East coast trip report

5 years, 8 months ago by srinath in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Guru Maharaja 

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to you!

We are in Charlotte airport, after attending Sadhu Sanga, waiting for our flight to Dallas. In today's Bhagavatam class, Vaisesika prabhu was telling how you inspired him to systematically study Srila Prabhupada's books. I have also been reading SB by your inspiration. I will be completing Canto 3 Chapter 16 (The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuṇṭha, Jaya and Vijaya, Cursed by the Sages) this week.

HpS -ASA -- AGTSP! Paoho….. Just eight more Cantos and we can join the squirrels watching the Rasa-lila!

We left Dallas 10 days back on Nrsimha chaturdasi to attend my younger brother, Sriram's graduation, in Connecticut. My parents are also here for his graduation and will be with us in Dallas till the beginning of November.

I have dry eyes and I had gone to the doctor to get my glands cleaned on Nrsimha Chaturdasi. Inspite of the anesthesia, I almost passed out because of the pain. For some reason, I was just singing Jaya Radha Madhava all along. Just before I was going to pass out, I blurted it out to the doctor. But I could feel that probably (the mind or intelligence) was instructing my mouth to blurt out the words. It was as if I was observing all this outside of my body. It was a surreal experience.

HpS - Incredible. I have a drainage duct in the right eye blocked, so I get too much fluid. Our Mercedes just went to the shop for repairs.

For this Nrsimha Chaturdasi, I memorized the following verse from Prahlad Maharaja's prayers and it couldn’t have been more appropriate for my situation. 

evaṁ sva-karma-patitaṁ bhava-vaitaraṇyām


paśyañ janaṁ sva-para-vigraha-vaira-maitraṁ

hanteti pāracara pīpṛhi mūḍham adya

My dear Lord, You are always transcendentally situated on the other side of the river of death, but because of the reactions of our own activities, we are suffering on this side. Indeed, we have fallen into this river and are repeatedly suffering the pains of birth and death and eating horrible things. Now kindly look upon us — not only upon me but also upon all others who are suffering — and by Your causeless mercy and compassion, deliver us and maintain us.

HpS - So, so, so beautiful.

Guru Maharaja, you always say that the body does not get disease, it is the disease. We have been realizing that more and more. Especially, this Nrsimha Chaturdasi was intense. It will be 2 years since my initiation next week. Any little progress I have made is only because of your mercy. Thank you so much Guru Maharaja for accepting me as your disciple and giving me shelter at your lotus feet. 

I am hoping to come and meet you in Houston on 8 June with Divya and my parents.

HpS - 1-4PM is the Open House at the Goswami Academy!

Your servant

Srinatha Krsna dasa

HpS - My respects to your parents and congratulations to your Brother.

Sugopi-Radha Devi Dasi Studies Sanskrit.

5 years, 8 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Gurumaharaja


Sugopi got admission into the summer program at University of Wisconsin. We will drive there over next week end.

Srinivasacarya Das

HpS-ASA - She can translate children's stories into English!

Our congratulations to her.

Intense Frustation

5 years, 8 months ago by Andrea Ramirez in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

All Glories to Gaura Nitai


Respected Maharaja

its me again... i havent feel good lately.

ASA - Yes, we know what you mean, but!!! We associate with Srila Prabhupada and then it is happy life. Happy as it is in the Prison.

there are so many things that have me so confuse and distress, i found myself no chanting and having struggle with following my principles. i have no idea why this happens. sometimes i feel i dont love krishna enough because is not normal to have this up and low downs so quickly, i feel spiritually bipolar. one day im very enthusiastic to chant and study and the next day i see myself tired and wanting to run away from KC.. i need to be honest, because if i dont im not going to get the words or the help i need to find out whats going on with me. i wish i wasnt this weak, i wish i had a better attitude towards everything but i just keep struggling and giving up. i cant go to any elder devotee here because all i get its empty words, i feel critized and jugded. this ON and OFF i dont know if its normal, or something i have to fix, i have try my ways of trying to keep my sadhana steady but its just the same, i do go for a long time and all of the sudden i lose interested... i try to associate with devotees but again, i always get betrayed or critized and its just...i cant take it anymore, i dont know how to deal with all of this... i feel i´ve failed Krishna and you.. i feel i wont be able to make..

HpS -There is a letter from Gopa-kumar Das we answered today which is just like yours. Yes, what you are experiencing is common. Many devotees have this. In the beginning our service is influenced by the modes of nature. When they are good our service is good. When they are passion or stupid our service is that way.

What I do, you do, is when the mood is good do as much as you can.

When it is bad .... do as much as you can... as long as you can breathe you can chant. Give your life to the Holy Names, Haaaaaa Raaaaay Krsna!!!! If they starve, humiliate you O.K.

Daya devi Dasi. She was deaf from before birth. What kind of challenge did she have in Krsna conscousnes? She wrote to me that she could feel the Kirtan through her feet!!

She chanted 16-rounds a day and met a nice older devotee and got married and helped each other and were happy.

Krsna is trying to help you. He is not wasting anytime, but we have got ourselves into such mess that it is hard to get us out immediately.

Go on! As long as you are chanting HK you are making progress!

Send more news.

You will see progress.


5 years, 8 months ago by Govardhana das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Dear Gurumaharaja,



Dear Gurumaja, wishing you always to be in good health and asking for a little bit of your spiritual strength for the service of our beloved Srila Prabhupada.

Sorry for the delay in writing, but I want to thank you for allowing me to participate in the FMP, if it were not for that I would simply be lost.

ASA -Me too!

I got work in Cusco, in the Regional Government, public sector, the pay is regular but it allows us to survive, the important thing is that we are close to the Temple and the family. Things are going to improve.


I have been attending the Temple on Sundays, the devotees allowed me to teach Bagavad Gita, and also at the parties of Goura-purnima, Rama Navami and Nrishimha Caturdasi, all of them on Sundays, I always ask from the heart that you enlighten me to preach the Glories of Lord Krishna. There are no programs during the week. the devotees try to organize and they do it well.

I tried to talk with Prabhu Goura-rupa, but we could only see a short time, this full, I bisque several times but for the time we can not put them together, but I wrote to his mail, I sent him the status of the letter:

Hare Krishna Prabhuji,


I write this letter wishing you the best in Krishna's Consciousness, I have tried to be able to look for you to converse but without success, the last time we stayed in seeing each other I could not find it, I waited for it, but good. I do not know if Prabbu Purusam told him, but I have been doing service in the temple teaching some Sundays and in the main Festivals of these last months. I can not help in the pujari because of time and work issues and I do not want to fail in that service. Since I arrived, I wanted to talk with you about the subject of service and some other thing that could help, but you can not and that is understandable.

Dear Prabhu, I also take this opportunity to apologize for all the offenses that I may have committed with you, and always consider my appreciation and support for the Temple as I have always done. May Lord Sri Krishna give you many blessings. HARE KRISHNA

at your service

Govardhana dasa (HpS) ...

The person in charge of the programs is Prabhu Purusam, spiritual brother of Prabhu Goura Rupa, the times I go to the temple we do not see each other with Prabhu Goura Rupa, they tell me that he rarely participates anymore. It must be because of his work that keeps him very busy.

Mother Cita, the daughter of Prabhu Ananda Maya, attends to the deities, they also take turns M. Yogamaji and other devotees more, in coordination with Prabhu Purusam and Prabhu Raganuga, who until good time in Cusco. In GouraPurnima I met P. AmalaKaruna, I saw him well, I embraced him and I offered him my obeisances, P. Jagadisvara, he is in Ecuador collecting, I hope to meet him.

With regard to the family, everything is fine, I changed school to Nilacandra, it is closer to where we live, they have the method of teaching Singapore, very good, we will also change it to Vrisabhuanu nandini, she is small but very intelligent, she surprises me a lot. With my wife Ayda we are very well, we want to buy land, and from it I leave the initiative that part uses it for a temple, it would not be great but I would serve.

Dear Gurudeva, we know that for your mercy and association we will be able to do great things, we have ready the online program that I mentioned and we will be launching our clinic for the soul, we are lazy, but as I wrote before, we pray for having a little bit of your blessings and mercy in order to better serve our beloved Srila Prabhupada.

Dear Gurumaharaja, I hope to see you soon in Lima, I will try to travel for October or December, we are completely convinced that if we do not surrender to Sri Krishna and depend on Him, our life will be a complete failure. May the mercy of Sri Krishna always be poured out on you.

your useless aspiring servant

Govardhana dasa

HpS - Thank you very, very, very much for your determination and humility. I think that it is because of devotees like you that this movment goes on. I think that Srila Prabhu feels very sincere emotions to see the sincerity of you, your family and the Yatra. As you mention them please send our respects.

We wanted to visit Cusco on the way to La Paz but it was not possible. Well we shall all be in Goloka together soon!

Get settled. Chant and associate with devotees as NOI 4-6 suggest and then you will get good ideas for Sankirtan, clinic for the soul! Soul food!!! Send more news as it develops. We hear from Divya-drhsti Devi Dasi in India.

Soy una hoja seca y Krsna es el viento.

5 years, 8 months ago by petti in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Maharaj

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Por favor, reciba mis reverencias.

En mi carta anterior le consulte si era conveniente irme del templo, tome su consejo y realice ajustes, Krsna realizo los ajustes. La autoridad Amara Gouranga fue muy receptivo con mi situación y se tomaron medidas equitativas para proteger la integridad de cada devoto.

Krsna esta haciendo con mi vida un camino inesperado, siento que nada de lo que planifique se está dando, Krsna me toma como una hoja y me lleva a donde él quiere. Hace dos semanas tuve que dejar de vivir en el templo porque mi vida familiar (mis padres) necesitan de mi apoyo económico momentáneamente.

Durante los 4 meses que viví en el templo (en este año) pasé ansiedades por mis responsabilidades económicas con mis padres, las estuve cubriendo, pero estaba a punto de llegar al fin de mis ahorros económicos, tuve mucha ansiedad por tener que dejar el templo y volver a trabajar 10 horas diarias y todo lo que implica el hecho de no escuchar acerca de Krsna todo el día. Soy fanática de escuchar sobre Krsna todo el día, me desespero cuando no es así.

Hace tres semanas recibí una llamada telefónica (mágicamente), me ofrecieron un trabajo en mi profesión con un buen sueldo y con buenas personas, acepté este empleo agradeciendo a krsna por enviarme la herramienta para cumplir con mis responsabilidades del momento.

Actualmente estoy compartiendo departamento con una pareja joven (mormones) que de forma “mágica” me contactaron a través de una red social al saber que yo estaba buscando un lugar nuevo donde vivir. La primera noche en esta casa, compartí mi cena con unos misioneros mormones que son amigos de esta pareja mencionada anteriormente, y hablamos de Krsna y Radha durante dos horas. Hoy domingo por la mañana acompañé a mis compañeros de casa a su templo, queda a la vuelta del nuevo departamento.

Aún estoy confundida y a veces caigo en lamentación por tener que irme del templo y ya no escuchar kirtan todos los días, sin embargo, siento que krsna me ha protegido al permitirme compartir casa con sus devotos mormones. El nuevo empleo es favorable para mi vida espiritual, mis compañeros de casa también lo son, y aunque se que debo seguir preparándome constantemente, estoy contenta de saber que krsna me envía muchos aprendizajes en distintos idiomas. Ahora aprecio mas lo que viví en el templo, todas las situaciones difíciles me prepararon para este presente. Y agradezco mucho su misericordia Maharaj, la de Prabhupada, Radha y Krsna.

También quería contarle que esta ultima etapa en el templo me ayudo a sentir mas gusto por los santos nombres, por la asociación con devotos, ahora mi Sadhana fuera del templo ha mejorado, aunque estoy muy lejos de ser una aspirante cualificada.

 El 30% de mi sueldo será destinado a un ahorro para mi vida espiritual, quiero poder viajar a algún templo donde exista una disciplina de estudio de las sastras, un estudio de forma constante y progresivo, estoy viendo opciones como la finca en España, o Brasil para estudiar Bhakti Sastri. Me gustaría recibir sus recomendaciones.

Maharaj yo no tengo gusto ni apego por cantar mis 16 rondas, prefiero leer las sastras y cantar kirtan en lugar de cantar japa. Siento mucho cargo de conciencia cada día, ya que no valoro suficientemente el canto de japa, estoy obsesionada por conocer a Krsna desde una forma intelectual, escucho una clase de gurus al menos 1 vez al día, y escucho sus clases maharaj al menos 3 veces por semana, tengo lecturas cortas de las sastras en varios momentos del día, escucho kirtan al menos 30 minutos del día pero no tengo gusto por cantar japa, me esfuerzo mucho por tomar el rosario y cantar en solitario, mi mente inquieta me hace desesperar. Aunque me ayuda mucho visualizar sus pies mientras canto japa, últimamente coloco como fondo la voz de Prabhupada para sentirme en compañía y cantar japa. No es fácil para mi cantar 16 rondas, pero continúo esforzándome. Lamento mucho mi falta de determinación, deseo tanto poder cualificarme para recibir su misericordia y poder predicar.

Cuando estoy muy triste o desanimada en mi avance con la japa tengo sueños con usted, y con los devotos, Krsna (o tal vez mi mente) me regalan ese poco de dulzura en sueños al ver su imagen. Entonces me levanto muy animada a cantar.

Deseaba mucho escribirle, siempre ha sido así desde que lo conocí, solo que no me agrada hacer publicas mis asuntos mentales, no es de mi gusto que todos puedan leer esta carta, pero me apego a su forma de relacionarse con nosotros y esta bien, aunque yo no lo entienda del todo, comprendo que existen muchos aprendizajes tácitos, sobre todo para el desarrollo de la vida espiritual.

Agradezco su atención.



Stefani S. Michelena

Esta es una carta muy bonita pero larga para nuestra inteligencia limitada. Somos monos, cerdos y brahmacaris. así que usamos translate.google.com y escaneamos a través de él.


ser poeta Escribe las letras y luego vuelve y concentra tus ideas.

Tu situación parece o.k. Visitando el templo tanto como sea posible. quedarse los fines de semana si puedes. viajar después de que te inicies está bien Pregunte a los devotos locales a dónde ir. Tal vez peru o argentina primero. Vendrá el gusto. Llegamos a esta forma humana de vida después de cientos de millones de otros nacimientos.

Preach to the people you work with in a practical way. DO 16-nice rounds even by some force. It will come.

Report visnu month

5 years, 8 months ago by Radha Japa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Report month Visnu

Please accept my respectful obeisances at your lotus feet

HpS - AGTSP. Pies de Lobo

All the glories to srila prabhupada

All the glories to sri sri radha madhana vihari !!

I hope you are very well and happy.

Forgive me for not having written to you before, I was a little sick and it rained a lot for two weeks so I went out just to collect and came home very quickly. I can only write to him from the street because there my cell phone has a signal. I think it's good that you know some things that I lived in Córdoba:

. . .

P.D: please do not answer me this. carta, I would not like it to be public. Thanks Gurudev.

HpS - ASA - Hare Krishna, AGTSP. Paoho. Gracias por su carta. Mejor escribir en español simple, entonces podemos usar translate.google.com porque para estas ideas sutiles es mejor que tengamos ambas formas.

En la explicación de este pequeño Blog: http://www.jayarama.us/kd/lte.htm Explicamos que no podemos entablar conversaciones privadas con damas ya que estamos en Ashrama Sannyasa. Si una señora nos pide que no publiquemos una carta antes de que comience la carta, entonces no la lea y explique estos hechos. El Blog es un buen lugar para discutir principios generales, sin nombres, luego, si es necesario, podemos entrar en detalles con la asociación adecuada. Debido a que solicitó no publicar su carta después de leerla, tuvimos que compartir el contenido con una persona responsable, así que elegimos Laksmana-agra-ja Das en Lima.

En general, muchas veces hay contrastes en nuestras relaciones con los miembros de la familia y los devotos. Esto es natural. Srila Prabhupada da tanta información sobre cómo tener relaciones Vaisnava con los miembros de nuestra familia.

Todas estas cosas tienen que estar basadas en el texto NOI 4-6. Como usted dice, si estamos tratando con Kanistha adhikaris, entonces podemos cantar Hare Krishna juntos y todos avanzar para convertirnos en Madhyama adikaris, pero no discutir otras cosas con demasiado detalle.

¿DE ACUERDO? ¿Te veremos a ti y a tu familia en Lima?

Por supuesto introducir canto y baile en el Salón Municipal es muy bueno. Envíanos fotos y noticias.