Krsna, the always think of His lotus feet, but of course, they develop into a more intimate utility for those feet than others.

How is the translation team of the book, Waves of Devotion going?

Thanks to the mercy of Nrshimhananda Prabhu (servant of Bhakti Bhusana Swami), I was able to get a virtual full version in Spanish. So you can review it… I will send it to WhatsApp…

HpS - Thank you. This is the copy that Purnamasi Devi Dasi, ArtDas et al have been working on?

We downloaded it and went through it briefly. It looks very nice but REALLY needs a Preface to the Spanish Translation: Approved by Dhanurdara Swami, translated by...

We have a ticket purchased for February 12 to the Holy Dham... We are coordinating with Gaura Gadadhar Devi Dasi and her husband, and other devotees, it is also possible that we will meet Parama Karuna, and that we can join the Bhakti Marga Maharaj program... We want to look for the way to stay a good time there in the Dham…

Please give me your permission and blessings to be able to enter, and stay there for a while, and if you go in the middle of 2024, to be able to accompany you and serve you.

HpS/ASA - Pray, Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, that you can enter Sri Vrndavana Dhama! Will require use of all your austerities and association. Hare Krsna, Hare Rama! We put date on our Red Book Calendar. February 13th is Sarasvati Puja and a million other events!

Hare Krsna. Hare Rama.

I hope Nrshimhadeva continues to protect you as before.

ASA - Thank you! Hope we serve Him with more ability!

I'm going to make it urgent because of the Waves of Devotion issue...

Your foolish wannabe servant, AmD.


Hare Krsna Querido Gurudeva.

Por favor acepta mis humildes y respetuosas reverencias, todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada.

Siempre estoy al tanto de tus actividades de prédica por facebook diferido, tus reportes, del blog y del FMP al que me conecto siempre, salvó algunas veces que me gana el tiempo y el servicio en el templo…

Sigo adorando a Krsna Balaram y a Govardhan en dónde estemos, a veces hay mayores facilidades y a veces hay grandes austeridades… Pero siguen viajando con nosotros hasta ahora… Maya cada vez es más sutil y los anarthas siguen aflorando, seguro de vidas pasadas…. Pero por su misericordia y de Srila Prabhupada podemos aún aferrarnos a nuestras 20R, 4P, Gayatris, MA, y especialmente a la lectura diaria del SB a diario. En el templo en asociación con los devotos siempre es menos difícil…

Y hemos viajado de Brasil a Ciudad del Este en Paraguay y seguimos apoyando al programa (pujari - clases - festivales) en diferentes momentos con Agnideva Prabhu, Bhakti Sundar Goswami y ahora con Bhakti Bhusana Swami, con quién hemos venido a Asunción, la capital de Paraguay (a 5 horas de Ciudad del Este).

En Ciudad del Este estuvimos haciendo un curso para Bhaktas integrando Kirtan Yoga, la etiqueta Vaisnava, introducción a la filosofía Vedica Vaisnava y el curso de discípulos. Ahora estaremos un tiempo en Asunción y al parecer se van a integrar algunos alumnos más… entonces lo haremos online, los miércoles por la tarde - noche.

Hace unas semanas le pedí que pudiera hablarnos un poco más de santa rasa, porque se nos hace difícil entender esa relación con Krsna. A veces no sabemos cómo explicar en detalle ese tipo de relación con Krsna. Usted me dijo que haga el pedido formal aquí en el blog… Quizás podamos organizar una clase para hablar sobre ese tema? Está bien? Tiene alguna sugerencia? Fecha ? Horario?

Cómo va el equipo de traducción del libro: Olas de la devoción? 

Gracias a la misericordia de Nrshimhananda Prabhu (sirviente de Bhakti Bhusana Swami), pude conseguir una versión completa virtual en español. Para que puedan revisarla… Se la enviaré al WhatsApp…

Tenemos un pasaje comprado para el 12 de febrero al Santo Dham… Estamos coordinando con Gaura Gadadhar y su esposo, y otros devotos, además es posible que nos encontremos con Parama Karuna, y que podamos integrarnos al programa de Bhakti Marga Maharaj… Queremos buscar la manera de quedarnos un buen tiempo allá en el Dham… 

Por favor dame tu permiso y bendiciones para poder entrar, y quedarme un tiempo allá, y si Usted va a mitad del 2024, poder acompañarlo y servirlo. 

 Espero que Nrshimhadeva te siga protegiendo como hasta ahora.

Voy a ponerlo urgente por el tema de Olas de la devoción…

Tu tonto aspirante a sirviente, AmD.

Jay Sita Rama

Querido Gurudeva

acepte mis humildes y respetuosas reverencias.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada.

y Al movimiento de Sankirtan de Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu

nada Nuevo desde la ultima carta

seguimos en movimiento hacia el final de nuestra vida

la energía está compuesta de energía positiva y negativa y eso mueve máquinas da luz etc

En nuestra vida es necesario esta movimiento de positivas y negativas experiencias

y es por eso que Krishna explica que no debemos lamentarnos porque es de la manera que el diseño

bueno estoy compartiendo mis realizaciones con Ud y los devotos

también quiero compartir una joya que he encontrado

espero que les guste

uno puede recordar la historia de nuestro Señor Ram

su sirviente

Murari das


Dear Gurudeva

Accept my humble and respectful obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

and To the Sankirtan movement of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu

nothing new since the last letter

we are still moving towards the end of our lives

Energy is composed of positive and negative energy and that moves machines, gives light, etc.

In our lives this movement of positive and negative experiences is necessary.

and that is why Krishna explains that we should not lament because it is the way the design

well I am sharing my achievements with you and the devotees

I also want to share a gem that I have found

hope you like

one can remember the story of our Lord Ram

his servant

Murari das

HpS/ASA - The attach picture is a gem. Devata delivering magical sweet rice for queens to get Rama, Laksmana, Satrugna and Bharata as children.

Seeking Guru Maharaj Blessings

Hare Krsna, Guru Maharaj 🙏


All glories to YOU 🙏


Dear Guru Maharaj ,

I am Brajeshwari Radhey Devi Dasi from Silchar,Assam (India), one of your most fallen servant🥺.

With your due permission and blessings and under the guidance and supervision of H. H. Bhakti Ananda Maharaj my marriage got solemnised on 05 Mar 21. Since then we have been living together happily. As I entered Grhstha life and being grossly engaged in grhastha duties I somehow forgot to communicate you and ask your well-being. For such a rash act of neglecting my duties, I am ever regretful and therefore seek your forgiveness as a child seeks forgiveness from his father.

We all long to see you in good health, ever joyous and happy as before so we have started chanting extra rounds and continuously offering lamps for your swift recovery.

With a pleasant heart, I would like to inform you that upon empowered by your blessings I am able to complete my sadhana of 16 rounds chanting every day and also able to follow the four regulative principles. Also we are regularly relishing SB, BG and CC classes from H. H. Bhakti Anand Swami Maharaj. As suggested by you, I along with my other god sisters have started to read and discuss Krishna book together. Recently I have also been able to join your GoTo classes.

By the merciful arrangement of omniscient Supreme Lord, I and my husband got an opportunity to have your glimpse at ISKCON temple, Imphal and Silchar last year.

With Your kind permission I would like to share a good news that I am currently expecting a baby of 3 and a half months old and therefore seek your blessings so that thisfetus may become a great devotee of the Lord in future.

Gurudeva we're all eagerly waiting to have your darshan once again.

Your most fallen servant,

Brajeshwari Radhey Devi Dasi


HpS - Thank, agTSP, you. What is name of your esteemed husband. What is his occupation?

Has Krsna sent some innocent people for you to cultivate?

Protect your baby. It is not an ordinary person!

Karuna Sakti Devi Dasi Reportándose :)

¡Hare Krsna! Querido Guru Maharaja, por favor acepte mis humildes y rendidas reverencias.

Todas las Glorias sean a nuestro muy misericordioso Srila Prabhupada y todas las glorias a sus fieles seguidores que son vivos representantes de su bondad. 🌻

Aquí estamos, orando diariamente a nuestros Señores, le mantengan bajo su bendita protección. (Tengo plena confianza en que así es, pero orar sinceramente nos hace sentirnos un poco cerca de usted y de nuestros Amorosos Señores.🙏) Esperamos que la salud de su cuerpo sea favorable a sus esfuerzos para contribuir al sankirtan de nuestro Divino maestro.

Aprovecho para agradecer de todo corazón que nos lleve (en línea) con usted. FMS es sin duda “la hora feliz” 😊 Sus Señorías Sri Sri Radha Nilamadhava son verdaderamente Dulces y Majestuosos. 😮

Guru Maharaja, por Su misericordia, la de SS Yadunandana Swami y por supuesto por la misericordia ilimitada de Srila Prabhupada, ayer finalizó el estudio del Sri Isopanisad y Sri Upadesamrta que estuve dictando a estudiantes Bhakti Sastri del Instituto de estudios Bhaktivedanta de España. Para mí, fue una experiencia muy agradable y enriquecedora… ¡La profundidad de estos textos, de los significados de Srila Prabhupada es insondable! ¡Entre más cerca estamos, más grandes los vemos! ¡Oramos por poder ser herramientas útiles a vuestro servicio!🙏

Por otra parte, continuamos estudiando “Pada Padma”, bajo la guía de SS Yadunandana Swami, me siento bendecida y agradecida de poder participar, porque además la mayoría de nuestros compañeros son eruditos experimentados.

Como parte de la evaluación su sirviente realizó una presentación sobre "preparación para la muerte". Parece haber sido productiva. Mirando en retrospectiva, a veces me parece que en esta misma vida he muerto y renacido varias veces. 😊 Mientras hacía la presentación recordé momentos en los que este cuerpo ha estado a punto de perecer... observé que, de algún modo, por la misericordia sin causa de Srila Prabhupada, la de usted y otros buenos vaisnavas, nuestra conciencia ha cambiado un poquito: las primeras ocasiones el dolor era tan fuerte que solo podía pensar en él, poco a poco nuestra conciencia ha podido pasar del cuerpo y centrarse un poco en nuestro Señor (aún en medio de esos episodios). Hubo una ocasión, en la que estaba inconsciente, no recuerdo que me llevo a ese estado, solo sé que de pronto escuche la voz de Srila Prabhupada diciendo “Cante Hare Krsna” así que empecé a cantar y luego desperté como si nada hubiera pasado. (Una enfermera me contó que asuste a todo mundo porque grité el Maha Mantra como si mi vida dependiera de ello 😅

(aunque casi nadie entendió que estaba diciendo, luego tuve muchas oportunidades para explicarlo 😊)

Gracias a esta condición, algunas veces recuerdo que “este puede ser el último respiro” y reflexiono un poco sobre la vida que he tenido en este cuerpo, creo que, aunque no soy un predicador potente, de algún modo, mi estadía aquí no fue del todo inútil. Ofrecimos siempre lo mejor que tuvimos (las palabras de Srila Prabhupada y nuestra limitada experiencia de conciencia de Krsna) e involucramos de alguna manera a familia, amigos y conocidos... Me esforcé sinceramente por cumplir mis votos de iniciación, intenté desarrollar gusto por practicar CK, hice todo lo que pude por cumplir con mi deber, y a pesar de que cometí una infinidad de errores, nunca lastimé a nadie intencionalmente.

Sé que siempre podremos hacer más, y deseo de todo corazón poder contribuir de algún modo al trascendental Sankirtan de Srila Prabhupada🙇 . Pero también confió en que, si el destino decide llevarme a otro sitio… Por la misericordia sin causa de Srila Prabhupada y por la misericordia de Guru Maharaja, ese destino me llevará al camino correcto ¡aún si no me lo merezco!

Gurudeva, puedo ver que frecuentemente abuso de su misericordia y me siento avergonzada por eso, por favor discúlpeme.🙇 Espero algún día ser un soldado útil en su misión al servicio de nuestro Divino Acarya.

Eternamente agradecida

Su aspirante a discípula

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi

PD - Si a usted le parece bien, nos haría muy felices tener una copia del “Composition Book Diarys” de Piggy y Monkey.


Hare Krishna! Dear Guru Maharaja, please accept my humble and respectful obeisances.

All Glories be to our most merciful Srila Prabhupada and all glories to his faithful followers who are living representatives of his goodness. 🌻

Here we are, praying daily to our Lords to keep you under their blessed protection. (I have full confidence that this is so, but praying sincerely makes us feel a little close to you and our Loving Lords.🙏) We hope that the health of your body will be favorable to your efforts to contribute to the sankirtan of our Divine master.

I take this opportunity to thank you with all my heart for taking us (online) with you. FMS is indeed “happy hour” 😊 Their Lordships Sri Sri Radha Nilamadhava are truly Sweet and Majestic. 😮

HpS - We hope, agtSP, we can develop some Kirtans lead by our online members also. Maybe we do FMS in our Ashrama some days.

Yet, we do NOD in Spanish complete.

Some Chat.

We wish we could zoom in on the Deities more.

Guru Maharaja, by His mercy, that of H. H. Yadunandana Swami and of course by the unlimited mercy of Srila Prabhupada, yesterday finished the study of Sri Isopanisad and Sri Upadesamrta that I was dictating to Bhakti Sastri students from the Institute of Bhaktivedanta Studies in Spain.

For me, it was a very pleasant and enriching experience... The depth of these texts, of Srila Prabhupada's meanings, is unfathomable! The closer we are, the bigger we see them! We pray that we can be useful tools at your service!🙏

HpS/ASA - Both you and Madhava Acharya read and teach Isopanisad!

Iso is nice for preaching to Christians because it talks about God in a general sense.

On the other hand, we continue studying “Pada Padma”, under the guidance of HH Yadunandana Swami, I feel blessed and grateful to be able to participate, because most of our classmates are experienced scholars.

As part of the evaluation, his servant gave a presentation on "preparation for death." It seems to have been productive. Looking back, it sometimes seems to me that in this very life I have died and been reborn several times. 😊 While giving the presentation I remembered moments when this body has been on the verge of perishing... I observed that somehow, by the causeless mercy of Srila Prabhupada, that of you and other good Vaishnavas, our consciousness has changed a little. little: the first times the pain was so strong that I could only think about it, little by little our consciousness has been able to move away from the body and focus a little on our Lord (even in the middle of those episodes). There was one occasion when I was unconscious, I don't remember what brought me to that state, I only know that suddenly I heard Srila Prabhupada's voice saying “Sing Hare Krsna” so I started chanting and then I woke up as if nothing had happened. (A nurse told me that I scared everyone because I shouted the Maha Mantra as if my life depended on it) 😅

HpS - Several times that has happened to Doctors and Nurses even though devotees were completely anesthetized.

(although almost no one understood what she was saying, later I had many opportunities to explain it 😊)

Thanks to this condition, I sometimes remember that “this may be the last breath” and I reflect a little on the life I have had in this body, I think that, although I am not a powerful preacher, somehow, my stay here was not completely useless. We always offered the best we had (Srila Prabhupada's words and our limited experience of Krsna consciousness) and somehow involved family, friends and acquaintances... I sincerely strove to fulfill my initiation vows, I tried to develop a taste for practicing CK, I did everything I could to do my duty, and even though I made countless mistakes, I never intentionally hurt anyone.

HpS - Jaya! Next life we will all be with Nimai in Nadia, trying to keep up with all the fantastic plans He has for different exciting pranks, festivals etc.

I know that we can always do more, and I wish with all my heart to be able to contribute in some way to Srila Prabhupada's transcendental Sankirtan🙇. But I also trusted that if destiny decides to take me somewhere else... By the causeless mercy of Srila Prabhupada and by the mercy of Guru Maharaja, that destiny will take me to the right path even if I don't deserve it!

Gurudeva, I can see that I frequently abuse his mercy and feel ashamed of it, please forgive me.🙇 I hope one day to be a useful soldier in his mission in the service of our Divine Acarya.

Eternally grateful

His would-be disciple

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi

PS - If it's okay with you, we would be very happy to have a copy of Piggy and Monkey's “Composition Book Diarys”.

HpS - O.K. Jaya Hari Das asked for one. Devota candidata para primera iniciacion, como se llama, also asking for one? Maybe we can send some to Mexico through visitors for Vyasa puja?

Outer covering

Hare Krishna Maharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

H.P.S. 16/4 done roughly is to remove the outer covering of the shell?

Dear Maharaja:

Despite our insufficient experience, I humbly interpret the action - abrupt - to try to remove the outer cover. It is inefficient. The percussive intensity with which we would apply ourselves in 16/4 would be consistent with time, place and particular circumstances. But never abruptly.

We understand by faith that the fundamental medicine is the Maha Mantra and that the diet is prasadam. So, if we apply ourselves to chanting correctly and taking prasadam, all the good qualities will be added. Without abruptness.

“Prabhupada ordered everyone to chant sixteen rounds a day. This is a fact: we chant Hare Krsna because Prabhupada ordered us to. Although the name of Krsna is completely nectarean and we should chant it spontaneously, we actually chant it under the order of our spiritual master. And whatever sweet taste we progressively get from chanting, we also know that it is due to the mercy of our spiritual master, who has given us hari-nama.” (Satsvarupa dasa Goswami. Reformatory japa manual)


Maharaja... just a few hours after receiving the corresponding response to my last letter. -Infinite thanks for your kind attention-. I dreamed of you. It was a very short and abstract lucid dream in terms of scenery.

A landscape of extensive caverns with wide, high entrances, from somewhere in the Colorado Canyon or something. Maybe another planet.

There was no dialogue, but we knew the reason for that meeting. His body did not look like his current body, but we knew who we were and what we were for. You would give me flight instructions, but you let me know that the real reason for the meeting was not to instruct me how to fly, but rather, the purpose was for me to learn how to fall.

My translator is Google Translate.

See you always then dear Maharaja.

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias a sus pies. TgSP

Hare Krsna

ENC das

HpS/ASA - Thank you.

Radha-vallabha Das, who was English student for Bachelor's diploma in the university gave me a copy of "On Writing Well". It was regular university text. Sold many, man copies, was well written, and a great help to me.

You should write more?

For broader distribution?

One of the points he made was that when we are writing really good stuff, we should probably reread/rewrite immediately after writing.

Then, after a few hours. Then afte about two weeks.

His point was, and I really see it, that many of the ideas that I have that go along with my words are there in my head while I am reading what I wrote.

Yet after two weeks I forget my ideas and read what I wrote like my audience, who are not mind readers.

It is so amazing.

When I do that I laugh and ask myself, "What was I thinking when I wrote that!"

Also, I grew up along the Colorado River in Arizona!

Hope to see wonderful art from you!!!!!!


Hare Krishna Maharaja

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

¿16/4 hecho con brusquedad es quitar la cubierta exterior del caparazón? HPS

Querido Maharaja:

Pese a nuestra insuficiente experiencia, interpreto con humildad que la acción –brusca- por intentar quitar la cubierta exterior. Resulta ineficiente. La intensidad percutiente con la que nos aplicaríamos en 16/4 resultarían acordes a tiempo lugar y circunstancias en particular. Pero nunca con brusquedad.

Entendemos por fe, que la medicina fundamental es el Maha Mantra y que la dieta es el prasadam. De manera que, si nos aplicamos en el canto correctamente y a tomar prasadam, todas las buenas cualidades se darán por añadidura. Sin brusquedad.


“Prabhupada ordenó a todos cantar dieciséis rondas al día. Esto es un hecho: cantamos Hare Krsna por que Prabhupada nos lo ordenó. Aunque el nombre de Krsna es totalmente nectáreo y deberíamos cantarlo espontáneamente, en realidad lo cantamos bajo la orden de nuestro maestro espiritual. Y cualquier sabor dulce que obtengamos progresivamente del cantar, también sabemos que se debe a la misericordia de nuestro maestro espiritual, quien nos ha dado el hari-nama”. (Satsvarupa dasa Goswami. Manual reformatorio de japa)


 Maharaja… apenas unas horas después de recibir la correspondiente respuesta a mi última carta. -Infinitas gracias por su amable atención-. Soñé con Usted. Fue un sueño lúcido muy corto y abstracto en cuanto a la escenografía.

 Un paisaje de cavernas extensas con amplias y altas entradas, de algún lugar en el Cañón del Colorado o algo así. Quizá otro planeta.

 No hubo diálogo, pero conocíamos el motivo de ese encuentro. Su cuerpo no presentaba el aspecto de su cuerpo actual, pero sabíamos quiénes éramos y para que estábamos. Usted me daría instrucciones de vuelo, pero me hacía saber que no era la verdadera razón del encuentro el de instruirme para volar, sino que, mas bien, el propósito consistía en que yo aprendiese como tener que caer.

Mi traductor es el traslate de google .

Hasta siempre entonces querido Maharaja.

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias a sus pies. TgSP

Hare Krisna

ENC das