Reporte desde Ica.... Falta

Maharaja recibe mis reverencias

Acabo de leer el reporte de prabhu Amala, maharaja yo no tenia aliento a alcohol, eso fue algo que el devoto dijo a los policias en ese momento, lo que si es cierto es que estaba desoriendata, uno por la goloiza y otro porque tomo pastillas para la depresion y otras para mantenerme tranquila son prozac o fluxatina, xeclones para tenerme tranquila durante el dia ya que antes yo me cortaba sin razon y alprazolam para dormir.....

Como dije en carta anterior este tema para mi acabo.

Solo deseo servir y avanzar hasta donde se me permita o donde mi mente me deje ....

Porfavor Maharaja deme sus bendiciones...   

Bhaktin amparo


Maharaja receives my obeisances

I just read the report of prabhu Amala, maharaja I did not have alcohol breath, that was something the devotee told the police at that time, what is true is that he was disoriented, one for the "goloiza" and another because I take pills for depression and others to keep me calm are prozac or fluxatina, xeclones to have me calm during the day since before I cut myself without reason and alprazolam to sleep .....

As I said in a previous letter this topic for me.

I only wish to serve and advance as far as I am allowed or where my mind leaves me ....

Please Maharaja give me your blessings ...

Bhaktin amparo

Hare Krsna, muy contenta de que estemos discutiendo estas cosas en el Blog. Hace la vida simple, nos hace fuertes y honestos.
Él dice esto, digo eso, dicen esto, desde cinco mil millas de distancia no podemos decir mucho. Te escucho entonar Japa en el FMP muchos días.
Krsna lo sabe todo y nos recompensa adecuadamente. Es una buena persona.
Siga presionando para ser conocido por los devotos regulares de ISKCON. Parece que estás haciendo eso, viviendo en Kanu Pts. Ashrama. ¡Entonces todo estará 97% despejado!

HpS - ASA -- 

Vyasa Puja Offering

7 years, 1 month ago by Rashmin dd in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

The first time I ever saw your grace was in the summer of 2009. I was travelling with the ISKCON youth bus tour as a 20 year old without any real goals in life- just going through the motions. So we were in San Jose on this leg of the tour and we had all been woken up to attend Mangala Arti. During Japa time I saw you as the only Sannyasi (obvioulsy) in the room. You were sitting on a cushion perhaps and your beads were out and on you lap. I am sure without intention you just sort of, with your head facing down, rolled your eyes up and gave me a glance almost like a teacher would to check his students are working and not goofing. You seemed a very curious personality to me at the time. I always carried this memory with me and years later when I decided to put my life in order and take spiritual life more seriously, this memory would come in handy. 

I was to choose a spiritual guide to mentor me and formally accept me into the big ISKCON family. A devotee gave me a tip: to pray to Krsna to reveal that teacher to me. So I tried it. And it worked. Immediately this memory of your manifested. I knew then that you would be my teacher. This was such a powerful experience. The power of prayer attracted me more to Krsna. 

I has been 10 years of a guru-disciple relationship. Some challenges have appeared before me over the recent years in my spiritual practice but I always remember you and know that I should not disappoint you and always pray to improve. I thank you for your quirky words of wisdom and your forever guidance.  On this most auspicious day of your Vyasa puja I thank you for changing my l ife around for the better.Jaya Srila Prabhupada!
Your aspiring servant,

Rasa-mandali dasi

ps. Attached is a delayed photo of our third child Isavasya, a baby girl.

HpS - AgtSP.... Paoho. . .   Thank you for this news.  It is so perfect to see ourselves through the eyes of others, Krsna and His devotees, sages like Maitreya Muni, blades of grass in Iskcon. We don't see you too much!!  Where do you live? With whom do you work? How much does your family weigh, total? How long are your intestines, combined? Who are you each, individually in Goloka?  . . . Isavasya looks very intelligent, no joke.

Reporte desde Ica....

Hare Krsna Maharaja......

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada....

Todas las glorias a tus pues de loto....

ASA - Lobo.

Maharaja devo decirle que deje cusco para siempre....desde ayer por la noche estoy en mi casa pisco con mi mamá y mis hijos, una casa a orilla de playa en la cual me quedare hasta que pasen las fiestas.....luego me ire a chosica donde ya alquile en casa de prabhu kanupandit, vivire ahy con mi hijo, mi deseo es participar de los programas y luego conversar con la autoridad y poder tener algun servicio,me gustaria poder ser ayudante de pujari.....

4 principios cumplidos....

16 rondas cumplidas....

Mi lectura, converse con prabhu laksmana agraha das y me dio el consejo que en vez de pasar al canto 3 del S.B . , nuevamente lea el 1 y 2 y eso estoy haciendo....

Las tulasis que tenia las tiene prabhu Amala Karuna.

Maharaja mi ultima carta fue por problemas muy serios con prabhu Amala, de los cuales ya no deseo decir nada ....solo aclarar que yo nunca este año estuve embarazada, mi embarazo fue el año pasado y los perdi, en una carta se lo informe ....ESTE AÑO EN NUNGUN MOMENTO YO ESTUVE EMBARAZADA..... Es todo lo que voy a decir ya que para mi el tema de Amala Karuna se cerro, no deseo mas de el, si deseo encuentre lo que busca y pueda volver al templo. Yo solo trato de seguir sus instrucciones que cante Hare Krshna que todo se va arreglarm, mi mamá no tiene un buen concepto de los devotos, pero respeta mi decision y me ayuda y apoya.

En todo esto tengo y tuve apoyo moral,emocional,fisico y hasta economico de NADIYA NIVASI DASI Y su esposo GADAI GOURANGA ,Prabhu LAKSMANA (su canto)M.Chandramuki dd y sus consejos,prabhu RUPA GOSAI que viajo a ver a mi hijo y a mi,prabhu YOGESVARA DAS quien llamo al ministerio de la mujer.

No dire nada más,Mi deseo es sincero el de irme al templo de chosica,siempre lo tuve y paso mucho para al menos poder vivir cerca....

Maharaja deseo me de alguna instruccion y sus bendiciones para poder seguir adelante y ser util algun dia para ti, en el movimiento de sankirtana de Srila Prabhupada......

Disculpa Maharaja si después de aquel accidente que tuve ,no me conectaba tan diario o algo tarde...

Por ahora es todo. Se despude de usted alguien espera un dia llegar a ser una devota ,una hija suya y poderlo servir ,perdona mis ofensas y torpezas...

Bhaktin Amparo

HpS - Aparece es cierto que Vd y Amala tiene que dejar coneccion para un rato. Possible seis o siete vidas, pero por la fin, vamos adjuster todo.

Espero puede cantar rondas cada dia por la manana en el templo en Chosica!!!!.

Report november

7 years, 1 month ago by Radha Japa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Pamho Gurudev tlgasp!!

I hope you are happy in your wonderful Krsna consciousness. Thank you for your answers.
the word "accept" that you tell me is meaningful to me
I have accepted things, in many aspects that are not favorable for me and now I am leaving. In the previous letter I meant that the little attachment I have for Krsna made me continue with my service and this is thanks to you.

At that time, prabhu Gita Govinda gave me advice: Mother, at the time of the meurte we have to have good memories of Krsna consciousness, not bad, if you, continue in the group, it will not help your conscience. There was so much my desire to learn that I hesitated to leave the group.
But finally I had to get away from this and other groups.

With regard to Franco's Sankirtan, he told me: to take care of my family and to listen to the maha mantra and the krsna book every day. according to me, I believe that his behavior is his great sankirtan. he always cares about me and for gopal, he is a good father, a good companion and he is always thinking about improving the service of our deities.

HpS - Vd es una chica muy afortunada!

There is a new devotee who comes to visit us from time to time and, despite having bad experiences with devotees, some very heavy, she sees frank and is inspired by his character, frank by nature. Sometimes we have many t

In my sadhana I am very unstable, sometimes I wake up 2:30 and sometimes 6:00, I still do not know how to balance that.

Gopalito sometimes mangalartik with me, a little later, he likes the siksastaka very much and he is learning it, he likes all the mangalartik songs, I always do it in the style of the beloved temple of chosica. we also do sometimes gaura artik, and for gopal we still do not stop singing the damodarastakam, he likes it a lot.

I keep collecting and rehearsing often. Sometimes the collection is mentally tired more than anything, 7 years ago I am asked every day where I am from, and it reminds me a bit of the origin of this body, I think I will say next time I am from vrndavam, so I will remember krsna.

HpS - Jaya!!  Crea una indentidad falso increible. "Soy la gran nieta de Genghis Khan. Conozco bailes secretos de Mongolia. Viene a nuestra program esta mez y puede ver una chispe de nuestras glorias."

I wanted to tell him that frankly asked me not to name him in the blog, the truth, he does not like it, he says he is not a famous personality to be named here, so I will try not to name him anymore, it costs me.

HpS - Puede decir, "El Quien no Queire Ser Nombrado". Cual quiere persona quien canta el Santo Nombre una vez es gloficadorado.

Thank you for your kindness, sweetness and example. We offer our eternal obeisances.
trying to please him with the whole heart: Japa prati jalpa Radha devi dasi

HpS - Make little vow, like get 10-rounds done before 10AM para 2-semanas. Notificala aqui en el Blog y envia su reportaje.

Hare Krsna Maharaj

7 years, 1 month ago by lakshmi108 in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Please accept my humble obeisances. 

Happy Birthday Guruji! All glories to your most graceful appearance! 

We would like to wish you good health and lots of energy (which we will transmit to you... just joking. Lord Krsna will help) so you can come and visit Brisbane again, or even perhaps we may visit you in the future. 

Today we celebrated your vyasapuja on a small, simple scale. I offerred flowers to you and my mother cooked some brown rice, turkish eggplant subji, paschet (kidney bean paste with walnuts - very tasty), and I prepared some salad, mango-strawberry lassi and some chopped, sweet, sweet papaya from our gardend (planted by me ;)). 

My mother would like to send her deepest gratitude for your visit to Brisbane and our home. Thank you for sharing your kindness, care and love for our family. We are forever indebted to you. 

I hope after my high school is completed, I may visit and travel with you for some time and even take your shelter after some time. 

Happy Appearance Day again! Hope you had a glorious day with all your disciples and fellow devotees. 

Hare Krsna :) 

Yours servant,

Lakshmi Devi Dasi 

HpS - ASA --  Esteemed prosperous farm family.  Thank you for your letter. Who, with pseudonyms, are some of the most miserable, worst kids in you Hight School, or they all pretty decent. How are the teachers??  Are ther many Muslim girls there?

Ambarisa das

Hare Krsna 




Hope you can celebreated a beautiful Vyasapuja.

HpS - Every day is a Vyasapuja in many aspects, no?? <img alt="wink" height="23" src="" title="wink" width="23" />

Thank you for your mercy and compasion guru dev.

we were talking with devotees in Buenos Aires, Mar del plata,  Cordoba and Devakinandana prabhu in Brasil to coordinate your visit, sankirtan programs and meeting with interesting persons. we think that the date are fine so becouse the university and the general activities are open.

i told you in other letter  wrongly that my father follows the meditation of santa Ana (who is the mather [mother] of Virgin Mari) but he follow the meditation of Santa Teresa (Avila?) who is a mistic in cristian tradition. he born in 1948 and he is retired now but also attached to work, but also he try to go deeper in his cristian tradition.

ASA - Yes, she is very nice. The Crystal Palace, her book, no?

What is his birth day??   How to get from Campina Grande to Argentina March 30th???

Hope to to see you soon your servent ambarisa das