Personal Sadhana and Mandir report of THOUBAL

7 years, 1 month ago by mukta singh in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to A.C. Prabhupada, Sripada Maharajam,

All Glories to Gouranga Mahaprabhu and Goura Bhakta Vrnda Ki Jay!

Guru Maharaja, Dandavat Pranam!

Please accept my humble obeisances unto Guruji Maharaja's padmacharan that after Guruji's reply I have more courage for reading more and more books.

Yestarday, we three members from Thoubal participated Guruji's Viyas Pujah at Imphal ISKCON Mandir. Dr. Sarda D D and the members of Imphal organised Viyas Pujah very successfully. Bonomaly Prabhu is the main talker of Guruji and Sarda and myself also talk some minutes with sincere and whole heartedly . The total members present in the Pujah and took prasadam are around 170. I inform all initiated bhaktas but they could not turn up, it may be their different reasons.

Guruji, could you upload some new lectures in this Blog or in other waveside. It can be downloaded and hear in any time in many topics.

HpS - Hare Krsna. Thank you for the news. I am mostly a very selfsh person, so any Vyasa-puja that sees any goodf qualities in us is actually glorification of the more qualified members of the Parampara before us, with us and after us. We try.

There is one devotee, Srinatha-krsna Das who is in India now, but will be back in a week or so and he has the link to some lectures. If you want to dig for them there are lectures at We present class each Thursday by internet and they have them recorded, but not by our name, so you have to look through the old classes. Ask again in a couple of weeks.

So many Srila Prabhupada lectures!!!

After mangal arati, I am chanting 8 rounds in the morning before starting any morning works, then reading books, preparation for office etc.

Yours fallen servant

Yamunesvara Das


7 years, 1 month ago by parama karuna das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Porfavor gurudev acepté mis humildes reverencias, todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada y guru Parampara.

. . .

Estoy organizando mi viaje a India la prox semana estare tramitando la visa por 1 mes salimos el 19 de Enero y regreso a Lima el 23 de Febrero, que Krishna me de la oportunidad de verlo cuando venga Ud. a Lima en Marzo.

Esta creciendo en mi el deseo de tener una Govardhan y deidades de Radha Krishna nunca tube ese sentimiento antes y me gusta la idea de tener esa oportunidad de servicio y tener un altar en mi casa bonito para la adoracion, sus bendiciones Gurudev para refugiarme mas en Krishna y Srila Prabhupada.

Su sirviente Parama Karuna das.

HpS - Hare Krsna.    TlgaSP.  Gracias su carta!  Pero no aparece "Urgente", no?

Es mucho inversion para solamente una mez, no?    Su tio rico se morio?  <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="" title="smiley" width="23" />

Y claro es super, super tener deseo adorar Radha-Krsna, Giri-raja!  Pero, por favor deja los Silas en la colina hasta que hablamos con mas detalles de la adoracion. Hay detalles esencial discuss.

Tambien pienso es super important hablar mas intimitamene acerca la carta de Karuna-krsna Das. Por favor escribanos en [email protected]

Hari Bolo!!


7 years, 1 month ago by amala karuna das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Gurudeva, acepte por favor mis humildes reverencias, todas las gloria a Srila Prabhupada.

Tan solo para decirte que la situacion vigente con Amparo. . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Mi  Señor y amo, yo le suplico por favor que no publique ya nada de lo que he escrito aqui hoy,  a continuacion mi pobre ofrenda a Tus pies por el dia de  Tu Vyasapuja.

nama om visnu padaya, krsna presthaya bhutale

srimate hanumatpresaka  swamin iti namine

Por favor acepte mis mas humildes y respetuosas reverencias a sus divinos pies, millones y millones de veces.

Gracias a Srila Prabhupada y a Srimati Radharani que pude encontrarte en esta vida, lamento que no soy el devoto que usted espera, pero yo luchare hasta el fin por seguir tus divinas instrucciones, no existe manera de agradecer el haberte obtenido como mi amo y mi guia.

"Mi Gurudeva no es cruel, no es duro, El es muy dulce. El da todo; da el proceso para el servicio eterno, relacion, atraccion, afecto, todo. Le ofrezco mi puspanjali a mi Guru-pada-padma. Vida tras vida El estará conmigo. Por Su gentileza me ha aceptado, y nunca me rechazará."

A Tus pies,  Tu siervo eterno amalakaruna das.

HpS - ASA -- Gracias por su carta. Es muy animador. Sí, estoy de acuerdo con usted y no vamos a publicar más cartas sobre esta disputa personal por exactamente las mismas razones que usted menciona, incluso antes de que las haya presentado en su carta.

Creemos que este Blog es el lugar para discutir los principios generales de las disputas. Si la gente quiere describir detalles de conflictos interpersonales, O.K. pero una vez más o menos y eso con la actitud de solo crítica positiva, ser amigo de los demás. Claro, si es util podemos discuss de una manera mas confidencial.

Entonces, en general, todos cantemos Hare Krsna juntos y nos conectemos más de manera intima con nuestros centros locales de ISKCON, lideremos esos centros.

Reflexions from "el caballo's" letter

7 years, 1 month ago by bhaktanicasio in Personal Sadhana Reports, Hot Topics

Hare Krisna Gurudev,
Please accept my humble obeisances,
All glories to Srila Prabhupada,
I read Harsh Pradan's letter and some reflexions come to my mind. I like Prabhuji a lot, and also I feel very identified with his struggle.

One thing I don't understand is why being in Mumbai, where suposedly one of the best ISKCON congregations exist, I mean ISKCON Chowpatty, he can't take advantage of that. Once he told me he lives too far away. Can't he move closer?

HpS - I would say, and I trust my opinion about 65%, that it is 'suposedly' one of the best congregations in ISKCON. It is best for some people. I've heard Radhanatha Maharaja make that same comment.
Next, he lives on the university campus in student housing. To have to commute to school would be like three hours a day of work and finding an apartment would be costly and his wife is also a student and there is student care for their son. So, yes, same city does not mean much in way of big access. If we push each other, we can get strength to visit the local ISKCON temples more. That will help, but really it is making friends with devotees and doing service together, even if you only meet once a week, month, year.
"Did you follow the four principles last year?"

"Yes, and you?"


Counselling is a big shortfall in ISKCON.

HpS - Yes, but is it a the first priority???  Finding Pujaris is a big shortfall in ISKCON also in some places.  Hmm.     My attitude would be what is MY BIGGEST SHORTFALL. Then from that perspective how can I make friends with some other devotees who are struggling with similar shortfalls and work together.

Kali yuga, our backgrounds are so heavy. So much disorders, intellectually, psychologically, etc.
I realized one thing. Material life is too complex. Durga sends huge difficulties, very hard to assimilate from an emotional point of view. But is simple at the same time. Whatever she sends, we have two options. Whether going to the darkness, external energy, or going to the light, internal energy.
In the last years of my life, thanks to ISKCON shelter, I chose the second one.

I lost my father, my brother and sister when I was eleven. My wounded mother abandoned me and left me with my grandmother. I survived and finished medschool. Then I wanted a family, so I picked the closest girl next to me, to have children. At that very moment, when my exwife was pregnant from Manu I received the first KC book. It strucked me so hard. It was an inmense emotion. All the answers I was looking for. So then, the only thing that matters were preaching and making rapid spiritual advancement. I became fanatic, radical, insensitive.
Srila Prabhupada's teachings, my psychology and no guide was an explosive combination.
Nobody within ISKCON warned me. My aunt did, of course because she was in maya, I didn't pay attention. That attitude (plus other ones from my ex-wife) lead me to divorce. Again another loss. So much pain again. I wanted to go towards light, so I thought the best way was, seeking for initiation. I felt the pressure from ISKCON society. With little questions like, Aren't you initiated yet? What is your Spiritual name? When are you going to take initiation?
So I focused and followed the vows for the required time. Then I got it, Harinam diksa, I got my Spiritual name. Questions over!! But then I realized I couldn't keep my initiation vows. After one year of initiation I fell down. I couldn't be steady, I had ups and downs. I felt horrible, guilty. So I started psychotheraphy. That helped me a lot.
I read your guru tattva file like 20 times. It is so clear. I understand what Harsh says. Barely nobody in ISKCON will give you the same advice as is stated in the guru tattva file.
I can assure that very few of  your initiated disciples follow the standard you set in that file. Unfortunately I am not one of them.
I profoundly believe that what you say is all true. And that this is the only standard that will take everybody to the Spiritual abode.
That is why I moved to a devotees comunity, to attend mangala aratik. That is why I will work less in 2018, to chant better rounds. That is why I got married to a good wife. To make a plan to follow the 4 principles strictly.
So this is my advice to Harsh and everybody.
Take those guru tattva file instructions to the core of your heart. Put yourself in a situation which is favourable to this instruction. Take shelter in what Srila Prabhupada says at the end of the purport to BG 3.31 "...But an ordinary man with firm faith in the eternal injunctions of the Lord, even though unable to execute such orders, becomes liberated from the bondage of the law of karma. In the beginning of Kṛṣṇa consciousness, one may not fully discharge the injunctions of the Lord, but because one is not resentful of this principle and works sincerely without consideration of defeat and hopelessness, he will surely be promoted to the stage of pure Kṛṣṇa consciousness."
Have patience, it doesn't matter which is your name. Become a real soldier. Not a manikin.
Respect to myself, I see you Gurudev as my vartma pradaksika and siksa guru. I'm struggling to become your disciple. To be steady on the path.
At your lotus feet.
Nikunja bihari das ( Dr. Jekyll)
Bhakta Nicasio ( Mr. Hyde)

HpS - We require this Annual Report minimum for someone to call themselves our "Disciple". Of course, is usually also very, very good if we can write like this also. We have initiated a lot of people. Most of them don't report, but amongst those that do, about 85% are following 16-4.  That is true of devotees inititated before 1977 also, no? 'Don't be surprised who goes, be suprised who stays, " Prabhupada Said.

"Nehabikramo naso sti..."   No loss. Any progress is eternal. We are all different. Different pace. We have heavy Sannyasa Karma. It is mostly good although some bad aspects also for becoming a devotee. How did we get that? We were Harsh Pradhana, Nikunja, in our last life?  Every breath of service is added to our account.

Up!  Down!     Up!   Down...  Bhakta Yo Yo!....   But if we try we get better. Set practical standards. Stop before noon for two weeks for Krsna!
Thank you so much.  Let's go on to the next letter.

Tlgasp! Pfanhr Guru maharaja!! Yasodanandana das y Ekadrsti d.d!

     Hare Krsna Gurú maharaja!!TlgasP!! Pfanhr!!feliz Gurupuja!! 

Desde isla de la palma Spain.. Ekadrsti d.d y Yasodanandana prabhus & Nitay,Vrinda,Yamuna/Madhu gouranga le ponemos al tanto de nuestra situación actual.

Vivimos en la Isla bonita, La palma, en una casita rural con tierra para cultivar y vistas al mar, es una isla atlántica volcánica y con carreteras de difíciles accesos y poca comunicación.. Viven 4 familias de devotos en la isla y nos reunimos algunos fines de semana para hacer bhajan y tomar prasadam... Como método de colectar laksmi vamos al mercadillo local donde hacemos tarot vedico, palmistry, damos, prasadam y libros.

Hemos comprobado que la distribución de prasadam es muy natural, divertido y efectivo para nosotros porque nos permite cultivar más personas y presentar los libros de Srila prabhupada en un ambiente familiar y confidencial, pensamos que de esa manera podemos apoyar más y más en su  labor predica y en la misión de Srila Prabhupada..

En la isla de la gomera viven Karuna Shindu  un discípulo de Gurú prasad swami y su esposa Prabhupadanuga discípula de Paramadvaita swami, ellos tienen 3 niños de la misma edad escolar que los nuestros y nos conocemos desde cuando ellos vivieron en New vrajamandal, nos invitan a mudarnos a la Gomera porque todas las semanas reciben 2/3 barcos cruceros en la isla llenos de turistas buscando que hacer y tiene un potencial de prédica increíble además de la posibilidad para los niños de ir al mismo colegio y también para asociarnos en conciencia de Krsna y activar la predica o bien haciendo un proyecto juntos o proyectos familiar por separado.

Entonces Gurumaharaj..como ve usted nuestra situación?? Que piensa usted al respecto?? Qué  debemos hacer??

HpS - Hare Krsna.  Very nice to remember you. We don't get much news from you. We can't say from here what you should do in detail. Will you be able to chant better rounds and follow the four principles more strictly if you move to Gomera?   That is good standard. Talk with other devotees who know you more, friends, clients of the devotees in Gomera. Moving is a lot of work. So don't do it without good thought.  Sounds like it could be nice.

Por favor Gurumaharaj...sea compasivo con ésta alma adsorta en un océano de lamentacion y no tome en cuenta mis ofensas ya que en ningún caso ha habido la intención de ofender sus pies de loto que son objeto de mi más sincera adoración y agradecimiento.... Sin más, nos despedimos de usted su inutil sirviente Yasodanandana das & Family. Haré Krsna.! 

HpS - Send more news.  Biography of the children's teachers.  Become Mayor of the island.

Feliz Vyasa Puja

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj, por favor acepte nuestras mas humildes y respetuosas reverencias.

La verdad es que no tenemos palabras para expresar lo que sentimos en nuestros corazones en este dia tan especial que es su Vyasa Puja. Perdónenos!!!

Estamos en la ciudad de Huancavelica desde hace 4 días haciendo Sankirtan, muchas lluvias, frio extremo, en las mañanas un calor fuerte, el clima muy extremo, estamos a 3800 metros de altura.

ASA - Oooof!

Aun asi no hay impedimento para distribuir los libros de Srila Prabhupada!!!

Vamos distribuyendo 704 libros, entre pequeños y grandes. Estamos con Prabhu Adveita [Advaita] que envía sus respetuosas reverencias.

HpS - Lo mismo para él

Bueno Guru Maharaj nos despedimos, muchas gracias por ser una inspiración en nuestras pobres vidas, que Nrisimha lo proteja siempre y por favor perdónenos si alguna ofensa hemos cometido.

Hare Krsna.

Gadai Gauranga Das.

Nadiya Nivasi Dasi.

HpS - Hare Krsna, Somos solamente pequeno mensajeros tratando ser util para Vds y Srila Prabhupada. Esperamos que encuentran unos quienes puede convertier en seguidores de sus pasos!!!!   Algo de servicio para nosotros?