Jagamohan Das

5 years, 8 months ago by Jagamohan in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krisna por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias todas las glorias a Srla Prabhupada.

Estoy con un devoto que se llama Mangala Giri Das. Y ya estamos predicando.

Ss Jagamohan Das

HpS - Cual es su, Mangala giri Das, historia, situacion en ISKCON, servicio devocional? 😀

Mi primera carta

5 years, 8 months ago by sacinandan das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Su santidad por favor acepte mis más respetuosas reverencias, todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Soy bhaktin Marina, su más baja aspirante, y esta es mi primera carta. Quiero agradecerle antes que nada sus valiosas palabras que me han dado luz en los momentos más oscuros.

Tengo 30 años y un papelito de título en Artes. Mi papá es escritor de literatura infantil y juvenil y mi mamá psicóloga educativa. Anteriormente yo era profesora en una secundaria pero me retiré por el momento para enfocarme en un proyecto de ventas, y otro de prédica. Tengo la responsabilidad de ser mamá de dos niñas, una de 12 años que estudia música (canto, clarinete y solfeo) y una de 8 años que adora los insectos (también cucarachas) plantas y animales, es una artista. Ambas le ofrecen a Krsna alimentos todos los días.

Voy cada semana al templo de Radha Madhana Gopala en México y me quedó ahí por dos o tres días. Le hago turbantes a sus Señorías Jagannatha y Baladeva pequeños y a veces a los grandes, según sea el servicio de mi compañero sacinandan das. Devoto del que he aprendido y sigo aprendiendo muchísimo. También ayudo a cubrir a devotos que llegan a faltar a su servicio de Raja bhoga, parafernalia, dulce del día, guirnaldas o si no es el caso ayudo un poco a la limpieza del templo. Salgo con Saci a sankirtan por lo menos una vez a la semana, es un servicio muy duro y a la vez muy reconfortante. En algunas ocaciones se distribuye un Gita. También he tenido la misericordia de hacer junto con mi compañero, unas escenografías para los festivales Nityananda Trayodashi y Gaura Purnima. En el servicio creo hacemos un muy buen equipo, en lo demás hay tanto que mejorar. Estamos en el camino Gurudeva. Esperamos humildes sus bendiciones. Por favor acepte mis sinceras disculpas por las ofensas y mis siempre respetuosas reverencias. 

Su más baja y caida aspirante a sirviente bhaktin Marina


Hare Krishna. Pareces estar en un buen camino. ¡Continuar! Tome refugio formal, iniciación, en el ISKCON de Srila Prabhupada u otro Sampradaya.

Mencionas a Saci como tu compañero ". ¿Qué significa eso? Desculpa demurra responder a su maravillosa carta.


Joan of Arc here again!

5 years, 8 months ago by Andrea Ramirez in Personal Sadhana Reports

Haré Krishna!

please accept my obeisances at your feet

HpS - ASA -- AGTSP!!!

I hope you find in good health maharaja!

HpS - Terrible allergy. Going to die.

We have been doing good, thanks to the lord, and have started to understand many thing as just pure mercy from the Lord.

I'm back on track with my service, making garlands, and doing some art design for the events of the temple such as harinam-sankirtan, food for life and many others. Our daughter is sick, she is being diagnosed with asthma, but we are taking good care of her.

I've started to read Bhagavad Gita again, but I find myself in deep wonder because I feel stuck, like I feel my learning process is going very slow. I asked you in another letter about how can I create or make a technique or a way to study by myself, I'm feeling the need to move foward, to learn and to catch everything I read in a better way. We wish you could come to Panama. I hope I can make this real for next year.

I hope to hear good news from you maharaja.

Your aspiring disciple

Andrea bhaktina.

Here is some Darshan from Panama gaura nitai!

Their name is Vijay gauranga Nityananda Ram.

HpS - Very nice. Sorry has taken so long to answer this letter. We are also struggling, but learning how to do more, get better association. Get a study partner. Start a Reading Club with the Temple. Meet once a week, month, have tea and cookie prasad and discuss what you read! Teach who ever you meet from what you read.



5 years, 8 months ago by meghapuspa in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other

Hare Krishna amado Gurudev

Por favor acepte mis más humildes reverencias.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada.

Le escribo estas líneas para contarle que desde que tomé iniciación a sus pies de loto, he tenido servicios fijos cocinando y haciendo pujari para sus Señorias Gaura-Nitay y sus Señorias Jaghanatta, Baladeva y Subadra. También estuve comprando las flores para las deidades y cocinando para las fiestas en Wilson Mandir.

Estoy fijo en mis rondas (16 rondas) y siguiendo los cuatro principios regulativos.

Para el mes de febrero me dieron el cargo de encargado del pujari y he estado fijo y entusiasta en el cargo que me dieron las autoridades de Wilson Mandir. El día 6 de abril pasó un incidente en el templo, me robaron mis pertenencias mientras hacía servicio (célular y dinero), esto me deprimió mucho y me creó una gran ansiedad y estrés porque estaba confundido con lo sucedido. No pienso alejarme de la Conciencia de Krsna y mucho menos de su asociación, ya que por su misericordia es que sigo llendo por el camino correcto.

En estos momentos estoy alejado de los servicios en el templo, ya que por el incidente que le comenté, mi salud se ha visto afectada, he estado llendo al médico y me están haciendo pruebas para descartar alguna enfermedad seria ya que tengo mareos, vértigo y desequilibrio.

Ruego que me disculpe por no haberle escrito el reporte antes, pero quiero que sepa que cada día he estado meditando en Ud.

Su sirviente,

Meghapuspa das


Hare Krishna. Gracias por su carta. Krsna te está diciendo que tienes que protegerlo de los ives. La madre Yasoda siempre estaba ansiosa porque su bebé se quemara o fuera atacado por chacales. Mantén tu posesión cerca de ti. Mantenga a su bebé cerca de usted.

Ayude a los templos de ISKCON a desarrollar mejores programas de seguridad.

No dejes ISKCON. Aprende cómo evitar a los demonios en ISKCON. En nosotros mismos

Envíenos más noticias sobre su burro (mente y cuerpo) y el pasajero en el burro.

Begging for your causeless mercy, Gurudeva!

5 years, 8 months ago by Mitravinda d.d in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare krishna Gurudeva!

Please, accept my humble and respectful obeisances!!

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!

In this auspicious day of Lord Nrsimhadeva appearance I write to you.

You asked me in your reply to my last annual report to write to the Blog...

Sorry for delaying in writing, Gurudeva. I want to open my heart to you and tell you how I am, how are things going, but I find difficult to do it on the Blog. I think I have enemies that probably feel happy if I say that I am actually suffering or by showing my weaknesses. 😌 I think this also has to do with my pride, sorry Gurudeva!

HpS - Blog is for general ASA association. It is like talking amongst the people who come up to the vyasa asana after the Sunday Feast lecture. It is open to everyone but it is for people who are more interested than the general public, but after we discuss stuff at that level then we can arrange to discuss stuff in more personal detail with appropriate association like Gandharva Das, Abhirama Das, Patraka Das ......

Everyone is suffering in this material world, but just like you say we hide it from others and ourselves.

In any way, I want to tell you that I am able to move forward just because of your causeless mercy, because of your saintly association EVERY DAY in FMP, classes, Blog, etc !!!

HpS - ASA -- It is the same for us. FMP is 90% of our strength to do Sankirtan. Thank you. Thank all the participants.

Now, I am trying to focus on the most important thing, as you always instruct to us : "Chant good (enthusiastic) rounds in the morning", knowing that by doing this all problems will be solved, the big problems, the small problems, ALL the problems will be solved.

HpS - Yes!!! We can see actual advancement in our consciousness, we can see our heart start to move, dance.

I want to improve the quality of my Japa. For years ago I discovered that I chant much better rounds before mangala artik: better concentration, fluency, my mind is calmer at that time and I can concentrate better on hearing and chanting.

Gurudeva, I would like to get up at 1: 30 or 2: 00 a.m EVERY DAY to start chanting my rounds, I have already experienced that it helps me a lot! but, lately I am not being able to do that. I think this has to do with my mind, with my determination, not with the state of my body, because I always go to sleep early and have enough rest.

How can I accomplish this?? to do this EVERY DAY- This is just a matter of determination, focus, inspiration?? How can I help myself in this regard?, please...

HpS - Get a wake up partner??? Ring, ring, ring. The first up calls the other and then report to each other how many rounds you have finished by mangala arati. Sangat sanjayate kamah.

Once, when you were answering a question, you told me: "We do not know how much progress we are going to make in one lifetime, but that is not the most important thing, the most important thing is if we are making progress". Now I think I am understanding this phrase a little bit : Because of your mercy I have been able to get rid of gross sinful activities by following the 4 regulative principles, but, have so many subtle material attachments, bad habits, etc. There is a lot to work, a lot to improve!

HpS - This is what Radharana said to Visaka one time also?

Nowadays I am trying to understand that I must cook for KRISHNA and ONLY take the remnants left by Him.

HpS - Chanting (Dansing) and Cooking.

In regards to reading Srila Prabhupada's books, in these last days I have improved a little bit, but have to improve a lot yet.

HpS - Everyday we read NOD! Read CC before Mangala arati. You can follow us. We Tweet our progress. Read while you take Prasad. Read one page from different books each day, Keep a bookmark and take notes. Collect those. Use them.

Gurudeva, I have just discovered that one of things that makes me happiest in Krishna consciousness (aside from taking prasadam and dance in kirtan for Krishna) is to listen classes from inspiring devotees on YouTube. I was listening Urmila mataji's classes yesterday and due to her association I became happy, inspired and enthusiastic to practice the process. I am also learning English by listening to these classes!

HpS - When we think of listening to ladies giving classes, we are Sannyasis, then we think that we should automatically know who is that ladies protector eg. husband, popa, big son, and that he knows what she is saying in front of Sannyasis and other men. That is high standard for lady as Goswami, no?! We need lady Goswamis.

I am understanding that "association" is a very important thing in this Bhakti Yoga process, I have wasted a lot of time having and even looking for bad association.

Gurudeva, please forgive all my offenses!!! conscious or unconscious...

Thank you very much for all your service !!!! and for all the patience you have and has had with me, you are very merciful !!!!! 🙏 🙏 🙏

I am going to write a little more often, Gurudeva!!!

Trying to be a devotee:

Mitravinda devi dasi.

HpS - ASA - Have Krsna. We see you in Lima in about two weeks!

Please accept my most humble obeisances.

5 years, 8 months ago by natyelligarza_108 in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaja.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All Glories to His Holiness Hanumatpresaka Swami.

Pleace acept my most humble obeisances.

My name is Natyelli Garza, I am 24 years old and live in CDMX [ciudad de mexico]. I studied the university (History) at UNAM, and I´m currently doing my tesis and working at the same time. I work in a hotel like a recepcionist, so I like taling with people about cultures. I met the movement several years ago but it was three years until I started attending regularly.

I just have recent two years ago that I start making service in the temple, in the Deiti kitchen, helping as an assistant in Raja Bhoga and occasionally in the cleaning of paraphernalia. I make this service twice or three times at week. On mondays, I was also granted the mercy of being able to make garlands for Goura-Nitay and gurus :) these services (kitchen and garlands) fill me with energy to continue day by day. Also, Karuna Sakti Mataji helps me with her guide and example, she´s so sweet, she let me make service in "Crecer vaisnava" with some traductions of capters of grihastha education. I take with responsability the four regulative principles and sing 16 rounds of Maha Mantra like minimum per day since two years.

I have been very optimistic when we have the mercy of your Darshana in CDMX. It is almost the same time that I meet you, remembering the classes in the university IBERO and the last in the temple about art, and taking the online course that Asta Sakhi Mataji and Ishvari Mataji helps us with the formation. I always like having your assossiation and learning from your example. My intention is to know how to try to serve you properly, with the little effort that your servant can offer, but always with great enthusiasm. I´m a very lazy person, so my nature requires constant discipline and education. Maharaja, please forgive my offenses. How can this servant be part of your association, having the desire to serve you as your formal aspirant?

Hopping you are healthy and with all the shakti to continue the Lord Caitanya´s mission. your aspirant to aspirant to disciple, Natyelli Garza. Hare Krishna!!🙏

HpS - Hare Krsna, Prabhu, AGTSP. Paoho. Thank you for your letter. Do you get our periodical Kapi Dhvaja? Go to our web-page, www.jayarama.us , read the Hello link and then it will explain how to do everything else. Specifically in the Kapi Dhvaja there is a link for letters to the editor, this blog. it will tell you some of the features, etiquette.

It is very nice to meet you.

Your fight against laziness inspires us.

How old is your donkey, body, who are you family relations?