Querido Gurudeva

7 years, 1 month ago by purnamasidevidasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Gurudeva:

Please, accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Thank you so much for being such a great help and inspiration! On this day, I remember how fortunate I am, for having your merciful guide. I am nothing but a selfish and ignorant "person", trying to  feel some real attraction for chanting  and serving. I try but not so hard, because I feel like if I would walk very very slow.

 My daily life is very intense (wake up early for chanting some rounds, school, family, evening program, gurukula and youngs programs and CPO). I feel very tired sometimes, however, I consider myself  very fortunate to still being part of Iskcon.

ASA - You life is very much like ours.

I chant 16 rounds a day (some of them are not good, chanting in the car), the 3 Gayatri mantras and following the principles. At school, I try my kids to hear (and sometimes sing) as much as possible the Maha mantra and another vaishnava songs. They watch different Krishna cartoons and movies, and, whenever it is possible, I share some prasadam with them.

Every Friday, we celebrate a sat sanga at home. When the class starts, I have a "class" with the children.

In January, children under 13th but over 9 will meet in NVM for 3 days. They will learn about kirtan, theater, cooking, service... and they will have the opportunity to ask questions to Yadunanadana Maharaja and to share experiences with another devotees (now, in their 30's) who were raised in a devotee family.

And, finally, the International CPO came to Spain last November to implant the CPO in Spain. Yadunanadana maharaja asked me to be the director. I said that I wasn't sure about being able to do it properly since I have limited time, so I asked someone  else to work with me. Finally, Hanuman prabhu's daughter accepted it and we are trying to start.

HpS - Very, nice!  But there should also be a PPO, no?

I try to read whenever I can. I am reading Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 1 and "The Journey Home" (Radhanatha Swami). I hear 2 or 3 classes per week (iskcon desire tree audio). 

This is all I can say about my situation right now. I am pretty busy and I am always thinking that I would like not to work, but I know (theory) that everything is perfect as it is.

Happy Vyasapuja Gurudeva. I don't write letter to you very often. I have to improve. Sorry. But I can tell you that I remember you very often, usually for realizing that I should be a much better disciple of yours.

Hoping your health is good when you read this message.

Aspiring  to be your humble servant,

Purnamasi devi dasi

HpS - Wonderful letter. Everyone can be very inspired by you. A child chants the Maha-mantra and his life is changed for every. He influences others....

.... you are keeping good correspondences. Just a little, little more often. Keep some notes of things to write.

Sankirtan Sankirtan Sankirtan

7 years, 1 month ago by sacinandan das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias querido Gurudeva.TLGASP

 Las aves Syena y Paramahamsas bendigan al mundo del peligro de la ilusión.

Los devotos del Señor Hari, quienes viajan a todas partes con el fin de liberar a las almas condicinadas del oceano de la existencia material, acepten mis reverencias siempre a sus gloriosos pies de lunas.

Al recordar, al Señor Hari, de ojos de loto en su maximo esplandor y esta en el corazón de todas las cosas, incluso del átomo, uno se purifica tanto interna como externamente.

Pranams Gurudeva, reportando que aún no hemos muerto, seguimos en lucha contra maya, estamos en la base vistiendo a sus Señorias Radha Madhana Gopal en mexico, haciendo casi todos los dias 3 aratik y ofrendas de bhoga, tambien distribuyendo algunos bhagavat gita para esta maraton,y participando de los programas de Harinam con los devotos del templo.

Siempre deseando el refugio de sus pies de loto su aspirante a sirviente Sacinandan das.

HpS - Gracias sus noticias.  Adelante, Adelante, Adelante, muy bien. Quien conoce cual va  a ser su serivcion en el futuro?   Krsna tiene un plan.

Vrisabhanu-das... Jaya Hare Krishna Gurudeva...

7 years, 1 month ago by Vrisabhanu-das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Jaya... Gurumaharaja.. Gurudeva... me rindo a sus pies de loto!

HpS - ASA -- Pies de loco, TLGASP!!

Por favor acepte las humildes reverencias de esta persona que ha estado un tanto alejado de la comunicación.

Gurudeva, muy contento de saludarle este día; como sabe en la distribución que realizo regularmente de mis propios libros de cultura general, incluyo invitaciones a los centros de prédica y restaurantes; predico el consumo de alimentos sanos vegetarianos, incluyo la recomendación de cantar los santos nombres de Krisna en esa literatura; además mis libros contienen recomendaciones para elevar al ser humano a una plataforma más humana.

Considero que la vida nos propone diariamente una lucha personal a cada uno, y el primer paso despues de las regulaciones y el canto de los santos nombres, es la ejecución de nuestros propios deberes, en los que varias veces negligencio también... Pienso que la vida es una lucha diaria.. y muchas veces me aliento a este logro diario, a través de la lectura del segundo capítulo del Bhagavad-Gita. "Si no peleas... los grandes generales sólo dirán que fuiste un cobarde"...

Por otro lado, pienso que estoy alejándome de la prédica sobre la Vyasasana, auque predico a las personas con las que me encuentro. A veces considero, que no es muy de mi agrado sentarme a la Vyasasana a dictar una clase de Bhagavad Gita. Tomo varios días para preparar una clase, ya que pienso que debe ser perfecta, eso me genera ansiedad, y trato de evadir ese momento o esa circunstancia de dar una clase... Sé que es un error... es timidez... es confort...

Esperando que el Señor Krisna y Prabhupada, le protejan... me despido.

Vrisabhanu das

su sirviente

HpS - Muchas gracias sus noticias.  Si, mas noticias de su vida, predica. Adelanta de cual quiere manera, en la calle, familia, en la Vyasa-asana y todos los demas senderos mejoran.

Bhaktin Rukmini - Personal Report

7 years, 1 month ago by Rukmini in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada! 

I'm glad to write you. Thank you very much for your merciful asociation in FMP. My mother (Tarangaksi dd) and I are trying to connect everyday. Due of this, our chant is improving and we are being occupied in more service. In the last months, I was studying the first cycle of Education at Catolica University. I learnt a lot of interesting modern educational topics. In a final investigation work about "what means to be a good teacher?", I quoted Srila Prabhupada (Bg. 3.21). My teacher was interested in the quote. I hope, for the next year, have the oppotunity to quote Srila Prabhupada in other works. Also, I had a philosophy teacher that in some of his classes, he mentioned how hindu philosophy influenced at the greek religion...

I'm giving classes of Bhagavad Gita at Wilson temple and being assistant of pujari (twice a month). I participate in bhajans and kirtans, playing the harmonium and singing, in Namahattas or temple programs. In a few days, I will travel to Cusco with my grandmother Gauri Devi Dasi. At university, teachers recommended me to know the social and cultural aspects of the peruvian regions and the educational reality of their schools. At the same time, we will do sankirtan at the little villages and we want to have the association of the devotees. We will stay there almost a month. 

Thank you so much for reading this letter. Thank you so much for your mercy, association and inspiration.

Trying to serve,

Bhaktin Rukmini.

HpS - Hare Krsna!!!!   Hare Krsna!    I hope you can make a lot of friends in the university and just listent to them. They will have problems and the innocent ones will accept the advice of you "Abuelito", Srila Prabhuapada.

Tarangaksi dd - Personal Report

7 years, 1 month ago by Tarangaksi Devi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna dear Gurudeva,

Please accept my humble obeisances

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I'm very happy to write you again. I'm trying to always connect to FMP. And twice a month, I do Mangala Aratik in the temple. I'm chanting a half of my rounds very early and the other half before midday.

HpS - ASA --   Very good!  You are our leader.

All this help me to improve my chant with enthusiasm. Also, because I started to study Bhakti Sastri with Lakshman Prabhu. We are studying Bhagavad Gita. 

By Krishna arrangements, I work from house. We write articles for a magazine about health and integral culture, with the collaboration of other devotees. This allows me to have a flexible timetable, so I can do service at Wilson temple: Bhagavad Gita classes (twice a month) and Pujari  (twice a month); and take care the spiritual life of my daughters.

I think is very important taking care physical, mental and spiritual. So, we are diffusing good regular habits and a simple natural alimentation, with the aim of helping people to rise goodness. We hope continue with this for the next year through a fourth edition of the magazine.

By Krishna's mercy, I'm always in association with devotees and we are trying to do service with joy and enthusiasm for the pleasure of our beloved Gurudeva and Srila Prabhupada.

Thanks a lot Guru Maharaja for allow us to serve you and for your holy asociation.

Tarangaksi Devi Dasi

HpS - Very, very nice.  It seems that there is great need in Lima, Peru, Hispanic world for simpled knowledge about how to be happy even materially. People want that know, but it is Kali-yuga and without some religion connection, Krsna, it won't be strong enough to keep them from being drawn back again into Raja and Tama guna.   So nice to see good results from these efforts. Make you clients, salesmen.

The most gentleman

7 years, 1 month ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva


All Glories to U, HH Hanumatpresaka Swami

Another year to try to glorify U and recall your innumerable qualities

The first one is  obvious your humbleness is the most outstanding decoration of your very good self

Your study guides are named Tava pache pache, and recalling the lyrics of Ohe Vaisnava Thakura on the last verse says :

kṛṣṇa se tomāra, kṛṣṇa dīte pāro,
tomāra śakati āche
āmi to' kāńgāla, 'kṛṣṇa' 'kṛṣṇa' boli',
dhāi tava pāche pāche

 Krsna is yours. You have the power to give Him to me. I am simply your servant running behind you shouting, "Krsna! Krsna!"

Due to your fidelity to Srila Prabhupada and ISKCON Krsna is YOURS, and just by your mercy I am going to be able to get Krsna in some point. Always happy and positive in every action we can see that U have the jewel of prema bhakti within the core of your heart.

HpS - Wow!  X-ray vision!!   We see a lot of anger that we have to control. The Devil within.

I always pray for always be running behind your lotus feet and try to get at least some particles of the dust of your feet

I also became identify with the third verse:

ekākī āmāra, nāhi pāya bala,
tumi kṛpā kori', śraddhā-bindu diyā,
deho' kṛṣṇa-nāma-dhane

I do not find the strength to carry on alone the sankirtana of the holy name of Hari. Please bless me by giving me just one drop of faith with which to obtain the great treasure of the holy name of Krsna.

Your whole life had been an example of faith, steadiness and so forth for all of us

You have passed through many difficult situations in ISKCON during this lifetime, but instead of becoming disappointed, criticizing, lamenting etc I listened that you said in one class in Australia

Despite all this problems “I am going to follow Srila Prabhupada  and follow his mission”, and due to this decision You got the feeling  that SP is saying thank U

You added that we have to become good members of ISKCON, so I thought that starts analyzing our own position, our own service, just as U told me once the spiritual advancement is individual. Thus I should not seek for others faults, and just focus in the treausure that U want to give me. The treasure of the holy name of Krsna

You gave us the formula how to maintain our utsahan, You knew how to take advantage of good association, Your friends were Jayananda P, Hansadhuta, Bhakti Svarupa d G, and You tell us, that your conversations with them were: SP said this, SP did that so You were experimenting [experiencing] Lila smaranam svarupa meditating on SP’s pastimes, that  comes more intense. I beg to always seek for good association within ISKCON. And these festivals are so important because we can share all these experiences about our beloved Gurus.

Finally You said that you did not like when devotees discuss about SP’s final order, due to SP is everyday giving orders through His books, so it will never be a final order

Great souls like You will always be remembered due to the huge service and love and U give everyday to any people you be in contact with elevating their consciousness, You really carry in your heart this statement:  Where-ever you go, whomever you meet, tell them about Krsna, “yare dekhe...”. 

I can just say thank U all so much for all these years of outstanding association

Lo quiero mucho Gurudeva

Su Santidad Hanumatpresaka Swami Maharaja KI JAYA

HpS - We are often in about 40% muck and mud and trying to act upon the 60% clarity that we have. It may not be perfect but 60% pure devotional service leads to 100% (sooner or later!).  Thank you for your association. You have a nice mother, nice father, nice sister and even a nice dog (and cat).    Nice clients. Nice students. Nice religion...   Jaya!     That's not enough!     Make them all perfect.  See that you father takes birth in Srila Prabhupada's ISKCON.