the Great Forest of Enjoyment

6 years, 2 months ago by AKD in Personal Sadhana Reports

Please accept my humble obeisances unto your lotus feet

Dear Guru Deva

Every day I continue in the purpose of supporting more the movement of Sankirtan Movement, in spite of my capacity it's very minimal, I keep the main goal, I want to be a tool in this great plan,of Sri Nitay Gaura, like you and Srila Prabhupada. So the constant distractions that is in the Great Forest of Enjoyment, where the materila's modes are always very attentive to maintain our trapped senses, so the maximum attractiveness of Radha-Krishna are hampered by such mirages, thanks for ginin us an excellent example by your great work, preaching and sadhana. we have the opportunity to know, that there is still, a more important goal.

I have continued to travel taking advantage of the invitations of people, to speak about of Krishna and inviting everyone to chant Hare Krishna mantra to those who allow me, we also visit devotees that preach to me.

I hope you have better health, and I wait for you return on your upcoming visit.

Thanks a lot, your crew member AniruddhaKrsna Dasa.

HpS - Jaya!!!!!! So we see you in Mexico City in just a few moments. What are you reading, studying???????

Gaura Purnima at Imphal!!!!!

6 years, 2 months ago by Sarada Gaurangi Devi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to Guru Maharaj. Please accept our humble obeisances at Your lotus feet.

HpS - ASA -- Lettuce feet, AGTSP!!

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj,

Every time Guru Maharaj replies to us, we get so spiritually charged! Today....the reply made me cry...and I am not ashamed of admiting this to You dear Guru Maharaj. Deep in my heart, I always feel we are dancing with Gauranga all the time with Srila Prabhupada and Guru Maharaj taking the lead.....what better way than have Guru Maharaj's transcendental association during Gaura Purnima? Yes , Gurudev, we at Manipur will be celebrating Gaura Purnima on 21st March. And when Prof. Samaresh's name came up, my joy knew no bounds. We may have the book release here at Imphal, details of which will be communicated as soon as we discuss with HH Bhakti Ananda Haridas Goswami Maharaj and our senior devotees. We will surely try our best to have the education symposium again , we only need Your mercy Guru Maharaj. It would be a dream come true for us if we can can have the Upadeshamrita ..for days....months.....years........!! And "Art and the Sacred" will attract a lot of crowd.....on Gaura Purnima !!!! Dear Guru Maharaj, when can we take our second initiation?

HpS - You need approval of Temple President, and you have to have show some standard of Sastri knowledge. Some places require Bhakti-sastri diploma which can be great, great fun. Others have simpler test.

Please forgive us for any offences committed .

Your servant always,

Sarada Gaurangi DD

HpS - O.K. Now we have to work on details! Is there a direct flight from Imphal to Mumbai? Then we would do our work in Kolkata before we come to Imphal and then go directly to Mumbai for two nights and then fly out to Houston 26th-27th.

We will talk with Professor, Symposium on Art and the Sacred or Education and the Sacred, book release, and giving an award to Dr. Samaresh from San Marcos University in Lima, Peru, and beginning cultural and academic exchange relations between Lima and Imphal?

Jiva-Sakti dasa - Lima, Peru dec 2018

6 years, 2 months ago by Jiva-Sakti dasa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna dear Guru Maharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Answering your questions, as I told you in your last visit here in Lima, I am working as secondary teacher -1st to 5th grade- on Art, Religion, Civics and Dance workshop. I am tutor too.

HpS - Aaha!!! Put in context, now we remember!

I organized the Art course, teaching Visual Arts for two months, Music -and Singing- two months, Dance two months and Theatre two months.

Also I arranged the Religion course, with the permission of my coordinator, to teach world and historic religions, in order that students repeat maha mantra Hare Krsna on the subject of "Hinduism", talking about vaisnava beliefs, practices and principles, Krsna pastimes in Vrndavana too.

HpS - Super!! Super news foe this Blog also!! Will he own his own school soon?

Civics on citizenship education, state, human rights, public affairs, public security, etc.

And Dance workshop, a very big dose of different rhythms.

At ISKCON Lima, teaching Introduction to Bhakti-Yoga Course, leading kirtana and lecturing on Bhagavad-Gita last sunday of every month. Since 2019 I will teach ISKCON Disciple Course, Bhakti-Sastri and IBYC too. And I want to reassume theatre service.

HpS - Aaaawk! Bhakti-sastri! Right now ISKCON Peru is not authorized to give the Bhakti-sastri Diplomas! Is big anxiety for us. Of course, Karuna-krsna Das is the ISKCON Peru Minister of Education and we hope that this can be worked out through him, no?

My wife Adi Lila performs offering and worship five days a week at noon in ISKCON Lima.

HpS - How far does she have to travel??

At home, Jagannatha-Baladeva-Subhadra ruling over. My son Krishna is 14 years old, on 8th grade in a Waldorf school, happy and inteligent, still living with his mother. He wants to be a photographer and travel around the world.

HpS - Is he in Patrak das' school?

Gurudeva, thank you very much for everything. Please forgive my offenses.

Your eternal servant,

Jiva-Sakti dasa.

HpS - Thank you! Let us work on the Menu for Vyasa-puja. We can contemplate on what to offer Lord Nrsmha Deva!

Gandharva's bewiderment-URGENT

6 years, 2 months ago by Germán Vegas in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Gurumaharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

First of all I want to thank you for your association during the month you were in Lima. By your example and mercy, we begin to understand the fine subtleties of devotional service according to our very limited capacity. We love you very much, Gurudeva. On the other hand, your presence renews the essential enthusiasm we need to continue on our way. I apologize for distracting you with my concernings, but nobody better than you to help me absolve them so I ask for your patience on behalf of what i am going to tell you: I have always been (since I can remember) linked to the world of art. My father and mother devoted their efforts and life to artistic activities and since I was little I had contact with books, select music, painting, unusual objects and creative and unorthodox people who contributed in the development of a critical attitude towards life. I always wanted to devote myself to the artistic and the Lord granted me the desire to do so allowing me a life in close relationship with this unconventional world (in a material perspective, of course). I love art, and what awakens in people, I am fascinated by the ideas around it and I have partially resigned the practice to dedicate myself to teaching and researching due to my great attraction to ideas and books. However, not everything is perfect in this environment. I have never been able to fit completely into my surroundings, I am not skilled at relating to others. I prefer solitude or personal contact with my students, for whom I am a guide but from whom I learn many things. Art is my Maya, its fascination dazzles me and sometimes I find myself biased to dedicate more time than to my spiritual practice.

I am 51 years old. I am not a young man and I feel, little by little, the signs of time in body and mind, in a subtle but real way. Indira Sakti and I want to deepen our spiritual life, we certainly want to be devotees (is the only thing we really have, besides your words). We do not have children, so attachment to a place is deceptive and unnecessary. However, sometimes we do not know what the next step is. For now, we are considering the possibility of returning to Chosica to serve you and train us in deity worship. It is a service that we like a lot and we execute it quite well as a team. We would like to stay for two years receiving training and then travel to a yatra where we can be employed in service to continue learning Arcana for another time (hopefully one day we can execute Arcana in deed). If Lord Jagannatha wishes, we can then travel to India to concentrate all of our time and effort in devotional service. What do you think of this possibility?

On the other hand, I do not have a degree because I never finished the thesis. In the last two years I have been tempted to do it and get my degree (I've even advanced in it), then I could do a master's degree in education or art history. But the thesis takes time, effort and money. Do you consider it necessary? Can this decision contribute to our spiritual development in some way? In short, I am hesitant to continue my professional career in an area in which I have achieved modest success at the level of prestige, money and social status (although it has enriched me greatly as a person) or, devote my time to perfecting our devotional service as pujari. In what way do we serve you best, Gurumaharaja? Not having found a way to serve you effectively has caused us great sadness, Gurudeva, so I beg you to instruct us and help us to channel our beings to the benefit of your sankirtana. I apologize for the length of the message.

Your little servant

Gandharva das

ASA - Hare Krsna! AGTSP paoho We are spending the weekend in Franklin in Tandavika Das and families Ashrama. This is a rather specific question and we don't have sufficient detailed knowledge of the situation to give detailed advice.

Canakhya Pandita says that victory comes from good advice and good advice comes from many counselors. Of course, Mataji is a good source of perspective. She knows how much pressure some of the school work may be on you while also paying the bills. Your family, friends, associates, teachers, KRSNA. Talk with all of them and then you can get a good estimate of the value and the cost of the Diploma.

Laksmana Das is going through it, no?

Also you can even do both maybe. You can even integrate getting a Master's Degree with becoming a Master as the Art of Deity worship.

See if you can do it in useful units. Commit yourself for two Semesters with a certificate in line and then reevaluate.

Main thing is what helps my Sadhana, Sankirtan. What is your Sankirtan in ISKCON. I don't think it is being a Pujari.

I think you would do well as a Director. Organize an event. Make a movie for a clearly defined audience using ISKCON as actors, action.



6 years, 2 months ago by bibhatsu@das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Accept my respectful obeisances Guru Deva

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Hare krsna Guru Deva, well.. since the last time we talked, my father gave me the deity of Lord Nrsimha deva to take Him to my trip to Paraguay, I worked in a mother's restaurant for 3 months. And then I went to Colombia, I stayed there 3 months and then I returned to Peru. In all that time, I continued in my relationship with Margie, we follow our four principles and we try to be stricter every day, she is chanting her rounds as you told her, she continues with 4 daily and she will increase. I have not had the best days, Krsna Keeps putting me to the test, and Maya is still doing her work. 

Because of Nrsimha Deva that my father gave me, because of you, and the little association that I have for now I keep my votes, thank them. I stopped working and now I will dedicate myself to do what you told me one day. Margie and I are seeing the way to leave more the material life and concentrate more on the spiritual, for the moment we follow our principles, our rounds and we attend Laksmi Nrsimha deva. However, I would like to know if I can attend Them only by having the first initiation, since I was a child my father let me take care of Him at home, and this deity has become a inspiration for Margie and I, He has protected me in my trips. My question is: Can I have Them and take care of Them only by having my first initiation?

HpS - Yes, as far as we understand from Srila Prabhupada, Jayananda Das and Tamal Krsna Maharaja, yes. They are not installed Deities and it is more Pada sevanam than Arcanam as we understand. Love Him, keep Him clean, give Him regular service of food, flowers, incense, lamp and oil, even if it is very simple!!


Well Gurudeva, I await your response, may Lord Nrsimha protect you

Happy Govardhana Puja. Pandaveya prsni Das.

6 years, 2 months ago by PABLOPARIKRAMA in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Gurudeva

Mis mas humildes reverencias a Sus pies.


Agt Guru and Gauranga.

I am Pandaveya prsni Das

I'm no longer in Nueva Vrajamandala, I'm finishing a basic paramedic course that I started two years ago and I have to finish this year, and order work and family matters. I am traveling now.

HpS - Paramedic! Aparece bueno!

My devotional life is going well thanks to Your mercy. I do not know why but I've had many realizations. Thank you.

I stand up to the Brahma-muhurta, who especially at this time is not very early, 6:15, then I hope it continues like this.

Especially happy Kartika Gurudeva. In the end I could not go to India or South America, I had to postpone it.

I always take you on my way, and I am very happy that you initiated me, I hope this is just the beginning of a great journey together, Gurudeva.

I remember you, from the parikrama of Vrndavan, Govardhana, the earth and its color, and I always there ...

Thank you so much for everything.

Your disqualified servant, Pandaveya prsni Das.


P.D.: Now i am not doing any work at Vedabase because I am travelling, and internet problems, but I will try...just I have seen the letter of Prahlada.

 The smell of wet stone drying

Burned herbs and wood


 Dry and cold soil. Hard. Stone.

Smell to living room


And street air

 Hitting wind

Water that sounds

Background music

Outdoors outside

 I meditate

I associate

Earth smell of moss

A burnt spices

and manure burning


And jumps with blows to the chest


That sinks us into a well

Full of light

And space


Where are my friends?

Why is this earth presented in forms that are created and lost before my eyes, without meaning?

When will the sun rise in each atom, and there will be only one vision?

HpS -

Create the Vraja atmosphere and you may see Krsna with His friends passing by. Wave and say, "Hi!".

More news! Hope you meet many nice people and induce them to read and preach, Light of the Bhagavata!!