Aspiring for iniation(Nick Delffs)

7 years, 1 month ago by Nick Delffs in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear HH Hanumat Presaka Swami, please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. 

I have been an aspiring disciple of yours for many years and I would like to ask you for formal initiation. I have been chanting at least sixteen rounds everyday and following the four regulative principles strictly for two and a half months. 

I have had a regular service here at the Boise temple for most of the year. Consisting of landscaping, lawn maintenance, construction projects and taking the trash out every week.  

Every week I attend and help with the Monday night program. Every Sunday I associate with Balabhadra Prabhu and every other Sunday I attend his Bhagavad Gita class. 

I also regularly associate and take instructions from the Gupta family. 

Also, Mother Kamagayatri and I are co-parenting Aja Narayana very nicely and I have much respect and admiration for her and her husband.

 Please let me know what further steps I need to take.  
Thank you and Hare Krishna, 

HpS - It is so, so, so, nice to hear from you.   Basically you just have to continue doing what you are doing. That will present enough challenges and chances to advance.  

Read the following, please:

Hope to hear from you soon. Don't think that following discipline means to reduce creativity. Only when it increases creativity, with a little patience, is it proper.

Hari bolo!!

7 years, 1 month ago by H.Rama in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other

Agt Guru Gauranga!
Hare Krsna Maharaja!

I wish You are perfect in all aspects.

HpS - So do I and you too.

I think a lot of times about You, Yours instructions, Your association. But it's true that I love this blog.
I think that my spiritual life is going further, but I feel that must close one circle of the life, and begin other. And for all I think I should formalize my relationship with You, and that must formally began the life of vanaprastha. 


I think I have grow a little bit and understand better the formalities.
Please give me your order; Can I enter the vanaprastha asrama? Can I speak with the authorities and start the process to be an aspirant? What advices You give me regarding these two points?

HpS - I do not know your details!??    Usually Vanaprastha starts at 50-years old, but can start earlier. Are you initiated?  We don't know your Civil Body, only your Blog Body.

I know that I have a big anartha in the heart about You. That is very difficult to me to see You with the gravity that one must look at the representative Diksa of Krsna for one person. I always think in Yourself like a big friend. . .

HpS -ASA -- Is better than "big fiend". You are very kind.

... ...and I had realize that is bad for our spiritual relationship, and is related to the impurities related to the Guru and Paramatma that I have...that is represented in any person or place-thing.(then, like me more, see at You like a friend). But I know is a bad understanding.
I know You are my Diksa Guru, and Siksa also, and my soul is crying so that once it happens.
Sorry for all my anarthas.

I have one question about Paramatma association.
I am trying to realize Nama and Rupa, and Nama condensed in Rupa atmosphere perception. And Rupa drive me to the flow from Paramatma. That Rupa in my stage is very near to Paramatma. Is good this understanding?

HpS - Ooof. It is very complicated for us and make the language not perfect and no perfect answer is possible, but the way I hear what you are doing it seems O.K. in general but to get to hard details you must get better foundation. Initiated?    Following the basic Standard?

Also push me to feel Krsna at any moment, without stop, anytime, manmana bhava mad bhakto?? Is the path? I need Your instructions.

HpS - Above.

Also I feel Paramatma is pushing me to do more austerities, but I don't know if is Maya or a real instruction. I don't know if is good for me.
Please, give me Your order.

Thanks You very much for all Maharaja.

Your eternal servant.

Hare Krsna.

HpS - Read, read, read, chant, in the community of ISKCON and alone with Krsna and you will get practical understanding.

Personal Sadhana and Mandir report of THOUBAL

7 years, 1 month ago by mukta singh in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna, Gurudev Maharaja!
Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada, Sripada, and Guru Parampara                          Goura Bhakta Vrnda Ki Jay, Radha Krsna Ki Jay.

Dandavat Pranam,

I am so so happy to get Guruji's amrtabani reply of my previous question. It makes me so close with Guruji like siting together and discussing different topics of Sri Krsna and His expantions.

Now, we are not doing Mangal Arati in the temple due to unavailability of Pujari. But I am doing Mangal Arati in my home at 4.00 a.m. daily. After the pujah, started chanting eight rounds in the morning before doing any personal morning works. Reading books is also a continued programme for me before arrangement of going to office. In the winter office hour is 9.30-4.20.

The nine dvipas of Navadvipa parikrma are :

1.         Sri Antardvipa – Atma-nivedanam

2.        Sri Simantadvipa – Sravanam

3.         Sri Godrumadvipa – Kirtana

4.        Sri Madhyadvipa – Smaranam

5.         Sri Koladvipa – Pada-sevanam

6.        Sri Rtudvipa – Arcanam

7.         Sri Jahnudvipa – Vandanam

8.        Sri Modadrumadvipa – Dasyam

9.        Sri Rudradvipa – Sakhyam

There are different stories of all dvipas. Our forfathers said that Navadvipa is the same as Vrndavan. All places of Vrndavan are in Navadvipa and same values. Then, as Krsna never left Vrndavan even a step is there the same story of Gouranga Mahaprabhu?

HPS - I think so!

Krsna came on the earth in two places; one at Mathura, Kangsa’s Karagar and the another is at Nanda’s house. Thus Gouranga came in two ways? Another thing is “Gourang Mahaprabhu never took Sanyas and go for viksya and namprachar” how far it is correct? Please highlight me from these darkness.

HpS - Oooof!   I don't know such secrets now. If we go on chanting we will understand everything. I have 100-letters!!

Yours fallen servant,

Yamunesvara Das.

Pedir concejos para comenzar iniciacion

Todas las glorias a Sri Radha Krishna, todas las glorias a su Divina Gracia Srila Prabhupada Swami, todas las glorias a su Santidad Hanumatpresaka Swami. Amado Maestro acepte mis mas respetuosas reverencias. 

Si hoy tengo la dicha de escribirle es gracias a un devoto suyo quien es mi amigo Prabhu Anandamaya Das, y de antemano le pido perdón si en mis ignorancias de un aspirante a su instrucción lo Hiero. Estoy leyendo el Srimad Bagavatam en el segundo canto y creo que va discipando mis espejismos que me atrapan. Tengo la necesidad de una iniciación quiero si no es un falta de respeto que me oriente o me de unas pautas. actualmente donde vivo en Piura Perú, no tengo la suerte de encontrarme con devotos, tengo mi pequeño templo en una habitación y los domingos cantamos el Mahamantra con algunos niños que se acercan a mi y les gusta. Yo si me entrego por completo a Sri Krsna, pero derrepente lo ofendo mucho y esa es la necesidad de prestarle servicio a Sri Krsna. pero no quiero ofenderlo. Ojala en su proxima visita a Lima Krsna me conceda la gracia de su presencia y pueda escuchar su palabra. Atentamente un amigo que le ama José      M. Cruz Neira.

HpS - Hare Krsna, muy bien conocerle!   Gracias us carta.  Hare Krsna. Hare Krsna.   Krsna es una persona. Si rezar "pray" a El, El responerias. El puede hacer un a arreglo como puede pertenecer a un buen communidad de devotos.    Mas noticias en uno semanas por favor.

Gadadhara gosai das _ barcelona

7 years, 1 month ago by gadadhara gosai das in Personal Sadhana Reports

¡Hare Krishna Gurumaharaja!

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias! ¡Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada! Todas las glorias a usted !!

Espero tener un feliz vyasa puja, el agradezco eternamente por inspirarme en el camino de regreso a Krishna a través de las enseñanzas de Srila Prabhupa y su propio ejemplo. Este año voy pudiendo cantar cada dia mis 16 rondas y siguiendo los 4 principios, espero ir profundizando en el maha mantra y que se vuelva a casa más dulce.

Estamos aquí hace unos días con la familia de vuelta en Barcelona, ​​estuvimos 25 días en Argentina de visita, ratha yatra, familia y tramites. Ahora de vuelta aqui, trabajando en una empresa de mantenimiento; las niñas van a hacer las cosas bien, el domingo al aire libre, pensamos que todo está bien, el templo se está haciendo más fuerte en sankirtana. Espero retomar con el servicio a las deidades del templo. mis reverencias

Su insignificante sirviente, gadadhara gosai das.

Hare Krishna.

HpS --  Jaya!   Muchas gracias sus noticias.  Mas en unos semanas. Detalles de su trabajo.

Best wishes on your Vyasapuja!

7 years, 1 month ago by Bhakta Eric in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Guru Maharaj,


Even though I'm not the best at showing it, I'm so grateful to have you in my life. I've been working hard to lay the foundation for the service I hope to perform in the near future, and I appreciate that in the meantime you've shown endless patience with me, and trusted me to make my way forward in life as best I can.

I appreciate that you go out of your way to be personal with your disciples, that each one of us can feel confident to go to you with our joy and our difficulties and feel accepted and encouraged and empowered to go on and become the best versions of ourselves we can be. Because you are truly caring, you are the best result of all of Srila Prabhupada's endeavor. Because of Prabhupada, my generation has access to personalities like you, who are the greatest asset to the human race in these dark times. People who are wise, and humble, and kind, and gentle, and honest.

Things are changing rapidly for me lately and growing more complex, just as I desired. So it's been difficult to know where to begin writing. Lately I've been thinking deeply about my relationships and feeling many things which are difficult to express.

It's been over a year now since I formally became your disciple and since I resumed my career as a working artist. Since then, a great deal has taken place, but I'll just recap a few main points:

 •Built up a new body of work in a new medium, consisting of over 1000 artworks in various genres, sizes, and styles.

•Created an online sales funnel with social media, website, blog, email list, and crowd funding profile.

•Conceptualized my creative process with artist statement, biography, and numerous letters and essays. I documented my work in physical and digital portfolios which I plan to self-publish as a collectible introduction to my life, work, and ideas.

•Experimented with network marketing and learned some valuable skills, although I went into debt to protect my customers assets when the business went under.

•Worked as an intern at a print/frame shop and paid off my debt while learning a new trade related to my profession.

•Assisted Baradraj prabhu in laying the foundation for a transcendental artist colony, and became acquainted with gold leafing techniques from him.

•Curated my first group exhibition, participated in dozens of other exhibitions at notable galleries and live events, and found a lucrative online market for prints of my artwork.

•Served the devotees with illustrations for books, albums, publications, and with transportation and storage.

I've been in a long distance relationship with a likeminded devotee girl in Dallas who is also a freelancer and an artist. We have compatible astrology and we get along well so I'm planning to move to Dallas soon to get married. She is a tutor and a ghostwriter for masters students so we look forward to delving into some research projects together soon.

My girlfriend Reivin lives next to the temple and her landlord is a devotee, so we will have very low rent, and between the two of us we will barely ever have to work to pay bills. My plan is to use online resources to learn as many instruments and languages as possible, to review all my basic academic knowledge through the ACT, to take free online uni courses on topics related to my art; to provide incisive social commentary which details how all societal problems stem from a deeper existential crisis, and visionary audio/visual explorations of utopian and dystopian scenarios that I intend to write, animate, and score myself with selected artist collaborations.

I'm currently revamping my online presence and designing an art series and product line around a new crowdfunding concept I'm super excited about. I look forward to being able to donate more towards your preaching efforts and collaborating more with other devotees.

I've got a long way to go but I feel healthy and happy, like I'm exactly where I need to be. I know that Krishna sees my true desire to serve and I fully trust Him to protect me in all circumstances. I feel blessed to be surrounded by so many saintly people, and I hope that I can contribute something of value to the devotional community. Thank you, Maharaj, for accepting the austerity of leadership. I hope I can serve you better as time goes on.

Your servant,

Ekāśma Dās

HpS -AGTSP . paoho. I could not read all this but scanned a lot. Of course, "get up early and get your rounds done" is the the enzyme that makes everything else work. Write again when this Vyasapuja mountain of mail shrinks.