respuesta Monterrey

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada 

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias Gurudeva <img alt="ángel" height="23" src="" title="ángel" width="23" />

Le escribo en respuesta de la danza Manipuri que se presentó en Monterrey, cada año se realiza el Festival Internacional de Sta. Lucía y se presentan obras y danza de diferentes países y culturas sobre el Paseo Santa Lucía, este año uno de los invitados fue India presentando "Manipuri Jagoi Marup" con 3 diferentes danzas tuvo buena cantidad de espectadores,  fue una gran experiencia en Kartika de este año.

Por cierto ahora tenemos 20 semanas de embarazo y esperamos nuestro 3er hijo para finales de Marzo del siguiente año, nos confirmaron es un niño también por ahora llevo muy bien mi sadhana, todo va muy bien y sin complicaciones. 

Mi esposo está llevando muy bien su relación con su padre biológico ahora se está haciendo trámites de visa para que mi esposo viaje a Miami donde Raphael vive y puedan tener más tiempo para conocerse. 

Le agrezco su tiempo y mis mejores deseos para su salud 

le comparto algunas fotografías de los eventos con mejor resolución.

Su insignificante aspirante a sirvienta Ananda maya devi dasi

HpS - ASA --- Gracias su carta, buena noticias para todos. Sukadeva Goswami era oyendo SB en la vientre de su Mama! Espero Gadadhara Das nos llamara de Miami. Jagoi Marupa = Amigo del Universo. Es uno de las mas antiguas grupos de Manipur.

No mas en el campo, no? Otra vez en la ciudad Vds? Gran programas cultural para distribuir libros?

Remenbered Gurudev report october

6 years, 2 months ago by Radha Japa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Pamho adored Gurudev! AGTSSRMV! ALTSP! All glories to you!!

This month I was very discourage in my service but, after of ekadasi day,  I am entusiast again. Ekadasi day is really very wonderful an powerful for the spiritual life.

HpS-ASA -- AGTSP!!! paoho. Has always been big challenge for us. Effects are so poweful.

I have much service with the three altars, school with gopal, job and dance ; but I am happy . 

The dancing in the street is very nice. Many peopple hear  the maha mantra and other bhajans and this Entusiast me.

I hope Ud very well and happy in your preaching.

Thanks for your time

     Trying service to you: Radha japa prati jalpa dd.

HpS - We are sorry that we could not write earlier. We just got back from traveling 3 days ago. Your news seems very nice!!! Franco, Gopal, Madhavendra Puri et al!!

Hare Krishna Gurudev.

6 years, 2 months ago by Bhaktina Romi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada. All Glories to you & Vaisnavas.

Please accept my most humble obeisances to your feet.

Long time ago from my last letter, sorry for that. Hope your health is high <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="" title="smiley" width="23" />

I’m writing for tell you what I’m doing.

Grihasta life go really good, we are engage in Deity adoration (about that I attach a letter before that) at home, we want to improve our standard and our devotion. Make a few weeks we gone to Sri Govardhan in Mar del Plata, so beautiful place. I’ve remember when you go and nobody lived there yet. I can’t believe how beautiful is this place, the deities, the temple, the place, everything so delicate, really like it. 

I’m began to study Astrology with Gunesvara Prabhu (Srila Prabhupada Disciple), so complex, hope can understand it well.

Tomorrow will be the Ratha Yatra here in Argentina, I’m not involve in organization any more, I will be in "Srila Prabhupada Tent" trying to distribute some books for His and Your pleasure.

I feel so inspired for the pictures I’ve see about Art & Sacred I’m REALLY HAPPY to see how your seeds grow strong, I want to congratulate to organizers and participants. 

Make a few months my mom was interned in a hospital, and some weeks ago the doctors said that’s she have a uterus cancer, this new is so hard for me, now I’m so active seeking for new treatments to can help her in some way, and triying to help her heal inside, from the heart. I know that Krishna has put the result, but I beg for your blessings to empower me to do something real for help her.

HpS - Thank you for the news!! Your Mom is in the middle of a crazy jungle. Poisonous plants, spiders, nice sunshine, sweet nutritious fruit, but all of it, heal the uterus, remove the uterus or testicles, is just a joke. The only real solution is to get on a very good raft, life-boat, and see the difference between dry land, the boat, and the ocean. Help here with that. Krsna will give you intelligence.

For finish, His Holiness Srila Virabahu Maharaja, visited Arg, and with my husband (who is disciple from He) try to always serve Him and take instructions to go forward in Grihasta asram and the teaching inside it.

Sorry for my long letter. Thanks for your time.

There’s no day that I not remember you my dear Gurudev.

Who want to serve you with love and devotion

Rati Mañjari Devi Dasi

pd. I panited the classicals Sri Radhe and Sri Krishna wich are painted in Vrindavan Dham, attach a Photo, hope you like. We're trying to "Always remember Krishna and never forget Him"

HpS - Not a long letter. A good letter. Respects to your esteemed husband. He is a real man, no?! We hope the pictures get attached later. After like seven years, Prahlada is having to renovate this Blog.

Again thank you. Go right ahead!!

Rohini kumar das

Haré krsna Gurudev por favor acepte mis reverencias . Después de estar tres meses en sillón Zúrich regresamos a vrindavan en kartik todo increíble psrikrams , kirtans todo super inspirador ahora estamos realizando dandavat parikram en Govardhan como parte de una promesa de haber llegado al dham . Después de casi un año de muchas realizaciones y purificación el 5 de diciembre nos regresamos a paraguay a intentar compartir los Santos nombres y el pasadam con todos . Su eterno sirviente Rohini kumar das

HpS - TLGASP. Bien interesante. Aparece a nosotros solamente una persona favoricido por Krsna puede viajar y experimentar las cosas que describa!

Y Y Y las Kirtan de Srila Prabhupada en sus libros. Esta entrando mas y mas furiosamente en ellos tambien? Toda la demas que describa arriba puede ser el mejor sendero par Vd y otros entrar en ellos.

India Calendar - North East

6 years, 2 months ago by Sarada Gaurangi Devi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to Guru Maharaj! Please accept our humble obeisances at Your sweet sweet Lotus feet.

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj,

Thank you so much for the reply. We receive DTC news and we are always eager to get connected with Guru Maharaj's activities.

Its so nice that the India calendar is coming up finally. Could we celebrate Holi Sankirtan here at Imphal for at least a day on 22nd March next year? Here the kirtan starts on Gaura Purnima ....and goes on for full 5 days. As Guru Maharaj plans to leave India from Bombay on 22nd , we are afraid that we might just miss the opportunity to be in Guru Maharaj's sankirtan party!!

Regarding Guru Maharaj's visit to North East, we requested HH Bhakti Ananda Haridas Goswami Maharaj for advice and we feel it would be best to organize the programmes at RadhaKrishnachandra Manimandir, Imphal ISKCON. We are sure RadhaKrishnachandra will provide amazing darshan , accomodation and prasadam to all of us. We have regular temple programmes here and Guru Maharaj would not have to travel so much....we care for Guru Maharaj's health. We could invite all our Godbrothers and Godsisters of the North East so that we may have Guru Maharaj's transcendental association. 

We eagerly wait for Guru Maharaj's instructions. 

Your ignorant servant always,

Sarada Gaurangi DD

HpS - Hare Krsna. You can see we just posted another file on this topic in response to Yamunesvara Das' questions. Do the dates seem O.K. there? We tried to get enough time for everywhere. Maybe it would be too much to visit Silchar. We don't know. Yes, we would need some help for our body to do this much traveling.

Waiting for your news.

Guruji's N E and all of India.

6 years, 2 months ago by Yamuneswar Das in Personal Sadhana Reports
All glories to Guruparampsra, AC Prabhupada, Sripada Maharaja and HpS Guru Maharaja!
Dandabat Pranam Guru Maharaja,
Yestarday I went to Imphal ISKCON Manimandir to meet Ananda Haridasa Swami Maharaja and Sarada D D about Guruji's N E India Visit but I could not meet Haridasa Swamiji because He left Imphal earlier and Dr. Sarada inform me that they had already discussed so I took their suggestion through message and suggested 24-26 March 2019 will be better in Imphal programme. We are requesting Guruji Maharaja's suggestion and convenience dates etc.
My daughter's engagement completed and date will be 13 or 19 March, 2019.
In Manipur winter started, today 6 degree celceus.
Yours fallen servant,
Yamunesvara Das

HpS - ASA --- Hare Krsna!!! AGTSP. Paoho. If you are chanting 16-nice rounds a day and following four principles strictly etc. then you must be becoming practical associate of Radha and Krsna by the mercy of Guru and Gauranga!
We just got back to North America after very hard and very successful preaching programs in South America. We hope your daughter's wedding will be very, very useful for the growth of her spiritual life.
Sitting down here in Tennesse, USA, we are just now going to try to fix this India tour.
Arrive 23 January in Mumbai. Host Ramagiridhari Das with visits to Navi Mumbai etc.
28 January travel to Govardhana Eco Village with RGD. Meet with Gauranga darshana Das et al. Other devotees can visit there the same time. Contact local authorities.
3 February travel to Pune with Gauranga-darshana Das. 4-9 February = Sastric Education Conference.
10 February fly from Pune to Delhi. Do programs in Delhi (two or three days) then go to Vraja. Hosts in Delhi Aja-govinda Das Youth Forum Director, Yuddhisthira Govinda Das; in Vraja Tunga-vidya Devi Dasi, Jagamohan.
20 February to Kolkatta
23 Feb to Mayapura for Minstry of Education meeting 24-26, meeting with friends until the Sannyasi, GBC, Guru Sanga on the 4-6 March.
7 March to Kolkata
8 March to Imphal? Silchar?
19 March to Kolkata
22 - to Mumbai
23 - to USA.
What do you think of this? We would be in NE from 8-19 March? Where should we go? We need your comments very soon to buy tickets. Of course, we can also meet devotees in Vraja and Mayapura ( 27 Feb - 3 Mar).