From Isla Mujeres

5 years, 8 months ago by Carlos Rold in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna dear Guru Maharaja!



How are you dear GM!? I am in México since april 25 and I will come back to Chile at june 4.

Gurudeva: I am writing to you just because I want to let you know that on weekend I met Sajjan Swami and when I told him that I am aspirant to Hanumatpresaka Swami he said "heyyy !! He is my godbrother ..." and told me that He was with You sharing association in Chile 3 years ago approximately... later Maharaja said "you are very fortunate to be refugee on Hanumatpresaka Swami, -(absolutely true)-  He is pretty much better than me in every sense and He is more elevated ... " He also said "please tell Him that I send my obeisances unto Him"

I have participated in some of his programs here on Isla Mujeres and yesterday I gave him a copy of Solaris and I told Him about Your sankirtan all over the world, FMP and your online programs, also about "Art and the Sacred" and this year project "Education and the Sacred"... he was very impressed and joy! At the end of this month I will send to You a picture to Monkey Warrior blog showing maharaja reading Solaris into a full report about my adventures travelling through Caribbean and Riviera Maya!

Hoping to serve you just one more time... thank you very much for your mercy, infinite thanks... your association keeps me alive...

Your aspirant disciple and servant,

Carlos Rold

HpS - AGTSP It is nice to see you daily in FMP!!! It was nice to hear Maharaja in the class this morning. Of course, there are some institutional differences between us because Maharaja took shelter of Narayana Maharaja as a Sannyasa guru, but in the light of Srila Prabhupada and his ISKCON we can move forward as a big band enlightening the world.

Crecer Vaisnava and Report KSDD

Hare Krsna dear Guru Maharaja

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada and all glories to you

Please accept my obeisances

Long time ago I do not write on the blog and I beg your pardon.

HpS-ASA - AGTSP! It is small fault compared to our many! So good to see you.

Although I read daily your instructions and I can find similar situations to what I am living, so, I take your instructions as if they were for me.

My personal report:

For your mercy without cause we maintain ourselves chanting 16 rounds, following 4 principles, regular morning Sadhana, daily lecture of srila prabhupada’s books and we regularly listen to classes online. We maintain our service on the temple. Raja bhoga on Wednesdays and garlands on Saturday.

I’m trying to support Prabhu Arya-Srestha Das, according to my possibilities. Even there still are things that hurts me, but I’ve left it aside and above that I see him as a great devotee that has gone through adverse situations; so I’m trying to be a support and not a burden. Our deals are cordial and he is striving to correct his mistakes, we share Rajas Bhoga service on Wednesdays… after all… we will always be united by the service to you and Srila Prabhupada.

HpS - ASA - As you describe the situation, we would say that any gentleman is very fortunate to have the association of a lady like you. Thank you. Our respects to, Prabuji also.

My sakirtana report “Crecer Vaisnava” :

For your mercy without cause I have worked in this service for almost 6 years. Our intention is to bring support tools for parents and instructors vaisnavas. We have a facebook page, we have 3000 followers and the last statistic we have a range of 12.2 thousands of visits in one month.

-His holiness Guru Prasad Swami, has given us his authorization as GBC of our zone and he likes our service.

-We share articles for Grihastras, Parents, and Instructors. Quotes from Srila Prabhupada, material for kids, videos, songs, work books, children’s book, etc…

For your mercy without cause, this year various vainavas have joined to our team and we are realizing new material, they are really anxious in collaborating and it inspires me to continue.

Like maybe you remember, Crecer Vaisnava, translated the book of Homeschooling some time ago. So since that time I am in touch with Prabhu Abhirama about it, we are coordinating each other and he things that it would be possible to publish it in Mid-year. 

-In addition we have organized some conferences online with Mataji Aruddha about the Homeschooling topic, in different Yatras. (Chile, Mexico City, Cueramaro and Tulancingo) many parents have been attracted to the topic, and we have done links with some devotees that realizes home Education, since we are Crecer Vaisnava we are tracking them.

-Following the conferences we have achived a group of studies of the Homeschooling of Mataji Aruddha. Actually there are 15 devotees on the group. The parents are really enthusiastic and committed. We are learning a lot.

-We published a bimestrial magazine ”Educando para el hogar Crecer Vaisnava”. On it we share articles about devotees like Mataji Urmila, Mataji Aruddha and also we interviwed to senior devotees from different Yatras… Parents are eager to learn about the experiences of others and it looks like a good tool.

This is a little proof of what we have done during this time, we would like very much to be useful for your Sankirtan, we ask you to instruct us in how we can please you. We would like to know, ¿How can we subordinate to the Anjana Suta Academy?

HpS - I don't think there is any need to be formally a "Branch" of ASA. This communication is wonderful format for being part of the Occult ASA. You have your formal authority from the local Temple etc. O.K.?

Thanks Gurudeva, because you are the one who pushes us to try to be useful on the transcendental Sankirtana of Srila Prabhupada.

Please forgive me for the long letter. We reiterate our obeisances and eternal thanks.

Your aspirant to servant

Karuna-Sakti DD

HpS - Is not too long. Is very wonderful thing you are doing. We hope it goes to Spain, Peru, Argentina etc!!!! Send us news from time to time.

Thank you so much O! merciful Gurudev!

5 years, 8 months ago by Sarada Gaurangi Devi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!! All glories to Guru maharaj! PAOHO Your Lotus feet!

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj,

We three of us ...two young students included.....were at Puri just the day before it was hit by the cyclone...! We had Shree Jagannath, Baladeva and Mother Subhadra's darshan and got accomodation at Shree Caitanya Gauriya Math, the birthplace of Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Swami Maharaj . We got wonderful darshan.....great prasadam and got time to relax under the kalpa vrksha ! HH Paramanidhi Maharaj took great care of us and told us to come to Puri every year. His Holiness arranged an autorikshaw for us so that we could visit the holy places of Mahaprabhu's pastimes...Gambhira, Sarvabhauma's ashram, Siddha Bakul, Samadhi mandir of Jagannath Babaji, Gundicha Mandir,Tota Gopinath....

We were cursed by a pujari too....while taking darshan, he grabbed my hand...and started saying some mantras...asked gotra....swami's name etc. Told the pujari that am a Bhramacharini....and offered him 500rupees. He was demanding more money....and as I moved on, he shouted... You won't get married and have children!! Sudip , our student being a Bengali, understood the language and felt very unhappy. Later, when Sudip told me about the pujari's curse, I was indeed very happy!!!

Then we reached Nabadwip , stayed at Gopal Dev mandir . Had darshan of Radha Madhava at Mayapur. We visited Kalna and had darshan of Gaura Gadadhara.

Everything went fine Guru Maharaj. Thank you so much. Cyclone came after we left Puri. The Kolkata airport opened on the day we were to fly back to Imphal.

HH Haridasa Maharaj will be at Mayapur today for a meeting.

We are working on the printing of NOI in local language. We have a staff who has a printing machine and we have asked him the total cost of printing 2000copies. How do we make the cover attractive Maharaj? Which pictures should we put? We would like to get it done in a couple of months' time,if not earlier.

We are concerned about Guru Maharaj's health. We pray that Guru Maharaj recovers fast .

Your ignorant servant,

Sarada Gaurangi DD

HpS - Reverend Brahmacarini, Paoho. Wonderful news. Maybe your will be a personal friend of Visnu-priya in your next life if you continue like this!

Send some cover suggestions to this Blog. Of course coordinate with the BBT!!

Such a nice trip. You can see we have not been traveling. We are resting in Murfreesboro and then take off again June 5th. Yesteday, the hay fever, allergy was INCREDIBLE, like putting salt into an open cut. Then today. . . nothing. We have so much work that we just chant Hare Krsna and let Krsna decide what we will do.

Hope the Kapi Dhvaja helps!!!

Temple president in Boise is willing to only charge me a Dollar.

5 years, 8 months ago by stopngo in Personal Sadhana Reports

Your Devine grace Hanumatpresaka swami.

I see how busy you are and no apologies needed.

Even if Krsna sees I'm able to serve, I feel that there's vary little I could bring to the table. a common street sweeper is of little service to the vishnavs. especially a illiterate one.

In ABC, the temple president made a comment, and said he'd only charge a Dollar, and I believe him, I think he needs Laxmi more than XYZ

I'm still on the 4 reg's program and feel strong in my rounds, but i need to have goals, and could see myself deciding to serve Maya in stead of Krishan, which he has provided me with all the sense gratification on could muster in many eons.

I'll see what takes place,and let you know of my decisions,

Even though l dissipointed you in Boise,

HpS - Huh??? You didn't disappoint me at all! It was very wonderful having your association.

I had the association that'll hold me over,for life times to come.

You're common deamon.


HpS - We know Temple Presidents who required stiff donations before they would recomend anyone for intiation. In general it seems funny to us, and we can see it from one side as ridiculous, but on the other side we can see it as practical demonstration of service. Of course, we can negotiate $2000 or $20. Payable in advance or installment payments over 12-months (with 8% interest). 😀 and we can also offer other kinds of service besides money eg. pot washing, legal services...

Thank you for the robust donation to NIOS. They sent three boxes of books to your address. Got them:>>>wAITING TO hear from you to go on to the next step.

Volviendo al templo

5 years, 8 months ago by Piero Saavedra Torchio in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Todas las glorias a usted.


Luego de pasar dos meses fuera del templo pude percibir lo poderoso que es vivir en el. Quiero ayudar, quiero servir.

Este domingo vuelvo a nuestro templo de José Miguel Carrera 330.

La situación es de emergencia como siempre, pero Krishna hace los arreglos para que todo siga adelante. Me siento motivado a entregar un poco más de sangre a nuestro templo de Santiago.

Afuera pude descansar del estres que me autoimpuse para seguir adelante como comandante. Ahora que vuelvo no quiero tomar un rol de autoridad, no quiero cometer ofensas y que eso dañe mi canto del maha mantra.

Afuera pude estudiar detenidamente el tema de la meditación y los chacras. Aplicando pranayama. Buscando formas para mantener mi salud en equilibrio.

También fui al medico, tengo colon irritable, por lo que debo cambiar mi alimentación. Creo que deberé evitar los lacteos. Casi vegano a la fuerza. Espero no volverme tan estúpido a falta del nectar de nuestra madre vaca.

Hay varias cosas que me están ayudando a entender más mi ksetra, mi cuerpo. Estudiando mi árbol genealógico, la carta astral, de la cual ya tengo 4 visiones de diferentes astrólogos, la meditación. Voy a ir a una nutricionista para guiar mi alimentación, comenzaré una sesión de constelaciones familiares y además una devota, madre Rukmini, terapeuta, me está orientado con diversas técnicas.

Se que el mahamantra ayuda en todo ámbito, pero soy muy neófito como para entregarme completamente, rendirme a sus pies de loto completamente. Es algo que anhelo, deseo que mi guru chandala yoga (problemas con el guru, rahu-jupiter en casa uno) se elimine y nunca alejarme de su instrucción. Servirlo siempre. Aveces soy muy revelde y muy fanático.

Quiero luchar y seguir adelante. Me ahogo en un vaso de agua, pero estoy experimentando que al poner los pies de loto del Señor en mi memorio, toda la ignorancia se apasigua.

Tomeme muy fuerte porfavor y no me deje caer. Gracias por la misericordia que tiene con esta alma condicionada. Tenemos la luz de Srila Prabhupada que nos guia. ¡Jaya Srila Prabhupada!

Le dejo la pregunta que hice en gotomeeting:

¿Puede existir anharta nivritti antes de la iniciación?

HPS - Hablando de anartha nivrtti en un sentido técnico, en términos generales, es afte Bhajana Kriya, iniciación, pero todo es parte del mismo proceso de despertar, así que sí, algo de anarta nivrtti ocurre antes de la iniciación. Trata para unos semanas vivir en el templo y entonces revisar su situacion.

Hare Krishna Maharaja, hoy lo vi en sankirtan y espero verlo siempre.

Mis reverencias, gracias por su respuesta de la carta anterior.

Piero Saavedra Torchio, su sirviente.


5 years, 8 months ago by Gopi Radha Devi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Gurudeva

Please accept my obeisances.

It's been a while since I wrote to you. Excuse me please.

HpS - We are answering too slow also!

The last three years I have spent my time mainly taking care of my children, husband and university studies. It has been difficult and we had to make sacrifices that sometimes seemed useless.

Finally, in August I will conclude the degree in Pedagogy and I can see how all the effort, although small, is taken by Krishna in His service. Only Krishna and his devotees make all sacrifice worthwhile. Although to be honest, I often think that I am unable of doing something well and the more I learn about something, the more useless I feel.

Now I am doing social service in a boarding school for boys between 6 and 13 years old. Catholic education is given to children from dysfunctional families, children of single mothers, orphans, etc. It is a very nice place, with a beautiful garden, it has its own church and Spanish nuns who take care of the children live there. It is something like a Gurukula but Catholic. I think constantly that it would be wonderful if there was a school, as beautiful as this one, but of devotees of Krishna.

My services in the temple are now minimal, but constant. Deity kitchen, garlands and some occasions on the altar. Prabhu Vidagdha recently returned to the administration of the temple restaurant and dressed Sri Sri Radha Madan Gopal once a week.

This year we decided to continue with homeschooling, because attending school was not favoring Mukunda and Muni, both academically and spiritually. I am now doing a lot of research and writing about homeschool and distance learning modalities, certifications, curriculums, teaching resources.

I am chanting 16 rounds and following the 4 regular principles, although I have difficulty getting up to mangala arati. I also think that I should especially improve my appreciation of devotees and not get carried away by my mind in making criticism and focusing on faults of others. Many times I have felt hurt and I have lost confidence in others because of that. I am also aware that I have hurt others too.

Gurudeva, you know what kind of person I am, I can not fool you. I just want to change and improve.

HpS - Actually we know you in a very esoteric way but practically you have to cultivate association with devotees on a daily basis, no?

We hope to see you in your transit through Mexico and we wish you to be very well.

Sent greetings Vidagdha, Mukunda and Narada Muni.

Your servant Gopi Radha DD.

 HpS - It is very nice to get your letter. We have read with interest all your news of homeschooling, diploma etc. Little little steps make a long journey. Respects to the head of the restaurant!!! You should pray to Krsna that you all can visit Lima sometime!

What kind of body do you think you will get in your next life? Boy, girl, Brahmana, Sudra, Mexico, Goloka, Gokula, ISKCON?